Deploying Java project in Weblogic server - deployment

I have created a Java project. Which has a JMS Listener onMessage. How to deploy this java project in the weblogic server? There is another webproject in the weblogic server which will place an object in the Queue, that object needs to be consumed by my Java project. I need this Java project to be deployed independently. Please help.


Using DCEVM with weblogic 12 and eclipse

I have dynamic web project which is deployed as part of EAR on weblogic server. I am using eclipse IDE. I have used jar available on to configure DCEVM as alternated JVM for JDk1.7.0_45. After starting my server and publishing my application, if I make changes to java files(add new methods, rename methods) I don't see the change. I still see the error in eclipse as "Hot code replace failed.
Am I missing any step/setting? Please help
You should have some agent that supports weblogic.

GWT Deployment to JBoss

I am currently working on a project which has a GWT frontend and a seperate Java module with servlets and a REST interface on the backend. The project when deployed runs on a single JBoss server.
I am running into difficulties though as when I run the GWT app in hosted mode (in eclipse) the jetty server does not have a deployed Java module to interact with.
My idea was to setup a JBoss server which eclipse could deploy into for development purposes, the problem with this is that the installer for the product sets up a JBoss server with a GWT app already embedded in it, so redeploying into this JBoss instance might cause problems?
My other idea would be to create a second JBoss server to host the GWT app, with some sort of url redirect for the rest calls which would redirect to the first JBoss instance. Is this possible?
EDIT: Can I do this with the built in jetty server in eclipse and not have to worry about using a seperate JBoss server. In other words can I somehow get the jetty server in eclipse to redirect particular requests to a different URL?

Applet Web service client, with Eclipse Indigo using Apache CXF,

I'm trying to consume a web service within an applet.
For that objective i've tried Apache and Apache2, both with good results
but the problem is that the jar dependencies are far too fat for my application
(the jar for axis or axis2 are over 1.5MB, and the applet is less than 200KB)
So i will try consuming the web service with Apache CXF, hoping that the jars
are at least a bit smaller.
Using eclipse one creates an empty project and in the main classes implements
the applet and blah blah, but to create the web service one must use the web service
I've used this wizard before, to consume the web service using Axis, but the moment i choose other options i get this message:
****The Apache CXF 2.x Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the client project****
What i´m missing?
I've already installed, CXF 2.x runtime, and the Tomcat 7 Server, and of course the Eclipse Web Tools.
This question How to generate web service client with Apache CXF in Eclipse Helios?
shows a very hard solution and it´s one year old!
is there any other way to consume webservices within an applet?
ksoap2 has no documentation on complex webservices, and ksoap2-android
Sorry for a boring question, but any help is greatly apreciated
Apache CXF 2-x Web service runtime Tomcat Server not support client
The Apache CXF 2.x Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the client project
Answer: If you see above error during creating web service client in eclipse using Apache CXF means you are using java project to generate the client from WSDL. Latest version of JAX-WS supports Dynamic Web Module v2.5 and up. So create client using apache CXF first you need to create Dynamic web project.
Once dynamic project created then open web service client wizard to create client from WSDL and issue should be resolved.

Eclipse doesn't import all Axis2 jars but project still runs on Tomcat?

When I develop an Axis2 web service on Eclipse, I noticed that Eclipse is automatically copying the classes from the lib folder of Axis2 to the lib folder of the new project. However, not all classes from the lib folder of Axis2 are being copied. Interestingly, the web service runs without any problem when deployed to Tomcat via Eclipse even if some the jars from Axis2 were not copied. Also, when I viewed the temp file of Tomcat, Tomcat seems to generate the jars for the listed modules on modules.list of the web service.
Can someone enlighten me regarding what is happening on this? Why Eclipse doesn't copy all the jars from Axis2? Why can the web service run on Tomcat even without the other jars from Axis2? What are those temp files for? When and why is it being generated?
I tried to run the same project on WebSphere and I am encountering a ClassDefNotFound exception because of the missing jars. My problem was solved when I copied all the Axis2 jars that was not copied by Eclipse to my project. But I'm not comfortable with my solution because Tomcat can run my project even without those jars. Is my solution really the right solution? Or am I missing a configuration setting?
This is just for clarification:
My web service is already running in Axis2. My class loading policy is set to PARENT_LAST. I know that since WebSphere has its own Axis2 configuration, the class loading policy must be set to PARENT_LAST so that WebSphere will use the Axis2 from the project itself. Aside from setting the class loading policy, I did something to make my web service run on WebSphere. I describe what I did above. My question is why such method must be taken?
WebSphere has it's own axis2 configuration as part of its Java EE server spec for JAX-WS. Change your class loading policy to PARENT_LAST and check if that solves your problem.
As the original post already states: WebSphere is a Java EE server depending on version it supports its the standard Java JAX-WS web services. Actually web services became part of the standard jdk.
If you use JAX-WS like mentioned in Introduction to JAX-WS or building web services then you don't have to add any 3rd party library for getting your web services running. As soon as you use the non JDK implementation like axis2 you have to package it with your application.
IBM didn't just pack the axis2 into their WAS/JDK, they modified it. I'm not sure what Tomcat delivers, however as long as you use JAX-WS it shouldn't matter. With JAX-WS you don't have any direct import of the org.apache.axis packages. If you use these imports you have to supply the libraries and make sure that yours are loaded.

How to deploy EJB on server?

I am learning EJB3 from last few days. I have many questions regarding EJB, application servers and deployment of EJB.
To start with, I have created one simple helloworld stateless session bean but I don't know how to deploy it on server. It has single bean class, bean interface and one servlet client. I have used eclipse to develop this project.
None of the books that I read gives step by step details about how to put EJB on server and how to access those beans.
I have JBoss 6 server and I also have Java EE budle downloaded from sun website. Does this Java EE bundle contains Glassfish server? or do I need to download it separately?
Can anyone please give me step by step details of how to put my bean and its client on server (JBoss or Java EE)?
And why do we need to include bean interface class in EJB client code? I mean either we need to keep client and bean in same package or if we keep them in seperate packages we need to import bean interfaces in client code. Am I right?
With Java EE 6, you can package your Servlet and your EJB in a WAR (either package your EJB in a JAR and put it in WEB-INF/lib or simply put all classes in WEB-INF/classes). And to deploy this WAR, copy it to:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/domains/<domain1>/autodeploy for GlassFish v3*
$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy for JBoss 6
With Java EE 5, you'll have to package your code in a EAR.
And if you want to deploy your application from Eclipse (using the Eclipse WTP), you'll have to install the appropriate server adapter. For Eclipse Galileo and GlassFish (there is currently no adapter for JBoss 6 AFAIK), right-click the server view, select New > Server, click on Download additional server adapters and select the GlassFish adapter. Finish to define your new GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 server and deploy your application on it (right-click on your application then Run As > Run on Server). For Eclipse Helios and GlassFish, you can follow the link given by #VonC (manual install) or check this answer (install via the Update Site).
You need to add GlassFish to your Eclipse installation (see GlassFish plugin for Eclipse).
The full process is described here (with the latest Eclipse Helios 3.6M6)
You should export as EJB into your jboss<version>\server/default/deploy folder and then add the build path for it on the servlet's web project. You can "Run on Server" and choose an application server just like you would in any project, no need to export the WAR although if you do that, you're gonna have to re-export your WAR every time you modify your code
AFAIK there's no Eclipse plugin for JBoss 6 but Eclipse provides one for 5.1