Possible to change settings for CTRL + SHIFT + F in Eclipse? - eclipse

When I use the combinations of CTRL + SHIFT + F to format the code in Eclipse, I don't like when it brakes the lines like this:
Toast.makeText(Activity_1.this, String.valueOf(numbersOfRows),
If I want to put comment signs like // in the beginning of the line, then I have to do the same on the second line otherwise I get an error!
Is there a way to prevent braking rows like that?

You can configure your formatter options in "windows/Preferences/Java/Code Style/Formatter". Click on edit your profile. Here you have "line wrapping" options.

Set "Line width for preview window" option and "maximum line width" option in Preferences/Java/Code Style/Formatter.
Before that you should create a new profile name instead of default profile name


How to edit all lines in Visual Studio Code

I have a list of data to which I need to put a ' symbol at the start of the line and at the end of the line. So the original data looks like this:
And I want all of the lines to look like this:
In my real data, I would have 10,000 of lines. So if I can do something like Ctrl+Shift+A to select the entire document and then have some magic shortcut to change from selecting all lines to editing all lines that would be perfect!
You could edit and replace with a regex:
Find (Ctrl+F):
This regex finds any content on a line and wraps it inside quotes. The $1 refers to whatever is matched inside the parentheses in the regex. In this case, it's "one or more characters" i.e. everything on the line. Be sure to tick the regex icon.
If every line may or may not have a space before the content, and you want every line to have a space, try this:
^ ?(.+)$
Replace (notice the space before the first quote):
Here is an easy way to do this:
Ctrl+A to select all or select your desired text.
Shift+Alt+I to put a cursor at the end of each line.
Type your ' (or whatever you want at the end).
Home will move all your cursors to the beginning of the lines.
Type your ' (or whatever you want at the beginning of all the lines).
You can use the Alt + Shift shortcut.
First press Alt + Shift then click the mouse button on the first line.
Go to the last line, and then do the same.
This will mark all the parts of one side. Whatever you type will be reflected in the marked spaces.
Do the same on the other side too.
Use Toggle Multi curosr Modified from action pane.
Select the cursor points with ctrl + <Mouse click> , you can modify everything simultaneously.
This will require lots of manual efforts if lines are more
You can use Find and Replace.
Besides, paste to Excel and using a function to add character '.
The first thing that came to my mind - replace abcde with 'abcde' line by using option Find and Replace option. I'm pretty sure Visual Studio Code has something similar to that.
You can use the Shift +Alt shortcut for windows and for Mac use Shift + Option
First press Alt + Shift/Shift + Option then click the mouse button on the first line.
This will mark all the parts of one side. Whatever you type will be reflected in the marked spaces.
Place Cursor where you want to insert/delete text.
Goto Selection Menu and choose Column Selection Mode
Scroll to the bottom of the data and shift + click in the last line where you placed the first cursor.
Perform action (add/delete whatevs)
Repeat for whatever other areas you want to change.
v: 1.74.3
1- You can use the Ctrl + H shortcut (menu Edit → Replace)
Enter abcde in Find Control.
Enter 'abcde' in Replace Control.
Then press Ctrl + Alt + Enter.

What is the property name to break long lines in VS Code?

When I have long text line I would like to show it next line.
What is the property name in VS Code?
The menu under File > Preferences or press Ctrl+, (on Mac Code > Preferences > Settings or press Command (or Cmd) ⌘+,) provides entries to configure user and workspace settings. You are provided with a list of default Settings.
Set editor.wordWrap: on in your User Settings or Workspace Settings under preference.
Select the below options to change to the desired settings.
Off - Lines will never wrap.
on - Lines will wrap at the viewport width.
wordWrapColumn - Lines will wrap at "Editor: Word Wrap Column".
bounded - Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and "Editor: Word Wrap Column".
You can toggle word wrap for the VS Code session with Alt+Z (macOS: Option (or Alt) ⌥+Z) or select View > Word Wrap from Menu.
For more about User and Workspace Settings or Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code
On Windows, press Alt + Z (macOS: Option ⌥ + Z) to toggle word wrapping, or, select View > Toggle Word Wrap from VSCode Menu.
For Windows, Pressing Alt+Z will break the line.
For Windows users do the following in -->
Open VScode
Go to Settings(Gear icon on the bottom-left side)
Click Settings in the menu
In the searching bar search for "word wrap"
Click the drop-down menu and change it to "on"
This setting will wrap your words according to your editor: viewport.
In case this auto wrapping isn't working you can press --> Alt + z to wrap content
In VS Code:
Install Beautify plugin. (or any Formatter)
Go to the file & select the desired part.
Right-Click on it & select Format Selection Or press Ctrl + k Ctrl + F.
Hope this helps.
HTML > Format: Wrap Line Length
set the maximum number of characters (for example - 1000)
You can press Ctrl + W / Ctrl + L to toggle word wrapping or select Main menu "Edit>Advanced>Word Wrap" .

Eclipse - How to format selected code from multiple lines to a single line?

In Eclipse, if I select some code which is split on more than one line and I want to format it on one line only, how can I do that?
I want to know if it's possible to configure the js formatter inside eclipse so to be able to use just SHIFT + CMD + F.
Code split on several lines:
'padding': 0,
'margin-left': 30,
'width': 728,
'height': 400,
'maxWidth': 728,
'maxHeight': 400
and how I would like to achieve, split on a single line.
$('a#pop1').fancybox({'padding': 0,'margin-left': 30,'width': 728,'height': 400,'maxWidth': 728,'maxHeight': 400});
You need to do couple of thing to prevent code formatting.
Follow below step :
Right click on project and open properties.
Go to Preferences > JavaScript > Code Style > Formatter
Check Enable Project Specific settings.
Click on Edit button. Change Profile Name on top of dialog.
Go to New Line tab. Un-Checked option under Object initializers section.
Now go to Line Wrapping tab. increase Maximum line width parameter value.
Click on Ok than Applly than Ok.
This will now prevent your JavaScript code to format like above.
After that select your code and press Ctrl + Shift + f key combination to format your code.
Maybe this link can be helpful for you: Using the code formatter - Eclipse
Or this one, maybe, that has got some instructions: Formatting Your Code Using the Eclipse Code Formatter
try this -
Preferences > JavaScript > Code Style > Formatter
These are the steps:
Create a new profile (since you cannot edit the builted-in one), if you haven't already, and click Edit....
Open the Line Wrapping tab.
in it edit settings for your function
Click Apply, and Ok.

How to auto-format code in Eclipse?

How do you auto-format code in Eclipse?
On Windows and Linux : Ctrl + Shift + F
On Mac : ⌘ + ⇧ + F
(Alternatively you can press Format in Main Menu > Source)
Another option is to go to Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->SaveActions and check the Format source code option. Then your source code will be formatted truly automatically each time you save it.
CTRL + SHIFT + F will auto format your code (whether it is highlighted or non highlighted).
This can also be done at the Project Level:
In the Package Explorer, right-click on the project > Properties > Java Editor > Save Actions
This might be preferable when working as a team so that everyone's code is saved with the same format settings.
Notice: It did not format the document unless I corrected all mistakes. Check your file before pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F.
Press: Ctrl + A or highlight the part of the code you wish to indent
and then press Ctrl + I.
Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> save actions -> Format source code -> Format Edited lines (or) format all lines.
Some time when you work as a team, lead don't want you to format all lines of the code in a source file (Huge track changes will be there on commit). So, select 'Format Edited lines'. This will edit and format only the lines you modified.
You can do with the steps below
press Ctr + A (windows) or cmd + A (Mac os)
Ctr + I in windows or cmd + I in Mac os
It will auto format your code
The secret is simple: Ctrl+Shift+F
Update your IDE with the latest PDT version for better code formatting.
On the main menu click Help -> Install New Software and then add the following URL in the Work with field:
When asked for the name, give it PDT4.0.1 and then move along with the update or install.
It will see if the appropriate PDT is already installed or if it is a lower version, which then would be updated.
After restarting or applying the changes go to Windows -> Preferences
on the side bar and expand PHP -> Code Style. Here you will see an item named Formatter. Select it and choose the active profile for the code formating. Thats it.
The next time you format it, it will choose a format according to the chosen active profile.
Hope it helps.
Also note that you can also "protect" a block from being formatted with #formatter:off and #formatter:on, avoiding a reformat on a comment for example, like in:
// Master dataframe
Dataset<Row> countyStateDf = df
split(df.col("label"), ", "));
// I could split the column in one operation if I wanted:
// #formatter:off
// Dataset<Row> countyState0Df = df
// .withColumn(
// "state",
// split(df.col("label"), ", ").getItem(1))
// .withColumn(
// "county",
// split(df.col("label"), ", ").getItem(0));
// #formatter:on
countyStateDf.sample(.01).show(5, false);
You can do this with
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + Shift + F
right-click on the project > Properties > Java Editor > Save Actions

Eclipse navigate to next/previous marked occurrence

Eclipse has the Mark Occurrences feature where it highlights all occurrences of a selected variable/method. Is there a way to navigate to next or previous marked occurrence?
To skip between highlighted occurrences only, try the following:
Above the editor Window, select the down arrow next to the next annotation button.
Adjust the selection so that only "Occurrences" is marked.
Now, when you click on an item to highlight it, you can skip forwards and backwards to other occurrences using Ctrl+(comma) and Ctrl+(period).
After selecting a piece of text:
Next occurrence is ctrl+k.
Previous occurrence is ctrl+shift+k.
If you are looking to navigate through variables / methods defined in the same class, a quicker way to do this would be to select ( highlight ) the variable / method name you want to navigate to and use Alt + Shift + R to get into the refactoring mode and then use Tab or Shift + Tab.
Tab - takes you to the next occurrence
Shift + Tab - takes you to the previous occurrence
This way will save you from reaching mere text matches ( including those in comments ), as how Ctrl + K behaves. So you are taken through only "valid" occurrences.
Use Ctrl+> or Ctrl+<
and it's quite easy to remember because > < works as arrow pointing in the direction where you navigate.