Difference between object with main() and extends App in scala - scala

I'm working through ScalaInAction (book is still a MEAP, but code is public on github)
Right now I'm in chapter 2 looking at this restClient: : https://github.com/nraychaudhuri/scalainaction/blob/master/chap02/RestClient.scala
First, I setup intelliJ with scala extensions and created a HelloWorld with main():
<ALL the imports>
object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
<ALL the rest code from RestClient.scala>
I get the following error when compiling:
scala: forward reference extends over defintion of value command
val httppost = new HttpPost(url)
I can fix this by moving the following lines around until the ordering is correct with relation to the def's
require( args.size >= 2, "You need at least two arguments to make a get, post, or delete request")
val command = args.head
val params = parseArgs(args)
val url = args.last
command match {
case "post" => handlePostRequest
case "get" => handleGetRequest
case "delete" => handleDeleteRequest
case "options" => handleOptionsRequest
While browsing the github page, I found this: https://github.com/nraychaudhuri/scalainaction/tree/master/chap02/restclient
Which uses implements RestClient.scala using extends App instead of a main() method:
<All the imports>
object RestClient extends App {
<All the rest of the code from RestClient.scala>
I then changed my object HelloWorld to just use extends App instead of implementing a main() method and it works without errors
Why does the main() method way of doing this generate the error but the extends App does not?

Because main() is a method, and variable's in method could not be forward reference.
For example:
object Test {
// x, y is object's instance variable, it could be forward referenced
def sum = x + y // This is ok
val y = 10
val x = 10
But code in a method could not forward referenced.
object Test {
def sum = {
val t = x + y // This is not ok, you don't have x, y at this point
val x = 10
val y = 20
val z = x + y // This is ok
In your case, if you copy paste all codes from RestClient.scala to main(), you will have the same issue because var url is declared after its usage in handlePostRequest.


calling an object in main class

quick question on calling an object and running it from main just need the last command val op = df.coalesce(1).write.mode("overwrite").format("csv").save("report")to be able called from a main class
how do we intilize an instance of object and run to get to write to csv?
def run(implicit context: Context): Unit = {
val timer = Timer.start()
//not working
val newRep = Report_Adhoc
val d = newRep.tab.toDF()
val op = d.coalesce(1).write.mode("overwrite").format("csv").save("report")
println(s"pipeline complete in [${timer.elapsedTime()}]")
Main class is this ^ but this throws null point exception
object Report_Adhoc extends App with TransientLogger{
// code not including too verbose
val tab =
.filter(c => c._1.id.nonEmpty && c._2.id.nonEmpty)
.map(c => (c._1, c._2, c._3, c._3.values.sum))
.map(count =>
count._1.id, count._1.label,
count._2.id, count._2.label,
count._3(CITE), count._3(CROSS), count._3(MANUAL),
count._3(RECIPROCAL), count._3(TRANSITIVE), count._3(FAMILY),
val df = tab.toDF()
val op = df.coalesce(1).write.mode("overwrite").format("csv").save("report")
take a look at this:
Also, don't put underscore in names. don't reuse main class/object. Last but not least, make a minimum reproduction instead of pasting big block of code like this.

How to pass input in scala through command line

import scala.io._
object Sum {
def main(args :Array[String]):Unit = {
println("Enter some numbers and press ctrl-c")
val input = Source.fromInputStream(System.in)
val lines = input.getLines.toList
println("Sum "+sum(lines))
def toInt(in:String):Option[Int] =
catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
def sum(in :Seq[String]) = {
val ints = in.flatMap(s=>toInt(s))
ints.foldLeft(0) ((a,b) => a +b)
} }
I am trying to run this program after passing input I have press
ctrl + c but
It gives this message E:\Scala>scala HelloWord.scala Enter some
numbers and press ctrl-c 1 2 3 Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Additional observations, note trait App to make an object executable, hence not having to declare a main(...) function, for instance like this,
object Sum extends App {
import scala.io._
import scala.util._
val nums = Source.stdin.getLines.flatMap(v => Try(v.toInt).toOption)
println(s"Sum: ${nums.sum}")
Using Try, non successful conversions from String to Int are turned to None and flattened out.
Also note objects and classes are capitalized, hence instead of object sum by convention we write object Sum.
You can also use an external API. I really like scallop API
Try this piece of code. It should work as intended.
object Sum {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines
val numbers = lines.map(_.toInt)
println(s"Sum: ${numbers.sum}")
Plus, the correct shortcut to end the input stream is Ctrl + D.

Test a nested method call on a mocked class using ScalaMock

I am new to both ScalaMock and mocking in general. I am trying to test a method which calls a method in another (mocked) class and then calls a method on the returned object.
Detailed information:
So I am using ScalaTest and there are five classes involved in this test...
SubInstruction which I am testing
class SubInstruction(label: String, val result: Int, val op1: Int, val op2: Int) extends Instruction(label, "sub") {
override def execute(m: Machine) {
val value1 = m.regs(op1)
val value2 = m.regs(op2)
m.regs(result) = value1 - value2
object SubInstruction {
def apply(label: String, result: Int, op1: Int, op2: Int) =
new SubInstruction(label, result, op1, op2)
Machine which must be mocked for the test
case class Machine(labels: Labels, prog: Vector[Instruction]) {
private final val NUMBEROFREGISTERS = 32
val regs: Registers = new Registers(NUMBEROFREGISTERS)
override def toString(): String = {
prog.foldLeft("")(_ + _)
def execute(start: Int) =
start.until(prog.length).foreach(x => prog(x) execute this)
object Machine extends App {
if (args.length == 0) {
println("Machine: args should be sml code file to execute")
} else {
println("SML interpreter - Scala version")
val m = Translator(args(0)).readAndTranslate(new Machine(Labels(), Vector()))
println("Here is the program; it has " + m.prog.size + " instructions.")
println("Beginning program execution.")
println("Ending program execution.")
println("Values of registers at program termination:")
println(m.regs + ".")
Registers which is required to construct a Machine object
case class Registers(size: Int) {
val registers: Array[Int] = new Array(size)
override def toString(): String =
registers.mkString(" ")
def update(k: Int, v: Int) = registers(k) = v
def apply(k: Int) = registers(k)
MockableMachine which I have created as the original Machine class does not have an empty constructor and therefore (as I understand) can not be mocked
class MockableMachine extends Machine(Labels(), Vector()){
and finally my test class SubInstructionTest which compiles but throws the exception below.
class SubInstructionTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers {
val label1 = "f0"
val result1 = 25
val op1_1 = 24
val op2_1 = 20
val sub1 = SubInstruction(label1, result1, op1_1, op2_1)
"A SubInstruction" should "retrieve the operands from the correct registers in the given machine " +
"when execute(m: Machine) is called, and perform the operation saving the " +
"result in the correct register." in {
val mockMachine = mock[MockableMachine]
inSequence {
(mockMachine.regs.apply _).expects(op1_1).returning(50)
(mockMachine.regs.apply _).expects(op2_1).returning(16)
(mockMachine.regs.update _).expects(result1, 34)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Registers.mock$apply$0()
I have been searching for a straightforward way to mock this class for hours, but have found nothing. For the time being I have settled on the workaround detailed below, but I was under the impression that mocking would offer a less convoluted solution to the problem of testing my SubInstruction class.
The workaround:
Delete the MockableMachine class and create a CustomMachine class which extends Machine and replaces the registers value with mockedRegisters provided at construction time.
class CustomMachine (mockedRegister: Registers) extends Machine(Labels(), Vector()) {
val regs: Registers = mockedRegister
a MockableRegisters class which I have created as the original does not have an empty constructor and therefore (as I understand) can not be mocked
class MockableRegisters extends Registers(32) {
and the SubInstructionTest class written in a slightly different way
class SubInstructionTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers {
val label1 = "f0"
val result1 = 25
val op1_1 = 24
val op2_1 = 20
val sub1 = SubInstruction(label1, result1, op1_1, op2_1)
"A SubInstruction" should "retrieve the operands from the correct registers in the given machine " +
"when execute(m: Machine) is called, and perform the operation saving the " +
"result in the correct register." in {
val mockRegisters = mock[MockableRegisters]
val machine = new CustomMachine(mockRegisters)
inSequence {
(mockRegisters.apply _).expects(op1_1).returning(50)
(mockRegisters.apply _).expects(op2_1).returning(16)
(mockRegisters.update _).expects(result1, 34)
As indicated, this feels like a workaround to me, is there not a simpler way to do this (perhaps similar to my original attempt)?
I have just included the essential code to ask the question, but you can find the full code on my GitHub account.
I don't think mocking nested objects is supported by Scalamock implicitly. You'll have to mock the object returned by the first call which is what your working example does.
FWIW, Mockito supports this. Search for RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS.

Dynamic object method invocation using reflection in scala

I'm looking to create a way to dynamically call logic depending on template id within scala. So template id 1 calls logic a, template id 2 call logic b, etc. The logic will be diverse but will have the same inputs/outputs. Also the number of different template ids will get into the thousands and will not be known ahead of time, so a loose coupling feels the way to go.
I've started looking at reflection to do this using scala 2.11.1 and can statically use reflection when I know the logic to be used ahead of time but have not found the correct way to dynamically use reflection, so for example passing in template id 2 will call logic b.
Below is a cut down example showing how the static version works and the skeleton I have so far for the dynamic version.
package thePackage
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
trait theTrait { def theMethod(x: String): Unit }
// the different logic held in different objects
object object1 extends theTrait {
def theMethod(x: String) = { println("a " + x ) }
object object2 extends theTrait {
def theMethod(x: String) = { println("b " + x ) }
object object3 extends theTrait {
def theMethod(x: String) = { println("c " + x ) }
// run static/dynamic reflection methods
object ReflectionTest {
// "static" invocation calling object1.theMethod
def staticInvocation() = {
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val im = m.reflect(thePackage.object1)
val method = ru.typeOf[thePackage.object1.type]
val methodRun = im.reflectMethod(method)
// "dynamic" invocation using integer to call different methods
def dynamicInvocation( y: Integer) = {
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val module = m.staticModule("thePackage.object" + y)
val im = m.reflectModule(module)
// stuck... static approach does not work here
What needs to be added/changed to the dynamicInvocation method to make this work, or should I be using a different approach?
You need to get an instance mirror for your module, on which you can reflect the method.
def dynamicInvocation( y: Integer) = {
val m = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val module = m.staticModule("thePackage.object" + y)
val im = m.reflectModule(module)
val method = im.symbol.info.decl(ru.TermName("theMethod")).asMethod
val objMirror = m.reflect(im.instance)
It seems that TermName method in above solution has been replaced by newTermName and also the info.decl seems to not work. Below line worked for me
val method = im.symbol.typeSignature.member(ru.newTermName("testMethod")).asMethod

Scala actor to non-actor interaction (or synchronizing messages from an actor to a servlet)

I have the following scala code:
package dummy
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServlet,
HttpServletRequest => HSReq, HttpServletResponse => HSResp}
import scala.actors.Actor
class DummyServlet extends HttpServlet {
override def doGet(req: HSReq, resp: HSResp) = {
def message = <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>RandomNumber </TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
Random number = {getRandom}</BODY></HTML>
def getRandom: String = {var d = new DummyActor;d.start;d.getRandom}
class DummyActor extends Actor {
var result = "0"
def act = { RNG ! GetRandom
react { case (r:Int) => result = r.toString }
def getRandom:String = {
// below code is not modifiable. I am using it as a library
case object GetRandom
object RNG extends Actor {
def act{loop{react{case GetRandom=>sender!scala.util.Random.nextInt}}}
In the above code, I have to use thread.sleep to ensure that there is enough time for result to get updated, otherwise 0 is returned. What is a more elegant way of doing this without using thread.sleep? I think I have to use futures but I cannot get my head around the concept. I need to ensure that each HTTP reaquest gets a unique random number (of course, the random number is just to explain the problem). Some hints or references would be appreciated.
Either use:
!! <-- Returns a Future that you can wait for
!? <-- Use the one with a timeout, the totally synchronous is dangerous
Given your definition of RNG, heres some REPL code to verify:
scala> def foo = { println(RNG.!?(1000,GetRandom)) }
foo: Unit
scala> foo
scala> foo
scala> foo
Docs are here: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/actors/Actor.html