Windows Batch error: "'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file." - command-line

I am trying to run this command in windows:
ping -n 5 > nul
I get the error:
'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable
program or batch fie.
Why can't windows find ping? Here is my script where it does not work:
::set path
SET path=M:\\5.bmp
IF EXIST %path% (
ECHO File found
) ELSE (
ECHO File not found
ping -n 5 > nul
goto findfile

You have overridden the PATH environment variable, so the command processor can no longer find the ping executable.
The fix is nice and simple - just use a different variable name!
:: set path
SET MyPath=M:\\5.bmp
IF EXIST %MyPath% (
Please note that if you genuinely wanted to set the path environment variable, you should append to it like so:
REM Set temporarily for this session
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Some\Folder
REM Set permanently (but note - this change will not be made to this session)
SETX PATH=%PATH%;C:\Some\Folder

Hi to fix "ping" please follow below steps
Go to Properties in My computer
Advanced system settings ----->Advanced -----> Environment Variables
Select 'PATH' from the list of system variables and edit and set PATH to c:\windows\system32 ; this will solve your problem.
-----> if still u have a problem, do the below steps...
Control Panel --> System and security --> Windows Firewall --> Advanced settings --> Inbound rules --> New rule --> custom rule
in Protocol and ports: Protocol: ICMPv4
on the same panel go to customize, choose "Specific ICMP types", check the box "echo request"
The rest is trivial; go to next... next... and save it.
You should be done. This box responds ping from this point on.

How to diagnose this error:
'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable
program or batch fie.
Because your path environment variable does not contain the directory that points to the executable: ping.exe. So the question becomes why can't your command line program cmd.exe locate ping.exe?
You can print out your path variable on the commandline like this:
echo %PATH%
Which prints for me:
C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\Program Files\jZip;C:\MinGW\bin
The above string is delimited by semicolons(;). Notice the element called: C:\WINDOWS\System32, that is the element that defines where ping.exe can be located.
You didn't specify C:\WINDOWS\System32 in your path variable. Make sure it is there.
ping.exe is missing. Find out who deleted it and put it back.
ping.exe is corrupt. Run it where it sits: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ping.exe, or replace ping.exe.
You have overridden the PATH variable before you look for it.


PowerShell: Open file via .bat script

imagine I have a files with certain extensions (for example '.abc').
The default program I set for files with this special extension is a batch script with powershell commands in it, so when I doubleclick the file, it runs the script. It works.
Now my question is, can I somehow get the file path of the .'abc' file I opened? Is there a command for this?
Thank you.
Inside of your batch file it should be possible to access the ".abc" file via parameter %1.
Per default Windows sends the filename of the file you doubleclick to the receiving program (or batch script) as parameter one.
Try this inside of your batch file (near the top) and pick what suits your needs:
echo param1: %1
echo param1 unquoted: %~1
echo drive: %~d1
echo drive and path: %~dp1
echo filename and extension only: %~nx1
set myparam=%~1
echo myParam: %myparam%
See the help documentation of for for the "%~..." syntax by executing for /? in a cmd.exe command window. (Or read here: What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?)

Calling Date Modified in CMD

Basically just attempting to create a very basic program that will display the last modified date of a file on our server. Problem is I have no idea how to write it. This is what I attempted
cd \\Server\Folder
msg dir
I also ran into the problem "CMD Does not support UNC Paths as Current Directories" when I tried to change the CD to our servers directory.
What I would like it to do is display in a dialog box the modified date of a "Text.txt" located on our server \\Server\Folder
Any and all help is appreciated
Next .bat script should work:
set "_folder=\\Server\Folder"
set "_filename=Text.txt"
set "_filedatetime=N/A"
pushd %_folder%
for %%G in (%_filename%) do (
rem echo %%~tG %%~fG
if not "%%~tG"=="" set "_filedatetime=%%~tG"
echo file %_folder%\%_filename% date and time: %_filedatetime%
Note there is no dialog box in pure cmd command line interpreter, try set /P.
SET: Display, set, or remove CMD environment variables
PUSHD, POPD: and UNC Network paths
FOR commands
~ Parameter Extensions

SETLOCAL on PATH environment variable does not work

I have a batch file that needs to have a different PATH environment variable to the rest of the machine. After a bit of googling, using "SETLOCAL" should change a variable in the batch script, and as soon as it ends it is chnaged back, so my script is:
set PATH="C:\Qt\4.8.1\bin;"
And I get the output:
'qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Even though qmake is at the path "C:\Qt\4.8.1\bin\qmake.exe", and ruinning
from the command line works fine. Any ideas?
try this:
set PATH="C:\Qt\4.8.1\bin"
but better:
set "PATH=%path%;C:\Qt\4.8.1\bin"
If you set the path to set "C:\Qt\4.8.1\bin;" the semi colon is included in the path as part of a valid folder name.

Open file by name only, no extension

How can I open any type of file in a .bat by providing only a name of the file, no extension?
I want to let windows decide the application to use.
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe E:\SomeFolder\
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe E:\SomeFolder\file1
Use START command:
start "Any title" E:\SomeFolder\
start "Any title" E:\SomeFolder\file1
Taken from Start help:
If Command Extensions are enabled, external command invocation
through the command line or the START command changes as follows:
non-executable files may be invoked through their file association just
by typing the name of the file as a command. (e.g. WORD.DOC would
launch the application associated with the .DOC file extension).
See the ASSOC and FTYPE commands for how to create these
associations from within a command script.
When searching for an executable, if there is no match on any extension,
then looks to see if the name matches a directory name. If it does, the
START command launches the Explorer on that path. If done from the
command line, it is the equivalent to doing a CD /D to that path.
Note that previous description imply that the pure filename must also execute the right application, with no START command. To pick up the first file with a given name:
for %%f in (name.*) do set "filename=%%f" & goto continue
... and to execute it:
PS - Note that you want "to let windows decide the application to use", but in your example you explicitly select %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe as the application to use. So?

Tool for commandline "bookmarks" on windows?

Im searching a tool which allows me to specify some folders as "bookmarks" and than access them on the commandline (on Windows XP) via a keyword. Something like:
C:\> go home
D:\profiles\user\home\> go svn-project1
I'm currently using a bunch of batch files, but editing them by hand is a daunting task. On Linux there is cdargs or shell bookmarks but I haven't found something on windows.
Thanks for the Powershell suggestion, but I'm not allowed to install it on my box at work, so it should be a "classic" cmd.exe solution.
What you are looking for is called DOSKEY
You can use the doskey command to create macros in the command interpreter. For example:
doskey mcd=mkdir "$*"$Tpushd "$*"
creates a new command "mcd" that creates a new directory and then changes to that directory (I prefer "pushd" to "cd" in this case because it lets me use "popd" later to go back to where I was before)
The $* will be replaced with the remainder of the command line after the macro, and the $T is used to delimit the two different commands that I want to evaluate. If I typed:
mcd foo/bar
at the command line, it would be equivalent to:
mkdir "foo/bar"&pushd "foo/bar"
The next step is to create a file that contains a set of macros which you can then import by using the /macrofile switch. I have a file (c:\tools\doskey.macros) which defines the commands that I regularly use. Each macro should be specified on a line with the same syntax as above.
But you don't want to have to manually import your macros every time you launch a new command interpreter, to make it happen automatically, just open up the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun and set the value to be doskey /macrofile "c:\tools\doskey.macro". Doing this will make sure that your macros are automatically predefined every time you start a new interpreter.
Extra thoughts:
- If you want to do other things in AutoRun (like set environment parameters), you can delimit the commands with the ampersand. Mine looks like: set root=c:\SomeDir&doskey /macrofile "c:\tools\doskey.macros"
- If you prefer that your AutoRun settings be set per-user, you can use the HKCU node instead of HKLM.
- You can also use doskey to control things like the size of the command history.
- I like to end all of my navigation macros with \$* so that I can chain things together
- Be careful to add quotes as appropriate in your macros if you want to be able to handle paths with spaces in them.
I was looking for this exact functionality, for simple cases. Couldn't find a solution, so I made one myself:
REM Source found on
REM Please share any improvements made!
REM Folder where all links will end up
IF [%1]==[/?] GOTO :help
IF [%1]==[--help] GOTO :help
IF [%1]==[/create] GOTO :create
IF [%1]==[/remove] GOTO :remove
IF [%1]==[/list] GOTO :list
set /p WARP_DIR=<%WARP_REPO%\%1
GOTO :end
IF [%2]==[] (
ECHO Missing name for bookmark
if not exist %WARP_REPO%\NUL mkdir %WARP_REPO%
ECHO %cd% > %WARP_REPO%\%2
ECHO Created bookmark "%2"
GOTO :end
dir %WARP_REPO% /B
GOTO :end
IF [%2]==[] (
ECHO Missing name for bookmark
if not exist %WARP_REPO%\%2 (
ECHO Bookmark does not exist: %2
del %WARP_REPO%\%2
GOTO :end
ECHO Create or navigate to folder bookmarks.
ECHO warp /? Display this help
ECHO warp [bookmark] Navigate to existing bookmark
ECHO warp /remove [bookmark] Remove an existing bookmark
ECHO warp /create [bookmark] Navigate to existing bookmark
ECHO warp /list List existing bookmarks
You can list, create and delete bookmarks. The bookmarks are stored in text files in a folder in your user directory.
Usage (copied from current version):
A folder bookmarker for use in the terminal.
c:\Temp>warp /create temp # Create a new bookmark
Created bookmark "temp"
c:\Temp>cd c:\Users\Public # Go somewhere else
c:\Users\Public>warp temp # Go to the stored bookmark
Every warp uses a pushd command, so you can trace back your steps using popd.
c:\Users\Public>warp temp
Open a folder of a bookmark in explorer using warp /window <bookmark>.
List all available options using warp /?.
With just a Batch file, try this... (save as filename "go.bat")
#echo off
set BookMarkFolder=c:\data\cline\bookmarks\
if exist %BookMarkFolder%%1.lnk start %BookMarkFolder%%1.lnk
if exist %BookMarkFolder%%1.bat start %BookMarkFolder%%1.bat
if exist %BookMarkFolder%%1.vbs start %BookMarkFolder%%1.vbs
if exist %BookMarkFolder%%1.URL start %BookMarkFolder%%1.URL
Any shortcuts, batch files, VBS Scripts or Internet shortcuts you put in your bookmark folder (in this case "c:\data\cline\bookmarks\" can then be opened / accessed by typing "go bookmarkname"
e.g. I have a bookmark called "stack.url". Typing go stack takes me straight to this page.
You may also want to investigate Launchy
With PowerShell you could add the folders as variables in your profile.ps1 file, like:
Then, like Unix, you can just refer to the variables in your commands:
cd $vids
Having a list of variable assignments in the one ps1 file is probably easier than maintaining separate batch files.
Another alternative approach you may want to consider could be to have a folder that contains symlinks to each of your projects or frequently-used directories. So you can do something like
cd \go\svn-project-1
cd \go\my-douments
Symlinks can be made on a NTFS disk using the Junction tool
Without Powershell you can do it like this:
C:\>set DOOMED=c:\windows
C:\>cd %DOOMED%
Crono wrote:
Are Environment variables defined via "set" not meant for the current session only? Can I persist them?
They are set for the current process, and by default inherited by any process that it creates. They are not persisted to the registry. Their scope can be limited in cmd scripts with "setlocal" (and "endlocal").
Environment variables?
set home=D:\profiles\user\home
set svn-project1=D:\projects\project1\svn\branch\src
cd %home%
On Unix I use this along with popd/pushd/cd - all the time.