Using DCEVM with weblogic 12 and eclipse - eclipse

I have dynamic web project which is deployed as part of EAR on weblogic server. I am using eclipse IDE. I have used jar available on to configure DCEVM as alternated JVM for JDk1.7.0_45. After starting my server and publishing my application, if I make changes to java files(add new methods, rename methods) I don't see the change. I still see the error in eclipse as "Hot code replace failed.
Am I missing any step/setting? Please help

You should have some agent that supports weblogic.


How to run/debug java web service project in eclipse

I have a Java Web Service project which was just handed over to me by a colleague who just resigned (no one is assisting me in my new company). Im new to Java (J2EE) and my background is .Net + frontend + azure so I am pretty much very confused with setting up and running the java project. Also, Since my background is .Net Im referencing everything with how things work in Visual Studio from running a project, setting up a project to setting up and debugging a WCF project which I realized now is very different from eclipse + java.
I would really appreciate if someone could explain to me how I can run this project which is supposedly a java web service (as I was told)?
First I have a project that is like this:
Im assuming that the project boxed as blue is the webservice (and the rest are just libraries)? Is this correct? if so how do I run and debug the project using eclipse
Second when I click on debug as -> debug on server this is all I see:
Another colleague told me to install JBOSS (I haven't installed a server in eclipse) because that is what they used. Is there good documentation (step-by-step guide) on how to install JBOSS to run in eclipse. Im assuming that JBOSS + eclipse is like IIS express + Visual studio. Are there also other alternatives to JBOSS + eclipse like perhaps tomcat + ecplise that I can configure.
I really really find it hard to setup the java web service project in eclipse I have little to no prior experience with java j2ee programming especially with web services so any clarifications with my questions would be much appreciated. To sum up:
How would I really know that the project is a java webservice?
If so, how do I run the project and host the project using debugging in eclipse with tomcat or jboss?
I would appreciate if anyone can point me to the right direction of figuring out the source code
From here we can only guide you, you will have to go through some tutorials to understand how java projects work.
Your project is a webservice project according to your web.xml file because its having context params for rest.
the context param sets a front url to your webservice which in this case is gametime.
Check these tutorials and you will understand how it works
Create simple examples given in the above tutorial and then you can execute your's program
Jboss is a application server which we use to run our app.
You can install jboss in eclipse or you can use it externally also.
To install eclipse and jboss you can follow the link
The other option is to download eclipse and jboss seperately
and use them.
Go to jbosshome/bin
If you download both of them seperately
then in that case for jboss
Invoke the or add-user.bat script. ...
Choose to add a Management user. ...
Choose the realm for the user. ...
Enter the desired username and password. ...
Choose whether the user represents a remote JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 server instance. ...
Enter additional users. ...
Create users non-interactively.
After this go to eclipse and follow steps of below link to add jboss to eclipse
A Java web application among other things has a predefined directory structure including folders named WEB-INF, WEB-CONTENT etc.
On how to deploy a web application to Tomcat via Eclipse you can follow the steps in this tutorial.

Is it possible to do Hotswapping of ATG classes

The deployment we follow is that we use runAssembler.bat to build an ear file and deploy it in a app server. We are using weblogic and jboss for testing purposes of the modules we built. However for every small change, we need to run runAssembler and build a new ear and deploy it in app server and restart the server.
I would like to find out if anyone figured out a way to do Hotswapping of class files which are generated by the code we write in ATG environment in either weblogic or jboss.
By attaching your IDE to your Application server on the Debug port it is generally possible to do hotswapping. Setting this up on Eclipse and JBoss is documented here, here and here. There is some information for setting it up in WebLogic here.
Attach your debugger, edit the java file, click 'save' and with hot code replacement in your IDE it should now update the running class file. In Eclipse it usually gives a popup if it was unable to do the sync. If you are using Eclipse, make sure the 'Build Automatically' flag under projects is ticked or you'll be waiting forever. I've not had any issues doing this via JBOSS (exploded ATG EAR) and variable success in doing this on WebSphere 7. It may also be prudent to make sure the same JAVAC you use to compile your build is the one loaded into your IDE compile path.
Another way to at least reduce the build/deploy time would be to deploy an unpacked/exploded EAR and simply copy your class files across (you could use the Eclipse FileSync plugin) and restart the server.
There are also some commercial options available, like JRebel
In our organization, we had good success in using DCEVM. It simply patches your JDK (in Windows: jvm.dll).
Download and patch your JDK
Launch your JBoss/Weblogic with the patched JDK
Set up Eclipse's Installed JRE's to point to patched JDK (restart and rebuild once)
Start the server, Launch debugger and connect
Ensure Eclipse's Debug view shows "Dynamic Code Evolution VM" (instead of something like "HotSpot VM")
Change your code, and voila!
You can do this with JRebel. After hotswapping you don't need to restart the server, only reload you deployment from Weblogic.

Running Maven project on glassfish server

I want to run web based Maven project on glassfish server. I am totally new on maven. However, i have successfully build the maven project and glassfish server is up and running also. Moreover, there is WAR file also in target folder but i am confused what is the next step to run that project on glassfish ?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You have different options to solve this task:
If you are new to Eclipse I suggest to change to NetBeans. It comes with integrated support for application server deployments. You just add your maven (or nearly any other type of project like WAR, EJB and EAR) project and your desired application server instance (Glassfish) and you are ready: Right-click your project and choose Deploy and it'll get deployed to your server. NetBeans also supports hot-deployment.
You can deploy your WAR file manually in GLASSFISH_ROOT/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy and it'll get deployed if your server is running. But this is not very efficient during development.
If you want to stay with Eclipse you can use the maven-glassfish-plugin or this maven plugin to do the deployment for you. I'm not sure which one is better but this topic is also discussed in this question and this question.

Integrating JBOSS and Eclipse

I have JBOSS server. I used to make web applications using just notepad++. I used to create the necessary folders like web-inf and files like web.xml. For larger projects doing all this and manually compiling has become cumbersome. I want to use eclipse for that. I saw this tutorial - . But I don't understand how to make a server. I already have a server. What I want to do is write JSPs and Servlets in eclipse and the build should automatically be deployed in jboss server.
How to to this?
Install JBoss Tools
After that follow the instructions from here to get started and deploy apps to JBoss Server.
To automatically deploy apps after the build you could use a build tool such as ANT or Maven.
I wrote a tutorial for this some time ago: Setting up web development environments with Eclipse
It shows how to setup JBoss within Eclipse (in addition, it also shows how to setup Tomcat and Weblogic), and also shows how to build a simple sample Servlet to verify the proper installation.
If you already use JBoss on the server side, then have a look at the client side as well:
(I haven't tried it myself, but...)
Just open eclipse then go to:
"Help-> Check For Updates" It will check for eclipse updates and installs new availables.
Now "Help -> Eclipse Market Place" Search for "Jboss tools" from search result select one(as your eclipse version) and install it. It will add adapter for new jboss versions.
Now add new server from server view select Jboss version then next add your Home directory of jboss. Then finish.
Step 1 is optional but it sometime it helps.

Is it possible to integrate Glassfish support into Liferay IDE yet?

I am looking for a bit of Liferay/Glassfish assistance here.
I am currently using a Liferay 6.0.6 portal running on Glassfish 3.0.1 and developing in Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). I have downloaded the Liferay IDE for Eclipse as well.
The trouble I am having is in actually developing in Eclipse against a Glassfish server. I cannot create an actual Liferay project in Eclipse because the wizard requires me to specify a Liferay-Tomcat runtime environment.
Now I realize that this is the only server that is supported for the Liferay IDE as it is clearly documented in multiple places on the Liferay website and various forums around the web. However, I seem to recall one site (which, of course, I didn't bookmark :/ ) that gave instructions on a workaround for using Glassfish within the Liferay IDE. I believe it had something to do with creating the initial project as a Tomcat project, then going behind the scenes and changing some configuration files' Tomcat references to point to my Glassfish server.
I have set up my Liferay SDK environment correctly, including the file. I have this file pointing to my Glassfish server.
# Specify the paths to an unzipped Glassfish bundle.
However, everytime I try to do a deploy through Eclipse...
...this file gets overwritten with Tomcat settings from the runtime environment.
app.server.type = tomcat
app.server.dir = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29
app.server.deploy.dir = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29\\webapps = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29\\lib\\ext
app.server.portal.dir = C:\\DEV\\bundles\\liferay-tomcat-6.0.6\\tomcat-6.0.29\\webapps\\ROOT
Is there somewhere else that I need to make a change in order to get Eclipse to recognize my Glassfish server?
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
It is not currently possible to use a Liferay+Glassfish bundle directly as a runtime or server adapter in Eclipse with the Liferay IDE plugins. As you pointed out the only runtime and server adapters for Liferay IDE are the tomcat bundles. However, you can still use Liferay IDE to develop with Glassfish by using the following receipe with version 6.0.6 and current version of Liferay IDE.
Download Liferay+tomcat bundle
Configure it as a Liferay runtime
Create the project pointing to Liferay runtime
Go to Window > Preferences > Liferay > Installed SDKs, switch "update" option to Never
Launch Glashfish externally using startup script
Modify the in your SDK to point to Glasshfish as runtime
For deployment use the SDK deploy action just as you showed and it should be deployed to glassfish.
This should work for now. In the future, we will be adding support for Glassfish server to our Server Manager plugin that can be using with Liferay IDE and Liferay 6.1 for remote deployment and development, so it will work just like a local tomcat instance except it will be remote Liferay running on glassfish or jboss, or whatever you like. But right now the Server manager plugin in 6.1 beta4 only supports Tomcat6/7 and Jboss7. We hope to add Glassfish very soon.