Change Background For Every Link in Custom Menu Extension Magento - magento-1.7

I am using Magento 1.7 CE. I am trying to edit the look of the Custom Menu extension. For the top menu I am trying to have every main category to have a different background color. Does anoyone know how I can achieve this?

Please refer the user guide on background images on . Thanks ,Zakir


Add color picker to Umbraco Form Settings

I want to add a color picker to umbraco for setting, so when the User create a new form he/she is able to add a background color, text color from the form setting. I have checked for solutions but there is no proper solution for this. i could only find of adding css class in it. Could someone please advice me on this.
You will need to create your own custom Umbraco Forms control to do that. There's documentation at that guides you through that task.

Adding custom buttons to the about dialog in eclipse RCP

I'm trying to customize the about dialog in my eclipse RCP application. I already managed to add my logo and to replace the title and the text body as described under Branding Your Application.
I would also like to add some buttons to it: send a feedback or open the wiki page etc.
Is there a way to do it or achieve a similar functionality?
Any help is much appreciated.
The About diaog (org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.AboutDialog) does not support any configuration.
The 'feature image row' you have highlighted is populated from the IBundleGroupProvider array returned by Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(), I don't see any way to add to this.

I need to insert an image between text in aem6.0

I need to insert a small image between text as below..
Please click here to see the example
Can I achieve this by using text and image component? If yes, how? Or any other way to achieve this?
You could do this with image but that would require special handing in your script/jsp/htl.
In most of the cases these images are governed via CSS classes and not dragged and drop. You could use the plugins feature of richtext component to create custom styles and apply them to the text. Refer to the Adobe's document here.
It seems you need to add icon in the text configured via RTE. To achieve this you have to build custom plugin by using Coral/Granite UI. This Link will be helpful to develop same sort of functionality.

Sliding Tab/menu within ionic template

I am trying to insert 'sliding tabs' within a tabs starter. Basically I'm wanting to use the 'starter' tabs at the bottom, but within one of those tabs (template pages) I want to have a sliding menu ( I've tried what I know and can't seem to figure out how to make it work. Any tips would be helpful.
For simple Ionic slider you can refer from this link and for other your sample INstallation is already showing .You can use that directive and can work. I am also using this in my Project.

Related to colors in iphone

I want to change a button color in my app by selecting color. Instead of setting the color as static, I want user to choose the color like this
or any API to use for objective c. Can anyone guide me how to proceed?
If you look at how the code works in these classes from this open source project you should be able to integrate it into your view.
Hope this helps!