IRC - How to disable invite only on channel? [closed] - irc

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have created and registered an IRC channel, that way I can reclaim channel operator status upon re-entry. However, today I noticed this message from the server:
Cannot join #my-custom-channel (Channel is invite only).
I received this message partly because the auto-join channel feature in XChat tried to join the channel before my user nickname authentication was successful with the server (so the server doesn't recognize me as a channel operator). Successfully authenticating with the server and recovering the channel has worked fine, but I would like to make the channel publicly available.
Which ChanServ command (or other command) can I use to disable invite only on the IRC channel so anyone can join?

To remove the Invite Only mode on the channel, try the following command
/mode #channelname -i
You must have operator privileges in the channel to do this.
Depending on the services provided by the IRC server, you may need to remove invite-only via ChanServ in order for the change to be permanent, of course that depends on how you set the mode in the first place.
Check out the ChanServ help menu for further information on channel commands.
/msg ChanServ help

This should do the job

if you are channel op you can type
/mode #channelname -i
to remove the invite flag


How to set a Slack reminder only to notify a subset of the people in the channel [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I need to set up a reminder in a channel, but this reminder should not send a notification to all the people in the channel but only to a particular subset.
I tried what shown below.
/reminder #user1 #user2 #user3 A message every 30 days
But when I verify it, slack add " after the first user, which tells me that the reminder would be sent only to the first user and not the others.
I will remind #user1 “#user2 #user3 A message” at 9AM Monday, April 1st.
Will slack send the notification only to user1 or to all them? (As mentioned).
Does Slack have the feature to send reminders to multiple users without disturbing the whole channel?
We don't want to create a separate channel.
Slack will only notify the first user you mention in the remind command.
Slack's reminder command supports only Users and Channels so you cannot create a group to notify a large group of people.
You will probably have to create a separate channel to notify them or create a bot using slack that does that if you want to create a special integration for that
If it is a recurring group of people that you usually want to notify together, you can add them to a group and notify the group.
Slack User Group Documentation
Official Source saying /remind supports groups

How do I make an IRC Channel with password? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How do I make a password protected IRC Channel?
I've looked at the documentation and everything. But I'm not sure how to make a channel in the first place.
Is there any documentation or a guide to doing so?
If you're an op on that channel, you can use the following
/MODE #channel +k MyPrivateKey
In order to join the above protected channel, use
/JOIN #channel MyPrivateKey
Remember to change the word "channel" with your channel name and "MyPrivateKey" to your desired password.
Your question has two parts:
1. how to make a channel
2. how to make it password protected
The answer to the second part can be found in Orel Eraki's answer.
The answer to the first question is as follows if you want to use a client on your computer, otherwise use the server's web GUI (for example
open your IRC client
If you don't know what to install, here is my list:
GUI (graphical user interface)
OSX: LimeChat
Linux: HexChat
windows: HexChat
TUI (Text-based User Interface)
Select a server and google it's port number
for example or
connect to the server
Register your nickname on the server (most GUI clients do this automatically). for example freenode has a guideline:
/msg NickServ REGISTER password
Start your own channel
/join #YourChannelName

Postfix trigger when mail sent [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need run script after postfix sent mail and get status of it (success, defered etc). Is filters help me? I think it trigger only for incoming mail but i need for outgoing.
I think about parsing logs by message-id. But it is not good idea. Is there better way?
Filters aren't going to have access to delivery status, so I don't think outgoing (after-queue content) filters will help. You could add return-receipt in the header, but it would be easier to turn on Delivery Status Notification in postfix. That still just gets the status back to the originating user, and I suspect you meant something system-wide.
Taking DSN a step further, you could hack postfix's bounce templates to contain a "To:" or "Bcc:" header (if the user requested status too?), sending status messages to a specific central mailbox. That may take a change to bounce itself, to allow those headers.
Personally, I'd go with parsing the logs, but you don't explain why that's bad or what specifically you want to accomplish.
you can check if any mail is deferred by issuing postfix utility postqueue -p

Support multiple login at the same time in OpenFire server [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've configured OpenFire for using as server for my customers.
But in following case, OpenFire doesn't give proper response:
Customer A login from two chat client connected to my server and chat with another Customer B.
The problem is that, last active Customer A can only get Message from Customer B instead of getting message in both the chat client.
Anyone have configured the OpenFire can suggest me the settings need to be changed.
This is by design of XMPP, as can be seen in RFC3921, section 11.1 "Inbound Stanzas".
To send messages addressed to a bare JID in openfire to all related full JIDs (resources + bare JID), you need to set the system property route.all-resources with the value true in Openfire (Admin Console > Server Manager > System Properties). You will have to create this system property. Also you would have to set the same priority in both clients.
See also these igniterealtime forums posts.

How to create non-anonymous rooms in Ejabberd [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to create a non-anoymous room (muc) in Jabber (Ejabberd). I can create an anonymous room, but how can i make it non-anonymous?
I have read but they only describe what non-anonymous rooms, not how to create it.
I want the members to see each other's normal JIDs as opposed to conference JIDs with a nick.
From the official guide - set anonymous to false using your chat client (assuming you have admin rights):
{default_room_options, [ {OptionName, OptionValue}, ...]}
This module option allows to define the desired default room options. Note that
the creator of a room can modify the options of his room at any time using a XMPP
client with MUC capability. The available room options and the default values are:
{anonymous, true|false}
The room is anonymous: occupants don’t see the real JIDs of other occupants.
Note that the room moderators can always see the real JIDs of the occupants.
If you want to use a gui to configure this and similar settings of muc rooms, you might want to install Psi, connect to your server, join/create a room with service discovery and find that small arrow in the top-right corner of the room window. An enabled XML console is really helpful.