using 'inline' function to plot different graph on same base - matlab

This is a portion of my code:-
t = -4 : 0.01 :4;
f = inline('(-1.5*t+1) .* ((t>-3)&(t<0)) + (1.5*t+1) .* ((t>0)&(t<3))');
plot(t, f(t), 'r','linewidth', 2);
grid on;
Here I am getting the value of f(0) = 0
>> f(0)
ans =
I want to plot the function with f(0) = 3
For that I tried this
f = inline('(-1.5*t) .* ((t>-3)&(t<0)) + (3) .* (t = 0) +(t) .* ((t>0)&(t<3))');
But I am getting an error when I use the same plot command.
plot(t, f(t), 'r','linewidth', 2);
Can anybody suggest the correct method.?

The error is because you have (t = 0) but you probably wanted (t == 0)
f = inline('(-1.5*t) .* ((t>-3)&(t<0)) + (3) .* (t == 0) +(t) .* ((t>0)&(t<3))');
now f(0) gives 3

It is easy...the mistake is
t == 0 not t= 0


"Spotting" probability density functions of distributions programmatically (Symbolic Toolbox)

I have a joint probability density f(x,y,z) and I wish to find the conditional distribution X|Y=y,Z=z, which is equivalent to treating x as data and y and z as parameters (constants).
For example, if I have X|Y=y,Z=z being the pdf of a N(1-2y,3z^2+2), the function would be:
syms x y z
f(y,z) = 1/sqrt(2*pi*(3*z^2+2)) * exp(-1/(2*(3*z^2+2)) * (x-(1-2*y))^2);
I would like to compare it to the following:
syms mu s L a b
Normal(mu,s) = (1/sqrt(2*pi*s^2)) * exp(-1/(2*s^2) * (x-mu)^2);
Exponential(L) = L * exp(-L*x);
Gamma(a,b) = (b^a / gamma(a)) * x^(a-1)*exp(-b*x);
Beta(a,b) = (1/beta(a,b)) * x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1);
How do I make a program whichDistribution that would be able to print which of these four, f is equivalent to (up to proportionality) with respect to the variable x, and what are the parameters? E.g. f and x as above, the distribution is Normal, mu=1-2*y, s=3*z^2+2.
NB: there would not always be a unique solution, since some distributions are are equivalent (e.g. Gamma(1,L)==Exponential(L))
Desired outputs
syms x y z
f = 1/sqrt(2*pi*(3*z^2+2)) * exp(-1/(2*(3*z^2+2)) * (x-(1-2*y))^2)
whichDistribution(f,x) %Conditional X|Y,Z
% Normal(1-2*y,3*z^2+2)
syms x y
f = y^(1/2)*exp(-(x^2)/2 - y/2 * (1+(4-x)^2+(6-x)^2)) % this is not a pdf because it is missing a constant of proportionality, but it should still work
whichDistribution(f,x) %Conditional X|Y
% Normal(10*y/(2*y+1), 1/(2*y+1))
whichDistribution(f,y) %Conditional Y|X
% Gamma(3/2, x^2 - 10*x + 53/2)
f = exp(-x) %also missing a constant of proportionality
% Exponential(1)
f = 1/(2*pi)*exp(-(x^2)/2 - (y^2)/2)
% Normal(0,1)
% Normal(0,1)
What I have tried so far:
Using solve():
q = solve(f(y,z) == Normal(mu,s), mu, s)
Which gives wrong results, since parameters can't depend on x:
ans =
(z1^2*(log((2^(1/2)*exp(x^2/(2*z1^2) - (x + 2*y - 1)^2/(6*z^2 + 4)))/(2*pi^(1/2)*(3*z^2 + 2)^(1/2))) + pi*k*2i))/x
>> q.s
ans =
Attempting to simplify f(y,z) up to proportionality (in x variable) using a propto() function that I wrote:
>> propto(f(y,z),x)
ans =
exp(-(x*(x + 4*y - 2))/(2*(3*z^2 + 2)))
>> propto(Normal(mu,s),x)
ans =
exp((x*(2*mu - x))/(2*s^2))
This is almost on the money, since it is easy to spot that s^2=3*z^2 + 2 and 2*mu=-(4*y - 2), but I don't know how to deduce this programmatically.
In case it is useful: propto(f,x) attempts to simplify f by dividing f by children of f which don't involve x, and then output whichever form has the least number of children. Here is the routine:
function out = propto(f,x)
oldf = f;
newf = propto2(f,x);
while (~strcmp(char(oldf),char(newf))) % if the form of f changed, do propto2 again. When propto2(f) == f, stop
oldf = newf;
newf = propto2(oldf,x);
out = newf;
function out = propto2(f,x)
t1 = children(expand(f)); % expanded f
i1 = ~has([t1{:}],x);
out1 = simplify(f/prod([t1{i1}])); % divides expanded f by terms that do not involve x
t2 = children(f); % unexpanded f
i2 = ~has([t2{:}],x);
out2 = simplify(f/prod([t2{i2}])); % divides f by terms that do not involve x
A = [f, symlength(f); out1, symlength(out1); out2, symlength(out2)];
A = sortrows(A,2); % outputs whichever form has the fewest number of children
out = A(1,1);
function L = symlength(f)
% counts the number of children of f by repeatingly applying children() to itself
t = children(f);
t = [t{:}];
L = length(t);
if (L == 1)
oldt = f;
oldt = t;
t = children(t);
t = [t{:}];
t = [t{:}];
L = length(t);
edit: added desired outputs
edit2: clarified the desired function
I have managed to solve my own problem using solve() from Symbolic Toolbox. There were two issues with my original approach: I needed to set up n simultaneous equations for n parameters, and the solve() doesn't cope well with exponentials:
solve(f(3) == g(3), f(4) == g(4), mu,s)
yields no solutions, but
logf(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(f),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
logg(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(g),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
solve(logf(3) == logg(3), logf(4) == logg(4), mu,s)
yields good solutions.
Given f(x), for each PDF g(x) we attempt to solve simultaneously
log(f(r1)) == log(g(r1)) and log(f(r2)) == log(g(r2))
for some simple non-equal numbers r1, r2. Then output g for which the solution has the lowest complexity.
The code is:
function whichDist(f,x)
syms mu s L a b x0 x1 x2 v n p g
f = propto(f,x); % simplify up to proportionality
logf(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(f),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
Normal(mu,s,x) = propto((1/sqrt(2*pi*s)) * exp(-1/(2*s) * (x-mu)^2),x);
Exponential(L,x) = exp(-L*x);
Gamma(a,b,x) = x^(a-1)*exp(-b*x);
Beta(a,b,x) = x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1);
ChiSq(v,x) = x^(v/2 - 1) * exp(-x/2);
tdist(v,x) = (1+x^2 / v)^(-(v+1)/2);
Cauchy(g,x0,x) = 1/(1+((x-x0)/g)^2);
logf = logf(x);
best_sol = {'none', inf};
r1 = randi(10); r2 = randi(10); r3 = randi(10);
while (r1 == r2 || r2 == r3 || r1 == r3) r1 = randi(10); r2 = randi(10); r3 = randi(10); end
%% check Exponential:
if (propto(logf,x) == x) % pdf ~ exp(K*x), can read off Lambda directly
soln = -logf/x;
if (~has(soln,x)) % any solution can't depend on x
fprintf('\nExponential: rate L = %s\n\n', soln);
%% check Chi-sq:
if (propto(logf + x/2, log(x)) == log(x)) % can read off v directly
soln = 2*(1+(logf + x/2) / log(x));
if (~has(soln,x))
dof = feval(symengine,'simplify',soln,'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
fprintf('\nChi-Squared: v = %s\n\n', dof);
%% check t-dist:
h1 = propto(logf,x);
h = simplify(exp(h1) - 1);
if (propto(h,x^2) == x^2) % pdf ~ exp(K*x), can read off Lambda directly
soln = simplify(x^2 / h);
if (~has(soln,x))
fprintf('\nt-dist: v = %s\n\n', soln);
h = simplify(exp(-h1) - 1); % try again if propto flipped a sign
if (propto(h,x^2) == x^2) % pdf ~ exp(K*x), can read off Lambda directly
soln = simplify(x^2 / h);
if (~has(soln,x))
fprintf('\nt-dist: v = %s\n\n', soln);
%% check Normal:
logn(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(Normal(mu,s,x)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
% A = (x - propto(logf/x, x))/2;
% B = simplify(-x/(logf/x - mu/s)/2);
% if (~has(A,x) && ~has(B,x))
% fprintf('Normal: mu = %s, s^2 = %s', A, B);
% return
% end
logf(x) = logf;
try % attempt to solve the equation
% solve simultaneously for two random non-equal integer values r1,r2
qn = solve(logf(r1) == logn(r1), logf(r2) == logn(r2), mu, s);
catch error
if (exist('qn','var')) % if solve() managed to run
if (~isempty( && ~isempty(qn.s) && ~any(has([,qn.s],x))) % if solution exists
complexity = symlength( + symlength(qn.s);
if complexity < best_sol{2} % store best solution so far
best_sol{1} = sprintf('Normal: mu = %s, s^2 = %s',, qn.s);
best_sol{2} = complexity;
%% check Cauchy:
logcau(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(Cauchy(g,x0,x)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
f(x) = f;
qcau = solve(f(r1) == Cauchy(g,x0,r1), f(r2) == Cauchy(g,x0,r2), g, x0);
catch error
if (exist('qcau','var'))
if (~isempty(qcau.g) && ~isempty(qcau.x0) && ~any(has([qcau.g(1),qcau.x0(1)],x)))
complexity = symlength(qcau.g(1)) + symlength(qcau.x0(1));
if complexity < best_sol{2}
best_sol{1} = sprintf('Cauchy: g = %s, x0 = %s', qcau.g(1), qcau.x0(1));
best_sol{2} = complexity;
f = f(x);
%% check Gamma:
logg(x) = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(Gamma(a,b,x)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
t = children(logf); t = [t{:}];
if (length(t) == 2)
if (propto(t(1),log(x)) == log(x) && propto(t(2),x) == x)
soln = [t(1)/log(x) + 1, -t(2)/x];
if (~any(has(soln,x)))
fprintf('\nGamma: shape a = %s, rate b = %s\n\n',soln);
elseif (propto(t(2),log(x)) == log(x) && propto(t(1),x) == x)
soln = [t(2)/log(x) + 1, -t(1)/x];
if (~any(has(soln,x)))
fprintf('\nGamma: shape a = %s, rate b = %s\n\n',soln);
logf(x) = logf;
try % also try using solve(), just in case.
qg = solve(logf(r1) == logg(r1), logf(r2) == logg(r2), a, b);
catch error
if (exist('qg','var'))
if (~isempty(qg.a) && ~isempty(qg.b) && ~any(has([qg.a,qg.b],x)))
complexity = symlength(qg.a) + symlength(qg.b);
if complexity < best_sol{2}
best_sol{1} = sprintf('Gamma: shape a = %s, rate b = %s', qg.a, qg.b);
best_sol{2} = complexity;
logf = logf(x);
%% check Beta:
B = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(propto(f,x-1)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
if (propto(B,log(x-1)) == log(x-1))
B = B / log(x-1) + 1;
A = f / (x-1)^(B-1);
A = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(abs(A)),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
if (propto(A,log(abs(x))) == log(abs(x)))
A = A / log(abs(x)) + 1;
if (~any(has([A,B],x)))
fprintf('\nBeta1: a = %s, b = %s\n\n', A, B);
elseif (propto(B,log(1-x)) == log(1-x))
B = B / log(1-x);
A = simplify(f / (1-x)^(B-1));
A = feval(symengine,'simplify',log(A),'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints');
if (propto(A,log(x)) == log(x))
A = A / log(x) + 1;
if (~any(has([A,B],x)))
fprintf('\nBeta1: a = %s, b = %s\n\n', A, B);
%% Print solution with lowest complexity
fprintf('\n%s\n\n', best_sol{1});
>> syms x y z
>> f = y^(1/2)*exp(-(x^2)/2 - y/2 * (1+(4-x)^2+(6-x)^2))
>> whichDist(f,x)
Normal: mu = (10*y)/(2*y + 1), s^2 = 1/(2*y + 1)
>> whichDist(f,y)
Gamma: a = 3/2, b = x^2 - 10*x + 53/2
>> Beta(a,b,x) = propto((1/beta(a,b)) * x^(a-1)*(1-x)^(b-1), x);
>> f = Beta(1/z + 7*y/(1-sqrt(z)), z/y + 1/(1-z), x)
Beta: a = -(7*y*z - z^(1/2) + 1)/(z*(z^(1/2) - 1)), b = -(y + z - z^2)/(y*(z - 1))
All correct.
Sometimes bogus answers if the parameters are numeric:
Beta: a = -(pi*log(2)*1i + pi*log(3/10)*1i - log(2)*log(3/10) + log(2)*log(7/10) - log(3/10)*log(32) + log(2)*log(1323/100000))/(log(2)*(log(3/10) - log(7/10))), b = (pi*log(2)*1i + pi*log(7/10)*1i + log(2)*log(3/10) - log(2)*log(7/10) - log(7/10)*log(32) + log(2)*log(1323/100000))/(log(2)*(log(3/10) - log(7/10)))
So there is room for improvement and I will still award bounty to a better solution than this.
Edit: Added more distributions. Improved Gamma and Beta distribution identifications by spotting them directly without needing solve().

Code Horner’s Method for Polynomial Evaluation

I am trying to code Horner’s Method for Polynomial Evaluation but for some reason its not working for me and I'm not sure where I am getting it wrong.
These are the data I have:
nodes = [-2, -1, 1]
x = 2
c (coefficients) = [-3, 3, -1]
The code I have so far is:
function y = horner(x, nodes, c)
n = length(c);
y = c(1);
for i = 2:n
y = y * ((x - nodes(i - 1)) + c(i));
I am supposed to end up with a polynomial such as (−1)·(x+2)(x+1)+3·(x+2)−3·1 and if x =2 then I am supposed to get -3. But for some reason I don't know where I am going wrong.
So I changed my code. I think it works but I am not sure:
function y = horner(x, nodes, c)
n = length(c);
y = c(n);
for k = n-1:-1:1
y = c(k) + y * (x - nodes((n - k) + 1));
This works:
function y = horner(x, nodes, c)
n = length(c);
y = 0;
for i = 1:n % We iterate over `c`
tmp = c(i);
for j = 1:i-1 % We iterate over the relevant elements of `nodes`
tmp *= x - nodes(j); % We multiply `c(i) * (x - nodes(1)) * (x -nodes(2)) * (x- nodes(3)) * ... * (x - nodes(i -1))
y += tmp; % We added each product to y
% Here `y` is as following:
% c(1) + c(2) * (x - nodes(1)) + c(3) * (x - nodes(1)) * (x - nodes(2)) + ... + c(n) * (x - nodes(1)) * ... * (x - nodes(n - 1))
(I'm sorry this isn't python but I don't know python)
In the case where we didn't have nodes, horner's method works like this:
p = c[n]
for i=n-1 .. 1
p = x*p + c[i]
for example for a quadratic (with coeffs a,b,c) this is
p = x*(x*a+b)+c
Note that if your language supports fma
fma(x,y,x) = x*y+z
then horner's method can be written
p = c[n]
for i=n-1 .. 1
p = fma( x, p, c[i])
When you do have nodes, the change is simple:
p = c[n]
for i=n-1 .. 1
p = (x-nodes[i])*p + c[i]
Or, using fma
p = c[n]
for i=n-1 .. 1
p = fma( (x-nodes[i]), p, c[i])
For the quadratic above this leads to
p = (x-nodes[1]*((x-nodes[2])*a+b)+c

How to plot a surface plot with constraints

I'm trying to plot a function subject to three constraints (see code)
Now I tried the following
function value = example(x1, x2)
if x1 < 0 || x2 < 0 || x1+2*x2 > 6
value = NaN;
value = abs(x1 - x2) + exp(-x1 - x2);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(-10:10, -10:10);
Z = example(X,Y);
surf(X, Y, Z)
Now, this raises an error since the if clause cannot be evaluated for inputs X and Y. Any idea how to make this work?
As #Cris mentioned, use logical indexing.
The basic idea is (x1 < 0 | x2 < 0 | x1+2*x2 > 6) will gives you a matrix (same size as value) of zeros and ones. The positions of ones correspond to the true condition. Try this:
function value = example(x1, x2)
value = abs(x1 - x2) + exp(-x1 - x2);
value(x1 < 0 | x2 < 0 | x1+2*x2 > 6) = NaN;

Solving a piecewise function for a given intercept in Matlab

I'm trying to solve a piecewise function, but I am getting an error. The following is the code.
syms x
y_intercept = 2;
answerr = solve(pw_f(x) == y_intercept, x);
piecewise function (in a separate file within the same folder):
function y = pw_f(x)
if x < 0
y = x;
elseif (x >=0) && (x <= 20)
y = 2*x;
elseif x > 20
y = 4*x - 40;
The error I'm getting after running the script is:
Conversion to logical from sym is not possible.
Error in pw_f (line 3)
if x < 0
Error in solve_test
answerr = fsolve(pw_f(x) == y_intercept, x);
I know that the error is because Matlab can't perform the comparison x < 0 because x is a symbolic variable, so it does not know what x is yet. I also tried using fsolve, and vpasolve but I'm still getting the same error. Do you know how to solve this in Matlab or get around this error?
Of course, this is an easy problem that I can do in my head (x = 1 is the solution) so Matlab should be able to do this!! However, I want to make this generic for any y-intercept (maybe some random number that is not such a nice whole number) that I choose. PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks :)
FYI, I am using Matlab R2013a.
In file called pw_f.m
function y = pw_f(x)
if x < 0
y = x;
elseif (x >=0) && (x <= 20)
y = 2*x;
elseif x > 20
y = 4*x - 40;
In command window
>> y_intercept = 2; % set object value
>> x0 = 0; % initial guess
>> answerr = fzero(#(x)pw_f(x) - y_intercept, x0) % solve
answerr =
>> pw_f(answerr) % test solution
ans =

Function plotting in MATLAB

I have the following function:
f(t) = 0 if t < 0
f(t) = 2*t^2 - 4*t +3 if 1 <= t < 2
f(t) = Cos(t) if 2 <= t
I am a new MATLAB user, and I do not how to plot the function on a single figure over the range 0<=t<=5.
Any ideas about What I have to do?
Write a function for your Laplace formula.
Something like this
function [ft] = func(t)
if t <= 0
ft = 0;
elseif t > 0 && t < 2
ft = 2 * t^2 - 4 * t + 3;
elseif t >= 2
ft = cos(t);
You can then plot the function with fplot, the second parameter defines the plotting range.
fplot('func', [0, 5])
thanks for your help but I could not implement any code or commands to get the answer. Instead of, I was lucky and I found an example and the MATLAB commands are as follow:
y=(0*x).*(x<1) + (2*(x.^2)-(4.*x)+3).*((1<=x) & (x<2))
+ (cos(x)).*(2<=x);
plot(x,y, '.'), grid
axis([0 5 -2 4])
title ('Plot of f(t)'), xlabel('t'), ylabel('f(t)')
If you mean limiting x axis, then after using plot use
xlim([xmin xmax])
In your case
xlim([0 5])
Use ylim for limiting y axis
Ok, I think I misunderstood you
Also I think, you've made mistake in your formulas
f(t) = 0 if 0<= t < 1
f(t) = 2*t^2 - 4*t +3 if 1 <= t < 2
f(t) = Cos(t) if 2 <= t
hold on;
x = 0:0.1:0.9; y = 0 * x; plot( x, y );
x = 1:0.1:1.9; y = 2 * x * x - 4 * x + 3; plot( x, y );
x = 2:0.1:5; y = cos( x ); plot( x, y );