Symfony2, validation on getters, show error on form - forms

I have a problem with errors using Symfony2 FormComponent.
I've validation for getters in bundle:
- MyOwnValidator: { message: "Fail"}
After that, I want to validate form and show errors:
returns to me bunch of errors (including error for someGetter), but
doesn't return anything.
Any ideas?
I've found the solution. Field, for which I implemented validation (someGetter) is a collection type without 'error_bubbling' => 'false' option.
When I added error_bubbling, everything works fine.

Other options to have the getters error is with and

I've found the solution. Field, for which I implemented validation (someGetter) is a collection type without 'error_bubbling' => 'false' option.
When I added error_bubbling, everything works fine.
Answer extracted from updated question.


Laravel Backpack - Undefined array key "relation_type"

Laravel v9.9.0, Backpack v5.0.14, Backpack Pro v1.0.13
I'm getting an error when I try to save changes in Laravel Backpack CRUD: Undefined array key "relation_type"
Through trial and error, I've pinned the cause down to one of the fields defined in SetupCreateOperation (a standard Backpack method).
ListingCrudController setupCreateOperation:
I don't have any guards in play that would affect this, and believe the relationship is defined properly in the model.
public function listingCategory()
return $this->belongsTo(ListingCategory::class);
Other fields are defined in a very similar way, and they all work as expected. The only difference (that I can see) is that this is the only entity/method name that is camel cased, but I've tried renaming 'listingCategory' to 'category'. I've also tried using 'select' instead of 'select2', neither edit made any difference.
I believe I could add relationship_type to the field definition in the controller but my (admittedly limited) understanding of the Backpack internals is that I shouldn't do this.
For clarity, the CRUD views (both create and update) seem fine and all of the options are populated for this field, it's only upon save that I see the error. If I remove the field from the setUpCreateOperation everything works just fine.
If relevant, this is all running in a local dev environment (PHP 8.0) on Windows 10.
I'd appreciate ANY suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong, or how to go about identifying the root issue.
Edit: output of dd() as requested...
"listing_category_id" => array:8 [▼
"name" => "listing_category_id"
"entity" => "listingCategory"
"label" => "Category"
"type" => "select2"
"model" => "App\Models\ListingCategory"
"attribute" => "category_name"
"wrapper" => array:1 [▼
"class" => "form-group col-md-6"
"tab" => "Main"
since you are using PRO, can you just use:
If you are validating listing_category_id in request please validate the relation name listingCategory. It should work just fine.

Get object from form with errors in play framework 2.0

I am getting an error when I try to extract a user from a form with validation errors.
I have the following route configured in my routes file:
GET /users/:user controllers.UsersController.viewUser(user: models.User)
GET /users/:user/edit controllers.UsersController.editUser(user: models.User)
This is fine at this point, and I can render a link to the user view from my scala templates:
My problem is that in my user edition form I need to get myUserObject from a Form[User] object. What I am currently doing is:
However, when the userForm has any errors, the get method raises an exception, as shown in the documentation.
The approach I have taken is passing an additional User parameter to the scala view, together with the Form[User] parameter I was passing up to now, I mean,
userEdit.render(user, userForm)
instead of just
However, I would like to know if there is a more suitable solution that does not involve including an additional parameter.
The documentation states that you can prefill a form with existing data:
val filledForm = userForm.fill(User("Bob", 18))
Given the preexisting User, it should be trivial to adapt to your example.

CakePHP 3 and form validation errors

I use cakePHP 3 and I have a sign in form with Form->input().
If on purpose I make an error, this error doesn't whow up under the Form field. It doesn't appear anywhere.
My code is like this:
$newUser = $this->Users->newEntity($this->request->data());
if (!$this->Users->save($newUser)) {
Debug show the errors, but shouldn't they appear under each form element automatically?
ok I found the error.
I wasn't passing in Form->create the entiry but null. I did it like
and works nicely.

Rails 4 with CanCan: unknown attribute error after including load_and_authorize_resource

I'm working in Rails 4 and have gotten CanCan to work well with instructions from this issue, except for one use case that I think might be relatively common.
I have a Comment model, which has_many :comments, through: :replies for nested comments. All of this is working well, until I add load_and_authorize_resource to my comments controller. The problem seems to stem from a hidden field sending an optional :parent_comment_id attribute to my create action.
I've permitted this attribute via strong parameters:
def comment_params
params.require(:comment).permit(:content, :parent_comment_id, :post_id, :comment_id, :user_id)
So that I can create the association if a :parent_comment_id is included:
if comment_params[:parent_comment_id] != nil
Reply.create({:parent_comment_id => comment_params[:parent_comment_id], :comment_id =>})
But once I add load_and_authorize_resource, I get an unknown attribute error for :parent_comment_id. What am I missing?
Solution came to me in my sleep. Here's what I did to solve the problem:
The only reason comment_params wasn't normally having a problem on create, was because I was excluding the extra :parent_comment_id parameter, like this:
#comment = post.comment.create(comment_params.except(:parent_comment_id))
When CanCan used the comment_params method however, it did no such sanitation. Hence, the problem. It would have been messy to add that sanitation to CanCan on a per-controller basis, so I did what I should have done all along and instead of passing the :parent_comment_id inside :comment, I used hidden_field_tag to pass it outside of :comment and accessed it through plain, old params.
I hope this helps someone else who makes a similar mistake!

Validation / Error Messages in ASP.Net MVC 2 View Unrelated to a Property

What pattern can I use to display errors on an MVC 2 view that are not related to a single property?
For example, when I call a web service to process form data, the web service may return an error or throw an exception. I would like to display a user-friendly version of that error, but have no logical means to relate the error to any given property of the model.
Trying to use this code as suggested, but no summary message is displayed:
Html.ValidationSummary(false, "Oopps it didn't work.");
ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("_FORM", "My custom error message.");
// Also tried this: ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "My custom error message.");
return View();
What does this mean?
next to each field.
Instead of always displaying all
validation errors, the
Html.ValidationSummary helper method
has a new option to display only
model-level errors. This enables
model-level errors to be displayed in
the validation summary and
field-specific errors to be displayed
next to each field.
Specifically, how does one add a model level error (as opposed to a field-specific error) to the model?
I noticed this morning that Html.ValidationSummary is not displaying any errors at all, not even property errors. Trying to sort out why.
Simply adding a custom error to the ModelState object in conjunction with the ValidationSummary() extension method should do the trick. I use something like "_FORM" for the key... just so it won't conflict with any fields.
As far as patterns go, I have it setup so that my Business Logic Layer (called via services from the controller) will throw a custom exception if anything expected goes wrong that I want to display on the view. This custom exception contains a Dictionary<string, string> property that has any errors that I should add to ModelState.