Laravel Backpack - Undefined array key "relation_type" - laravel-backpack

Laravel v9.9.0, Backpack v5.0.14, Backpack Pro v1.0.13
I'm getting an error when I try to save changes in Laravel Backpack CRUD: Undefined array key "relation_type"
Through trial and error, I've pinned the cause down to one of the fields defined in SetupCreateOperation (a standard Backpack method).
ListingCrudController setupCreateOperation:
I don't have any guards in play that would affect this, and believe the relationship is defined properly in the model.
public function listingCategory()
return $this->belongsTo(ListingCategory::class);
Other fields are defined in a very similar way, and they all work as expected. The only difference (that I can see) is that this is the only entity/method name that is camel cased, but I've tried renaming 'listingCategory' to 'category'. I've also tried using 'select' instead of 'select2', neither edit made any difference.
I believe I could add relationship_type to the field definition in the controller but my (admittedly limited) understanding of the Backpack internals is that I shouldn't do this.
For clarity, the CRUD views (both create and update) seem fine and all of the options are populated for this field, it's only upon save that I see the error. If I remove the field from the setUpCreateOperation everything works just fine.
If relevant, this is all running in a local dev environment (PHP 8.0) on Windows 10.
I'd appreciate ANY suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong, or how to go about identifying the root issue.
Edit: output of dd() as requested...
"listing_category_id" => array:8 [▼
"name" => "listing_category_id"
"entity" => "listingCategory"
"label" => "Category"
"type" => "select2"
"model" => "App\Models\ListingCategory"
"attribute" => "category_name"
"wrapper" => array:1 [▼
"class" => "form-group col-md-6"
"tab" => "Main"

since you are using PRO, can you just use:
If you are validating listing_category_id in request please validate the relation name listingCategory. It should work just fine.


TYPO3 new record appearing on wrong location in Backend List

I'm developing a new extension using ExtBase in TYPO3 (4.7) for a client.
I have however the strangest problem. In the back-end, my possible, new record types are - as usual - listed in the Insert new record Backend List. Usually each of these record-types are preceded by the module name (actually they are grouped right after the module name).. However, in my case, 1 or 2 of the record-types of any other extension appear within my extension's list as well.. I've been trying to figure out pretty much all that I can, I even copied the extension over to an entirely different TYPO3 installation, but the same problem persists..
If of any extension some records appear just below my extension's title, and I delete that particular extension, just some other record-types appear of another extension.
What's going on here??
Short & late answer:
i guess you have defined the title of your models in two different ways or with a non-existent languagefile in your ext_tables.php. Something like this:
$TCA['tx_aaext_domain_model_one'] = array(
'ctrl' => array(
'title' => 'LLL:EXT:bn_news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xml:tx_bnnews_domain_model_categories',
$TCA['tx_aaext_domain_model_two'] = array(
'ctrl' => array(
'title' => 'Static Title',
and/or your extension-name has an underscore like aa_extension, then this error can happen.
Make sure that both title-definitions are dynamic and begin with "LLL:EXT:" and point to an existing translation. Everything should be fine now.
Long answer will be to long :)

Symfony 2 form in eZ Publish 5, CSRF intuition

I'm working on a eZ publish 5 project. This CMS is based on symfony 2.
I have built a form without class as described in tge page :
On the eZ publish 5 documentation ( I read that I need to set the CSRF intention parameter to 'legacy'. I can't figure how to do this. I tried to use the add method on my formBuilder :
$this->createFormBuilder()->add('_token', 'csrf', array('intention'=>'legacy');
But I get an error 'could not load type csrf'.
Can someone help me on this ?
Okay, I have given this a try.
My first answer is actually a question: If you don't intend to execute any legacy kernel code as a follow-up to your form, you don't need to care about the intention, I believe.
Intentions between the Symfony and legacy kernels only need to match if the Legacy Kernel is booted (in which case it will check if there is a token, and if it is valid).
If you need to use the Legacy Kernel, you can set the intention to legacy by passing custom form options:
$formOptions = array( 'intention' => 'legacy' );
$form = $this->createFormBuilder( null, $formOptions )
->add( 'text', 'text' )
Setting the default intention is explained in, but I wouldn't really advise this, unless you intend to only rely on the legacy kernel.

Symfony2, validation on getters, show error on form

I have a problem with errors using Symfony2 FormComponent.
I've validation for getters in bundle:
- MyOwnValidator: { message: "Fail"}
After that, I want to validate form and show errors:
returns to me bunch of errors (including error for someGetter), but
doesn't return anything.
Any ideas?
I've found the solution. Field, for which I implemented validation (someGetter) is a collection type without 'error_bubbling' => 'false' option.
When I added error_bubbling, everything works fine.
Other options to have the getters error is with and
I've found the solution. Field, for which I implemented validation (someGetter) is a collection type without 'error_bubbling' => 'false' option.
When I added error_bubbling, everything works fine.
Answer extracted from updated question.

Correct routing for a Rest API with Zend

I'm trying to implement a REST API to my website.
My problem is that the default Zend routing gets in the way. I've first tried using Zend_Rest_Route but I haven't been able to understand how I was supposed to use it correctly for "deep" routes, aka website/api/resource1/filter/resource2/id.
Using the default Zend routing, I'd need to create a gigantic Resource1Controller to take care of all the possible actions, and I don't think it's the "good" way to do this.
I've tried using Resauce (, creating an api module and adding routes, but I'm not able to get it working correctly :
The patterns I added were :
'api/resource' => 'resource',
'api/resource/:id' => 'custom',
'api/resource/filter' => 'resource-filter',
'api/resource/filter/:id' => 'custom',
Which then leads to this :
public function addResauceRoutes($routes) {
$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
foreach ($routes as $pattern => $controller) {
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($pattern, array(
'module' => 'api',
'controller' => $controller
website/api/resource gets me the
Resource1Controller, ok
website/api/resource/filter gets me to the
resource1filterController, ok
website/api/resource/filter/:id gets me to
a custom controller, ok
I'd like for website/api/resource/:id to get me to the same custom controller... But it redirects me to the Resource1Controller.
What solution is there for me to correctly create my API ? Is there a good way to do this with Zend_Rest_Route ?
Edit : Mike,
I felt that it was not appropriate for me to use different controllers since I need the pathes "website/api/resource/:id" and "website/api/resource/filter/:id" to give me almost the exact same result (the only difference is that because the filter is there, I may get a message telling "content filtered" here).
I thought it was a waste creating another almost identical controller when I could've used the same controller and just checked if a parameter "filter" was present.
However, I don't want to use the basic Zend routing since for the path "website/api/resource/filter/resource2" I'd like to have a totally different comportment, so I'd like to use another controller, especially since I'm trying to use Zend_Rest_Action and need my controllers to use the basic actions getAction(), putAction(), postAction() and deleteAction().
Please could you explain why it is you need two URI patterns pointing to the same controller. A better solution might be to use a separate controller for each of the two patterns and move any shared logic into your model.
Forcing a unique controller for each routing pattern was an intentional design decision, so I'd be interested to hear more detail about your use case where you feel this isn't appropriate.
I thought it was a waste creating
another almost identical controller
when I could've used the same
controller and just checked if a
parameter "filter" was present.
Personally, I think it is cleaner to move the shared logic into the model and to keep your controllers skinny. To me it's not wasteful, it's just more organised - it will make your code easier to manage over time.
If you really need to use the same controller you could always use a query parameter instead, that would work fine:
That URI would be taken care of by the first route ('api/resource/:id' => 'custom') for free.
But please consider using two controllers, I think that is a better approach.
Okay, the reason I didn't get the good controllers was because Resauce uses the controller name as the name of the route, which has to be unique - so second url pointing to "custom" controller couldn't work. Now I'm able to get the files I want :)
So instead of what was previously noted, I use directly the $router->addRoute(); and define new names each times, even if pointing to the same controller.
Example :
$router->addRoute('resource', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('/api/resources/:id', array('module' => 'api', 'controller' => 'resource')));
$router->addRoute('resourceFiltered', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('/api/resources/filter1/:id', array('module' => 'api', 'controller' => 'resource', 'filter' => 'filter1'));

How do I use add_to in Class::DBI?

I'm trying to use Class::DBI with a simple one parent -> may chidren relationships:
Data::Company->columns(All => qw/CompanyId Name Url/);
Data::Company->has_many(offers => 'Data::Offer'=>'CompanyId'); # =>'CompanyId'
Data::Offer->columns(All => qw/OfferId CompanyId MonthlyPrice/);
Data::Offer->has_a(company => 'Data::Company'=>'CompanyId');
I try to add a new record:
my $company = Data::Company->insert({ Name => 'Test', Url => 'http://url' });
my $offer = $company->add_to_offers({ MonthlyPrice => 100 });
But I get:
Can't locate object method "add_to_offers" via package "Data::Company"
I looked at the classical Music::CD example, but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
I agree with Manni, if your package declarations are in the same file, then you need to have the class with the has_a() relationship defined first. Otherwise, if they are in different source files, then the documentation states:
Class::DBI should usually be able to
do the right things, as long as all
classes inherit Class::DBI before
'use'ing any other classes.
As to the three-argument form, you are doing it properly. The third arg for has_many() is the column in the foreign class which is a foreign key to this class. That is, Offer has a CompanyId which points to Company's CompanyId.
Thank you
Well, the issue was actually not my code, but my set up. I realized that this morning after powering on my computer:
* Apache + mod_perl on the server
* SMB mount
When I made changes to several files, not all changes seems to be loaded by mod_perl. Restarting Apache solves the issue. I've actually seen this kind of issue in the past where the client and SMB server's time are out of sync.
The code above works fine with 1 file for each module.
Thank you
I really haven't got much experience with Class:DBI, but I'll give this a shot anyway:
The documentation states that: "the class with the has_a() must be defined earlier than the class with the has_many()".
I cannot find any reference to the way you are using has_a and has_many with three arguments which is always 'CompanyId' in your case.