WHM Upgrade Blocked by EXIMUP - upgrade

I am in the middle of rebuilding my VPS and I am getting an error in WHM.
CENTOS 6.5 x86_64 virtuozzo – vps-1......... WHM 11.34.2 (build 8)
Reasons for blocked updates
Please correct these issues and rerun updates.
fatal: Upgrade is blocked because EXIMUP is set to 'never' in your configuration. To proceed, you can touch file '/var/cpanel/exim.unmanaged' and run the upgrade one more time. Please refer to our documentation at http://go.cpanel.net/1136UpgradeExim for more information.
The URL for help doesn't exist.
I do not see this file in when I check for it.
I found the Exim Configuration Manager but do not see anything that matches what the error states.
I have a feeling this is fairly easy fix but I am far from an expert on VPS managing. I'm learning the hard way to put it nicely...
Does anyone know how I can clear this out so I can upgrade WHM?
I see in their documentation:
To upgrade from cPanel & WHM version 11.34 and earlier:
Touch /var/cpanel/exim.unmanaged
Run the upgrade again.
What does "Touch"mean? I tried toggling the exim option in preferences but it made no difference.

After a night of fighting this I find the answer right after I post. Here is how I solved it.
Touch means to create or modify a file without actually writing to it. So in this case since the file did not exist. I created a new file in /var/cpanel/ called 'exim.unmanaged'
After placing that file in the directory I ran the updates again and it is now upgrading WHM and cPanel.
Pros know this I am sure but hopefully this will be helpful for newbi VPS admins like myself.


What's the best way to upgrade from umbraco 7.6 to 7.15.1 (including db upgrade)

I am trying to upgrade the site from v 7.6 to v. 7.15.1.
I have done the upgrade on localhost which included updating the db.
Now I transferred my files from localhost o the test site and on there I am getting an error in log:
ERROR Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase - An unhandled exception occurred
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid object name 'umbracoUserLogin'.
and I can't login to the backoffice.
It seems to be looking for umbracoUserLogin on test while it doesn't exist yet because on test the db is not updated yet.
How to update the db on test in this case while the files have already been updated on localhost and transferred to test site?
I have done 2 umbraco upgrades recently; one is from 7.5.7 to 7.13.1 and the recent one is from 7.13.1 to 7.15.1.
During my upgrade; I have seen this problem and fix in this issue can help you for your problem(and I didn't see this problem again after doing the upgrade again, but this time checking all the auto changing files and accepting them one at a time-see details below for this) but coming back to your question; "What's the best way to upgrade from umbraco 7.6 to 7.15.1(including db upgrade)"; here are the steps that you should follow;
Create a backup for your project and your umbraco db before you start. If you are using Git, then things will be super easy for this.
Open up Nuget Package Manager for your Umbraco project and do the package upgrade using the Nuget Package Manger window or the consol. Search for UmbracoCms version 7.15.1 for your case.
Once you start doing the upgrade, you will see some popup windows that will ask you to approve some auto file changes(including some config files changes). As you don't want to lose some of your pre-upgrade settings, don't accept them all or discard them all, check all of them one by one, and as a general rule; if you don't have any custom changes for those files, then simply approve the change, otherwise, check your changes and make sure you don't loose anything and discard some of these file changes as a result.
Once you're done with your UmbracoCms upgrade(which will automatically do some dependency package upgrades), build your project, make sure all is looking good then go to your local project's umbraco back-office url, this will trigger the rest of the umbraco upgrade process and simply complete the upgrade steps by following the screens- at this point your umbraco db changes will be done automatically and it is possible that you might have some issues with some old corrupt cached files, if this happens, then simply delete App_Data/TEMP files and App_Data umbraco.config file and try again. If you see some other problems during the installation, check the logs(browser developer tools can be handy to understand the problems in this case), and fix them one at a time. It is possible that you don'T need some of your old web.config settings and they might cause some issues, simply comment out those lines and see if this will fix some of the issues.
Once you are done with you local upgrade, deploy your code to your testing environment, and go to the umbraco url of your test environment and follow the screens to complete the installation for your testing environment. If you see any problems, please check my notes for step 4 above.
Do your umbraco upgrade for other testing environments(QA, UAT, Training etc) and complete your umbraco upgrade tests. Once the tests are done, then you are ready to go live. After the live deployment, you will have to complete the umbraco upgrade one last time, but this time for the live system.
Always get your back-ups for each environment before you do the upgrade, so you will be ready to rollback your changes if things go wrong(which might happen as you're doing a big umbraco upgrade).
Final note; there are some good articles for this, please take a look to understand the process better. Good luck!

service fabric local cluster exception from 0x80071BFF

I created a solution with a few applications, and it worked perfectly. But a day later when I was about to debug the solution again, it suddenly cannot start.
I did have firewall and AV disabled, both when it worked and later when it didn't work.
It works fine when deployed to azure, but not locally.
The error thrown is:
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80071BFF
at System.Fabric.Interop.NativeRuntime.FabricGetNodeContext()
at System.Fabric.FabricRuntime.NativeFabricRuntimeFactory.GetNodeContextHelper()
at System.Fabric.Interop.Utility.WrapNativeSyncInvoke[TResult](Func`1 func, String functionTag, String functionArgs)
A related post register-servicefabricapplicationtype-on-a-secure-cluster-always-times-out
describes a similar thing.
However, I get this while debugging locally and with smallest possible application: I even just created 1 application, 1 actor, did no changes, hit F5 and I get this error.
So, I looked at service-fabric-troubleshoot-local-cluster-setup and while I also get the TypeInitializationException, the solution of:
Your path variable was not correctly set during installation. Please sign out of Windows and sign back in. This will fully refresh your path.
did not work at all.
Nothing else on that page seemed to be related.
Now I begin to feel that I've hit the end of what key words I can google, and still I have no idea what to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried starting via cluster manager and apps can still not start.
I've removed apps, removed cluster, tried with new solutions, over and over. The only thing I haven't tried is reinstalling SDK and VS. I'm a bit reluctant to reinstall VS, so I'd hope to find some clues before resorting to that.
Now I reinstalled Service Fabric v. 5.3.311.9590, SDK and Tools.
Created a solution, added a stateless service. Hit F5. The exact same error is thrown.
I will now try to install on another machine with mostly the same configuration.
Installed the SDK on an identical VM, Win10, also with VS2015 Update 3. Created solution, added 1 actor, hit F5 and also on this macchine the exact error is thrown.
I tried Debug without debugging (as mentioned here) to attach later. But the application never starts. It is failed. This is the same on both the machines.
It all worked and from one day to the other it doesn't, and it's a problem that I cannot find anywhere on the net. What can this be? I found that the security updates from windows was made about the same date this happened...
I will uninstall and try again.
Uninstalling security update was not possible, but I could hide a couple of other updates. To no luck though.
From here I found this https://github.com/Azure/service-fabric-issues/issues/15 and realised I actually was very low on diskspace, and so I increased it (hyper-v manager) to 20 gigs free. But no, still the same problem.

sql developer hangs on startup - what can I do?

At present I cannot run it (SQL Developer 4.1) because it hangs on "Restoring Editors" while starting. I suppose I've done it by exiting it before by killing sql developer process because it was hanged on fetching objects to Schema Browser so long...
Maybe I would clean some temporary files but can't find any.
Any ideas?
Deleting files from c:\Users\MY_USER\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\SQL History
and c:\Users\MY_USER\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\System...
Really helped me to resolve the connection issues
Basing on this thread https://community.oracle.com/thread/2564842 I've created own solution.
Extract installation of current version SQL Developer (
At "c:\Users\MY_USER\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\"
I've changed directory name system4. to system4.
After running newly extracted SQL Developer ( I was prompted to let copy configuration from version to ;)
Everything works great now. I suppose that running the same (broken) installation after decreasing version could also help.
Remove folders c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\system4.\system_cache*. SQLDeveloper will recreate it after launching.
Just execute sqldeveloper as administrator. It works fine!
In my case the problem was because of windows compatibility issue. So I've selected my windows version and it's stop from randomly crash after startup
Our setup:
Windows 10
Sqldeveloper Versions <= 20.4.0
We observed this problem as well. Even worse while working over a VPN connection. I followed a couple of hints with more or less no effect.
To move
C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer
to a local directory by adding this line
AddVMOption -Dide.user.dir=c:\temp\sqldev-conf
in the \sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf file gave us some improvement, but the “IndexPreferencesTask” still got stuck several times on startup.
After some more hours on unsuccessful research, we moved back from JDK 11 to JDK 8.
This solved 99% of the problem. The “IndexPreferencesTask” still hangs on startup but for less than a second.
Sounds to me like a problem with JDK 11.
In my case when i changed Tools --> Preferences --> Environment -> Look and Feel to Windows it is solved.
Delete the History files from C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper
Restart the PC
In my case, the solution was kind of weird. After battling to resolve this for 2 days, no luck. Suddenly, on my mac, I searched for sql developer, not sqldeveloper. It popped up a sqldeveloper application (not sure how that is different from what I have been trying to open ), clicked it and boom, it opened. My guess is that there is a copy of that app on my system that I should have been opening rather than trying to open the reinstalled app. Note: I reinstalled the app after it started misbehaving though.
Operating System: Windows 10
Oracle Sqldeveloper Ver: 17.4.0
The problem has been noticed sometime when any network security
patch was installed on your machine. Looks like the patch impacts
your cached data under your user profile folder.
As above Lakh, rtbf and others answered. Removing below folders
will resolve the issue.
C:\Users\<userId>\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\SqlHistory
C:\Users\<userId>\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\system17.4.0.355.2349
If any one find more approriate reason please feel free to
disagree with my answer.

How to completely uninstall WAMPSERVER

I recently uninstalled, then re-installed WAMP, But now my domains(zend projects) are malfunctioning. I can only access the front pages for these domains but not any further pages, which I explained in a previous thread Everything suggested on the thread and more have not worked so far.
So I have another idea from searching google which suggests that WAMP has not been completely uninstalled when I did the first uninstall, and the solution is to go to regedit after uninstall, do a search for "wamp" then delete all records related to wampserver. I'd done this but I'm getting 216-records and only three of them has a mention of "wamp" on the record names. I feel it can't be right to delete all 216-records and i'm scared because these records point to other programs and systems in windows. But this blog seems to suggest that I delete them all as below:
...into the registry. Highlight 'Computer' and press the [Ctrl][F]
key combination to launch a search box. Type in 'wamp' as a search
term. Delete all instances of a record pertaining to WampServer. On
a healthy installation, there may be 70 such entries or more. Just
grit your teeth and get it done, making sure all the while that the
search result is indeed a WampServer related entry...
I have deleted the 3-records I found with mentions of "wampserver", but yet no solution to my problem. So my question is: Could the instruction possibly be to delete the entire 216-records in order to completely clear my system of all traces of the old WAMP installation?
Removing WampServer should consist of:
stopping and uninstalling the services (wampapache and wampmysql) either with the uninstall services batch file included or on the command line
deleting the wamp folder
Bear in mind any changes to:
Your web root folder(s)
Your hosts files
Your firewall
Now, if you've done the above and have problems still, it'll likely there are other problems. Such things as different httpd configs, .htaccess files, different versions of wampserver and components like PHP and it's modules, databases and their security credentials, etc.
Check the above, and if there are more specific errors feel free to post them too.
Thanks guys for your time. I think my actions as in the OP were successful in completely uninstalling wampserver. Just that my fresh instal of WAMP was mis-behaving and not finding pages beyond the home page. It's been sorted by enabling mod_rewrite. Though I'm not quite sure what went wrong as I'd applied the same mod_rewrite severally without a resolution.

phpmyadmin blank screen after installing Zend server

I installed LAMP on Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTE. Then I installed phpmyadmin. Everything was good. I used phpadmin to do lots of DB administration....
Then I installed Zend CE server. Now, phpmyadmin throws a blank page. No login screen.
So, I reinstalled my VPS in the same sequence again. No luck. Same behavior.
This time, I installed Apache, Mysql, PHP and Zend server in that order. Then I installed phpmyadmin....Unfortunately, still blank page on phpmyadmin.
Any help?...Thanks in advance.
First, for all those that posted their suggestions to my above issue, thanks!.
Of course, I had to dig deeper into forums and threads to find the specific root cause and solution for this issue.....and after spending few hours...finally, I resolved it!. Thanks to the following bug discussion link on php.net.
I tired many suggested fixes there but they didn't help. The suggestion that finally fixed the problem was pasted below ( so that let the credit go to the right owner):
[2011-03-03 12:18 UTC] comments at htmlcompressor dot com
If you are gettin the following error:
"Fatal error: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: files (path: ) in...."
Make sure that you have setup the session save path in your php.ini:
session.save_path = "/tmp"
which seems to be disabled by default.
I swear using Open Source software is tough!. I have spent whole day on this issue alone. My goal was to build some software and I have yet to get to it!!.