How to completely uninstall WAMPSERVER - zend-framework

I recently uninstalled, then re-installed WAMP, But now my domains(zend projects) are malfunctioning. I can only access the front pages for these domains but not any further pages, which I explained in a previous thread Everything suggested on the thread and more have not worked so far.
So I have another idea from searching google which suggests that WAMP has not been completely uninstalled when I did the first uninstall, and the solution is to go to regedit after uninstall, do a search for "wamp" then delete all records related to wampserver. I'd done this but I'm getting 216-records and only three of them has a mention of "wamp" on the record names. I feel it can't be right to delete all 216-records and i'm scared because these records point to other programs and systems in windows. But this blog seems to suggest that I delete them all as below:
...into the registry. Highlight 'Computer' and press the [Ctrl][F]
key combination to launch a search box. Type in 'wamp' as a search
term. Delete all instances of a record pertaining to WampServer. On
a healthy installation, there may be 70 such entries or more. Just
grit your teeth and get it done, making sure all the while that the
search result is indeed a WampServer related entry...
I have deleted the 3-records I found with mentions of "wampserver", but yet no solution to my problem. So my question is: Could the instruction possibly be to delete the entire 216-records in order to completely clear my system of all traces of the old WAMP installation?

Removing WampServer should consist of:
stopping and uninstalling the services (wampapache and wampmysql) either with the uninstall services batch file included or on the command line
deleting the wamp folder
Bear in mind any changes to:
Your web root folder(s)
Your hosts files
Your firewall
Now, if you've done the above and have problems still, it'll likely there are other problems. Such things as different httpd configs, .htaccess files, different versions of wampserver and components like PHP and it's modules, databases and their security credentials, etc.
Check the above, and if there are more specific errors feel free to post them too.

Thanks guys for your time. I think my actions as in the OP were successful in completely uninstalling wampserver. Just that my fresh instal of WAMP was mis-behaving and not finding pages beyond the home page. It's been sorted by enabling mod_rewrite. Though I'm not quite sure what went wrong as I'd applied the same mod_rewrite severally without a resolution.


Install postfixadmin?

Is there any complete guid for install postfix admin rather than official install guid?
I tried to install postfix admin several times. But I couldn't. I tried with official installation text file and several online tutorials.
Installing PostfixAdmin is not very hard, in-fact it's very simple.
PostfixAdmin is basically just a Apache+PHP+MySQL setup.
The bigger problem I think users are experiencing is how to make Postfix actually use the database backend and to "understand" the data it gets from it - What they refer to as the integration part in their INSTALL.txt for PostfixAdmin.
Take a look at the Postfix integration documentation at their GitHub page.
There are no easy way to just copy-pasta aka spray-and-pray install a complete SMTP/Mail system. Also I would not recommend it as you would have a very hard time to debug problems in your setup later on - And trust me SMTP servers always have problems :)
But basically once you have installed PostfixAdmin and that part works (i.e you can log onto the page, navigate around postfixadmin and add domains and so on) then you move on to adding all the .cf files it needs in the postfix etc directory.
Again, use that file above as reference. Or even search for multiple guides on Google. You will see that more or less all of them are doing the same steps.
Once your postfix is setup to talk "mysql" you can start to debug the mail.log files for problems that will (again trust me they will) come up. That will typically be beginner mistakes like the .cf files are not looking up the right data in the tables or using wrong parameters for email vs domain or that postfix don't have mysql support enabled and so forth.

service fabric local cluster exception from 0x80071BFF

I created a solution with a few applications, and it worked perfectly. But a day later when I was about to debug the solution again, it suddenly cannot start.
I did have firewall and AV disabled, both when it worked and later when it didn't work.
It works fine when deployed to azure, but not locally.
The error thrown is:
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80071BFF
at System.Fabric.Interop.NativeRuntime.FabricGetNodeContext()
at System.Fabric.FabricRuntime.NativeFabricRuntimeFactory.GetNodeContextHelper()
at System.Fabric.Interop.Utility.WrapNativeSyncInvoke[TResult](Func`1 func, String functionTag, String functionArgs)
A related post register-servicefabricapplicationtype-on-a-secure-cluster-always-times-out
describes a similar thing.
However, I get this while debugging locally and with smallest possible application: I even just created 1 application, 1 actor, did no changes, hit F5 and I get this error.
So, I looked at service-fabric-troubleshoot-local-cluster-setup and while I also get the TypeInitializationException, the solution of:
Your path variable was not correctly set during installation. Please sign out of Windows and sign back in. This will fully refresh your path.
did not work at all.
Nothing else on that page seemed to be related.
Now I begin to feel that I've hit the end of what key words I can google, and still I have no idea what to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried starting via cluster manager and apps can still not start.
I've removed apps, removed cluster, tried with new solutions, over and over. The only thing I haven't tried is reinstalling SDK and VS. I'm a bit reluctant to reinstall VS, so I'd hope to find some clues before resorting to that.
Now I reinstalled Service Fabric v. 5.3.311.9590, SDK and Tools.
Created a solution, added a stateless service. Hit F5. The exact same error is thrown.
I will now try to install on another machine with mostly the same configuration.
Installed the SDK on an identical VM, Win10, also with VS2015 Update 3. Created solution, added 1 actor, hit F5 and also on this macchine the exact error is thrown.
I tried Debug without debugging (as mentioned here) to attach later. But the application never starts. It is failed. This is the same on both the machines.
It all worked and from one day to the other it doesn't, and it's a problem that I cannot find anywhere on the net. What can this be? I found that the security updates from windows was made about the same date this happened...
I will uninstall and try again.
Uninstalling security update was not possible, but I could hide a couple of other updates. To no luck though.
From here I found this and realised I actually was very low on diskspace, and so I increased it (hyper-v manager) to 20 gigs free. But no, still the same problem.

Upgrading CQ5.6.1 to AEM 6.1, authentication issues

I have been following the instructions on
I reached "Once the upgrade is finished, the AEM homepage will be shown."
However, all I get is "an HTTP 503 status for all requests except for those under http:///system/console", exactly as described at the NOTE under this step.
The problem is that I always get this error, not only during the upgrade, but also after the upgrade is finished!
The error.log states:
11.11.2015 12:38:29.888 *ERROR* [qtp231586654-77] handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
11.11.2015 12:38:29.888 *ERROR* [qtp231586654-77] handleSecurity: Possible reason is missing Repository service. Check AuthenticationSupport dependencies.
Any help is highly appreciated.
We've encountered this once:
There were issues with diskspace (the disk was simply full), make sure you have an adequate amount of space available.
There could be two possible reasons:
Some of the bundles are not active.
Lucene is corrupt and hence not able to start
Possible fix is:
Bring your bundles back to active, if it is not active.
Stop your instance. go to crx-quickstart\repository\index and delete index folder.
Restart the instance (This will regenerate Lucene indexes fully).
Quick fix:
Stop the AEM instance.
Go to folder crx-quickstart\repository\ remove folder index
Start the AEM.
Everything should working fine. (It's working for me)
Check the permissions under crx-quickstart\repository\ after you deleted the index.
For me it had nothing to do with the segmentstore or the index or any unsatisfied bundles. Instead, it was the datastore.
The permissions for the datastore directory didn’t allow the user running aem to access it. The datastore directory is configured in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.FileDataStore.
This error really should reveal its root cause a little bit more easily. I’m sure it was somewhere in the logs, though…

WHM Upgrade Blocked by EXIMUP

I am in the middle of rebuilding my VPS and I am getting an error in WHM.
CENTOS 6.5 x86_64 virtuozzo – vps-1......... WHM 11.34.2 (build 8)
Reasons for blocked updates
Please correct these issues and rerun updates.
fatal: Upgrade is blocked because EXIMUP is set to 'never' in your configuration. To proceed, you can touch file '/var/cpanel/exim.unmanaged' and run the upgrade one more time. Please refer to our documentation at for more information.
The URL for help doesn't exist.
I do not see this file in when I check for it.
I found the Exim Configuration Manager but do not see anything that matches what the error states.
I have a feeling this is fairly easy fix but I am far from an expert on VPS managing. I'm learning the hard way to put it nicely...
Does anyone know how I can clear this out so I can upgrade WHM?
I see in their documentation:
To upgrade from cPanel & WHM version 11.34 and earlier:
Touch /var/cpanel/exim.unmanaged
Run the upgrade again.
What does "Touch"mean? I tried toggling the exim option in preferences but it made no difference.
After a night of fighting this I find the answer right after I post. Here is how I solved it.
Touch means to create or modify a file without actually writing to it. So in this case since the file did not exist. I created a new file in /var/cpanel/ called 'exim.unmanaged'
After placing that file in the directory I ran the updates again and it is now upgrading WHM and cPanel.
Pros know this I am sure but hopefully this will be helpful for newbi VPS admins like myself.

MSI, Repair runs but I don't know why

I have an MSI package I maintain with Installshield 2012 Pro.
The package was created a few years again and requires periodic maintenance as new versions of the application is installs are released by our development team. This MSI has been used in many locations, on many machines without issue.
At one customer location, they've install about 20 copies of the application on 20 machines. Each machine is built exactly the same.
Periodically, for an unknown reason registry entries relating to that application go missing. Not all of them, a select one or two... the same entries always go missing.
We so far have failed to track the exact root cause, however one of our support engineers noticed the MSI repair dialogue appearing when they opened the application shortcut. Following this, the registry entries went missing.
On each instance of the registry entries going missing we have removed the MSI from the c:\Windows\Installer directory. On machines we've made this change too, the registry changes so far have not disappeared again.
This leads me to think the MSI is somehow removing the selected registry entries during the repair, but I don't understand how.
There are at least 50 registry entries under the same key as the entries that get removed. (these are created by the application not the installer)
The MSI package doesn't insert any keys at all during install
There are no custom actions at all
I only have one key file set in the whole MSI, and this is for a component installed in Windows\system32
None of the shortcuts are 'Advertised'
There appears to be a clear link between removing the MSI from the Installer directory and no further occurrences, but I fail to see what in my MSI could cause specific registry keys to disappear.
I realize the exact reason this this is subjective to my MSI or the customers systems, so as generally as possible I ask:
Why would Windows launch the MSI repair function, considering the above
Can an MSI alter the registry, considering the above
Is there anyway post installation of an MSI to disable the auto repair function for this MSI?
How should I alter the MSI to ensure auto repair doesn't occur?
Start by proving whether the auto repair is related to your product. Check the application event logs for the component id that caused Windows Installer to kick off the auto repair. Then, if it's part of your installer, figure out why.
It seems unlikely that your MSI would alter the registry. Although you do not specifically say there are no RemoveRegistry table entries, it's hard to imagine any snuck in accidentally.
There are only bad ways to disable auto repair (some global, some involving not registering your installer). Avoid them.
First figure out what's wrong. Then figure out how to fix it. For instance if in step 1 you determine the component triggering auto repair is part of your install, perhaps set the logging policy on a machine where this occurs so you can get a verbose MSI log.