Forward Traffic to POD in Kubernetes Cluster - kubernetes

I installed and configured 3 node K8S cluster. The worker nodes are windows nodes. We have one .Net application. We want to containerize this application. This application internally using Apache Ignite for the distributed cache.
We build docker image for this application, wrote a deployment file and deployed it in K8S cluster. The deployment will also create a service of “LoadBalancer” type. Using this service we are connecting to the application from the outside world. All is good so far.
Coming to the issue, as we are using Apache Ignite for the distributed cache. One of the POD will be master. We want to always forward the traffic to the POD which is acting as the master node in the Apache Ignite cluster. The Apache Ignite master node identification must be dynamic.
I had gone through the below link. Here the POD configuration is static. We want to dynamically identify the master POD and forward the traffic. What we have to do on the service side.
Any help on how to forward the traffic to the POD is greatly appreciated.

The very fact that you have a leader/follower topology, the ask to direct traffic to a said nome (master node) is flawed for a couple of reasons:
What happens when the current leader fails over and there is a new election to select a new leader
The fact that pods are ephemeral they should not have major roles to play in production, instead work with deployments and their replicas. What you are trying to achieve is an anti-pattern
In any case, if this is what you want, may be you want to read about gateways in istio which can be found here


Does Kubernetes K8s use multple server for load balancing?

Kubernetes will be using the same server or we can use multiple servers with k8s. if yes then how it will be work ?
In case of one instance full then would it create a new instance to route everything to the new server?
If anyone can show a real example of K8s then it would be great!
For this I can suggest Kubernetes docs to start reading from but briefly,
Kubernetes deals with resources or networking in the Master nodes (Control Plane).
Worker nodes simply have the kube-proxy and basic control mechanisms coming from kubelet service. You still can not control your cluster from worker nodes.
And yes K8s can use multiple servers for LoadBalancing. This is a Possibility.
When it comes to K8s you do not have to work in a single zone so therefore you do not have to have all the pods in the same server.
So, in a single zone if you have one master and multiple worker nodes you will be using Master's scheduler and LoadBalancer to manage the resources or the traffic if necessary. If you have multiple Master nodes, then you will be using Masters' schedulers and etc.
For a real example of K8s just search for Highly-Available Kubernetes Clusters and switch to Images section. You can have a visualized opinion about them that way.
I hope I was a little bit of help. But the docs could be more helpful I suppose.

Go Quorum Kubernetes Setup Node Replicas and Load Balancing

Following the GoQuorum Official documentation, I was able to setup quorum nodes using Kubernetes and also bare metal raft setup with the help of the following links respectively Qubernetes Setup and Raft Setup Bare Metal
If I would like to have my quorum nodes deployed on Kubernetes Cluster, can I use the replica set feature effectively to replicate a quorum node for high availability? If not, on Kubernetes, what is the best way to maintain a replica of a node for Load balancing a high number of grpc requests? When I am trying to replicate it facing issues and my pod is crashing.
If you want to deploy a Raft-based application on Kubernetes, you want your instances to talk to the other instances.
In this case, you want "Stable, unique network identifiers." so that your instances effectively can address requests to the other instances using a known instance-address.
Deploy your app as StatefulSet to get this feature.

Why headless service to be used for Kafka in Kubernetes, why not Cluster IP with load balancing out of box?

Most of the examples I come across to use Kafka in Kubernetes is to deploy it as a headless service but I am not able to get the answer yet on why it should be headless and not Cluster IP? In my opinion cluster, IP provides the load balancing in which we ensure out of the box that not only one of the broker gets loaded always with its resources as I see with headless the Kafka clients be it sarma or java client tries to pick always the first IP from the DNS lookup and connects to it, will this not be a bottleneck if there are around 100+ clients trying to do the same and open connection to the first IP? or Kafka handles this inbuilt already which I am still trying to understand how it really happens.
When there is no differentiation between various instances of a services(replicas of a pod serving a stateless application), you can expose them under a ClusterIP service as connecting to any of the replica to serve the current request is okay. This is not the case with stateful services(like Kafka, databases etc). Each instance is responsible for it's own data. Each instance might be owning a different partition/topic etc. The instances of the service are not exact "replicas". Solutions for running such stateful services on Kubernetes usually use headless services and/or statefulsets so that each instance of the service has a unique identity. Such stateful applications usually have their own clustering technology that rely on each instance in the cluster having a unique identity.
Now that you know why stable identities are required for stateful applications and how statefulsets with headless services provide stable identities, you can check how your Kafka distributions might using them to run Kafka on kubernetes.
This blog post explains how strimzi does it:
For StatefulSets – which Strimzi is using to run the Kafka brokers –
you can use the Kubernetes headless service to give each of the pods a
stable DNS name. Strimzi is using these DNS names as the advertised
addresses for the Kafka brokers. So with Strimzi:
The initial connection is done using a regular Kubernetes service to
get the metadata.
The subsequent connections are opened using the DNS
names given to the pods by another headless Kubernetes service.
It's used in cases where communication to specific Pods is needed.
For example, A monitoring service must be able to reach all pods behind a service, to check their status, so it needs the addresses of all Pods and not just any one of them. This would be a use case of headless service.
Or when there is a cluster of Pods being set up, it's important to coordinate with the Pods to keep the cluster working for consumers. In Kafka, this work is done by Zookeeper. thus a headless service is needed by Zookeeper
Kafka streaming platform maintain replicas of partition across kafka brokers based on RELICATION_FACTOR. It maintains it data across persistent storage. When it comes to K8s ; stateful type is suggested; Pods in StatefulSets are not interchangeable: each Pod has a unique identifier that is maintained no matter where it is scheduled.
To maintain internal communication between PODS. Lets not forget Zookeeper orchestrates kafka brokers.
Within POD they should know eachother who is running and who stopped

How DNS service works in the Kubernetes?

I am new to the Kubernetes, and I'm trying to understand that how can I apply it for my use-case scenario.
I managed to install a 3-node cluster on VMs within the same network. Searching about K8S's concepts and reading related articles, still I couldn't find answer for my below question. Please let me know if you have knowledge on this:
I've noticed that internal DNS service of K8S applies on the pods and this way services can find each other with hostnames instead of IPs.
Is this applicable for communication between pods of different nodes or this is only within the services inside a single node? (In other words, do we have a dns service on the node level in the K8S, or its only about pods?)
The reason for this question is the scenario that I have in mind:
I need to deploy a micro-service application (written in Java) with K8S. I made docker images from each service in my application and its working locally. Currently, these services are connected via pre-defined IP addresses.
Is there a way to run each of these services within a separate K8S node and use from its DNS service to connect the nodes without pre-defining IPs?
A service serves as an internal endpoint and (depending on the configuration) load balancer to one or several pods behind it. All communication typically is done between services, not between pods. Pods run on nodes, services don't really run anything, they are just routing traffic to the appropriate pods.
A service is a cluster-wide configuration that does not depend on a node, thus you can use a service name in the whole cluster, completely independent from where a pod is located.
So yes, your use case of running pods on different nodes and communicate between service names is a typical setup.

Kubernetes with hybrid containers on one VM?

I have played around a little bit with docker and kubernetes. Need some advice here on - Is it a good idea to have one POD on a VM with all these deployed in multiple (hybrid) containers?
This is our POC plan:
Customers to access (nginx reverse proxy) with a public API endpoint. eg., or
List of containers that we need
Identity server Connected to SQL server
Our API server with Hangfire. Connected to SQL server
The API server that connects to Redis Server
The Redis in turn has 3 agents with Hangfire load-balanced (future scalable)
Setup 1 or 2 VMs?
Combination of Windows and Linux Containers, is that advisable?
How many Pods per VM? How many containers per Pod?
Should we attach volumes for DB?
Thank you for your help
Cluster size can be different depending on the Kubernetes platform you want to use. For managed solutions like GKE/EKS/AKS you don't need to create a master node but you have less control over our cluster and you can't use latest Kubernetes version.
It is safer to have at least 2 worker nodes. (More is better). In case of node failure, pods will be rescheduled on another healthy node.
I'd say linux containers are more lightweight and have less overhead, but it's up to you to decide what to use.
Number of pods per VM is defined during scheduling process by the kube-scheduler and depends on the pods' requested resources and amount of resources available on cluster nodes.
All data inside running containers in a Pod are lost after pod restart/deletion. You can import/restore DB content during pod startup using Init Containers(or DB replication) or configure volumes to save data between pod restarts.
You can easily decide which container you need to put in the same Pod if you look at your application set from the perspective of scaling, updating and availability.
If you can benefit from scaling, updating application parts independently and having several replicas of some crucial parts of your application, it's better to put them in the separate Deployments. If it's required for the application parts to run always on the same node and if it's fine to restart them all at once, you can put them in one Pod.