Deploying QtQuick 2.0 Application with SVG Plugin - plugins

My application is built with Qt 5.0.1 and QtQuick 2.0. It runs just fine in Qt Creator, but I'm having trouble getting it to deploy properly. I copied the executable (Release version) into a directory on my desktop called "Project Deployment" and added a bunch of DLL's (release versions, not debug), my QML files, and the SVG images.
Everything works fine except the SVG images, which don't show up at all. I converted one of them to a GIF, and it displayed perfectly. So clearly, I'm not setting up the QT SVG plugins properly.
I've got this in main(), right after QApplication app is defined:
QStringList libPaths = QCoreApplication::libraryPaths();
libPaths.append(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/plugins");
In the Project Deployment/plugins folder, I've placed iconengines/qsvgicon.dll and imageformats/qsvg.dll. In the Project Deployment folder, I have the Qt5Xml.dll (because I read somewhere that because SVG is in XML format, it uses that dll).
I am completely out of ideas (and internet resources). Can anyone help?

If you run the SVG plugin (QSvg.dll) through Dependency Walker, you find that it relies on Qt5Svg.dll.

It needs to be placed in the imageformats folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\AppFolder\imageformats\qsvg.dll
More info here:


Flutter - Bundle assets with web plugin

I'm adding web support to a Flutter plugin which doesn't follow the federated style. I have followed this link and created a new project for the web plugin.
I need to bundle some JavaScript files with my plugin. I tried placing them on the lib/ folder and referencing them from the generated HTML (using dart:html) as packages/my_plugin/jsfile.js.
This works perfectly fine on debug builds, but it doesn't on release builds.
What I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.

Deployable JAR file from JB Plugin Repo does not contain my files, but the plugin runs correctly locally

I am working on a simple plugin, and have already deployed to the Plugin Repository once before (successfully).
Since my last successful deployment, I found that I had a lot of issues with the IDE. After completely upgrading, and modifying my plugin's directory structure, I have been able to get the plugin to Run again.
tl;dr - I have an updated plugin in the JetBrain's Plugin Repository that does not work as intended, and I cannot update it correctly!
When I run the plugin, a second instance of the IDE comes up with my plugin working correctly. I edit my code and run the plugin again - the plugin runs smoothly and the updates are applied!!
With all of this, I decided to deploy my updated plugin to the Repository again. Once that was done, I decided to download the plugin and try it out myself; just to make sure things worked.
The issue is that nothing can be found in the plugin file!! Just the updated plugin.xml file and file. The total size of the archive file is around 500bytes. I know a correct archive would have more files in it, and in my case, the file size should be around 6kb (based on my first successful archive file).
So how can my local IDE instance find the files correctly, but the deployment feature cannot? How does the deployment feature actually work? I get the feeling I have the structure wrong, eventhough the new IDE instance works perfectly
JetBrain's Plugin Repository
When you install the plugin, the version is shown as v1.1; however, that is not true, in reality. One of the easiest features to determine the actual version of the plugin is the Folded Text foreground color.
v1.0 - RED
v1.1 - YELLOW
Preparing Plugin Module for Deployment + resulting plugin.jar file
Contents of plugin.jar
It seems possible that because of the restructuring an old ChroMATERIAL.xml file was left somewhere in the build output. Somehow this could end up in the plugin jar. An invocation of Build > Rebuild Project should fix this problem.
There could also be problems in the project or module configuration, but the project files are not included in the GitHub repository, so that cannot be checked.

JavaFX FXML 2.2 - Deploy Application with bitmaps

I have searched a lot and tried several ways to do this, but am stumped. I am writing a desktop app (though I suppose it could also run in a browser) that allows an Android programmer to edit all of their dimens.xml files at once. I have created my own images to use in ImageViews as buttons. I am using different methods to access these images:
Some are referenced in the FXML file, like <Image url="#Icons/ic_launcher.png" />. The path is "src/Icons/". The path of the FXML file is "src/application/xxx,fxml".
Some are referenced in the css file, like "-fx-image:url("QuestionMark.png");". The css file and png file are in the same directory "src/MessageBox/"
Some are changed dynamically at runtime:
ImageView mButtonIcon = new ImageView("/insert_item_above.png");
The path of the image: src/
The path of the class: src/ContextMenuButton/
The above only works in Netbeans 7.4. None work when I run the app in Eclipse.
If I go to the dist/ directory and run it from any of the 3 methods, I see my images.
If I move the dist/ folder somewhere else, the only way I can get it to work is if I copy the src/ folder to the same directory and delete everything but the png and css files. So, I end up with:
+ F:/AndroidDimens
+ dist
+ src
+ Icons
+ MessageBox
So, the jar file has modified all of the paths to be relative to the src/ folder. My goal is to make the paths relative to where the jar file is. I tried to place the images where I would not need project related paths. But it must have made the paths something like "../src/MessageBox/QuestionMark.png" in the jar (relative to the project's dist/ folder).
Is there any way to fix this? Ideally, I would like all images to be in one directory. Then I could zip that directory, and someone else could just unzip it and run the app.
Thanks to #jewelsea (in chat), I found that the problem was due to having an older version of JDK 7u13 installed with the latest one needed for JavaFX 2.2. Deleting the old version, and updating global variables that referenced it, solved the problem. No changes were needed to the default project settings.
Packaging Advice
Package all of your application's runtime class files and resources (fxml, css, png, etc) in the application jar file using the JavaFX packaging tools.
Using the JavaFX packaging tools is what NetBeans 7.4 does automatically during it's build process for JavaFX application projects.
Eclipse and other build environments will not use the JavaFX packaging tools automatically. I believe, if you use Eclipse with the recommended e(fx)clipse extension toolset for JavaFX development, then that toolset will, through its UI, provide you with the ability to use the JavaFX packaging tools to package your application.
There are 3rd party packaging alternatives for JavaFX such as the JavaFX Maven Plugin or the JavaFX Gradle Plugin which will also package your application correctly.
Whatever packaging tool you choose, test the packaging process by unzipping the files from your resultant jar and checking that all of the resource files (fxml, css, png, properties etc) are where you expect them to be in the jar's internal directory structure. This unzipping process is just a developer sanity check, you don't need to ask your end users do perform such an extraction.
Your end users can run your application as either an installed native application (JavaFX term self-contained application) or as a click to execute jar file (JavaFX term standalone program) and all of your application's resources will automatically be available from the packaged application, with no additional work required by the user.
Resource Access Advice
I advise not referring to a src path in your code (as you won't have a src path inside your distribution jar), css or fxml files, but instead refer to those paths relative to the root of the distribution jar or your JavaFX application class. For example, to load a scene style sheet in a JavaFX Application subclass, use a form as recommended by the JavaFX deployment guide - 3.3.4 Loading Resources:

Compile Adobe Flash Builder project with Flex SDK command line

I have inherited a Flash Builder 4.6 project, but cannot get the Eclipse FB to compile the project, and now my 60 days has lapsed.
I got fed up with being sent in circles by Eclipse/Fb and now I want to try and sanitise/understand the process by building manually using Flex SDK 4.6.
Trouble, is I do not know where to start. There is the MXMLC.exe and CompC.exe, there are projects within the workspace with inter-depedencies.
Simple example using ANt exists where the chap is only compiling from a single source file.
In my workspace I have a main project folder with sub-folders like src containing .as, .mxml, .png files and sub0fodlers like "assets". At the src root folder there is the main mxml which maps to the final compiled exe.
The project also has a "libs", "bin" "bin-release" folder.
The referenced projects are similar.
One of the referenced projects is "flerry".
I want a single Windows Perl/BAT scipts that will compile this for me.
Any ideas on where to look?
mxmlc.exe is used to compile the application, compc.exe is used to compile libraries. If you have code library dependencies, you'll first need to compile these and then compile your application.
The documentation on compiling is pretty good and can be found here:
I would suggest you give this a go and post specific questions if you run into issues.

Difference between adding library and .jar file in NetBeans?

I have a .jar file of LWUIT, and it's also in there in the NetBeans library.
When I add it as a .jar file my programs run good and when I add it as a library my output is not shown correctly. What's wrong with this?
When added as a library, LWUIT is only available for your application to compile against. I assume LWUIT is not already installed on whatever J2ME-enabled device/emulator you want to run your application.
When added to your application JAR file, LWUIT is also available for your application to run against. Your application JAR file is presumably significantly larger then.