How do I apply to use the API in my iPhone app? - facebook

I have all the coding complete but need a token (or certificate) from Facebook in order to launch my app. Where do I get this?

Facebook's Developer site would be absolutely the place to start
They have alot of great tutorials there too.
And here is the link to create a new Facebook app and with it you will get an App Secret and ID. With those you can use the Facebook API, ofcourse you need access tokens from the users. The website has good documentation and examples on how to do this
Go to your app and you should have all there. How have you been testing without this before ?
Are you sure you are not referring to the IOS certificate to launch the app on the appstore ?
Could you specify what you are looking for?


Determining kind of facebook app
Can anyone tell me what kind of facebook app it is? canvas or something else?
I would want to create an app in php but have no clue where to start from. Can i create a test app and start the process? please help.
I have tried creating an app but that needs to be approved before even starting the development and showing us as a page on facebook app
Any app with an address of* is the Canvas link to the App, which means this app has a canvas page at the minimum. It may also have a website and mobile app associated with it, but that's harder to determine.
You should so some research before trying to create an app. You do not need to get any sort of approval to develop an application, even if you use excessive permissions. However, you will need to get your app approved for any extra permissions prior to launching to end-users.
You should visit the Facebook Developer website and pick a SDK you're comfortable with. I would recommend using the JavaScript one to get started, but the choice is yours. Then you should follow the starter guide to creating your first app. Everything you need to create an app is discoverable through Google, and I have a few handy tutorials on my site for using the PHP and JavaScript SDKs.

creating a facebook app showing events in joomla

i'm searching the internet for a good howto concerning facebook developing, but can't find it. I created a facebook developer account, i also created an app (which is in developing mode).
But now i'm stuck...
I want to show the events of (my) facebook (fan) page in my Joomla website. I can find (joomla) modules for the website part, but they all say that i need a facebook app. Unfortunately nobody is explaining how you do this...
My question: what do i need to do in the facebook developer portal to create this functionality?
(if there is a representative example somewhere please refer me to it).
Thanks for the time and effort!
Kind regard,
When you integrate your blog or cms with an app that you admin, you don't need special permissions.
So just create a facebook developer account.
Go to Apps & create an new app.
Fill in the fields. This will create a standard app and provides you with an App ID and the App Secret. This should be enough.

Should Facebook canvas apps behave same if opened from original non-canvas site url?

This is a first time I am trying to make a facebook application/game, and I have couple of questions.
Let's say canvas url is http://mysite/first_app/ and facebook app url is
I wonder if visited both url-s should a functionality be the same? I mean does facebook give you more tools and freedom if navigated from Or should both url-s look and do the same thing? Is it possible?
I wonder if visited both urls should a functionality be the same
Of course yes. The difference is just that one is deployed at the facebook's app center and the other at your domain.
Yes, you have more tools available in the canvas (""), as it will send you the user-id without any user consent. Has the user previously used your app, you will also be able to get their accesstoken and fetch more info about them.
It requires some backend code to decode the signed request parameter, which provides you this stuff.
This example is how php handles signed request:
If you're using C#, download the Facebook C# (available through NuGet, the package from Outercurve Foundation) and use this example:
How do I parse a signed request in Facebook C# SDK?
I try to handle the user in Facebook context whenever possible. It adds trust and more tools. Although since the Facebook phone/tablet app (App Store/Google Play) doesn't support Facebook apps at all, I often optimize the app for mobile web use also. I read somewhere that over 50% of daily Facebook visists are done using the phone app, so it might be something to think into your app while developing.
I can see I have misunderstood part of signed request, as commented by Shadowfax and CBroe. In my app, I use the user id from signed request but of course only when the user has already logged on to the app beforehand. My apologies.

Facebook applications and WP7

I need to perform facebook post into the user wall from wp7 (but without using the nice built-in ShareLinkTask of mango, please don't ask me why, its a requirement).
So, lets say I must do it as I was in Wp7 before mango, the only way available I found, is based on building a facebook application and using that applicationId with the facebook sdk.
It works but I need to use an ad-hoc or a company account to create the app, I was not able to do both, it seems that comapny account cannot create apps, ad-hoc account are prohibited.
Is there a way to create a facebook app withouth using a personal account ?
Is it really necessary to create a facebook app to make a wp7 app post to facebook (without using the ShareLinkTask of mango).
thanks to all
There is no other way to post on somebody's wall. You have to use the SDK and to register your app on Facebook because the user has to explicitly authorize your applications to post on his wall.
Even if you post a message from the built-in Windows Phone features, you'll see on Facebook that the message has been posted with the application Windows Phone. And you can retrieve the settings of that application in your facebook account settings:

Can Facebook's "Single Sign On" be achieved within a mobile web app?

It's my first posting on here (although I've been using this site for reference for quite some time).
I've been trying for several days now to find or dream up a way to use Facebook's "Single Sign On" from within a mobile web app (not a native iOS or Android app) to automatically sign a user into a web app if they are already logged into Facebook from the native Facebook app on their mobile device for example.
My limited knowledge is telling me that it can't be done since the mobile browser and the 'system' (iOS for example) are too separated (I can't, I don't think, have my mobile web app use or access the native Facebook app on a mobile device in any way).
I have found and read the iOS, Android AND Mobile documentation provided by Facebook ( which all seems to make enough sense, but after days of trawling through everything else I could find on the subject there doesn't seem to be a way to use, for example, the Facebook app on an iPhone or Android device to automatically log a user in to my web app if he/she is already logged into Facebook.
I've read lots about doing this from within 3rd party native apps and also other people trying to achieve a similar thing from within Desktop apps but I'm trying and hoping to be able to achieve this from a web app running within a mobile web browser.
I'd be very grateful for any help, opinions or pointers in the right direction since I think this would be an excellent step forward in UI for mobile web apps to have (not just the native apps).
Many thanks in advance...
Probably a bit late to the party but in case anyone else is wondering yes it's possible with Cordova/Phonegap and the Facebook Connect Plugin:
Using the FB.getLoginStatus() method at startup allows to check if the user is already signed in with the native Facebook App and retrieve its profile. More details in the examples provided in the repo.
I have not yet implemented it myself, but seems possible according to: