Could we use zookeeper as a monitoring app? - apache-zookeeper

I have a single server instance in the cluster which has got some special duties and we can have only one such server in the cluster. I would like to monitor the health of this server and bring up another instance if this node fails and make the new node join the cluster. Do you think Apache zookeeper can do the job? Could you point me to an example?


Kakfa brokers inside kubernets can be addresed by clients outside k8s cluster

Basically I'm builing a system on google cloud. Most services are working on k8s cluster but some codes are not. Lambda and operator of composer, dataflow job are the examples. (Composer is also k8s but different cluster)
I picked kafka as event channel to interconnect the services and I have to decide proper place of kafka broker. K8s pods or VM. I prefer k8s pods, but I worry about the communication between brokers and services, espicially with services outside of k8s cluster.
Consumer addresses broker with "bootstrap server" that is list of some broker's static unique address. I suppose if brokers are installed inside k8s, addresses of them will be not static unique from outside. Can brokers are connected from service outside of k8s? If possible, which string must be provided to bootstrap sever config?
Conventional virtual machine is the solution without any suspicion. But I want put more and more things into k8s.
There are a different solutions to your problems
You can deploy the Kafka on K8s cluster and use the service mesh to interconnect both clusters. So broker and service can connect with each other without any worry.
If you are on GCP you can use the MCS service or traffic director and other service mesh.
You can also set up Kafka on VM and expose it over the IP and further that will be used by services to connect.
Can brokers are connected from service outside of k8s?
Yes, you can expose your Kafka broker using the service type Loadblanacer or Node Port. Reference doc
I suppose if brokers are installed inside k8s, addresses of them will
be not static unique from outside.
You dont need to bind Kafka to any specific hostname for the interface, Kafka will listen to all the interfaces and you can expose it using the K8s service if running on K8s.

How to add remote vm instance as worker node in kubernetes cluster

I'm new to kubernetes and trying to explore the new things in it. So, my question is
Suppose I have existing kubernetes cluster with 1 master node and 1 worker node. Consider this setup is on AWS, now I have 1 more VM instance available on Oracle Cloud Platform and I want to configure that VM as worker node and attach that worker node to existing cluster.
So, is it possible to do so? Can anybody have any suggestions regarding this.
I would instead divide your clusters up based on region (unless you have a good VPN between your oracle and AWS infrastructure)
You can then run applications across clusters. If you absolutely must have one cluster that is geographically separated, I would create a master (etcd host) in each region that you have a worker node in.
Worker Node and Master Nodes communication is very critical for Kubernetes cluster. Adding nodes from on-prem to a cloud provider or from different cloud provider will make lots of issues from network perspective.
As VPN connection between AWS and Oracle Cloud needed and every time worker node has to cross ocean (probably) to reach master node.
EDIT: From Kubernetes Doc, Clusters cannot span clouds or regions (this functionality will require full federation support).

Forward Traffic to POD in Kubernetes Cluster

I installed and configured 3 node K8S cluster. The worker nodes are windows nodes. We have one .Net application. We want to containerize this application. This application internally using Apache Ignite for the distributed cache.
We build docker image for this application, wrote a deployment file and deployed it in K8S cluster. The deployment will also create a service of “LoadBalancer” type. Using this service we are connecting to the application from the outside world. All is good so far.
Coming to the issue, as we are using Apache Ignite for the distributed cache. One of the POD will be master. We want to always forward the traffic to the POD which is acting as the master node in the Apache Ignite cluster. The Apache Ignite master node identification must be dynamic.
I had gone through the below link. Here the POD configuration is static. We want to dynamically identify the master POD and forward the traffic. What we have to do on the service side.
Any help on how to forward the traffic to the POD is greatly appreciated.
The very fact that you have a leader/follower topology, the ask to direct traffic to a said nome (master node) is flawed for a couple of reasons:
What happens when the current leader fails over and there is a new election to select a new leader
The fact that pods are ephemeral they should not have major roles to play in production, instead work with deployments and their replicas. What you are trying to achieve is an anti-pattern
In any case, if this is what you want, may be you want to read about gateways in istio which can be found here

Zookeeper for High availability

How does zookeeper work in the following situation.
Consider I am having 3 (1,2,3) vm's and different services are running at their endpoints. My entire administration setup (TAC) is available only on the 1st vm (virtual machine) that means whenever a client wants to connect, it would by default connect to the first vm. My other 2 vm's they are just running bunch of services. This entire cluster setup is maintained by the Zookeeper.
My question is what is the 1st vm fails. I know zookeeper maintains high availability by electing another vm as the master but client by default only points to 1st vm but not to other two. Is there any chance I can overcome this situation by getting the Ip of the first node as my admin setup is entirely present only on that node or in any other method?

in kubernetes 1.7 with multi-master nodes and etcd cluster, how the master node connect the etcd cluster by default?

I want to know when the master nodes want to connect the etcd cluster, which etcd node will be selected?does the master node always connects the same etcd node untill it becomes unavailable?does each node in master cluster will connect the same node in etcd cluster?
The scheduler and controller-manager talk to the API server present on the same node. In a HA setup you'll have only one of them running at a time (based on a lease) and whoever is the current active will be talking to the local API server. If for some reason it fails to connect to the local API server, it doesn't renew the lease and another leader will be elected.
As described only one API server will be the leader at any given moment so that's the only place that needs to worry about reaching the etcd cluster. As for the etcd cluster itself, when you configure the kubernetes API server you pass it the etcd-servers flag, which is a list of etcd nodes like:
This is then passed the Go etcd/client library which, looking at it's README states:
etcd/client does round-robin rotation on other available endpoints if the preferred endpoint isn't functioning properly. For example, if the member that etcd/client connects to is hard killed, etcd/client will fail on the first attempt with the killed member, and succeed on the second attempt with another member. If it fails to talk to all available endpoints, it will return all errors happened.
Which means that it'll try each of the available nodes until it succeeds connecting to one.