ipython notebook rmagic extension blank lines in output - ipython

When I run any %R code with ipython notebook (windows version), the output contains a 480 x 480 blank image before the result. I have applied the fix #2433 to get rmagic to work on windows - not sure that this has anything to do with the blank image output, though. Can anyone help with this?
This is what the output looks like:

I've had the same problem. My work-around was to pass '-h 1 -w 1', so at least the returned blank is small. It would be nice if '-n' handled this.


How to fix the utf8 issue for CSV read process

I have read and got the values from the CSV file. Sometimes I have faced the character encoding issue (uf8). Review my below sample code.
my $value = 'Storno lt. Gläubiger';
$value = encode( 'iso-8859-1', $value );
Result return as
Storno lt. Gl�ubiger
Storno lt. Gl\xE4ubiger
My expecting result is "Storno lt. Gläubiger"
How to fix the issue and get the expecting result.
Well, your question is not complete. You did not provide minimal code snippet to understand what you try to do.
You need to take in consideration your output device (probably a screen) which should support utf-8 output.
You did not provide any clue what OS (Operating System) you run the code in.
For example if you use Windows 10 (probably earlier version also will work) and try to get output into cmd terminal -- then before output you have to change code page to utf-8 which can be achieved with chcp 65001 command.
If you are in Windows then in cmd terminal window type help chcp and read some documentation.
If you write perl code and inside of the code you use utf-8 strings then you need add use utf8 in the beginning of your perl code.
Change default code page of Windows console to UTF-8

export image fails using cmaple.exe but OK using maple.exe

Is there a difference from running the same exact Maple commands to export a plot, when run from GUI interface, using worksheet, vs. from plain text .mpl file using command line Maple?
The following code runs OK from the GUI worksheet, but gives error
Error, invalid FONT specification when run from cmaple.exe.
This is on windows 10.
#file T1.mpl
currentdir("C:/TMP"); #or any other folder of your choice
plotsetup(default); #start from default
#the following commnad below export a plot to a file
plotsetup(ps, plotoutput="t.ps",
p0:=DEtools:-DEplot( diff(y(x),x)=x, y(x), x=-2..2, y=-2..2,
'color' = "#00aaff",
#this will send the plot to a file.
plotsetup(default); #rest back to default
The print command above, does not actually display anything, even on the GUI, since it was redirected to go to a file.
The above code works with no problem in the GUI interface, and the plots is exported OK to t.ps file.
I am trying to run the large Maple code I have from .mpl using command line Maple, hoping it will be faster than in worksheet, but the above problem is making it not possible.
First time trying cmaple.exe
Command I used is
"C:\Program Files\Maple 2018\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\cmaple.exe" T1.mpl
May be I need an option to add to the command above?
This is using Maple 2018.1
The plot export driver in the Commandline Interface (CLI, aka TTY) does not know about the more modern calling sequences allowed for the various font related plotting options.
In modern Maple the font options can be specified using strings instead of names. That helps users avoid issues with assigning to alternative all-caps name forms, not all of which are protected names.
Unfortunately, it seems as if the CLI plot export driver does not know about the newer string forms. I will submit a bug report.
But you can still use the older, all-caps, name form.
Back when I was quite current with Maple, the answer to this question would have been: the GUI and the TTY version use different plot drivers. And the TTY plot drivers are not as well maintained as the ones for the GUI, and so more recent features do not always work for them.
I am guessing that this is still the case, and that the TTY plot driver doesn't know about fonts.

ImageMagick crop with row/column in file name only saving last image

I'm attempting to crop an image using ImageMagick and via PowerShell. I can crop the image fine with the following command, and it creates the 2000+ images:
convert -crop 16x16 .\original.png tileOut%d.png
However, I would like to take advantage of ImageMagick's ability to dynamically set the file name.
According to a post on their forums I should be able to run something like the following via a batch file:
convert ^
bigimage.jpg ^
-crop 256x256 ^
-set filename:tile "%%[fx:page.x/256+1]_%%[fx:page.y/256+1]" ^
+repage +adjoin ^
I shouldn't need to escape the % since I'm running this in PowerShell directly, so I used the following:
convert -crop 16x16 .\original.png -set filename:tile "%[fx:page.x/16+1]_%[fx:page.y/16+1]" +repage +adjoin directory\tiled_%[filename:tile].png
However, when I run this command I end up with one file called tiled_%[filename and another called tiled_45_47.png.
So while it does seem to create the last file, it only creates the one. The first file is 0 bytes in size, but takes up over 8 MB of space on disc, according to properties on the file.
Trying to run the command in a batch file results in the same behavior, which makes me think PowerShell itself isn't the issue, but rather the command is.
According to the documentation +adjoin is required since I want different images. +repage doesn't make much sense to me, but I've kept it in the command since the original had it, and excluding it doesn't seem to change the output. -set filename seems pretty straightforward.
Large size of the first leads me to believe that all the previous images might be getting added to it. However, the file name also suggests it's getting hung up on the :, but it doesn't appear to be a special character in PowerShell. It's also creating an image for the very last crop. Baffling.
So what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
PowerShell 5.0.10586.0, on Windows 10.
ImageMagick 6.9.2 Q16 (64-bit)
From the comments, I'm thinking the issue might be with the ImageMagick command.
I'm not using Powershell, but I think you will have more success by specifying your image first, then the crop, then setting the filename:
convert original.png -crop 16x16 -set filename:tile "%[fx:page.x/16+1]_%[fx:page.y/16+1]" +repage "tiled_%[filename:tile].png"
So in the past I was using the following command to crop images, with the %d being automatically converted to a number based upon the sequence.
convert -crop 16x16 .\original.png directory\tileOut%d.png
That works perfectly fine. However, the example provided on that forum had the original file name listed as the first argument to the convert command. Changing my command so that it was listed first results in the expected behavior.
convert .\original.png -crop '16x16' -set 'filename:tile' '%[fx:page.x/16+1]_%[fx:page.y/16+1]' +repage +adjoin 'directory\tiled_%[filename:tile].png'
The use of single quotes in so many locations may not be required, but it works.

ghostscript not creating exact images

I am running below script to create images from postscript file, the images are coming but on first page watermark is not there.
gs -dUseCIEColor -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -dFirstPage="1" -dLastPage=2 -sOutputFile=outputImage_%0d_A.gif -dJPEGQ=100 -r300 -q inputFile.ps -c quit;'
I am giving the link of ps file which i am using.
Can anybody please help!!!!
Thanks in advance...
OK you haven't stated what version of Ghostscript you are using, nor have you been very clear about what is missing. By 'watermak' do you mean the dark grey text 'PAULDAVIS' written diagonally across the very dark grey rectangle ?
If so then I can see that using the current version of Ghostscript and your command line, its not missing
A few observations on your command line:
-dUseCIEColor - Don't use this unless you know exactly what you are doing and why you want this, I'm guessing you don't (because you have not set any Color Rendering Dictionary). With this you get very dark grey text which is nearly invisible against the very dark grey rectangle. Not surprising since this relates to colour management.
You've set the device to jpeg, but you've set the output file to have a .gif extension.
You are using -dFirstPage and -dLastPage which have no effect when the input is not PDF (though this is added as a new feature in unreleased code).
You've set FirstPage=1 and LastPage=2 on a 2 page file.....
You have set -dFirstPage="1", which isn't going to work for any code which parses and uses it. The quotes won't work.
I'd recommend you do not set -q or -dQUIET when trying to diagnose problems, telling Ghostscript to be quiet will potentially mean you miss useful information.
-c quit; -c means 'process the next part of the command line as PostScript'. But quit; isn't valid PostScript (the semicolon should not be present) and will throw a PostScript error. If you want GS to exit after processing, consider simply using -dBATCH.

Error in calling ImageMagick from Matlab

I have installed ImageMagick in my system (windows), and its commands are there in system PATH. Its working absolutely fine through Command line
I want to call the "convert" function of ImageMagick from Matlab using system command.
'C:\Users\Vivek' is the Path to image. I have to test working of ImageMagick through Matlab, as i need it in further processing (Making input suitable to Tesseract OCR)
cmd= ['convert ' 'C:\Users\Vivek\208.jpg ' 'C:\Users\Vivek\208.png']
It says Invalid Parameter - C:\Users\Vivek\208.png, I tried some other ways. But, all the time the problem is with the second parameters.
Need Help
Windows comes with its own convert program, and it looks like you're calling that one because it's first on the path in this context. It's described here on ImageMagick's site: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/windows/#convert_issue
I do not have ImageMagick installed, and I get the same error message when I try calling convert. That's consistent with your code getting the wrong convert program.
C:\Users\janke>convert C:\Users\Vivek\286.jpg C:\Users\Vivek\208.png
Invalid Parameter - C:\Users\Vivek\208.png
Specify the full path to ImageMagick's convert program and it should work for you.
The solution mentioned in the last post is the standard way to solve the issue, but the simplest way to do this is to just rename the ImageMagick's convert.exe file to something else, like convert1.exe, and use this filename in your scripts.