I've got Subscription Tracking ON, in "UNSUBSCRIBE CONTENT - HTML BODY" section - my custom HTML text. But in sent emails I'm getting standard "Unsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences" footer, which is not my custom HTML content. Can't understand what I am missing here.
That setting refers to the global unsubscribe link. The "Unsubscribe From This List" link is a result of having unsubscribe groups configured. This page documents fairly well how you can replace the default links with your own.
For example, a custom unsubscribe link in your template could look like this:
Your template engine may URL encode the tag, so be sure to keep the raw tag intact. The default links will then disappear.
In our web shop we email customers after each purchase. Up until now all emails displayed properly, but now, in some cases all links inside the email is displayed as doubled plain text. This is happening only to some customers, and I can not find anything about that issue and how to solve it.
Correct Display:
Incorrect Display:
I created HTML for that email. The link is wrapped with <a> tag, but when we inspect the incorrectly displayed email, the <a> is removed and only the text is present in the DOM.
This is only happening to some customers. We checked and they don't have any ad blocked enabled. Also, this is not browser related issue since they also tried to open email on different browsers.
This happens with Outlook.com and Outlook 365 environments. If the link does not have a http:// or https:// (or other) protocol, it will do this.
Therefore, ensure all your links use a protocol, i.e. ..., and NOT ...
Just in case anyone else winds up here ... we had a similar issue
Our HTML bulk-email (sent programmatically via Exchange) showed formatted correctly in SENT ITEMS, but arrived (when viewed in Outlook) somewhat broken. It was fine if we emailed to e.g. GMail / Hotmail, so probably only a problem with Outlook rendering.
The Outlook presentation was PLAIN TEXT and not Rich / HTML. Noticeable because "View Source" was greyed out. (The content, as sent, definitely had HTML / HEEAD / BODY etc. tags, and it validated OK at W3C - Outlook removed all such HTML tags - seems strange that Outlook decided to display in plain text and then remove all the, correctly coded, HTML tags)
Some, but NOT all, yyy tags displayed wrongly - in particular the tag https://www.example.com/ was what we, eventually, found had caused the email to render (in Outlook) as plain text - all HTML tags stripped and some LINKs rendered wrongly. That HTTPS link did render correctly, but others in the same email which were coded as www.link.com/MyPath rendered as
same with mailto: links
Removing the HTTPS:// from within the <a href...>HTTPS://xxx</a> tag fixed the problem - took us a while to find though!
So basically it seems that the HREF property should include https:// and the value within the <a> tag should NOT
I'm using Mandrill API and want to know how I could change the text of the unsubscribe footer, instead of the automatic text. Can I add a link to my email message that leads to the unsubscribe page of Mandrill?
You cannot currently customize Mandrill's unsubscribe footer, you can just turn it on or off (in Settings => Sending defaults). However, except very special circumstances, you should track unsubscribes, so if you turn the automatic footer off, you can track them with the UNSUB merge tag:
What I'm trying to do is displaying a PayPal donation button into a Github project README.md file. The markup I added is displayed as HTML rather than being properly rendered as donation button.
// PayPal source here
Do you have any thought?
The current code generated by paypal buttons is based on a FORM html tag with a POST method. Fortunately the values are always the same and paypal is supporting them to be passed by the GET method. So, you can safely read the form code and convert it to a direct link.
On my case I just made a link to my button like this:
I am using it on my project at http://github.com/ctodobom/OpenNoteScanner
In all likelihood, it is not possible for security reasons (see CSFR and XSS for examples of potentially related security concerns). In other words, GitHub has intentionally not allowed forms within Markdown text and will strip them out if they are included.
For more general information about how to include a form in Markdown (outside of GitHub) see my previous answer below:
As the Markdown syntax rules state:
For any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax, you simply use HTML itself. There’s no need to preface it or delimit it to indicate that you’re switching from Markdown to HTML; you just use the tags.
The only restrictions are that block-level HTML elements — e.g. <div>, <table>, <pre>, <p>, etc. — must be separated from surrounding content by blank lines, and the start and end tags of the block should not be indented with tabs or spaces.
So just insert your raw HTML into the document. You probably should wrap the entire block in a <div> to make sure Markdown treats it properly as one block.
However, be aware that it is possible that GitHub may filter the content to not allow certain tags for security reasons, so you'll need to test it to find out if it will work.
Additionally, depending on how things are configured, the browser and/or the server you are posting to may not allow the form to post for security reasons.
For more on those issues see these questions and related answers.
With Paypal.me , there is no more a security concern :
<a href="https://www.paypal.me/AbdennourT/10">
<img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" alt="paypal">
You have to create an enterprise account or you can update your own, it´s free.
Then you have to create the button in the button center and generate a donate button, this tool generates the html and you can get the hoted_button_id then you have to replace it and paste it in the README.md
If you want to just use your email and a donate button you can do it by just filling in the blanks from their "donate email" example:
It renders like this:
Paypal warns that it's "not secure" and you should always use a "hosted email payment link to prevent malicious users from tampering with the code." So maybe okay on github, but not on a wiki or stackoverflow where the link could be edited to pay someone else.
When I am sending a direct mail newsletter as a test, everything looks fine. But when I am sending a newsletter to users only the content without my wrapping template is being send. The user see´s only the content elements in the newsletter. My html template is missing.
By content, do you mean that users see only plain text? If so, it might be due to subscriptions preferences.
Based on your settings, both fe_users and tt_address may have a flag called "Recieve HTML mails" (can't recall the exact english version) which by default is not set.
Please let us know a bit more about your installation if this doesn't help :)
We've got some HTML emails that get sent out that show email addresses our service has blocked. When viewing the email in Outlook (and presumably in other clients as well) these plain-text email addresses get turned into clickable links that would compose a new message to this address when clicked.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Perhaps a meta tag with a flag that would prevent Outlook from converting these into clickable links?
Most email clients strip out META tags, Javascript, and other types of code not necessary for email. Outlook is going to do what it wants with your email, so what you may want to do is wrap the addresses with your own anchor tag and use a blank HREF. Then, style the link to look like the rest of your text.
I think a better answer is to formulate anything that you think a mail client might try to generate a link for in a way that breaks up the string a bit like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7625887/470749