What if, when I traverse RDD, I need to calculate values in dataset by calling external (blocking) service? How do you think that could be achieved?
val values: Future[RDD[Double]] = Future sequence tasks
I've tried to create a list of Futures, but as RDD id not Traversable, Future.sequence is not suitable.
I just wonder, if anyone had such a problem, and how did you solve it?
What I'm trying to achieve is to get a parallelism on a single worker node, so I can call that external service 3000 times per second.
Probably, there is another solution, more suitable for spark, like having multiple working nodes on single host.
It's interesting to know, how do you cope with such a challenge? Thanks.
Here is answer to my own question:
val buckets = sc.textFile(logFile, 100)
val tasks: RDD[Future[Object]] = buckets map { item =>
future {
// call native code
val values = tasks.mapPartitions[Object] { f: Iterator[Future[Object]] =>
val searchFuture: Future[Iterator[Object]] = Future sequence f
Await result (searchFuture, JOB_TIMEOUT)
The idea here is, that we get the collection of partitions, where each partition is sent to the specific worker and is the smallest piece of work. Each that piece of work contains data, that could be processed by calling native code and sending that data.
'values' collection contains the data, that is returned from the native code and that work is done across the cluster.
Based on your answer, that the blocking call is to compare provided input with each individual item in the RDD, I would strongly consider rewriting the comparison in java/scala so that it can be run as part of your spark process. If the comparison is a "pure" function (no side effects, depends only on its inputs), it should be straightforward to re-implement, and the decrease in complexity and increase in stability in your spark process due to not having to make remote calls will probably make it worth it.
It seems unlikely that your remote service will be able to handle 3000 calls per second, so a local in-process version would be preferable.
If that is absolutely impossible for some reason, then you might be able to create a RDD transformation which turns your data into a RDD of futures, in pseudo-code:
val callRemote(data:Data):Future[Double] = ...
val inputData:RDD[Data] = ...
val transformed:RDD[Future[Double]] = inputData.map(callRemote)
And then carry on from there, computing on your Future[Double] objects.
If you know how much parallelism your remote process can handle, it might be best to abandon the Future mode and accept that it is a bottleneck resource.
val remoteParallelism:Int = 100 // some constant
val callRemoteBlocking(data:Data):Double = ...
val inputData:RDD[Data] = ...
val transformed:RDD[Double] = inputData.
Your job will probably take quite some time, but it shouldn't flood your remote service and die horribly.
A final option is that if the inputs are reasonably predictable and the range of outcomes is consistent and limited to some reasonable number of outputs (millions or so), you could precompute them all as a data set using your remote service and find them at spark job time using a join.
I am using spark 2.4.1 version and java 8.
I have scenario like:
Will be provided a list of classifiers from a property file to process.
These classifiers determines the data what to pull and process.
Something like the below:
val classifiers = Seq("classifierOne","classifierTwo","classifierThree");
for( classifier : classifiers ){
// read from CassandraDB table
val acutalData = spark.read(.....).where(<classifier conditition>)
// the data varies depend on the classifier passed in
// this data has many fields along with fieldOne, fieldTwo and fieldThree
Depend on the classifier I need to filter the data.
Currently I am doing it as below:
if(classifier.===("classifierOne")) {
val classifierOneDs = acutalData.filter(col("classifierOne").notEqual(lit("")).or(col("classifierOne").isNotNull()));
} else if(classifier.===("classifierTwo")) {
val classifierTwoDs = acutalData.filter(col("classifierTwo").notEqual(lit("")).or(col("classifierTwo").isNotNull()));
} else (classifier.===("classifierThree")) {
val classifierThreeDs = acutalData.filter(col("classifierThree").notEqual(lit("")).or(col("classifierThree").isNotNull()));
Is there any way to avoid the if-else block here?
Any other way to do/achieve the same in spark distrubated way?
Your question seems more about how to structure your application than Spark itself. There are two parts really.
Is there any way to avoid the if-else block here?
"Avoid"? In what sense? Spark can't magically "discover" your way of doing distributed processing. You should help Spark a bit.
For this case I'd propose a lookup table with all possible filter conditions and their names to look up by, e.g.
val classifiers = Map(
"classifierOne" -> col("classifierOne").notEqual(lit("")).or(col("classifierOne").isNotNull()),
"classifierTwo" -> ...,
"classifierThree" -> ...)
In order to use it you simply iterate over all the classifiers (or look up as many as needed), e.g.
val queries = classifiers.map { case (name, cond) =>
queries is a collection of DataFrames to be writeToParquet and it's up to you how to make the queries executed in parallel (Spark will take care of doing it in distributed way). Use Scala Futures or another parallel API.
I think the following could make it just fine:
With queries.par.foreach you essentially execute all writeToParquet in parallel. Since writeToParquet executes a DataFrame action to writing in parquet format that follows all the rules of Spark for any other action. It will run a Spark job (perhaps even more than one) and the job is executed in distributed fashion using Spark machinery.
Think of queries.par as a way to execute the queries one by one without waiting for earlier queries to finish to start a new one. You are strongly recommended to configure FAIR scheduling mode:
Inside a given Spark application (SparkContext instance), multiple parallel jobs can run simultaneously if they were submitted from separate threads.
Under fair sharing, Spark assigns tasks between jobs in a “round robin” fashion, so that all jobs get a roughly equal share of cluster resources.
So, you need to select, what column to check, based on classifier name, that will be passed as a list?
val classifiers = Seq("classifierOne","classifierTwo","classifierThree");
for(classifier : classifiers) {
val acutalData = spark.read(.....).where(<classifier conditition>)
val classifierDs = acutalData.filter(col(classifier).notEqual(lit("")).or(col(classifier).isNotNull()));
As you're iterating through list, you would be going through all the classifiers anyway.
If column name can be different from actual classifier name, you can make it List[Classifier], where Classifier is something like
case class Classifier(colName: String, classifierName: String)
I'm trying to perform a isin filter as optimized as possible. Is there a way to broadcast collList using Scala API?
Edit: I'm not looking for an alternative, I know them, but I need isin so my RelationProviders will pushdown the values.
val collList = collectedDf.map(_.getAs[String]("col1")).sortWith(_ < _)
//collList.size == 200.000
val retTable = df.filter(col("col1").isin(collList: _*))
The list i'm passing to the "isin" method has upto ~200.000 unique elements.
I know this doesn't look like the best option and a join sounds better, but I need those elements pushed down into the filters, makes a huge difference when reading (my storage is Kudu, but it also applies to HDFS+Parquet, base data is too big and queries work on around 1% of that data), I already measured everything, and it saved me around 30minutes execution time :). Plus my method already takes care if the isin is larger than 200.000.
My problem is, I'm getting some Spark "task are too big" (~8mb per task) warnings, everything works fine so not a big deal, but I'm looking to remove them and also optimize.
I've tried with, which does nothing as I still get the warning (since the broadcasted var gets resolved in Scala and passed to vargargs I guess):
val collList = collectedDf.map(_.getAs[String]("col1")).sortWith(_ < _)
val retTable = df.filter(col("col1").isin(sc.broadcast(collList).value: _*))
And this one which doesn't compile:
val collList = collectedDf.map(_.getAs[String]("col1")).sortWith(_ < _)
val retTable = df.filter(col("col1").isin(sc.broadcast(collList: _*).value))
And this one which doesn't work (task too big still appears)
val broadcastedList=df.sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(collList.map(lit(_).expr))
val filterBroadcasted=In(col("col1").expr, collList.value)
val retTable = df.filter(new Column(filterBroadcasted))
Any ideas on how to broadcast this variable? (hacks allowed). Any alternative to the isin which allows filter pushdown is also valid I've seen some people doing it on PySpark, but the API is not the same.
PS: Changes on the storage are not possible, I know partitioning (already partitioned, but not by that field) and such could help, but user inputs are totally random and the data is accessed and changed my many clients.
I'd opt for dataframe broad cast hash join in this case instead of broadcast variable.
Prepare a dataframe with your collectedDf("col1") collection list you want to filter with isin and then
use join between 2 dataframes to filter the rows matching.
I think it would be more efficient than isin since you have 200k entries to be filtered. spark.sql.autobroadcastjointhreshhold is the property you need to set with appropriate size(by default 10mb). AFAIK you can use till 200mb or 3oomb based on your requirements.
see this BHJ Explanation of how it works
Further reading Spark efficiently filtering entries from big dataframe that exist in a small dataframe
I'll just leave with big tasks since I only use it twice (but saves a lot of time) in my program and I can afford it, but if someone else needs it badly... well this seems to be the path.
Best alternatives I found to have big-arrays pushdown:
Change your relation provider so it broadcasts big-lists when pushing down In filters, this will probably leave some broadcasted trash, but well..., as long as your app is not streaming, it shouldn't be a problem, or you can save in a global list and clean those after a while
Add a filter in Spark (I wrote something at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-31417 ) which allows broadcasted pushdown all the way to your relation provider. You would have to add your custom predicate, then implement your custom "Pushdown" (you can do this by adding a new rule) and then rewrite your RDD/Relation provider so it can exploit the fact the variable is broadcasted.
Use coalesce(X) after reading to decrease number of tasks, can work sometimes, depends on how the RelationProvider/RDD is implemented.
To reduce shuffling during the joining of two RDDs, I decided to partition them using HashPartitioner first. Here is how I do it. Am I doing it correctly, or is there a better way to do this?
val rddA = ...
val rddB = ...
val numOfPartitions = rddA.getNumPartitions
val rddApartitioned = rddA.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(numOfPartitions))
val rddBpartitioned = rddB.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(numOfPartitions))
val rddAB = rddApartitioned.join(rddBpartitioned)
To reduce shuffling during the joining of two RDDs,
It is surprisingly common misconception that repartitoning reduces or even eliminates shuffles. It doesn't. Repartitioning is shuffle in its purest form. It doesn't save time, bandwidth or memory.
The rationale behind using proactive partitioner is different - it allows you to shuffle once, and reuse the state, to perform multiple by-key operations, without additional shuffles (though as far as I am aware, not necessarily without additional network traffic, as co-partitioning doesn't imply co-location, excluding cases where shuffles occurred in a single actions).
So your code is correct, but in a case where you join once it doesn't buy you anything.
Just one comment, better to append .persist() after .partitionBy if there are multiple actions for rddApartitioned and rddBpartitioned, otherwise, all the actions will evaluate the entire lineage of rddApartitioned and rddBpartitioned, which will cause the hash-partitioning takes place again and again.
val rddApartitioned = rddA.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(numOfPartitions)).persist()
val rddBpartitioned = rddB.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(numOfPartitions)).persist()
I have a onequestion, during make spark app.
In Spark API, What is the difference between makeRDD functions and parallelize function?
There is no difference whatsoever. To quote makeRDD doctring:
This method is identical to parallelize.
and if you take a look at the implementation it simply calls parallelize:
def makeRDD[T: ClassTag](
seq: Seq[T],
numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism): RDD[T] = withScope {
parallelize(seq, numSlices)
At the end of the day it is a matter of taste. One thing to consider is that makeRDD seems to be specific to Scala API. PySpark and internal SparkR API provide only parallelize.
Note: There is a second implementation of makeRDD which allows you to set location preferences, but given a different signature it is not interchangeable with parallelize.
As noted by #zero323, makeRDD has 2 implementations. One is identical to parallelize. The other is a very useful way to inject data locality into your Spark application even if you are not using HDFS.
For example, it provides data locality when your data is already distributed on disk across your Spark cluster according to some business logic. Assume your goal is to create an RDD that will load data from disk and transform it with a function, and you would like to do so while running local to the data as much as possible.
To do this, you can use makeRDD to create an empty RDD with different location preferences assigned to each of your RDD partitions. Each partition can be responsible for loading your data. As long as you fill the partitions with the path to your partition-local data, then execution of subsequent transformations will be node-local.
Seq<Tuple2<Integer, Seq<String>>> rddElemSeq =
RDD<Integer> rdd = sparkContext.makeRDD(rddElemSeq, ct);
JavaRDD<Integer> javaRDD = JavaRDD.fromRDD(rdd, ct);
JavaRDD<List<String>> keyRdd = javaRDD.map(myFunction);
JavaRDD<myData> myDataRdd = keyRdd.map(loadMyData);
In this snippet, rddElemSeq contains the location preferences for each partition (an IP address). Each partition also has an Integer which acts like a key. My function myFunction consumes that key and can be used to generate a list of paths to my data local to that partition. Then that data can be loaded in the next line.
I have an Iterable of "work units" that need to be performed, in no particular order, and can easily run in parallel without interfering with one another.
Unfortunately, running too many of them at a time will exceed my available RAM, so I need to make sure that only a handful is running simultaneously at any given time.
At the most basic, I want a function of this type signature:
parMap[A, B](xs: Iterator[A], f: A => B, chunkSize: Int): Iterator[B]
such that the output Iterator is not necessarily in the same order as the input (if I want to maintain knowledge of where the result came from, I can output a pair with the input or something.) The consumer can then consume the resulting iterator incrementally without eating up all of the machine's memory, while maintaining as much parallelism as is possible for this task.
Furthermore, I want the function to be as efficient as possible. An initial idea I had was for example to do something along the following lines:
where I was hoping the toSet would inform Scala's parallel collection that it could start producing elements from its iterator as soon as they were ready, in any order, and the grouped call was to limit the number of simultaneous workers. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the toSet call achieves the desired effect (the results are returned in the same order as they would have been without the par call, in my experiments,) and the grouped call is suboptimal. For example, if we have a group size of 100, and 99 of those jobs complete immediately on a dozen cores, but one of them is particularly slow, most of the remaining cores will be idle until we can move to the next group. It would be much cleaner to have an "adaptive window" that is at most as big as my chunk size, but doesn't get held up by slow workers.
I can envision writing something like this myself with a work-stealing (de)queue or something along those lines, but I imagine that a lot of the hard work of dealing with the concurrency primitives is already done for me at some level in Scala's parallel collections library. Does anyone know what parts of it I could reuse to build this piece of functionality, or have other suggestions on how to implement such an operation?
The Parallel collections framework allows you to specify the maximum number of threads to be used for a given task. Using scala-2.10, you'd want to do:
def parMap[A,B](x : Iterable[A], f : A => B, chunkSize : Int) = {
val px = x.par
px.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool(chunkSize))
px map f
This will prevent more than chunkSize operations running at any one time. This uses a work-stealing strategy underneath to keep the actors working, and so doesn't suffer from the same problem as your grouped example above.
Doing it this way won't reorder the results into first-completed order, however. For that, I'd suggest something like turning your operation into an actor and having a small actor pool running the operations and then sending results back to you as they complete.