Prevent automatic hash function for mutable classes - boost-python

Python allows hash values only for immutable objects. For example,
works, but
raises a TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'. See the Python documentation. However, when I wrap a C++ class in Boost.Python via the usual boost::python::class_<> function, every generated Python class has a default hash function, where the hash value is related to the object's location in memory. (On my 64-bit OS, the hash value is the location divided by 8.)
When I expose a class to Python whose members can be changed (any mutable data structure, so this is a very common situation!), I do not want a default hash function but want a call to hash() raise the same TypeError as users receive for Python's own mutable data types. In particular, users shouldn't be able to accidentally use mutable objects as dictionary keys. How can I achieve this in the C++ code?

I found out how it goes:
.setattr("__hash__", boost::python::object());
A boost::python::object which is initialized with no arguments corresponds to None. The procedure for disabling hash generation in the pure Python C API is a little more complicated, as is described in the Python documentation. However, the above code snippet apparently does the job in boost::python.

On a sidenote: The Boost.Python behaviour mirrors the default behaviour of classes in Python, where objects are basically hashable as of object id (derived from id(x)):
>>> hash(object())
>>> class MyClass(object): pass
>>> hash(MyClass)
>>> hash(MyClass())


MATLAB set class `size` (overload operation upon class)

classdef Dog
d=Dog(); can size(d) be controlled? Is there some property to set or method to overload?
Ultimately I have like = [1, 2, 3] and want length(d) == 3. I'm aware I can make d.length(). As an aside, is there a list of MATLAB "magic methods", i.e. functions that control interaction with classes, like subsref?
In MATLAB, don't think of class method as similar to class methods in other languages. Really, what they are is overloaded versions of a function.
size(d) is the same as d.size() (which is the same as d.size, parentheses are not needed to call a function), if d is an object of a custom class and size is overloaded for that class.
So, you can define function size in the methods section of your classdef, to overload size for your class. You can also create a size.m file within a #Dog/ directory to accomplish the same thing.
For example, if you create a file #char/size.m with a function definition inside, you will have overloaded size for char arrays.
The above is true for any function. Some functions, when overloaded, can cause headaches. For example be careful when overloading numel, as it could cause indexed assignment expressions to fail. size is used by the whos command to display variable information, as well as by the similar functionality in the GUI, so it is important to have it behave in the expected way.
The object behavior that you might want to change that is not obviously a function, relates to operators. Each operator is also defined by a function (including end in indexing!). See the docs for a full list.

The use of "this" in every MATLAB class

Why is that in every class in MATLAB I must use "this"? I think that in C++ I don't need to use "this", only if I want to. Is this also the case in MATLAB?
In short, you must use some kind of explicit reference.
First of all, unlike in C++/C#/Java where it is named this, you can use any name you want.
The reason that you must use explicit calls is Matlab designers decision.
The idea was to support Matlab vector operations on objects, as if they are
structs. The following is a fragment from the link above:
While languages with an implicit object parameter provide a "this" keyword
to access the implicit object, they usually do not require you to access a
property through "this". If MATLAB had implicit properties, the logical
extension to array-based objects would be to index into nothing:
S = S + (k).Value;
Following the good comment of #AndrewJanke, I would like to add that MATLAB could have had this as implicit reference, and only force to use it in indexing of array-based objects. Nevertheless, this approach was not chosen by MATLAB designers.

Types and classes of variables

Two R questions:
What is the difference between the type (returned by typeof) and the class (returned by class) of a variable? Is the difference similar to that in, say, C++ language?
What are possible types and classes of variables?
In R every "object" has a mode and a class. The former represents how an object is stored in memory (numeric, character, list and function) while the later represents its abstract type. For example:
d <- data.frame(V1=c(1,2))
# [1] "data.frame"
# [1] "list"
# list
As you can see data frames are stored in memory as list but they are wrapped into data.frame objects. The latter allows for usage of member functions as well as overloading functions such as print with a custom behavior.
typeof(storage.mode) will usually give the same information as mode but not always. Case in point:
# [1] "double"
# [1] "numeric"
The reasoning behind this can be found here:
The R specific function typeof returns the type of an R object
Function mode gives information about the mode of an object in the sense of Becker, Chambers & Wilks (1988), and is more compatible with other implementations of the S language
The link that I posted above also contains a list of all native R basic types (vectors, lists etc.) and all compound objects (factors and data.frames) as well as some examples of how mode, typeof and class are related for each type.
type really refers to the different data structures available in R. This discussion in the R Language Definition manual may get you started on objects and types.
On the other hand, class means something else in R than what you may expect. From
the R Language Definition manual (that came with your version of R):
2.2.4 Classes
R has an elaborate class system1, principally controlled via the class attribute. This attribute is a character vector containing the list
of classes that an object inherits from. This forms the basis of the “generic methods” functionality in R.
This attribute can be accessed and manipulated virtually without restriction by users. There is no checking that an object actually contains the components that class methods expect. Thus, altering the class attribute should be done with caution, and when they are available specific creation and coercion functions should be preferred.

Difference between a function and procedure?

I had a doubt
I know that main difference between a function and procedure is
The function compulsory returns a value where as a procedure may or may not returns value.
But when we use a function of type void it returns nothing.
Can u people please clarify my doubt.
Traditionally, a procedure returning a value has been called a function (see below), however, many modern languages dispense with the term procedure altogether, preferring to use the term function for all named code blocks.
Read more at Suite101: Procedure, subroutine or function?: Programming terminology 101 - a look at the differences in approach and definition of procedures, subroutines and functions.
In C and its derivatives, the term "procedure" is rarely used. C has functions some of which return a value and some of which don't. I think this is an artefact of C's heritage where before the introduction of void in ANSI C, there was no way to not return a value. By default functions returned an int which you could ignore (can still) and might be some random number if no explicit return value was specified.
In the Pascal language family, the difference is explicit, functions return a value and procedures don't. A different keyword is used in each case for the definition. Visual Basic also differentiates with functions and subroutines(?).
Since we are talking about Objective-C, there are some further issues to confuse you. Functions associated with a class or object are known as "methods" (class methods and instance methods respectively).
Also, if we are being pedantic, you don't call Objective-C methods, you invoke them by sending a message to the object. The distinction is actually quite important because the message name (aka "selector") does not necessarily always refer to the same method, it can be changed at run time. This is fundamentally different to languages like Java and C++ where a particular method name for a particular class is really just a symbolic name for the address of the block of code constituting the body of the method.
Depending on the programming language, the distinction may be not so clear. Let's take a conservative language, Pascal:
procedure indeed has no return value. It is used for operations which do not have a return value, or have multiple return values. In the latter case, multiple arguments (the return-arguments or output-arguments) are passed by reference (using the var keyword) and their values are directly modified from inside the procedure. (Note that this latter case may not be considered good practice, depending on the circumstances).
function has a single return value, and usually we do not expect it to change the value of any of its arguments (which arguments may then be passed by value, or via the const keyword). Multiple return values may be returned by bundling them into a record.
C or Java does not distinguish syntactically, so a function of return type void can be thought of as a procedure. Scala distinguished between them by the presence of an equals sign between the method head and method body.
Generally, no matter how an actual language calls its construct, we would ideally expect that
A function takes arguments, doesn't modify any state (like mutating arguments, global variables, or printing info for the user to the console), and returns the result of computation.
A procedure takes arguments, performs operations which can have side-effects (writing to a database, printing to the console, maybe mutating variables), but hopefully doesn't mutate any arguments.
In practice however, depending on the situation, blends of these expectations can be observed. Sticking to these guidelines helps I think.

Automatic casting in Scala

I have a class that inherits the Actor trait. In my code, I have a method that creates x numbers of this actor using a loop and another method that simply sends the Finish message to all of them to tell them to terminate. I made the kill method just take an array of Actor since I want to be able to use it with an array of any type of Actor. For some reason, however, when I pass a value of type Array[Producer], where Producer extends Actor, to a method that accepts the type Array[Actor], I get a type error. Shouldn't Scala see that Producer is a type of Actor and automatically cast this?
What you are describing is called covariance, and it is a property of most of the collection classes in Scala--a collection of a subtype is a subtype of the collection of the supertype. However, since Array is a Java primitive array, it is not covariant--a collection of a subtype is simply different. (The situation is more complicated in 2.7 where it's almost a Java primitive array; in 2.8 Array is just a plain Java primitive array, since the 2.7 complications turned out to have unfortunate corner cases.)
If you try the same thing with an ArrayBuffer (from collection.mutable <- edit: this part is wrong, see comments) or a List (<- edit: this is true) or a Set (<- edit: no, Set is also invariant), you'll get the behavior you want. You could also create an Array[Actor] to begin with but always feed it Producer values.
If for some reason you really must use Array[Producer], you can still cast it using .asInstanceOf[Array[Actor]]. But I suggest using something other than primitive arrays--anything you could possibly be doing with actors will be far slower than the tiny overhead of using a more full-featured collection class.