Showing / Hiding Mandrill mc:hideable fields via the message API - html-email

Mandrill allows you to attach the mc:hideable attribute on an element in HTML email, as in
<p mc:edit="section_1" mc:hideable>
Content that I only want to show on some emails.
<a href="">
Because it has a link that only applies sometimes
<p mc:edit="section_2">
Variable content that I want to show every time.
With this example template, using the mc:edit="name" attribute, I can change the content in "section_2" very easily by editing the "template_content" field via the messages API, as in:
"template_content": [{"name": "section_2", "content": "Some content"}]
Is there a way to hide the content in "section_1"? It seems like this should be easy.

Mandrill currently supports a subset of the MailChimp template language (specifically regions with mc:edit attributes). While it's possible to have the mc:hideable attribute and it won't cause errors in using the template, Mandrill doesn't yet support hiding those elements when sending the email. The same goes for other MailChimp template language attributes, like mc:repeatable and editable image areas - they won't break, but replacing them isn't currently possible in the send-template API call.
More information about using templates with Mandrill can be found here:


How to set SendGrid custom Unsubscribe HTML body?

I've got Subscription Tracking ON, in "UNSUBSCRIBE CONTENT - HTML BODY" section - my custom HTML text. But in sent emails I'm getting standard "Unsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences" footer, which is not my custom HTML content. Can't understand what I am missing here.
That setting refers to the global unsubscribe link. The "Unsubscribe From This List" link is a result of having unsubscribe groups configured. This page documents fairly well how you can replace the default links with your own.
For example, a custom unsubscribe link in your template could look like this:
Your template engine may URL encode the tag, so be sure to keep the raw tag intact. The default links will then disappear.

How can an email reply or forward be composed in html emails?

I'm creating a simple email client and I'm having trouble with Reply and Forward in html emails.
When I have the user compose the reply message, how do I append that content to the top of the message? I have done some investigating with how outlook does it by injecting the new message content into a paragraph or div or something like that.
How is it done in general, i.e. gmail, yahoo, etc. How do they figure out where to inject the reply content in the html?
I'm using c# so ideally there is some c# library that can handle this? If not then some idea how it's done generally so I can create a solution for it.
I've read wikipedia's Posting Style article and it gives a good overview of the general idea but nothing about how to do it in html.
Some Background
When composing HTML email, it is important to recognize that email clients have rather limited support for HTML and the level of support varies across email clients.
Because of that, although <div> and CSS are the correct layout tools for web pages, that is not true for HTML email. Even today, use <table> for layout control for HTML emails.
Additionally, the only reliable means to apply CSS is to the HTML elements with a style= attribute on each element. CSS declarations in a <head> section are often ignored by the email client. When crafting HTML email, I actually use CSS in the <head> and, once it looks correct, use this page to convert the HTML to use style= attributes. There are other options.
Not only will the <head> tag often be ignored, but so will any <body> tag.
Solving Your Problem
I would suggest placing the text included in the reply within a table (with a single <tr> and single <td>), and applying an inline CSS style to that table. That allows you to apply formatting, such as placing a colored bar down the left-hand side, italicizing the text, etc.).

Is there any sense in using the <title> tag in HTML e-mail?

When sending an HTML e-mail, is there any sense in using the <title> tag? In the PHP Manual, for instance, they use such a tag in their main sample code. However, I see no reason why an e-mail client would use this title and not the Subject from the e-mail. Is there any reason to set this tag?
I've been looking into this myself as I'm writing a PHP mailing list manager script that uses the sendmail() function.
The script allows the admin to create and send multiform emails (both text and html versions).
After much testing I have found that some email servers appear to have issues with the title tag (<title></title>).
I created a test email and sent it to 5 of my email address, my email failed to arrive but the 4 others had no problems.
After a process of elimination it turned out that the mail servers did not like the title tags in the html part of the email message, when I removed the tag the email arrived no probs.
Very strange!
The only use I would see is that some clients, like Outlook, allow you to view an email in a browser for better rendering. It would then be a plus to have the html title tag set.
(Old question, I know ;) )
My experience is that some mail clients will display the <title> tag in their email preview and some won't. Some clients preview will be "Subject + <title> + Preheader" and some will only be "Subject + preheader", so that creates an inconsistent experience.
Because of that, I found it's better to only use a preheader.
For completion's sake, the "Preheader" is a hidden text form the body that is only used in the preview, for example, something like...
<div style="display: none; max-height: 0px; overflow: hidden;">
Insert hidden preheader text here

Show/Hide content in a Gmail email body

Our organization is completely on Gmail (Google Apps), and we are trying to figure out a way to show/hide content in the body of the email and have the recipient decide whether to show the content or collapse it to hide it.
The reason why we need to do this is because we send out generic emails in various languages, so we want the recipient to simply click on their language and have the email show the text in that language.
Things we want to avoid:
Sending multiple emails out in different language (and have to manage email recipients languages and multiple emails).
Display the content for all the languages one after another in the body of the email and have the user scroll down to their language.
One way I thought of doing this is by using Javascript to show/hide a div in the email that would hold the content for each language. For example, I would have an "English" hyperlink, a "Spanish" hyperlink, a "Chinese" hyperlink, etc and on click, the JS would show the div associated to the language that was clicked.
However, I was not able to get Javascript to run in Gmail when I sent a HTML email from an email client (Thunderbird).
The solution I'm looking for should ideally only require Gmail as some of the users do not have access to browse any other site outside of Gmail from their Chrome browser.
The simple solution would just be an HTML (no javascript) email with a "table of contents" at the top showing the various languages. Clicking a language in the table of contents would jump to that language's anchor in the HTML (and thus, the correct language message body).
The hard way to do this would be to write a Gmail contextual gadget:
Options that don't work:
JavaScript doesn't work in Gmail
Pseudo-selectors aren't supported, so you can't do anything like :active td { height:100px }
display:none and visibility:invisible aren't supported
Ideas that might work
Point the image to your server, and get the HTTP headers. With a combination of HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and the IP address, you should be able to serve up the appropriate image.
In Gmail labs, there is an option to add apps by XML. You could write an app that lets you do more advanced stuff, and tell your users to install that.
Personally, I wouldn't worry about just displaying the content one after the other. Put an index of the languages at the top of the email, with anchor links to the relevant language.

using form buttons for spamproof email-addresses

I have been looking at some methods for spamproof email methods here. I'd like to propose a more simple approach: Since I need a couple of different email addresses I considered just using a selectbox with JS or serverside redirect, as per examples on here.
Because google doesn't spider forms (dixit Matt Cutts), and spam-harvester script don't either (I think????) this would make sense to do.
I would love to be able to do this without using a script. So why not use one form per email?
<form action="mailto:test#domain.tld" method="get">
<input type="submit" value="test#domain.tld"/>
It seems the button text can be copied but not pasted, so that's a disadvantage.
Is this approach any good? or any other recommendations?
A robot uses the text of the page to get the email. It does not care if that text is in a button or within the body so using a button will not help.
Outside of using javascript, the only solution I know of would be written text, an image or Flash.
Create an image with your email or write out the email like: "test at domain dot tld"
Flash could provide you with a more secure (but not 100%) way of allowing people to click on an email but would not work on iPhone browsers and those that do not have the plug-in.
Another way is to use a simple captcha to before displaying the email in the PHP code.
Email: (1+2 = ?) then test#domain.tld
The email address is still in the page, and thus easily harvestable
mailto: URIs as form actions often fail
The reason server side form handlers stop email addresses being harvested is because the email address is not exposed to the user.