Using iMacros to append text into an input field - append

*Note this is for VERSION BUILD=6011206
I'm wondering if anyone knows a script for iMacros that would let you append text into an input field without overwriting anything.
To be more specific, this is for an input box used for notes that I would like to update, without losing any of the previous notes. Can anyone provide this script?

You can try to extract the current value of the text, then set it to a variable then add strings in JavaScript and fill the text field.
var macroCurrent;
macroCurrent ="CODE";
macroCurrent +="TAG POS=1 TYPE=some_type ATTR=CLASS:some_class EXTRACT=TXT"+"\n";
var macroAppend;
macroAppend ="CODE";
macroAppend +="TAG POS=1 TYPE=some_type ATTR=CLASS:some_class CONTENT={{text}}"+"\n";
var text_to_fill="something here";
var text=iimGetLastExtract();

Maybe quite long time ago asked, but i stumbled from google so i guess for someone could be useful.
There is simpler way, without using javascript
First extract from field. The flow is like IceD posted, but purely Imacros:
extract field and store to var. append your text to the var. don't forget to clean up variables whenever needed. The code:
TAG POS=1 TYPE=SPAN ATTR=ID:result_box EXTRACT=TXTALL // the text which to append
ADD !VAR1 {{!EXTRACT}} // append!

When you need to add text in an input you have to do 2 ..
1 -
recording and the imacros will automatically save and remember this text and add it in the input after the play
2 -
use this code // this is the input of email in facebook
change the ------ with your text


Pressing Enter on a date input in Cypress

I have an app with some input fields that I'm trying to automate. The gist of these fields is that I should be able to double click a field, type in a new value, then press Enter to submit that value, which sends a PUT request and also closes the input field. This works for any input type except date.
So far I've tried:
Using cy.type('{enter}'). This gives Typing into a date input with cy.type() requires a valid date in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd'. You passed: {enter}
Using cy.trigger() to send out a keydown event for the enter key. This works, as in it closes the input field successfully but it somehow doesn't send the PUT request.
Pressing enter on the parent Element. Same as using cy.trigger()
Strangely enough, manually opening the input field myself, typing a date and pressing enter will send the request just fine. It seems to me like there's some issue with programmatically pressing enter to submit the field without Cypress interpreting this as my attempt to actually type an invalid character into the date field. The docs do specifically say that no special characters are allowed in a date field.
Can't post any code as this is corporate.
I have tried to let it work, but it simply can't be done at the moment. Something like this should work:
it.only('test', function () {
But it doesn't so I started to dig into the pile of issues and found this one: . It is about a different input type, but I believe it is related to your problem.
Unfortunately this problem is still present in Cypress 9.5. One possible work-around is to directly trigger the Javascript keyup or keydown event that you are listening for.
.trigger('keydown', {
key: 'Enter',
This works for me, but as you pointed out might not in all situations. It depends entirely on how your app is listening for Enter in the first place and on which element.
Another possible option is to call .submit() on the form that wraps the input. If you're testing a component, you could create your own wrapper component that contains a form in order to trigger the submit.
You should remove 'date' attribute like below:
I used something like that in my code, and it worked properly
cy.get('get-your-input').invoke('removeAttr', 'type')type('2022-12-01{enter}').trigger('change');
cy.get('get-your-input').invoke('attr', 'value', '2022-12-01').trigger('change');
cy.get('get-your-input').invoke('attr', 'type', 'date');
Please add date plus enter keystroke in the type: cy.get("#date").type("02-02-2022{enter}");

give fetched data value to the xpath field in selenium [duplicate]

When I enter text into the text field it gets removed.
Here is the code:
String barcode="0000000047166";
WebElement element_enter = _driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='div-barcode']"));
Agree with Subir Kumar Sao and Faiz.
I had a case where I was entering text into a field after which the text would be removed automatically. Turned out it was due to some site functionality where you had to
press the enter key after entering the text into the field. So, after sending your barcode text with sendKeys method, send 'enter' directly after it. Note that you will have to import the selenium Keys class. See my code below.
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
String barcode="0000000047166";
WebElement element_enter = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='div-barcode']"));
element_enter.findElement(By.xpath("your xpath")).sendKeys(barcode);
element_enter.sendKeys(Keys.RETURN); // this will result in the return key being pressed upon the text field
I hope it helps..
Use this code.
It might be the JavaScript check for some valid condition.
Two things you can perform a/c to your requirements:
either check for the valid string-input in the text-box.
or set a loop against that text box to enter the value until you post the form/request.
String barcode="0000000047166";
WebElement strLocator = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='div-barcode']"));

How to auto-update matching html/xml tag in Code Mirror

I really like how Visual Studio html editor updates the matching tag. Example:
If we replace <h2> opening tag with <h3>, then the closing tag should change automatically to </h3>. This should happen as we type.
I'm trying to implement this on my own, but no luck so far. I thought that matchtags addon would be a good starting point, but it stops working if tag names do not match.
Also, I noticed that xml mode marks closing tag as error on tag name mismatch, but I'm not sure how to use this to update the closing tags.
I would appreciate any help from more experienced CodeMirror users.
So once the edit has been done, you no longer have the information needed to find the matching tag (which is why the matchtag addon can't help anymore). A good solution might be to track the current matching tag when editing starts (when the cursor is in a tag name) by using the CodeMirror.findMatchingTag function exported by the addon/fold/xml-fold.js file. Then, on "change" events that look like local editing inside the tag name (i.e. their start and end are inside the tag name), immediately follow up by modifying the matching tag.
add matchtags.js, xml-fold.js
config : matchTags: {bothTags: true}

Disable escape in Zend Form Element Submit

I can't disable escaping in a Zend_Form_Element_Submit, so when the label has special characters it won't display it's value..
This is my actual Zend Form piece of code:
$this->submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$this->submit->setLabel('Iniciar Sesión');
I've tried $this->submit->getDecorator('Label')->setOption('escape', false); but I obtain an "non-object" error (maybe submit isn't using the "Label" Decorator)..
I've also tried as suggested $this->submit->setAttrib('escape', false); but no text will be shown either.. Any idea? Thanks
Should be as simple as doing this:
$element->addDecorator('Label', аrray('escape'=>false));
Or see setEscape().
Regarding failure to retrieve named decorator... Try getDecorators() Do you see 'label' in the results?
There is no Label decorator for submit form element by default (this is why you get the error).
The $this->submit->setLabel('Iniciar Sesión'); value goes to Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit, which always does escaping and uses the label as a value.
The helper used by the Submit element escapes by default. Unlike with the label decorator, submit labels are included in a HTML attribute so they need to be escaped.
Your label - Iniciar Sesión - is a perfectly valid UTF-8 string, so the escaped version of it will be the same. If your label is not appearing then something else is going wrong. I'd guess that your page is being served using a charset that doesn't match what Zend View is using (UTF-8 by default).
View the page source to see what actually gets output - that might give you some more clues. Alternatively if the page this form is on is public, if you can provide a URL we might be able to spot the issue.
I ran into a similar issue. In my instance, I added both a label and a description to a text field element. This line of code allowed me to turn off the html escaping for the description attached to that field element:
$form->getElement('txtUPC')->getDecorator('description')->setOption('escape', false);
In my testing, the setEscape() was not recognized by the form elements or their decorators.

silverstripe backend linebreaks in content do not show up in frontend

I have a textareaField in Silverstripe Backend in Edit Page View... The text to insert contains linebreaks. If I save the Page the text shows correctly with linebreaks in the textareaField. The linebreaks are for sure saved correctly to the database. But how do I display the text correctly in the frontend? It´s always outputted without linebreaks in a single line.
I tried already $Text.RAW, $Text.XML,... nothing works.
Thanks for the help,
Kind regards,
Assuming that you are using 3.0 this is a bug. You can see it here
A work around is to write your own function calling nl2br on your text field.
Here is an example:
public function NiceDescription () {
return (nl2br (Convert::raw2xml ($this->Description), true));
You can replace "Description" with the name of your text property.
Then in your template file if you need to display the description field you will call the function:
to visually render the newlines in html, you need to convert them to <BR> tags.