Unable to play mp4 video in ios6 ipad by MPMoviePlayerController - iphone

I have developed a universal application in Cocos2D. I am using the same code for iPhone and iPad.
The problem is that I am playing video by CCVideoPlayer. CCVideoPlayer is a extension class. For iphone I am using mov file and for ipad I am using mp4 file. But mp4 file is not playing. I did not change the code and when I tried to play the same video which I am using for iPhone it is working on the iPad also. So I think that problem is with mp4 video not with my code. So any help will be appreciated to solve my problem.
[CCVideoPlayer playMovieWithFile:#"video_ipad.mp4"];


video.js mp4 iphone native player override

Using video.js:
I only have a video format mp4. I have captions for it set up and working on desktop and android (galaxy s3). The iPhone automatically plays the video in the native player which makes the captions not work.
Is there a way around this?

html5 video wont play on iPad - plays on iPhone

I have a m4v video that is able to play using html5 video tag on the iPhone - but it wont play on the iPad using html5. If i go directly to the video file from the iPad it plays fine- But if I use the html5 video tag to link to it the play button wont show. Im testing using an iPad 1 and iPhone 4 - both running iOS 5. Does anyone have an idea why it wont play on the iPad?
Html5 video page - Video URL
Hey this probably won't help much for your situation but i found that with video streaming through a webview, it won't let you play video's past a certain file size.

iPhone video recording

I have to record the video in iPhone by invoking camera programmatically. So kindly tell me how to record the video using Objective-c.
Recording Video in iPhone using AVFoundation Framework(AVCaptureSession)?
Similar question. You can control the camera device programmatically using the AVFoundation framework, and more specifically, AVCaptureSession with an AVCaptureDeviceInput and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
This link might also help, there is a link to some source code using AVCaptureSession on that page too.

Only Youtube audio Playing but not Video in Iphone WebView

I am trying to play youtube videos after loading the webview. But Only Audio is being played, not video. Although I get play button in status bar, the Media Player does not become active. The Same piece of code works in iTouch 4.1 and simulator but not on iPhone 4.1/4.0. What am I missing here???
Is the default youtube application playing video? If yes, You might want to try removing the frameworks, add them again and clean build your project.

How to play audio and video together in iphone

I want to play some videos with audio from different audio files. For this i am playing a video(using MPMoviePlayerController) and i am playing an audio(using AVAudioPlayer).
When i play my code through simulator it works fine (the video with my audio file specified). When i run the application in device it doesn't work like that. It plays video but sound file is not getting played. How can i play an audio and a video together ?
This has been discussed before and I don't think anyone's figured it out yet:
Play audio and video at a same time in iPhone application
how can we play audio and video together in ipod/iphone?
Which format support the audio file with a playing video?