export image fails using cmaple.exe but OK using maple.exe - maple

Is there a difference from running the same exact Maple commands to export a plot, when run from GUI interface, using worksheet, vs. from plain text .mpl file using command line Maple?
The following code runs OK from the GUI worksheet, but gives error
Error, invalid FONT specification when run from cmaple.exe.
This is on windows 10.
#file T1.mpl
currentdir("C:/TMP"); #or any other folder of your choice
plotsetup(default); #start from default
#the following commnad below export a plot to a file
plotsetup(ps, plotoutput="t.ps",
p0:=DEtools:-DEplot( diff(y(x),x)=x, y(x), x=-2..2, y=-2..2,
'color' = "#00aaff",
#this will send the plot to a file.
plotsetup(default); #rest back to default
The print command above, does not actually display anything, even on the GUI, since it was redirected to go to a file.
The above code works with no problem in the GUI interface, and the plots is exported OK to t.ps file.
I am trying to run the large Maple code I have from .mpl using command line Maple, hoping it will be faster than in worksheet, but the above problem is making it not possible.
First time trying cmaple.exe
Command I used is
"C:\Program Files\Maple 2018\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\cmaple.exe" T1.mpl
May be I need an option to add to the command above?
This is using Maple 2018.1

The plot export driver in the Commandline Interface (CLI, aka TTY) does not know about the more modern calling sequences allowed for the various font related plotting options.
In modern Maple the font options can be specified using strings instead of names. That helps users avoid issues with assigning to alternative all-caps name forms, not all of which are protected names.
Unfortunately, it seems as if the CLI plot export driver does not know about the newer string forms. I will submit a bug report.
But you can still use the older, all-caps, name form.

Back when I was quite current with Maple, the answer to this question would have been: the GUI and the TTY version use different plot drivers. And the TTY plot drivers are not as well maintained as the ones for the GUI, and so more recent features do not always work for them.
I am guessing that this is still the case, and that the TTY plot driver doesn't know about fonts.


How to export a PDF with figures on multiple pages?

I am trying to export a larger number of Matlab figures that are generated in for loop to a single PDF file. Right now the best thing I could come up with is to all print them to a PostScrip file using the -append option like this:
After that I could convert the PS file to a PDF file. This workflow was okay until I started to use plots with 2 y axis. Unfortunately it seems like Matlab's PS export cannot properly handle this situation and does not color the lines appropriately.
As there is no -append option for the direct PDF export what other methods do I have to append all my plots to a single file without losing the assigned colors or other hickups?
I would recommend trying out the publish command and push that to its limits first.
Following the documentation:
options = struct('format','pdf','outputDir','C:\myPublishedOutput');`
Take a look at Publishing Markup to see how to get the look you want.
This search brings up some possibly related posts, but none that I saw that directly match your issue.
1. Publishing Markup (Mathworks)
2. Output Preferences for Publishing (Mathworks)
3. Publishing M-Files in MATLAB
4. Publish Your Work in Matlab

Matlab can't find publish file. Where is it?

I have found the publish menu in Matlab. I would like to reference it in my code so as to save output ( without the commands) and all figures. I am using only figure1 throughout. I want to save in two formats pdf and doc.
Where do I put the publish command at the beginning or at the end of my code or putting it another way should I execute the publish commands at beginning? Matlab software keeps telling me it cannot find the file? Further I want to include all graphs. I have added snapnow after each plot.
I have used the following code both at beginning and end of my program. I want to include all graphs but no input commands only output. Options can be seen on edit publishing options window. I tried to start simple.
Error message
Cannot find "c:\data\output.doc".
Thank you.

What are the limitations of the Matlab fileread command in -nodesktop mode?

Assuming a text file with 7718 characters (e.g. the contents cut and pasted from here)
The command fileread('myfile.txt') fails when I launch matlab with matlab -nodesktop but works in desktop mode.
Does anyone have any idea why?
If the number of characters in the text file is reduced to 1981 it works in -nodesktop mode.
Note:I do not know the exact number of characters at which it stops working.
Finally, I am using Matlab 7.8.0 (R2009a) on Windows7.
I can't reproduce this odd behaviour (Matlab 2010b & 2012b, both on Linux).
You could at least try to "debug" this type of behaviour by restricting the problem. The "fileread" routine does some checks on the file name (ischar, isempty), then opens the file (fopen), reads it (fread) and closes it (fclose) - rather simple basic stuff. For reference, type "edit fileread" into the command line of the matlab desktop and try running down the routine step by step.
If "fread" causes the whole thing to crash and if you're bound to this version of Matlab, try implementing a "fix". "fread" accepts a few more parameters than what is used in "fileread" (the file ID and the precision "char" only): FREAD(FID,SIZE,PRECISION,SKIP,MACHINEFORMAT). Specifying more parameters may help (wild guess but worth a try).

mat2gray function does not work when called from Perl

I have a script in perl that generates a .m file based on a series of parameters and then runs an octave algorithm through ticks like:
`octave my_script`;
And then I capture the results in a separate file. The problem is that even having installed the image package succesfuly mat2gray function is not working.
If I open manually octave like a separate console to be used manually, and call my script it does work perfectly. The issue appears only when calling the octave.exe from Perl. It shows:
error: `mat2gray' undefined near line 21 column 6
Which looks like the typical error you get when you don't have the image package (and I do have it installed and I'm able to usethe function on octave console directly). I already tried to iclude a line on my script at the very top to rebuild the package everytime my script runs, like so:
pkg rebuild -auto image;
But that didn't fix it. Anyone has seen this kind of odd behavior?
I'm using Octave 3.2.4, since I need that version due to some compatibility issues with other pieces of software that we need. And some plotting capabilities when called from perl don't work all that well. Just in case you were wondering.
For future reference, I replied to the question here.

printing text into a file in Matlab

I want to log the running of my program, specifically the running time of each part. At this moment I print to the screen using disp. Is there a way so that some of the things I print would also be printed into a text file?
You can use the DIARY command, that captures everything from the command window.
There are other solutions to this problem where you write to one or more logfiles opened when your program is running. This provides a permanent record without polluting your work space or diary. It also works well if you compile your MATLAB application.
Jan Simon has a nice solution at MATLAB Central which uses a persistant file id so the log to file mechanism can be used again and again throughout an application with many functions without passing the file id about.
Others at MATLAB Central (here and here) have developed class based solutions with more features.
Also, fprintf.