Setting property in array of Matlab objects - matlab

I am working with arrays of structs and objects in Matlab. I want to set properties for all the members of a certain array as fast as possible.
For the problem of setting a certain struct field, I reached a solution that involves using arrayfun and setfield. The following works like a charm: = 0; = 'blah';
arrayStru = repmat(myStru,10,1); % Array of 10 elements. All of them have id=0
arrayStru = cell2mat( arrayfun( #(x,y)setfield(x,'id',y), arrayStru, (1:10)', 'UniformOutput', false ) ); % ids ranging from 1 to 10 :D
The problem is that, for objects, this does not work. I understand that setfield is for structures, so I have tried some other alternatives. The most excruciating error pops out when I try the following:
arrayfun( #(x,y) eval([';']), arrayOfObjects, arrayOfValues, 'UniformOutput', false );
(The class is a very simple one, which accepts empty constructor and has a real public property called 'id'). It results in:
Error using setFieldOfStructArray>#(x,y)eval([';']) (line 17)
Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an
ALTHOUGH if I put a breakpoint in that line, it seems that the expression can be executed with the expected effects.
My two (three) questions:
Why does the above solution fail? How can I get that to work?
My final goal is to set properties fast and simple in arrays of objects. Which is the best technique for this?
(Note: I can write loops, but I always feel itchy when I have to do that :P)

I think the problem may be that your propety may be readonly because setfield works also for classes.
Anyway there is some alternative, if your class inherit from hgsetget you can use set instead of setfield.
You can also use
instead of

If can use cell of values, which will be automatically interpreted as struct array
>> s = struct('a', num2cell(1:10)', 'b', 's')
s =
10x1 struct array with fields:
>> [s.a]
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> [s.b]
ans =


How to make a member public in an class object created using MATLAB Class folder?

I'm trying to reuse a package in which all classes are written using Class folder i.e all methods are files inside a folder #myclassname. I would like to read the members of the class object. In normal classdef classes, declaring a property public solves the problem. In my case, I didn't find any solutions and I don't want to rewrite the whole package.
Minimal example explaining my problem:
simple class: \MatlabPath\#mytestclass\mytestclass.m
function res =mytestclass()
Current behavior:
>> obj=mytestclass();
>> obj.a
Access to an object's fields is only permitted within its methods.
>> obj=mytestclass();
>> obj.a
ans =
Thank you
I know you don't want to rewrite the full package but if property access is important you might prefer that to the actual solution.
In the first MATLAB OOP classes, organised as you indicated (all methods in one folder), the programmer had to code their own subsref and subsasgn methods if they wanted customized access to their class properties.
I must say I did play a bit with it but quickly gave up as construction of simple classes was extremely tedious. MATLAB probably picked up on that and in later release introduced the new Classdef model. Despite still having a few quicks (due to MATLAB passing almost everything by value), this Classdef model is infinitely more convenient than the old formula.
If you want to stick with the old model, I can give you a minimalist example which will give you the desired behaviour. If you are only interested in exposing a few properties you can just replicate that a few times. If you plan to have all the properties of your package exposed, then I guarantee you that rewriting the package will be less effort than applying my solution to an extensive existing code base.
So in your folder : \MatlabPath\#mytestclass\, you now need two files:
mytestclass.m (I added a couple of different properties for example)
function res =mytestclass()
st.scalar = 1 ;
st.array = [1 2 3] ;
st.cellarray = {'1' '2' '3'} ;
and your own subsref.m:
function out = subsref(obj,S)
thisS = S(1) ;
if strcmp(thisS.type , '.')
out = obj.(thisS.subs) ;
elseif strcmp(thisS.type , '{}')
% You might have to code this case too
elseif strcmp(thisS.type , '{}')
% You might have to code this case too
% recursive call if the struct S has more than one element
if numel(S) > 1
S(1) = [] ;
out = subsref(out,S) ;
Armed with that, you can now access your properties:
>> obj.scalar
ans =
>> obj.array
ans =
1 2 3
>> obj.cellarray
ans =
'1' '2' '3'
This minimal subsref works for indexing into the arrays as well:
>> obj.array(2:end)
ans =
2 3
>> obj.cellarray(2)
ans =
And it also works for assignment:
>> obj.scalar = 125 ;
>> obj.scalar
ans =
>> obj.array(2:end) = [8 9] ;
>> obj.array
ans =
1 8 9
Keep in mind that this is a minimal example, some property type might not respond well to these simple cases, in which case you will have to add specific code to handle each particular case.
Hoki's answer gives the right solution, and allows customizing which members can be accessed. You can even design the class so you can 'index' with names that don't match any members.
But if all you want is to expose all class members, you can simplify the subsref function to:
function out = subsref(obj,S)
out = builtin('subsref',obj,S);

MATLAB: Using get in cellfun for a cell array of objects

I've been stuck with this for a while and I couldn't find something similar asked previously (or I have failed in doing so)
My situation is fairly simple: I have a cell array of objects. They are all the same object and I have a get function for this kind of object which is: get (obj, attr), where obj is the object in question and attr is a integer from 1-6. Depending on the number the get function returns the corresponding attribute.
I would like to obtain all of my "position" attributes from all my objects which are in the corresponding cell array (this would be attr = 2). I know that cellfun performs a function on all cells, but the question is, how do I use my get function here for all my objects, taking into account that the function is get (obj, attr) ?
Thanks in advance
Firstly, by using get as a custom function you are shadowing the built-in get function - this is bad practise!
With this in mind, and to avoid confusion with the built-in get function which has similar syntax, I'm going to use getattr as a stand-in for your custom function which accpets an object and an integer 1 to 6.
pos = cellfun( #(obj) getattr( obj, 2 ), myCellOfObjects, 'uni', 0 );
By specifying 'uni', 0, the output doesn't have to be scalar and will be put into a cell array. This is useful when, for example, you have a multi-element array for your position.
This is equivalent to the following loop:
pos = cell( numel(myCellOfObjects), 1 );
for ii = 1:numel(pos)
pos{ii} = getattr( myCellOfObjects{ii}, 2 );
If ever in doubt about cellfun or arrayfun, just write a loop first - they are essentially the same but more concise.
There is a trick to this some are unaware of: you can pass multiple arguments to cellfun like this:
cellfun(#(obj,attr) get(obj,attr), {obj1,obj2},{attr1,attr2},'uni',0)
if you want to get one attribute of the cellarray (instead of providing an attribute for every object in the cellarray), then you can simply use this
cellfun(#(x) getattr(x,attr),obj,'uni',0)
put into anonymous function for convenience:
get_attr = #(obj,attr) cellfun(#(x) getattr(x,attr),obj,'uni',0)
%returns cell array of object attributes
I haven't run any of these functions since you didn't provide any example data / code. Please test and feedback.

When can I pass a function handle?

I have a function for cached evaluation. As one of the arguments, it takes a function handle. Under some circumstances, the function handle is unaccessible, and I don't quite understand why. The example below shows what got me stumped:
>> A.a = #plus; feval(#A.a, 1, 1)
ans =
>> clear A
>> A.a.a = #plus; feval(#A.a.a, 1, 1)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'A.a.a' for input arguments of type 'double'.
So, if I have a function handle stored as a structure member, I can pass it along fine if it's one level deep, but not if it's two levels deep. In my real use case, I have a structure D that holds many (117) instances of various classes, so I actually have stct.obj.meth, where stct is a structure, obj is a class instance/object, and meth is a method. Passing #stct.obj.meth fails, but if I assign A = stct.obj, then passing #A.meth succeeds.
Under what conditions can I pass a function handle as an argument, so that it's still accessible down the stack?
Edit: Although in the use case above, I could simply remove the # because #plus is already a function handle. However, consider the situation here:
>> type cltest.m
classdef cltest < handle
function C = mymeth(self, a, b)
C = a + b;
>> A.a = cltest();
>> feval(#A.a.mymeth, 1, 1)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'A.a.mymeth' for input arguments of type 'double'.
>> b = A.a;
>> feval(#b.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =
In this case, I need the # before A.a.mymeth...
Introducing classes was a big deal for MATLAB. So big, in fact, that they still do not work properly today. Your example shows that structure access and class method access conflict, because they had to overload the the meaning of dot '.' and didn't get it to work seamlessly. It all more or less works fine when you are calling class methods explicitly by their name on the MATLAB console, e.g. in your example >> A.a.mymeth(1,1). But when you have any type of indirection, it soon breaks.
You tried getting the function handle by >> #A.a.mymeth, which MATLAB cannot make sense of, probably because it gets confused by the mixed structure/class thing. Trying to work around using str2func doesn't work either. It works, again, only for explicit name access, as shown here. It breaks for your example, e.g. >> str2func('b.mymeth'). It does not even work inside the class. Try other indirections and watch them fail.
Additionally, MATLAB does not like giving you a class method's handles. There's no function for it. There's no way to get all function handles in one go, or even dynamically by a name string.
I see three options here. First, try changing your program, if possible. Do these functions need to sit in a classdef?
Second, follow your or nispio's workaround. They both create a temporary variable to hold a reference to the class instance in order to create a non-mixed access to its member methods. The problem is, they both require explicitly naming the function. You have to explicitly put this code for every function involved. No way to abstract that out.
Third, cheat by giving out your class' method handles from the inside. You can give them out in a structure.
classdef cltest < handle
function C = mymeth(self, a, b)
C = a + b;
function hs = funhandles(self)
hs = struct('mymeth', #self.mymeth, ...
'mymeth2', #self.mymeth2);
You can then access the handles by name, even dynamically.
>> A.a = cltest;
>> feval(A.a.funhandles.mymeth, 1, 1);
>> feval(A.a.funhandles.('mymeth'), 1, 1)
ans =
But be careful, by using this you can access Access=private methods from outside.
Try this:
It is a little kludgy, but it should work.
The way it works is by creating an Anonymous Function that takes a variable number of arguments, and dumps those arguments into the method A.a.mymeth(). So you are not actually passing a pointer to the function A.a.mymeth, you are passing a pointer to a function that calls A.a.mymeth.
An alternative way of achieving the same thing without using varargin would be:
This creates an anonymous function that accepts two arguments, and passes them along to A.a.mymeth.
<speculation> I think that it must be inherent in the way that the unary function handle operator # works. The Matlab parser probably looks at #token and decides whether token is a valid function. In the case of a.mymeth it is smart enough to decide that mymeth is a member of a, and then return the appropriate handle. However, when it sees A.a.mymeth it may discover that A is not a class, nor does A have a member named a.mymeth and therefore no valid function is found. This seems to be supported by the fact that this works:
A.a.a = #plus; feval(A.a.a,1,1)
and this doesn't:
A.a.a = #plus; feval(#A.a.a,1,1)
You can get around it by introducing a separate function that corrects what # operator is not doing:
function h=g(f)
x = functions(f);
if ~strcmp(x.type, 'anonymous')
h = evalin('caller', ['#(varargin)' x.function '(varargin{:})']);
h = f;
Now for your example:
>> feval(g(#A.a.mymeth), 1, 1)
ans =
>> feval(g(#b.mymeth), 1, 1)
ans =
I think this will have the smallest impact on your code. You can make it a bit more elegant but less robust and/or readable. The uplus method is not defined for function_handle class so you can create uplus.m in folder #function_handle somewhere in your path with this content:
function h=uplus(f)
x = functions(f);
if ~strcmp(x.type, 'anonymous')
h = evalin('caller', ['#(varargin)' x.function '(varargin{:})']);
h = f;
Now you just need to use +# instead of #. For your examples:
>> feval(+#A.a.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =
>> feval(+#b.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =

MATLAB "bug" (or really weird behavior) with structs and empty cell arrays

I have no idea what's going on here. I'm using R2006b. Any chance someone out there with a newer version could test to see if they get the same behavior, before I file a bug report?
code: (bug1.m)
function bug1
S = struct('nothing',{},'something',{});
add_something(S, 'boing'); % does what I expect
add_something(S.something,'test'); % weird behavior
function add_something(X,str)
>> bug1
??? Input argument "str" is undefined.
Error in ==> bug1>add_something at 11
Error in ==> bug1 at 4
It looks like the emptiness/nothingness of S.something allows it to shift the arguments for a function call. This seems like Very Bad Behavior. In the short term I want to find away around it (I'm trying to make a function that adds items to an initially empty cell array that's a member of a structure).
Corollary question: so there's no way to construct a struct literal containing any empty cell arrays?
As you already discovered yourself, this isn't a bug but a "feature". In other words, it is the normal behavior of the STRUCT function. If you pass empty cell arrays as field values to STRUCT, it assumes you want an empty structure array with the given field names.
>> s=struct('a',{},'b',{})
s =
0x0 struct array with fields:
To pass an empty cell array as an actual field value, you would do the following:
>> s = struct('a',{{}},'b',{{}})
s =
a: {}
b: {}
Incidentally, any time you want to set a field value to a cell array using STRUCT requires that you encompass it in another cell array. For example, this creates a single structure element with fields that contain a cell array and a vector:
>> s = struct('strings',{{'hello','yes'}},'lengths',[5 3])
s =
strings: {'hello' 'yes'}
lengths: [5 3]
But this creates an array of two structure elements, distributing the cell array but replicating the vector:
>> s = struct('strings',{'hello','yes'},'lengths',[5 3])
s =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> s(1)
ans =
strings: 'hello'
lengths: [5 3]
>> s(2)
ans =
strings: 'yes'
lengths: [5 3]
ARGH... I think I found the answer. struct() has multiple behaviors, including:
Note If any of the values fields is
an empty cell array {}, the MATLAB
software creates an empty structure
array in which all fields are also
and apparently if you pass a member of a 0x0 structure as an argument, it's like some kind of empty phantom that doesn't really show up in the argument list. (that's still probably a bug)
function bug2(arg1, arg2)
disp(sprintf('number of arguments = %d\narg1 = ', nargin));
test case:
>> nothing = struct('something',{})
nothing =
0x0 struct array with fields:
>> bug2(nothing,'there')
number of arguments = 2
arg1 =
>> bug2(nothing.something,'there')
number of arguments = 1
arg1 =
This behaviour persists in 2008b, and is in fact not really a bug (although i wouldn't say the designers intended for it):
When you step into add_something(S,'boing') and watch the first argument (say by selecting it and pressing F9), you'd get some output relating to the empty structure S.
Step into add_something(S.something,'test') and watch the first argument, and you'd see it's in fact interpreted as 'test' !
The syntax struct.fieldname is designed to return an object of type 'comma separated list'. Functions in matlab are designed to receive an object of this exact type: the argument names are given to the values in the list, in the order they are passed. In your case, since the first argument is an empty list, the comma-separated-list the function receives starts really at the second value you pass - namely, 'test'.
Output is identical in R2008b:
>> bug1
??? Input argument "str" is undefined.
Error in ==> bug1>add_something at 11
Error in ==> bug1 at 4
add_something(S.something,'test'); % weird behavior

How can I count the number of properties in a structure in MATLAB?

I have a function that returns one or more variables, but as it changes (depending on whether the function is successful or not), the following does NOT work:
[resultA, resultB, resultC, resultD, resultE, resultF] = func(somevars);
This will sometimes return an error, varargout{2} not defined, since only the first variable resultA is actually given a value when the function fails. Instead I put all the output in one variable:
output = func(somevars);
However, the variables are defined as properties of a struct, meaning I have to access them with output.A. This is not a problem in itself, but I need to count the number of properties to determine if I got the proper result.
I tried length(output), numel(output) and size(output) to no avail, so if anyone has a clever way of doing this I would be very grateful.
There's probably a better way, but I can't think of it.
It looks like Matthews answer is the best for your problem:
nFields = numel(fieldnames(output));
There's one caveat which probably doesn't apply for your situation but may be interesting to know nonetheless: even if a structure field is empty, FIELDNAMES will still return the name of that field. For example:
>> s.a = 5;
>> s.b = [1 2 3];
>> s.c = [];
>> fieldnames(s)
ans =
If you are interested in knowing the number of fields that are not empty, you could use either STRUCTFUN:
nFields = sum(~structfun(#isempty,s));
or a combination of STRUCT2CELL and CELLFUN:
nFields = sum(~cellfun('isempty',struct2cell(s)));
Both of the above return an answer of 2, whereas:
nFields = numel(fieldnames(s));
returns 3.