Push notification in blackberry 10 cascades - blackberry-10

i need to do push notification in blackberry 10 cascades,if i close the application means can't able to show my notification in the Blackberry Hub
here is the code
notification.body="hai notification testing "
Notification {
id: notification
title: "Title"
when the user closes the application means means,i need to show the notification in Blackberry Hub
How to do this , can anyone send me some solutions to solve this.?

This question has been solved here : http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Cascades-Development/Push-Notification-in-Blackberry-Hub/m-p/2186999/highlight/true#M15290
here's the code for notifications including invoke from hub
Notification notification;
n.setTitle(tr("Your title"));
n.setBody(tr("your detailed description"));
InvokeRequest request;
and inside your bar descriptor you need
<!-- Have an invoke entry here for when a notification is clicked on in the BlackBerry Hub -->
<!-- This will cause the application to be opened -->
<invoke-target id="org.xyz.yourapp.invoke">
and dont forget to set permissions


Background notifications using Ionic like a mortal

I have been trying for several months to implement an app that receives notifications whose content I want to be stored in the database of my application. I am using the Firebase Messagging plugin and I am receiving the notifications correctly, both in Foreground and in Background.
However, in the background I am unable to execute my callback without the need to press the notification explicitly by the user. Likewise, there is no way to increase the badge of the application when it is not open.
Now, I do not understand how applications like WhatsApp, Telegram and any other application that is not made by mere mortals work. How is it possible that they can get the data in backgroud, manage the badges, synchronize messages, etc? Being that, supposedly the services like Firebase are limited in background. Even with plugins like Background Mode my application is suspended by Android when the user closes it.
The code that I am currently using to handle notifications is the following:
// In foreground (WORKS)
this.firebaseMessaging.onMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
// Insert in DB
// In background (DOESN'T WORK)
this.firebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
// Insert in DB
What alternative is left? The only thing that occurs to me is to use notifications in Foreground and background only as a warning. So every time I open the application I'll have to call a message synchronization callback with the server (with badge management included).
If someone has some better way, I would greatly appreciate it if you throw a little light on the subject.
From already thank you very much
Ok, after more than a year I think it's time to close this question. I solved the problem this way:
Suppose I need to get a list of messages. This action is made by a function called getMessages()
When a new message is created in the backend, I send a push notification through Firebase service.
If the push notification is received in foreground I refresh call the method directly:
this.firebaseMessaging.onMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
If the push notification is received in background and the user taps on it there isn't a problem as it's supported by the plugin:
this.firebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
If the push notification is received in background but the user DOES NOT tap on it and opens the app in another way than the notification, we need to excecute the corresponing function when the app is opened in app.component.ts file:
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
// Extra stuff like this.statusBar.styleDefault(); or this.splashScreen.hide();
That way all the cases are considered! You should keep in mind that apps like Whatsapp or Telegram are developed in official technologies like Java or Kotlin which not only have official native plugins, also its code are excecuted natively and not in a limited browser as Cordova or Capacitor frameworks do

Ionic 3 Notification

I want to use notification with my app. I have checked ionic native and find some information.
Local Notification
What do I want to do? I am using MySQL Database and I have two tables users and points. When I add points for one user, I want to send notification for only this user. How can I do this? Which can I use service?
As per your required I suggest you to use Push Notifications using FCM.
push notifications help to send notification into two or more ionic apps.
please follow these steps.
go to 'http://console.firebase.google.com' and create an android app make sure that app package name also mention in config.xml file.
Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins in App:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fcm
npm install --save #ionic-native/fcm
use this code in your 'app.component.ts' file with in initializeApp
/getToken generates a device token that helps you to send notification on this device.you have to store this token in your database when app is open./
console.log("Received in background");
} else {
console.log("Received in foreground");
Now the real process that you have to follow for send notification
/here is you have to add device token that is you have store in your database and your firebase api key./
let body = {
"title":"New Notification has arrived",
"body":"Notification Body",
"to":"Device token/ID",
let options = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type','application/json');
headers: options.set('Authorization', 'key=YourAuthToken'),
hope this is helpful for you.
Thank You.
Push notification works the same way as local notification with a minor difference. Push notifications require connectivity and a server infrastructure of some kind to send the notification. With local notification you can trigger the notification with conditions. You will get the notification even if the app is closed and you’re offline. And having both notifications won’t cause implications.
In your case, you should go with Push Notification.If in future if you want to change the parameter to send notification it will be easy for you to maintain.No need to update the app
You can use FCM- Firebase Cloud Messaging on server side and in client side you can use PhoneGap push plugins to generate device token
here are the plugins
<plugin name="phonegap-plugin-push" source="npm" spec="1.8.4">
<variable name="SENDER_ID" value="XXXXXXX" />

Ionic FCM push notification not received when app is opened and screen locked unless it's tapped

I'm developing an ionic application and I'm using FCM push notification to send notifications to the user.
This is the JSON payload of the sent notification :
"to" : "access_token",
"priority": "normal",
"notification" : {
"body" : "this is message",
"title" : "notification Title"
"data": {
"link": ....
The push notification is received in these different cases :
when the app is in background or it is killed --> the user will
receive a system tray push notification
when the app is in foreground and the user is in it --> the user will receive the new data that will update the app
when the app is in foreground and the screen is locked (the system considers it as in background) --> So the user will receive a
system tray push notification but when unlocking the screen of the phone,
nothing happens in the app instance that were in foreground until I click on the push notification in the system tray.
Is there any way to get the data of a push notification that is in the system tray without clicking on it ?
Hope this work!
For Foreground you can use Local Notification to show up push notification :
send the notification information along with data object and then , in your ionic project
manually set a notification with that data .

Implement Push notification in Android Phonegap app

Created UI using Angular and Ionic, and wrapper usign Phonegap, How can I have pushnotification in Android implemented.
Is there any effective and accurate library in Phonegap for Pushnotification Implemented.
Already using https://github.com/phonegap-build/PushPlugin, but getting some issues, like push notififcation not received, some time all notification coming at once.
First create a project in Google console
Enable GCM
Create a server api Key
use the following plugin
cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX"
replace the xxxxxx with your sender id
n your javascript add the following code for registering to GCM server it will give you a GCM id
var push = PushNotification.init({
android: {
senderID: "XXXXXXXX" //add your sender id here
ios: {
alert: "true",
badge: "true",
sound: "true"
windows: {}
push.on('registration', function(data) {
consol.log(data.registrationId); //this function give registration id from the GCM server if you dont want to see it please comment it
document.getElementById("gcm_id").value= data.registrationId; //showing registration id in our app. If it shows our registration process is suscess
//$("#gcm_id").val(data.registrationId); if you are using jquery
Send a message using GCM HTTP connection server protocol:
Authorization:key=YOUR SERVER KEY
"to": "GCM ID",
"data": {
"message": "This is a GCM Topic Message!",
for more details..
I was having the same problem lately, using Ionic and Cordova (not Phonegap, but should work the same).
I ended up using this library for local push notifications https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-plugin-localNotifications
They worked pretty well except the PN would not start the app on Android, but I opened a pull request with a fix for that.
If you encounter the same problem, you might also use my fork of this plugin which has this fix already included.
You should be using ngCordova's Push Plugin for this.
From the docs:
Allows your application to receive push notifications. To receive notifications in your controllers or services, listen for pushNotificationReceived event.
As Push Notification is a native feature, so to integrate Push in PhoneGap Android application you have to make a plugin that will communicate with Android Native code.
You can go through with Sample application available on Git Hub.
Please also follow the necessary steps require for it mentioned in ReadME file.

Reinstalling the phonegap app causes unable to receive push notifications while app is running

I am creating an app using Phonegap 3.1, Sencha 2.3 for the platform android and iPhone.
For sending notification, i have used pushwoosh service and followed this link (http://www.pushwoosh.com/programming-push-notification/ios/ios-configuration-guide/)
Notification are getting perfectly on both Android and iPhone devices (whether app is running or not).
But the problem is, when I reinstall the app, i am not able to get notifications when the app is running and notifications are getting when app is minimized or not running.
In my index.html file, I have used this code to receive the notification while app is running.
document.addEventListener('push-notification', function(event) {
var notification = event.notification;
notification.aps.alert, // message
alertDismissed, // callback
'ThisApp', // title
'Done' // buttonName
function alertDismissed() {
//do something after Done button pressed
After reinstall the app this listener is not calling.
I am not getting what actually missing in there, please advise.