rendering description saved using tinymce editor - tinymce

I have a problem with pagination.
In my website , I have a function productList which generates a paginated list of products.
The code for the paginate function is shown below:
$this->paginate = array('conditions'=>array($otherconditions,$statuscondition,$active_condition,$catcondition),'order' => $order, 'limit' => 10);
In the view file,
the paginator helper is used as follows:
<div class="paginator">
<span class="info">
<?php echo $this->Paginator->counter(array('format' => __('Page <strong>{:page}</strong> of <strong>{:pages}</strong>')), array('escape'=>false));
<?php echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('separator' => '', 'tag'=>'li'));?>
Suppose, there are 150 products, so with a limit of 10, there will be 15 pages.
The problem is that the page numbers are not displayed in the end pages like page 15 i.e when I click on the page number 15, the products are displayed but the paginator counter and paginator number links are not displayed.
I have looked all over the net for a solution but could not find one. Please guide me.
PS: the paginate variable depends on my parameters like the category selected , and other conditions.
I dont think its a problem with the paginate syntax because the pagination works for small number of pages like 2 or 3.
The problem is with paginator helper I think.
Thanks in advance.
I have found the following line when I inspected the HTML. the page number and counter where commented automatically inside the following comments.
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
< ...</p></div>
then after this I have the html for the page counter , page number links and also the script files. what is happening. I looked for its meaning and I found that mso 9 is microsoft office 9 or something. Which is not very reasonable. please guid me.

I solved this by putting a comment before the closing p tag and div tag.
So the comment tag <!--[if gte mso 9] > closes before </p></div>.
I also used the php function strip_tags to strip the body of text of all tags.
This is a duct tape method. But the problem I found lies in the mce editor.When a user copy pastes a paragraph from a word document to a mce editor thats running in firefox browser, the above mentioned conditional comment is added to the text. So, when displaying the user text, the conditional comment comments out rest of the html after the text.
IT is better to work with the mce editor callback to remove the conditional comment which i will be working on now.
Hope this helps someone...


Drupal 7 custom node add form with Field Collections

I have a content type with a number of Field Collection fields.
The design for this form is relatively complex and cannot simply be styled with CSS. I want to output the form in a template, so each individual field can be styled.
I spent 6 hours last night looking for a solution to this. I've seen custom modules, hook_form_alter and various methods that might use Display Suite or other modules. None have worked for me so far.
My goal is to simply output the form fields (including Field Collection fields) in a template for styling. Has anybody achieved this?
You might be able to do it by creating an override template for the node add/edit page.
You will first need to add a new template suggestion for node forms. The first section of this page shows you how to do this:
After that, you should be able to print individual form elements into the new template. For example:
<div class="column-left">
<?php print drupal_render($form['first_name']); ?>
<?php print drupal_render($form['last_name']); ?>
<div class="column-right">
<?php print drupal_render($form['email']); ?>
<?php print drupal_render($form['phone']); ?>

New to jquery. Starts with selector breaks the code. what's is wrong?

Thanks for the help. I'm trying to use a jQuery selector to watch for a click on a group of elements, that start with particular characters. I have come up with the following code, but I must be missing something. If I hard code the ID (ie. $("#test_1")...), the code works:
<div id="content">
<div id="parentcontainer">
<div id="test_1"></div>
$("#parentcontainer").click(function(){alert("parent clicked");});
$("#btnaddelement").click(function(){alert("Add Button Clicked");});
alert("Child Clicked");});
You are selecting on $("[name^='test_']") which will give you elements who have a name attribute that start with test_. You need to select on $("[id^='test_']") for elements with an id that start with test_. That is one example of what you are getting with your hard-coded success of $('#test_1') -- an element whose id attribute is test_1.
Also, be aware if you are not already that xpath is the language used for selectors, so you can do all kinds of incredible selection if you become familiar with it.
Yes, you missed something. Change the div's attribute id to name will work
<div name="test_1"></div>
Actually, class was used more frequently.
And there are an opinion I want to improve the code.
Try to use the jquery's $(document).ready instead of DOM's load. Because load will wait for all the sources to be loaded compeletely before the js code can be executed, for example, all the photos are downloading ok.
I hope this help!

In Tritium, how do I transform all <p> tags to <div> tags?

I’m working in the Moovweb SDK and am optimizing my personal desktop site for mobile.
How do I transform all my <p> tags to <div> tags? I really don't want to do it manually! Search and replace?? haha
You can use the name() function to change the name of an element. For example:
$("//p") {
See it in action here:
Cheap way: Add p{margin:0} to your CSS, this will remove the only special styling of <p> tags making them look like <div>s.
This is only a visual effect, though. For instance, you're still not allowed to put a <form> inside a <p>, even with the above CSS. If that's what you're after, a simple search and replace will do:
Replace <p> with <div>
Replace <p␣ (left angle, p, space) with <div␣ (there's a space at the end of that one too)
Replace </p> with </div>
That should do it!

jquery .html() returning null in ie7

On click li element i am getting the current element value and appending it into another div dynamically.Its working fine in all browsers.But returning null in IE7.I don`t the reason that why its happening?Please can any one give me a solution for this..Part of the code only i pasted here.
Sample code:
////////////.//This line returning null in IE7./////////////////
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
(tab_lastid_val value can be a 1 or 2 or 3.Clixked li element value comes here)
<div class="pagelink">
<div id="pagelink_a">
/******** all li element are clickable***********/
<li id="pagelinkli_1"><a>Google</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_2"><a>Chrome</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_3"><a>Firefox</a></li>
try this:
code is not tested but i think it should work.
Given your html layout, your parent div is .pagelink not #pagelink_a , so replace your following line:
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
for this one:
$('.pagelink #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
Just use
The # tag identifies an ID which only a single element may have. There is no need to have anything preceding it. You also labeled the previous class as id, which is wrong. I don't know how your other browsers managed to get anything.
Although bit off topic, it may be better to actually drop IE7 support entirely. Due to small user base and decreasing popularity, it may be costing you more money by support it than to not support it.
Try instead of html() , and try append().
For example
$('#ID').append('Your content');

Disabling data detectors for a specific HTML element in a UIWebView

Does anyone know if it's possible to disable the data detectors for phone numbers, email addresses etc in a UIWebView, for specific HTML elements only?
I'd like the detectors to be active for most of the content loaded into the UIWebView, but disable it in certain areas.
If this is possible, I'm assuming it would be achieved by using an HTML attribute in the loaded content (rather than setting some sort of UIWebView property), e.g.
<h1 datadetectors="off">Header text with number 9123 3456</h1>
<p>Body text with number 9872 4567</p>
In this example, the number in the <p> would be detected as a phone number due to setting webview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll, whereas the number in the <h1> would not.
you should use <meta name = "format-detection" content = "telephone=no">
Hope it helps
you can put the attribute
but unfortunately this seems to work only for tags.
I ended up using this solution:
besides disabling the telephone numbers "detection", this also prevents adresses and other detection to run.
If you control the web content you can use jscript (via jquery) to write your own data detectors. If you don't control the content you could insert and execute the jscript using stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: once webViewDidFinishLoad: is called.
In WKWebView Disable all Data Detector Types in Attributes inspector. This will solve your problem
Since an "a" tag will be inserted for you with the x-apple-data-detectors in it, you could write the tag yourself with x-apple-data-detectors set to false.
Original code:
<div class="my_time">17:02</div>
will be transformed to:
<div class="my_time">
<a href="x-apple-data-detectors://1" dir="ltr"
style="color: rgb(169, 169, 169);
text-decoration-color: rgba(169, 169, 169, 0.258824);">14:18
You can prevent this by writing your code as following...
<div class="my_time">
<a x-apple-data-detectors="false" style="text-decoration: none">17:02</a>