postgresql query with join and limit - postgresql

I have a table Gift. Gift's can have many gift_images via a table association. I am trying to return a LIMITED # gifts with a certain privacy level that have at least one gift_images association.
In essence, I want to return the: gift entry with its FIRST associated gift_image (gift_image should be sorted by a position value it has, with position 1 being the FIRST). Gifts without a gift_image associated should be ignored.
This is what I have, but it's definitely not working.
SELECT gifts.* FROM gifts LEFT JOIN gift_images ON = gift_images.gift_id WHERE gifts.privacy = 2 ORDER BY gift_images.position ASC LIMIT 10
Any help?

If you want to ignore gifts without images, you should use an INNER JOIN instead of the LEFT JOIN. In addition, for the query to be meaningful, you should select some field from gift_images in addition to fields from gift.
If all gifts that have gift images have an image for which position = 1, this query should do:
SELECT gifts.*, gift_images.*
FROM gifts
INNER JOIN gift_images
ON = gift_images.gift_id
WHERE gifts.privacy = 2
AND gift_images.position = 1
Otherwise, you could try
SELECT gifts.*, gift_images.*
FROM gifts
INNER JOIN (SELECT gift_id, MIN(position) AS min_position
FROM gift_images
GROUP BY gift_id) AS positions
ON positions.gift_id =
INNER JOIN gift_images
ON gift_images.gift_id =
AND gift_images.position = positions.min_position


How can I list other matching values ​even if there is an unmatched value in the query?

In my query there is a value that will not match in the demand category table. Therefore, since one value does not match in the output of my query, other matching values ​​do not appear.
I want to do;
How can I list other matching values ​​even if there is an unmatched value in the query?
process Table
fk_unit_id fk_unit_position fk_demand_category
1 2 1
unit table
unit_position table
demand_category table
SELECT unit_name,unit_position_name,demand_category_name From process
INNER JOIN unit ON process.fk_unit_id = unit_id and unit_id =1
INNER JOIN unit_position ON process.fk_unit_position_id = unit_position_id and unit_position_id = 2
INNER JOIN demand_category ON process.fk_demand_category_id = demand_category_id and demand_category_id =0 ;
Switch INNER JOIN on demand_category with LEFT JOIN
LEFT JOIN gets all records from the LEFT linked and the related record from the right table ,but if you have selected some columns from the RIGHT table, if there is no related records, these columns will contain NULL.
SELECT unit_name,unit_position_name,demand_category_name From process
INNER JOIN unit ON process.fk_unit_id = unit_id and unit_id =1
INNER JOIN unit_position ON process.fk_unit_position_id = unit_position_id and unit_position_id = 2
LEFT JOIN demand_category ON process.fk_demand_category_id = demand_category_id and demand_category_id =0 ;
You can use outer join to have the columns that don't match, just the corresponding values in other table will be padded with null. Other way is to use IN operator, but slower query performance.

Using two COUNT in SELECT returns the same values

COUNT(user_post_comments.post_id) as number_of_comments,
COUNT(user_post_reactions.post_id) as number_of_reactions
FROM user_posts
LEFT JOIN user_post_comments
ON ( = user_post_comments.post_id)
LEFT JOIN user_post_reactions
ON ( = user_post_reactions.post_id)
WHERE user_posts.user_id = '850e6511-2f30-472d-95a1-59a02308b46a'
group by
I have this query for getting the number of comments and reactions from another table by post_id
current output screenshot
To caluclate number of comments and reactions just use subqueries. No need to join and group by.
( select COUNT(*) from user_post_comments
where = user_post_comments.post_id
) as number_of_comments,
( select COUNT(*) from user_post_reactions
where = user_post_reactions.post_id
) as number_of_reactions
FROM user_posts
WHERE user_posts.user_id = '850e6511-2f30-472d-95a1-59a02308b46a'
If both joins return non-null rows, what you get for each count is the product of the number of rows from each for a given One way you could fix that is by counting distinct identifiers for each table, e.g.
COUNT(DISTINCT as number_of_comments
(Assuming "id" exists as a primary key on that table). This may not be spectacularly efficient, but is relatively simple.

COALESCE TSQL with a join tsql

I have a requirement to pick up data that is in more than one place and I have some form of recognition if using the coalesce function. Basically I am looking to coalesce the join itself but looking online its seems as if i can only do this on the fields.
So we have a Products and Suppliers table, we also have these as a temp table so in total 4 tables (products, tempproducts, suppliers, tempsuppliers). In the suppliers and products table is where we store our products and suppliers and their temptables we store any new suppliers/products. We also have a tempsupplierproduct which joins new suppliers to new products. However we can end in a situation where a new supplier has an existing product so the new supplier will be in the tempsuppliers table and its product is in the products table NOT the tempproducts as it is not new, we will also have a new tempsupplierproduct to join the two up.
So i want a query which looks in the tempsupplierproducts table and then gets basic information about the supplier and products. To do this i am using a coalesce.
SELECT DISTINCT SP.*, COALESCE(P.Product, PD.Product) 'Product', COALESCE(S.Supplier, SU.Supplier) 'Supplier'
FROM tempsupplierproduct SP
LEFT JOIN tempProduct P ON SP.ProductCode = P.Code
LEFT JOIN Products PD ON SP.ProductCode = PD.Code
LEFT JOIN tempSupplier S ON SP.SupplierCode = S.Code
LEFT JOIN Suppliers SU ON SP.SupplierCode = SU.Code
Now while this works, something at the back of my head tells me it is not entirely right, ideally i want if data is not in table A then join to table B. I have seen maybe coalescing inside the join itself but I am unsure how to do this
LEFT JOIN Suppliers Su ON SP.SupplierCode = COALESCE(S.Code, SU.Code)
maybe away, but I am confused by this, all it is saying is use code in temptable if not there then use supplier code. So what would this mean if we have a code in the temptable, will this try to join on it, if so then this is incorrect also.
Any help is appreciated
You can union the two suppliers tables together and then join them in one go like this. I'm assuming that there are no duplicates between the two tables in this case but with a bit of extra work that could be resolved as well.
WITH AllSuppliers AS
SELECT Code, Supplier FROM Suppliers
SELECT Code, Supplier FROM tempSupplier
SELECT DISTINCT SP.*, COALESCE(P.Product, PD.Product) 'Product', S.Supplier
FROM tempsupplierproduct SP
LEFT JOIN tempProduct P ON SP.ProductCode = P.Code
LEFT JOIN Products PD ON SP.ProductCode = PD.Code
LEFT JOIN AllSuppliers S ON SP.SupplierCode = S.Code
If you need to handle duplicates in the two suppliers tables then an approach like this should work, essentially we rank the duplicates and then pick the highest ranked result. For two tables you could use a full outer join between the two but this approach will scale to any number of tables.
WITH AllSuppliers AS
SELECT Code, Supplier, 1 AS TablePriority FROM Suppliers
SELECT Code, Supplier, 2 AS TablePriority FROM tempSupplier
SuppliersRanked AS
SELECT Code, Supplier,
FROM AllSuppliers
SELECT DISTINCT SP.*, COALESCE(P.Product, PD.Product) 'Product', S.Supplier
FROM tempsupplierproduct SP
LEFT JOIN tempProduct P ON SP.ProductCode = P.Code
LEFT JOIN Products PD ON SP.ProductCode = PD.Code
LEFT JOIN SuppliersRanked S ON SP.SupplierCode = S.Code
AND RowPriority = 1
You can absolutely join on a coalesced field. Here is a snippet from one of my production views:
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblHelpdeskresource supplier ON PO.fld_str_SupplierID = supplier.fld_str_SupplierID
-- Job type a
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblHelpDeskFault HDF ON PO.fld_int_HelpdeskFaultID = HDF.fld_int_ID
-- Job Type b
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblProjectHeader PH ON PO.fld_int_ProjectHeaderID = PH.fld_int_ID
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblPPMScheduleLine PSL ON PH.fld_int_PPMScheduleRef = PSL.fld_int_ID
-- Managers (used to be separate for a & b type, now converged)
LEFT JOIN [Portal].uvw_HelpDeskSiteManagers PSM ON COALESCE(PSL.fld_int_StoreID,HDF.fld_int_StoreID) = PSM.PortalSiteId
LEFT JOIN [Portal].tblHelpdeskResource PHDR ON PSM.PortalResourceId = PHDR.fld_int_ID

Get distinct row by primary key, but use value from another column

I'm trying to get the sum of the total time that was spent sending all emails within a campaign.
Because of the joins in my query I end up with the 'processing_time' column duplicated over many rows. So running sum(s.processing_time) as send_time will always over represent how long it took to run.
count(*) as total_items,
count(distinct as sends,
sum(s.processing_time) as send_time,
from campaigns c
left join sends s on = s.campaigns_id
left join opens o on = o.sends_id
group by;
I'd ideally like to do something like sum(s.processing_time when distinct but I can't quite work out how to achieve that.
I have made other attempts using case but I always run into the same issue, I need to get the distinct rows based on the ID column, but work with another column.
Since you want statistics related to distinct as well as, group by both columns. Collect the (intermediate) data that you need,
and use this table as the inner table in a nested sub-select query.
In the outer select, group by alone.
Since the inner select groups by, values which are unique per will not get double-counted when you sum/group by
, sender
, subject
, sum(total_items) as total_items
, sum(sends) as sends
, sum(processing_time) as send_time
, as sid
, count(*) as total_items
, 1 as sends
, s.processing_time
, c.sender
, c.subject
FROM campaigns c
LEFT JOIN sends s on = s.campaigns_id
LEFT JOIN opens o on = o.sends_id
GROUP BY, c.sender, c.subject, s.processing_time, t
GROUP BY id, sender, subject
Since the final table includes sender and subject, you'll need to group by these columns as well to avoid an error such as:
ERROR: column "c.sender" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 14: , c.sender

Working on joining several tables to obtain a desired result

Need to join several tables which shows each customer and total_value of orders placed by it. Report the customer no and name for the customer and the total_value for the customer who placed the highest of orders. So far I have:
select customer.customer_num, customer.customer_name, price as total_value
from customer, orders, order_line, part
where customer.customer_num = orders.customer_num
and orders.order_num = order_line.order_num
and order_line.part_num = part.part_num;
This narrows it down, but now I need to answer the initial question, report on which customer had the greatest sum of price found in the part table.
I just cannot figure out where to place this syntax?
customer.customer_num > sum(part.price)
after joining the four tables.
select customer.customer_num, customer.customer_name, price as total_value
from customer
join order on
customer.customer_num = orders.customer_num
join order_line on
orders.order_num = order_line.order_num
join part on
order_line.part_num = part.part_num where customer.customer_num >sum(part.price);