I need to insert an image between text in aem6.0 - aem

I need to insert a small image between text as below..
Please click here to see the example
Can I achieve this by using text and image component? If yes, how? Or any other way to achieve this?

You could do this with image but that would require special handing in your script/jsp/htl.
In most of the cases these images are governed via CSS classes and not dragged and drop. You could use the plugins feature of richtext component to create custom styles and apply them to the text. Refer to the Adobe's document here.

It seems you need to add icon in the text configured via RTE. To achieve this you have to build custom plugin by using Coral/Granite UI. This Link will be helpful to develop same sort of functionality.


how to create a Textformfield with the ability to place images?

example 1
Example 2
What I need to create in a specific way is a floatingbutton in which it goes to an addpage, where there will be a textformfield. I want to know how to put images from the gallery in the course of the text, in the middle, has as? If anyone can give me a tip I appreciate it !!!
you can use something like an inline/HTML Editor to achieve that interface.
You can do it in two ways:
Using an HTML editor
You can use this library HTML Editor
Else you can use an inline rich text editor like
Both these solutions would work equally fine.

Adding custom buttons to the about dialog in eclipse RCP

I'm trying to customize the about dialog in my eclipse RCP application. I already managed to add my logo and to replace the title and the text body as described under Branding Your Application.
I would also like to add some buttons to it: send a feedback or open the wiki page etc.
Is there a way to do it or achieve a similar functionality?
Any help is much appreciated.
The About diaog (org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.AboutDialog) does not support any configuration.
The 'feature image row' you have highlighted is populated from the IBundleGroupProvider array returned by Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(), I don't see any way to add to this.

How can I add a custom column menu tab in ag-grid?

Is there a way to add a custom column menu tab with my own favourite icon which on click would render my custom react component?
something like
myColDef.menuTabs: ['generalMenuTab', 'filterMenuTab', 'myCustomMenuTab']
FYI I'm using v12.0.2
What you're after can't be done I'm afraid. The grid supports React components in all sorts of ways (renderers, editors, filters etc), but not via the column menu.
I've updated the docs page to remove the gibberish issue - it'll be fixed properly in the next release, thanks for highlighting this.
This would be helpful to have. In particular for us, we'd like to filter based off row properties, and not row values. Creating our own tab to filter by cell colors that we have assigned with our own set of labels would be useful.
I agree that it would be a nice feature to have. Apparently, there's no quick out-of-the-box solution to do it. The only workaround I see is to implement your own custom Header component which would display any buttons your want.
There you can put a button to open your own custom menu, which you can implement as any regular UI component. It also means you'll need to manually implement all standard menu options that Ag-Grid provides out of the box if you need them.

How to select text in DTAttributedTextView?

I'm using DTCoreText DTAttributedTextView in my app to highlight the urls in my text. My other criteria is to be able to select by tapping and holding similar to UITextView. However, DTAttributedTextView doesn't seem to to use a UITextView as a placeholder. Anybody has an idea how I can achieve this?
That's a feature that's only available via the paid version of DTCoreText.
from the github page
This is useful for drawing simple rich text like any HTML document without having to use a UIWebView. For text selection and highlighting (as you might need for an Editor or Reader) there is the commercial DTRichTextEditor component which can be purchased in the Cocoanetics Parts Store.

Custom formats using CSS stylesheet

I know I can link a style sheet to TinyMCE and this will be used when I am editing. It also seems to apply the styling to the Heading options available in the format dropdown list which is great. I also know I can add custom formats menu using custom_formats (here) but is there a way for the Formats to be populated using my CSS automatically? I have various classes in my CSS for the P tag and would like to allow my users to utilise them.
No, this is not possible (at least not out of the box).
How could a piece of code guess what style or class to use from the pure CSS?