Scala parallel unordered iterator - scala

I have an Iterable of "work units" that need to be performed, in no particular order, and can easily run in parallel without interfering with one another.
Unfortunately, running too many of them at a time will exceed my available RAM, so I need to make sure that only a handful is running simultaneously at any given time.
At the most basic, I want a function of this type signature:
parMap[A, B](xs: Iterator[A], f: A => B, chunkSize: Int): Iterator[B]
such that the output Iterator is not necessarily in the same order as the input (if I want to maintain knowledge of where the result came from, I can output a pair with the input or something.) The consumer can then consume the resulting iterator incrementally without eating up all of the machine's memory, while maintaining as much parallelism as is possible for this task.
Furthermore, I want the function to be as efficient as possible. An initial idea I had was for example to do something along the following lines:
where I was hoping the toSet would inform Scala's parallel collection that it could start producing elements from its iterator as soon as they were ready, in any order, and the grouped call was to limit the number of simultaneous workers. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the toSet call achieves the desired effect (the results are returned in the same order as they would have been without the par call, in my experiments,) and the grouped call is suboptimal. For example, if we have a group size of 100, and 99 of those jobs complete immediately on a dozen cores, but one of them is particularly slow, most of the remaining cores will be idle until we can move to the next group. It would be much cleaner to have an "adaptive window" that is at most as big as my chunk size, but doesn't get held up by slow workers.
I can envision writing something like this myself with a work-stealing (de)queue or something along those lines, but I imagine that a lot of the hard work of dealing with the concurrency primitives is already done for me at some level in Scala's parallel collections library. Does anyone know what parts of it I could reuse to build this piece of functionality, or have other suggestions on how to implement such an operation?

The Parallel collections framework allows you to specify the maximum number of threads to be used for a given task. Using scala-2.10, you'd want to do:
def parMap[A,B](x : Iterable[A], f : A => B, chunkSize : Int) = {
val px = x.par
px.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool(chunkSize))
px map f
This will prevent more than chunkSize operations running at any one time. This uses a work-stealing strategy underneath to keep the actors working, and so doesn't suffer from the same problem as your grouped example above.
Doing it this way won't reorder the results into first-completed order, however. For that, I'd suggest something like turning your operation into an actor and having a small actor pool running the operations and then sending results back to you as they complete.


What are Builder, Combiner, and Splitter in scala?

In the parallel programming course from EPFL, four abstractions for data parallelism are mentioned: Iterator, Builder, Combiner, and Splitter.
I am familiar with Iterator, but have never used the other three. I have seen other traits Builder, Combiner, and Splitter under scala.collection package. However, I have idea how to use them in real-world development, particularly how to use them in collaboration with other collections like List, Array, ParArray, etc. Could anyone please give me some guidance and examples?
The two traits Iterator and Builder are not specific to parallelism, however, they provide the basis for Combiner and Splitter.
You already know that an Iterator can help you with iterating over sequential collections by providing the methods hasNext and next. A Splitter is a special case of an Iterator and helps to partition a collection into multiple disjoint subsets. The idea is that after the splitting, these subsets can be processed in parallel. You can obtain a Splitter from a parallel collection by invoking .splitter on it. The two important methods of the Splitter trait are as follows:
remaining: Int: returns the number of elements of the current collection, or at least an approximation of that number. This information is important, since it is used to decide whether or not it's worth it to split the collection. If your collection contains only a small amount of elements, then you want to process these elements sequentially instead of splitting the collection into even smaller subsets.
split: Seq[Splitter[A]]: the method that actually splits the current collection. It returns the disjoint subsets (represented as Splitters), which recursively can be splitted again if it's worth it. If the subsets are small enough, they finally can be processed (e.g. filtered or mapped).
Builders are used internally to create new (sequential) collections. A Combiner is a special case of a Builder and at the same time represents the counterpart to Splitter. While a Splitter splits your collection before it is processed in parallel, a Combiner puts together the results afterwards. You can obtain a Combiner from a parallel collection (subset) by invoking .newCombiner on it. This is done via the following method:
combine(that: Combiner[A, B]): Combiner[A, B]: combines your current collection with another collection by "merging" both Combiners. The result is a new Combiner, which either represents the final result, or gets combined again with another subset (by the way: the type parameters A and B represent the element type and the type or the resulting collection).
The thing is that you don't need to implement or even use these methods directly if you don't define a new parallel collection. The idea is that people implementing new parallel collections only need to define splitters and combiners and get a whole bunch of other operations for free, because those operations are already implemented and make use of splitters and combiners.
Of course this is only a superficial description of how those things work. For further reading, I recommend reading Architecture of the Parallel Collections Library as well as Creating Custom Parallel Collections.

Converting a large sequence to a sequence with no repeats in scala really fast

So I have this large sequence, with a lot of repeats as well, and I need to convert it into a sequence with no repeats. What I have been doing so far has been converting the sequence to a set, and then back to the original sequence. Conversion to the set gets rid of the duplicates, and then I convert back into the set. However, this is very slow, as I'm given to understand that when converting to set, every pair of elements is compared, and the makes the complexity O(n^2), which is not acceptable. And since I have access to a computer with thousands of cores (through my university), I was wondering whether making things parallel would help.
Initially I thought I'd use scala Futures to parallelize the code in the following manner. Group the elements of the sequence into smaller subgroups by their hash code. That way, I have a subcollection of the original sequence, such that no element appears in two different subcollections and and every element is covered. Now I convert these smaller subcollections to sets, and back to sequences and concatenate them. This way I'm guaranteed to get a sequence with no repeats.
But I was wondering if applying the toSet method on a parallel sequence already does this. I thought I'd test this out in the scala interpreter, but I got roughly the same time for the conversion to parallel set vs the conversion to the non parallel set.
I was hoping someone could tell me whether conversion to parallel sets works this way or not. I'd be much obliged. Thanks.
EDIT: Is performing a toSet on a parallel collection faster than performing toSet on a non parallel collection?
.distinct with some of the Scala collection types is O(n) (as of Scala 2.11). It uses a hash map to record what has already been seen. With this, it linearly builds up a list:
def distinct: Repr = {
val b = newBuilder
val seen = mutable.HashSet[A]()
for (x <- this) {
if (!seen(x)) {
b += x
seen += x
(newBuilder is like a mutable list.)
Just thinking outside the box, would it be possible that you prevent the creation of these doublons instead of trying to get rid of them afterwards ?

How do you perform blocking IO in apache spark job?

What if, when I traverse RDD, I need to calculate values in dataset by calling external (blocking) service? How do you think that could be achieved?
val values: Future[RDD[Double]] = Future sequence tasks
I've tried to create a list of Futures, but as RDD id not Traversable, Future.sequence is not suitable.
I just wonder, if anyone had such a problem, and how did you solve it?
What I'm trying to achieve is to get a parallelism on a single worker node, so I can call that external service 3000 times per second.
Probably, there is another solution, more suitable for spark, like having multiple working nodes on single host.
It's interesting to know, how do you cope with such a challenge? Thanks.
Here is answer to my own question:
val buckets = sc.textFile(logFile, 100)
val tasks: RDD[Future[Object]] = buckets map { item =>
future {
// call native code
val values = tasks.mapPartitions[Object] { f: Iterator[Future[Object]] =>
val searchFuture: Future[Iterator[Object]] = Future sequence f
Await result (searchFuture, JOB_TIMEOUT)
The idea here is, that we get the collection of partitions, where each partition is sent to the specific worker and is the smallest piece of work. Each that piece of work contains data, that could be processed by calling native code and sending that data.
'values' collection contains the data, that is returned from the native code and that work is done across the cluster.
Based on your answer, that the blocking call is to compare provided input with each individual item in the RDD, I would strongly consider rewriting the comparison in java/scala so that it can be run as part of your spark process. If the comparison is a "pure" function (no side effects, depends only on its inputs), it should be straightforward to re-implement, and the decrease in complexity and increase in stability in your spark process due to not having to make remote calls will probably make it worth it.
It seems unlikely that your remote service will be able to handle 3000 calls per second, so a local in-process version would be preferable.
If that is absolutely impossible for some reason, then you might be able to create a RDD transformation which turns your data into a RDD of futures, in pseudo-code:
val callRemote(data:Data):Future[Double] = ...
val inputData:RDD[Data] = ...
val transformed:RDD[Future[Double]] =
And then carry on from there, computing on your Future[Double] objects.
If you know how much parallelism your remote process can handle, it might be best to abandon the Future mode and accept that it is a bottleneck resource.
val remoteParallelism:Int = 100 // some constant
val callRemoteBlocking(data:Data):Double = ...
val inputData:RDD[Data] = ...
val transformed:RDD[Double] = inputData.
Your job will probably take quite some time, but it shouldn't flood your remote service and die horribly.
A final option is that if the inputs are reasonably predictable and the range of outcomes is consistent and limited to some reasonable number of outputs (millions or so), you could precompute them all as a data set using your remote service and find them at spark job time using a join.

Streams vs. tail recursion for iterative processes

This is a follow-up to my previous question.
I understand that we can use streams to generate an approximation of 'pi' (and other numbers), n-th fibonacci, etc. However I doubt if streams is the right approach to do that.
The main drawback (as I see it) is memory consumption: e.g. stream will retains all fibonacci numbers for i < n while I need only fibonacci n-th. Of course, I can use drop but it makes the solution a bit more complicated. The tail recursion looks like a more suitable approach to the tasks like that.
What do you think?
If need to go fast, travel light. That means; avoid allocation of any unneccessary memory. If you need memory, use the fastast collections available. If you know how much memory you need; preallocate. Allocation is the absolute performance killer... for calculation. Your code may not look nice anymore, but it will go fast.
However, if you're working with IO (disk, network) or any user interaction then allocation pales. It's then better to shift priority from code performance to maintainability.
Use Iterator. It does not retain intermediate values.
If you want n-th fibonacci number and use a stream just as a temporary data structure (if you do not hold references to previously computed elements of stream) then your algorithm would run in constant space.
Previously computed elements of a Stream (which are not used anymore) are going to be garbage collected. And as they were allocated in the youngest generation and immediately collected, allmost all allocations might be in cache.
It seems that the current implementation of Stream is not as space-efficient as it may be, mainly because it inherits an implementation of apply method from LinearSeqOptimized trait, where it is defined as
def apply(n: Int): A = {
val rest = drop(n)
if (n < 0 || rest.isEmpty) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("" + n)
Reference to a head of a stream is hold here by this and prevents the stream from being gc'ed. So combination of drop and head methods (as in f.drop(100).head) may be better for situations where dropping intermediate results is feasible. (thanks to Sebastien Bocq for explaining this stuff on scala-user).

Is this scala parallel array code threadsafe?

I want to use parallel arrays for a task, and before I start with the coding, I'd be interested in knowing if this small snipept is threadsafe:
import collection.mutable._
var listBuffer = ListBuffer[String]("one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine")
var jSyncList = java.util.Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.ArrayList[String]())
listBuffer.par.foreach { e =>
println("processed :"+e)
// using sleep here to simulate a random delay
Thread.sleep((scala.math.random * 1000).toLong)
Are there better ways of processing something with parallel collections, and acumulating the results elsewhere?
The code you posted is perfectly safe; I'm not sure about the premise though: why do you need to accumulate the results of a parallel collection in a non-parallel one? One of the whole points of the parallel collections is that they look like other collections.
I think that parallel collections also will provide a seq method to switch to sequential ones. So you should probably use this!
For this pattern to be safe:
listBuffer.par.foreach { e => f(e) }
f has to be able to run concurrently in a safe way. I think the same rules that you need for safe multi-threading apply (access to share state needs to be thread safe, the order of the f calls for different e won't be deterministic and you may run into deadlocks as you start synchronizing your statements in f).
Additionally I'm not clear what guarantees the parallel collections gives you about the underlying collection being modified while being processed, so a mutable list buffer which can have elements added/removed is possibly a poor choice. You never know when the next coder will call something like foo(listBuffer) before your foreach and pass that reference to another thread which may mutate the list while it's being processed.
Other than that, I think for any f that will take a long time, can be called concurrently and where e can be processed out of order, this is a fine pattern.
immutCol.par.foreach { e => threadSafeOutOfOrderProcessingOf(e) }
disclaimer: I have not tried // colls myself, but I'm looking forward at having SO questions/answers show us what works well.
The synchronisedList should be safe, though the println may give unexpected results - you have no guarantees of the order that items will be printed, or even that your printlns won't be interleaved mid-character.
A synchronised list is also unlikely to be the fastest way you can do this, a safer solution is to map over an immutable collection (Vector is probably your best bet here), then print all the lines (in order) afterwards:
val input = Vector("one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine")
val output = { e =>
val msg = "processed :" + e
// using sleep here to simulate a random delay
Thread.sleep((math.random * 1000).toLong)
println(output mkString "\n")
You'll also note that this code has about as much practical usefulness as your example :)
This code is plain weird -- why add stuff in parallel to something that needs to be synchronized? You'll add contention and gain absolutely nothing in return.
The principle of the thing -- accumulating results from parallel processing, are better achieved with stuff like fold, reduce or aggregate.
The code you've posted is safe - there will be no errors due to inconsistent state of your array list, because access to it is synchronized.
However, parallel collections process items concurrently (at the same time), AND out-of-order. The out-of-order means that the 54. element may be processed before the 2. element - your synchronized array list will contain items in non-predefined order.
In general it's better to use map, filter and other functional combinators to transform a collection into another collection - these will ensure that the ordering guarantees are preserved if a collection has some (like Seqs do). For example:
ParArray(1, 2, 3, 4).map(_ + 1)
always returns ParArray(2, 3, 4, 5).
However, if you need a specific thread-safe collection type such as a ConcurrentSkipListMap or a synchronized collection to be passed to some method in some API, modifying it from a parallel foreach is safe.
Finally, a note - parallel collection provide parallel bulk operations on data. Mutable parallel collections are not thread-safe in the sense that you can add elements to them from different threads. Mutable operations like insertion to a map or appending a buffer still have to be synchronized.