Why don't show image in front page - moodle

I'm building e-learning site by moodle. I add image as banner at Settings-> Site Administration
-> Appearance -> Additional HTML.
It is shown after login but can't show before login.
Please, can anyone provide a suggestion to this?

Go to Settings > Site Admin > Front page settings and tick "Include a topic section"
There are a number of other useful settings on that page, such as what users see before and after they log in.
You then need to add a Resource ("Label") in the Topic section on top.
Where do you want the banner to appear? Is it a site logo? Should it be in the header? Footer? Sidebar?
If it's a logo in the top left corner you're after, use a theme that supports logos such as Afterburner.
ghee dough


liferay 7 - how to change from the default liferay logo to the company logo?

Liferay 7 GA1 is just releasead but the documentation is not complete yet. How can I change from the default liferay's logo to the company logo? I want to have a custom logo for each site of course.
Go into Control Panel->Configuration->Instance Settings->Miscellaneous tab and make sure Allow site administrators to use their own logo? checkbox is checked.
Now you can define a per site logo via: your site in control panel->Navigation->Public Pages->Configuration menu. Here Logo Tab appears now.
For those using the 7.1 it's found at:
Build > Pages > Configure (cog icon) > Scroll down to bottom of page

What is the difference between disable a page and hide the page in the meu into Typo3 CMS?

I am pretty new in Typo3 world (I came from Joomla and WordPress) and I have a doubt related to well understand what is the difference between disable a page and hide the page in the menu in Typo3.
I have create a new test page and I don't want that now it appears in my left main menu.
So I click on the Access tab of this page settings and I tick the Hide (In Menus) "checkbox" so the page exist (I can access and see it using its URL) but don't appear in my main menu.
This is pretty simple but, near to the previous options, I also find the Disable (Page) checkbox. So I have try to tick this checkbox (instead of Hide (In Menus)) and happens something that I did not expect:
My test page appear again in my left main menu (I have no hide it but if I thought that if I disable a page, it is as if this page does not exist, evidently the typo3 operating logic is different from what I expect)
If, in my left main menu, I click on my test page link: the page is open but on the right top corner on the page appear to me the following textual message PREVIEW!
What it mean? I am logged as administrator, maybe the normal visitor can't see the disabled pages whereas administrator\editor see these pages? Or what?
Disable page = Nobody can see the page. The page is removed from the menu and it can't be accessed with the URL. You see it because you're logged into the backend. That is also why you see the red sticker 'Preview', because it is a preview.
Hide in menu = Page is hidden from the menu and the sitemap, however, it can be accessed with the URL.
Check the following documentation:
There is a very short mapping between TYPO3 and Joomla:
TYPO3 "disable" = Joomla "Unpublish Article"
TYPO3 "hide" = Joomla "Unpublish Menu Item"

Timeline & iFrame

Can anybody guide about how
does the new FB timeline incorporate the iframe for its pages.
Or is there any new stuffs coming in to replace these stufs?
The way you create and display your iFrame will be the same, except for a size change.
The new iFrame will be 810px wide, instead of 520px - existing tabs (apps) that are set to 520px will just be centered on the page, so they aren't "broken." Giving us 290 extra pixels is great!
You can no longer set a tab as "default landing page". Instead, users always see the main Timeline view and have to actively click through to custom apps.
To edit which apps you display, click the drop-down icon to the right of the tiles, click the ‘+’ button to import your custom apps, and then hover over them and click the pencil to swap them around.
If you have a contest or something on a tab which you would have wanted set as the "default landing page", you can create a post on your page which has a few sentences advertising such, with a link to the tab. You can then "pin" this post to the top of your page, so it will be the first thing users read. "Pinning" and "starring" on your Page act exactly like they do on your personal timeline.
Here's a good explanation of all changes

Facebook: Added custom app to page but it doesnt show up as a custom tab

I've added my app to my page but it doesnt show up as a tab. Why?
See attached image FBapp.png which shows all settings. When I click 'Edit Settings' for the TicketWise app I get notification: "There are no settings for this application."
Here's my Facebook application: https://apps.facebook.com/ticketwise/?fb_page_id=208837722506615
(never mind the scrollbars for now)
When you view your page, underneath the image/logo area there is a list of tabs. Depending on how many tabs you have, at the bottom there will either be a link for "EDIT" or "MORE". If "MORE", click to see the full list of tabs and the EDIT link. When you click "EDIT" you will be able to drag and drop the tabs to reorder them and place your application near the top where it will be visible by default.
For your other query:
When I click 'Edit Settings' for the TicketWise app I get notification: "There are no settings for this application."
Settings pages are something you have to create separately if your app requires it. They are a page hosted on your server, that defines parameters to be used on the tab page view of the app. You can define the page in your application settings using the "Page Tab Edit URL" field.

Facebook Change FBML Tabs Icon

How can I change the FBML tabs Icon from the default one to a custom one, please?
It does have an icon with the new layout and it looks terrible.
Found this video about changing your own app's icon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIcG5VekxM0
But that doesn't apply to the FBML tab (since it is not my app).
As far as I know, FBML tabs doesn't have an icon, just text.
Maybe do you want to change your facebook app icon that appears on the user's app menu on the sidebar?
If it's this, you can change it on the app settings, there are two images to upload: one will appear on the permissions dialog and the other is the 16x16px that I've mentioned before.
I don't exactly have an answer but because my question is exactly the same as yours, I thought I'd add on here. But do tell me if I shouldn't be doing this and I'll remove it immediately.
I see ChickFilA uses customised icons for their tabs. Wonder if they developed their own app(s) thus the ability to customise the icon(s), or if there really is a way to customise FBML icons.
There's no icon for FBML tabs. But there's an icon for an application based Facebook tab. Here's how.
Create a Facebook app that can be integrated as a tab (Choose Page Tab Type as FBML)
E.g. Chick Fila created Spicy Biscuit app http://www.facebook.com/#!/ChickfilA?sk=app_119130604778515 that actually was later rendered as a Facebook tab (named Spicy Biscuit)
When you create an app, you can add an icon.
Submit your app to the Facebook app directory (Your application must have at least 5 total users or 10 monthly active users before you can submit it)
Now, go to the application page. E.g. Chick-fila Spicy Buscuit http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=167096109994873
Click Add to my page. Add it to the page you want to the tab embedded.