Getting IntelliJ 12 to put GWT output in the right location - gwt

For reasons that I have to ask you to accept as a given, I need to have my GWT application be built such that all the output is available at "/Foo/bar/1.0", rather than the normal "/".
Specifically, I need the result of compiling my GWT app inside of IntelliJ to look like this:
- Foo
- bar
- 1.0
- Testing.html
- Testing.css
- (other files in here too, like favicon.ico, etc...)
- (contents left out here)
- testing
- testing.devmode.js
- testing.nocache.js
The best I can seem to do is to get the Testing.html, Testing.css, etc... in the right place. I get this by setting the "Output Relative Path" for my GWT module to "/Foo/bar/1.0/" and the "Path Relative to DeploymentRoot" for my Web Resource Directory to the same "/Foo/bar/1.0/".
However, the "testing" directory, containing the testing.devmode.js and testing.nocache.js seem to wind up in the ~/.IntelliJIdea12/system/gwt/Project/534b2263/Test.ef6cd448/run/www/testing directory.
Obviously, this means that when the Testing.html tries to include the testing/testing.nocache.js it cannot be found, and my GWT app doesn't work.
Hopefully I'm just missing something easy, but I've been digging around for hours...
For those who may be interested, I've created a sample project to illustrate the problem and posted it, along with this same basic question, at the IntelliJ Forums:

(Copied from IntelliJ forums)
If you need to put GWT compiler output somewhere you need to create an artifact (File | Project Structure | Artifacts) and add 'GWT Compiler Output'
element to it. Also you can put 'Web facet resources' element to the same artifact. If you need to place the GWT output into a subfolder under the
artifact output root use 'New Folder' action in the 'Output layout' tree in the artifact editor.

Just for future reference and easy of finding this answer, the final result (see it is not possible to control the location of the output of the GWT compiler.
Practically what this means (for my project anyways) is that I have to do a runtime check: GWT.isProdMode() and then load resources from different locations.


GSettings, glib-compile-schemas and Eclipse

I am building this Gtkmm3 application in Ubuntu and wanted to explore GSettings. All was going well while following the instructions at the 'Using GSettings' page and then it was time to configure the make files. I use Eclipse 2019-12 IDE with CDT (V9.10) and 'GNU Make Builder' as the builder. I'm totally perplexed as to how to introduce the macros listed in the GNOME page into the make files. I even tried changing the project to a 'C/C++ Autotools Project' using Eclipse but still the necessary make files to add the macros were missing. Creating a new project with GNU Autotools does create the necessary make files but I was not able to get pkg-config to work with it.
Can anyone point me to some resource which explains how to compile the schema and how & where to load the resultant binary file (externally if necessary). I'll consider myself blessed if someone has already made a Gtkmm3 C++ application with GSettings support using Eclipse IDE in Linux and can share the details.
Finally I figured. Thought I'll share my findings here. Actually some one out there had explained this for python (link below).
Using GSettings with Python/PyGObject
Creating the schema
For the developer the work starts with defining a schema for the settings. A schema is an XML file that looks something like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE schemalist SYSTEM "gio_gschema.dtd" >
<schema id="org.gtk.skanray.emlibrary"
path="/org/skanray/emlibrary/" gettext-domain="emlibrary">
<key name="wave-pressure-ptrach-visible" type="b">
<summary>Set visibility of 'Ptrach' trace in pressure waveform.</summary>
<description>The pressure waveform shows multiple traces where 'PAW' is always enabled and additionally 'Ptrach' can be displayed. This settings affects the visibility of the trachial pressure trace shown in this waveform channel.</description></key>
The file name has to have a ‘.gschema.xml’ suffix. The schema file should be in the project path, only so that it gets pushed to SVN.
Best would be to use an XML editor (e.g. Eclipse) that supports design of XML files from a DTD file. Use following DTD file.
It is possible to store anything derived from GVariant into GSettings. Refer to following page to understand the basic types and the ‘type’ attribute to be used in the schema.
GVariant Format Strings
Compiling the schema
With the schema ready, (sudo) copy it into /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ then run,
> sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
At this point, the newly added settings can be seen / modified using dconf editor.
Accessing GSettings from the application
Coming to the main event of the show, this is how an application can read ( and / or write) settings. It is not necessary that one needs to bind property of an object to a ‘key’ in GSettings, it may be queried and used as well. Refer to GSettings API reference for details.
Glib::RefPtr <Gio::Settings> refSettings = Gio::Settings::create(“org.gtk.skanray.emlibrary”);
CLineTrace * pTrace = NULL; // CLineTrace is derived from Gtk::Widget
pTrace = …
Now you can fire up dconf editor and test the settings.
Bindings are usually preferred to be made in class constructors. However binding to ‘visible’ property of a widget could be a bit tricky. Typically the top level window does a show_all() as the last line in its constructor. However constructors of the children of top level window would have completed executing including making the bindings. If there were settings that had stored ‘visibility’ as false then the top level window’s call to show_all() would mess up with that setting. In such cases it is advised to perform the bind one time in the on_map() handler of the respective class.

Eclipse Plugin Development: Adding items to a working set with the path of the item?

I'm an eclipse plugin development newbie looking for pointers to get me started on a particular project.
I am trying to build an eclipse plugin that will automatically construct a working set from a text file that simply consists of a list of file path names. The files/items need not share any parent directories. The rough idea is represented in the following diagram:
I am not asking for the solution to this task. That's the over-arching goal. To achieve that goal, I want to conquer some smaller goals first.
With that in mind, here's the smaller goal I'm currently trying to tackle:
In Eclipse, how can I prompt the user for a single file's path, and then add that file to an existing working set?
I'm not sure where to start. Should I work directly off of the existing org.eclipse.ui.workingSets extension point? Or should I use a collection of other extension points? How do I convert strings into something that can be added to a working set? Do I write code that directly modifies the workingsets.xml file?
Even with a much simpler goal, I still feel quite overwhelmed with the vastness of eclipse extension options. There are probably many ways to go about implementing something like this, but I just need one to get started.
Thanks a bunch!
To manipulate working sets you use the working set manager interface IWorkingSetManager. Get this with:
IWorkingSetManager manager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager();
From this you can get a particular working by name with:
IWorkingSet workingSet = manager.getWorkingSet("name");
The contents of a working set is an array of IAdaptable objects:
IAdaptable [] contents = workingSet.getElements();
You add to the contents by adding to this array and setting the contents:
IAdaptable [] newContents
.... get new array with old contents + new contents
A lot of Eclipse objects implement IAdaptable, for a file in the workspace you would use IFile. You can use dialogs such as ResourceSelectionDialog to select resources from the workspace.

SuiteCloud IDE Validator Ignore List

In the SuiteCloud Eclipse IDE for NetSuite, what is the Ignore List setting under Preferences > NetSuite > Validation? Is it a single file that behaves like, say, a .gitignore? Or is it an explicit list of files to ignore?
I suspect this setting is why Eclipse is always building libraries and other files I've explicitly told it not to in my NetSuite projects.
Can anyone provide some clarity on the usage of this field?
Attempt 1
I tried setting this preference to a single file with the following contents:
**/Third Party/**
But that does not seem to work as expected. Files that should be caught by these regexes are still validated. One of them in particular (docstrap.lib.js) crashes the entire IDE every single time when the SuiteScript validator encounters it.
Attempt 2
I tried to put a similar string of regexes directly into the field itself:
but this just yields an error directly in the dialog itself: Value must be an existing file
Attempt 3
Created a new SuiteScript project with only blanket.min.js in the project root. Added an ignore file with the following contents:
blanket.min.js still gets validated. Completely lost as to how this ignore file should be formatted.
The ignore list is used by the SuiteCloud IDE (IDE) to avoid having errors in the IDE for non-standard script ids in SuiteScript 1.0 APIs.
As an example...
Since customrecord_foo is a non-standard record, it will be marked as an error by the IDE.
To tell the IDE to ignore customrecord_foo, the ignore list can be used.
It's a text file, with one script id per line.
The specified non-standard script ids in the ignore list file will not be flagged as an error by the IDE.

How to resolve Unable to find file.cpp in path(s) in Marmalade?

I'm just trying to begin develop a game in Marmalade (6.3). But when I have made my new sources (.cpp, and .h) and added them to the mkb, and then trying to run my program, then I got an error which says that Unable to find file.cpp in path(s). It's for all of my files except the files (game.h, game.cpp, main.cpp) which were made by Marmalade when I have chosen the new 2D game project. Should I add my .cpp and .h files to anywhere else?
It is difficult to give a categorical answer without more info. However my guess is that you've copied and pasted from an example and not understood about the syntax of the files section. Basically:
The "(foo)" might look very innocent, but it actually says that humbug.cpp is actually in directory foo - relative to the mkb file. It is common practice to actually use "(source)" and put all the source files in a directory of that name - making the source layout a bit neater.
Naturally if you have (source) and don't put the files actually in directory source, they won't be found. My guess is that is what you are seeing.
Just to clarify previous answer, The format of files directive is like this -
(<Path relative to MKB>,<Alternate Path>)
["Name of the parent Group in VS/XCode project","Name of the subparent group"]
for example I have two files SoundManager.h and SoundManager.cpp in System folder of Source, while MainMenu.h and MainMenu.cpp in Source/UI. Now the files directive would be -
["Source","System"] #This part is not required, it's just to arrange your files in IDE project

Can't find 'Build.xml' after export Antenna files

I have made a J2ME program. This program will be used in 3 specific countries and has to support 7 different screen resolutions.
At the moment I have created 7 different builds for each resolution type and 3 variants in each for each of the 3 countries.
I am using LWUIT as my UI framework. I have configured MTJ with the following.
on Eclipse 3.7.2
In the package explorer i right click on my project directory
select 'Export' (I couldn't find 'Export Antenna Build Files' under the 'Mobile Tools for Java' option)
I wait for it to do its thing.
I open the project folder and search for Build.xml. But can't find anything .
I find a folder called 'mtj-build' that contains another folder(custom-tasks) and two files and mtj-build.xml .
I want to able to write a build file that would be able to do the following
put in the correct resources according to the resolution its building
put in the correct theme according to the resolution its building
set the relevant attributes in the Application Descriptor file for each country
repeat this process automatically for each resolution and each country and place the respective .Jad and .Jar files in a particular folder structure as shown.
As I understand to do this I would need to set up a Build.xml. But then I can't find Build.xml after selecting the Export Antenna Build Files option.
How do I achieve this goal? Is it even possible to do this? Please do help . Thanks in Advance
===================UPDATE TO THIS POST #1======================
Follow the links mentioned by Eugen Martynov below.
on a side note: The reason I wasn't getting the option to Export Antenna Build files on the right click of the project was because they were referring to a customized version of the Eclipse IDE called Pulsar Eclipse.[ ]
The Antenna build xml file generated by it is far more optimized than the one you get out of the standard Eclipse. I dunno why that is. But thats my Observation.
===================UPDATE TO THIS POST #2======================
Thanks for your suggestion Eugen. I will be writing a few sub Ant Build files to simplify my problem. I still have to figure out how to break this down.
Thanks for the link Telmo Pimentel Mota. In my current build I have 'wtkbuild' and 'wtkpackage'. And the build is working great. I just now have to figure out how to call or execute one build file from another following Eguen's suggestion.
I wouldn't give you complete answer but I give you way to find out it yourself.
Here about ant and building process. Here is building j2me with antenna. There are also should be examples of build.xml files in antenna sample folder. Here is alternate example about ant and building j2me without using antenna.
In your case you have to use different res folders and set different manifest options based on two additional properties country and resolution. You could pass properties outside build.xml by using properties file or by command line:
ant -f <path to build.xml> -D<property name>=<property value>