UIScrollView Customize size(not getting) - iphone

I'm having an UIScrollView attached to a UIView using interfacebuilder, to that UIScrollView I added subviews, UILabels, UIButtons etc.
In my .m file i have given like this
[testscroll setScrollEnabled:YES];
[self.testscroll setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 1560)];
I can visible UIScrollView but it is up to the limit(not for the totalview) I increased height in setContentSize but there is no use
I think this is the simple question but am not getting it please help me.

Check the height of the scroll at IB.
If the view height and scroll content height are same then the scroll would not scroll.
Check the scroll height at IB and reduce accordingly

Check out these scenario this may help,
1>first check you bind scrollview correctly.
2>if you make property of scrollview then only use self. testscroll
3>set the content size in ViewdidLoad


ScrollView in iPhone interfacebuilder

I have put 14 items in scroll view but it gets stuck after 6 items. I have not put any code, just did all from interface builder (items are arranged vertically). I can see the items below but it jumps to 6 items when I release the touch. It is not that the scroll view is not working, it is just not showing as much I want it to show.
Has any-body got any idea what is happening? any help is appreciated.
You should set the content size of your scrollview.
[scrollview setContentSize:CGSizeMake(scrollview.contentSize.width, heigth)];
Where set height that contains all your sub controls in scrollview.
Scrollview content size is not set properly. Use setContentSize: to set the content size of the scrollview
You added the content into scrollview so now you have to make scroll know to what size it shoul scroll and show the content
Set an outlet and then add this code in viewDidLoad
[scrollview setContentSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)];
From Docs
The size of the content view.
#property(nonatomic) CGSize contentSize
The unit of size is points. The default size is CGSizeZero.
Here is a nice tutorial since you are a beginner .
may be its too late, but here is how i solved it:
put the items in a UIView and stretch that view as much as it need to be stretched.
put that UIView in the scrollview.
put a scroll view in the main uiview, the height and width will be similar to uiview.

Storyboard UIScrollView contentSize?

I feel like I have touched on every single possible cause for stopping this, but I have a UIScrollView in my Storyboard hooked up with an outlet and in the viewDidLoad I set the contentSize so that I can scroll (yes bigger than my frame size)!
However, whatever I change, I just can't scroll! I have a couple of textfields in my scrollview and bouncing enabled so I can see that when testing its moves up and down with my subviews in it but whatever I set the contentSize to I just can't scroll.
Anything I might be missing/should check? Is this a known issue with UIScrollView being used in a storyboard?
Whats even stranger is, I can do something like this:
[scrollView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]]; and I have a blue scroll view! But setting content size fails.
My only code (otherwise scrollview is just dropped into storyboard view controller):
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 640)];
Logged frame, comes out as expected:
width: 320.00
height: 504.00
Edit 2
Turns out that removing any subviews of the scroll view in my storyboard lets it scroll just fine. If I add any subview to it at all via the storyboard, even a blank brand new UIButton it just won't apply the contentSize/allow scrolling.
use ViewDidLayoutSubview
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
[_scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 500)];
UIViewController's method invoke sequence is as below
viewDidLoad is not a good place to put code that relies on frame sizes of IB objects. If you log the contentSize of your scroll view in viewDidLoad, you will see that it's (0,0). Move the code (where you set the content size) to viewDidAppear, and it will work properly.
Check these
User Interaction enabled
Outlet connected
Included contentsize greater than bounds
scrolling Enabled
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320, 640);
My storyboard looks like this for scrollview [working]
I had exactly the same line of code in viewDidAppear and it did not work
Moved it to viewDidLayoutSubviews and it worked correctly.
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 500)];
Thanks trick14 for the answer.
The issue is most probably with Auto Layout. UIScrollView needs special attention when using AutoLayout.
Quick-fix - bind one of the scroll's subviews to the top AND bottom space of it's superview (the scroll view).
Long story:
Questions on SO:
UIScrollView not scrolling regardless of large contentSize,
UIScrollView will not scroll, even after content size set,
UIScrollView doesn't use autolayout constraints
Apple's Documentation:
Trip14's answer worked for me. In swift I coded it as:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
(self.view as! UIScrollView).contentSize = CGSizeMake(600, 600)
This seems to be a similar issue. Other Story
It might be an issue with auto layout or constraints in the storyboard.
the best way with the storyboard.:

UIScrollView not working in IB

I have a UIScrollView that contains a UIView inside.
The UIScrollView has paging enabled and is 320x500
The UIView is 320x480
My UIView doesn't scroll in the simulator or on the device. What am I doing wrong?
To make the UIScrollView scroll, the ScrollView.contentSize should be larger than the ScrollView.frame.size
If you want it to scroll only up-down, make the ScrollView.contentSize.height greater than the ScrollView.frame.size.height (and so on for scrolling sideways or both ways)
You'll have to set the content size programmatically.
You probably didn't set the contentSize property of the UIScrollView, which is a CGSize.
Set this property with the content view frame's size.
Also your UIView isn't larger than the scroll view, but it should at least bounce the scroll.
Make sure you have an object to be the UIScrollView's delegate, and that it implements the required methods for panning. Read more about it here:
UIScrollView documentation
Hope that helped!

scrollview and textview problem with scrolling iphone

i have a view, then in the view i have a scrollview and then in the scrollview i have a bunch of different objects. These objects aren't bigger than the scrollview's size, so i put a textView with a lot of text in the scrollview to see if it works but it is not scrolling. I deactivated the textview's scroll function. Does the scrollview knows the size of my textview? The textview's text is being set programmatically. Here's my view hierarchy:
Thanks in advance.
If you set the text programatically (and the size of the textview I assume since you don't scroll in it) you will have to set the contentSize of the scrollview after that. It doesn't automagically know when one of its elements grow.
And also set
scrollView.scrollEnabled = YES;

UIScrollView won't scroll!

In IB I have my UIView. Then I have a sub-UIView with a UIScrollView as a sub view. Then the UIScrollView has a sub-UIImageView. The UIScrollView and UIImageView are the same size. They're much bigger than the UIView of which they are subviews. I assumed this would make scrolling work. It doesn't. Is some sort of code required for scroll views to work?
You need to set UIScrollView.contentSize to match the total scrollable size, which is your subview frame size in this case.
As mentioned in the accepted answer, you must set the UIScrollView's contentSize property.
This can be done in Interface Builder.
Select the scroll view
Select the 'identity inspect' in Utilities pane on the right
Under 'User Defined Runtime Attributes' click the '+' button
Set the 'Key Path' value to 'contentSize'
Set the 'Type' value to 'Size'
Set the 'Value' value to '{width, height}' (eg: '{320, 600}')
Build and run and your scroll view will scroll.
The content inset does not affect scrolling. See What's the UIScrollView contentInset property for?
To scroll, you have to make the scrollview's frame smaller than its content, the contained image or view.
This might be obvious to most, but I spent ages wondering why my UIScrollView wouldn't scroll so I'm posting what was stopping me in case it helps anyone else:
The UIScrollView has to be of the dimensions of the visible area in which you wish it to be presented and not the size of it's contents.
Ridiculous on my behalf I know, but just in case it helps someone.
I placed all the content of my scrollview in IB. (buttons, labels, text fields, etc). The full size is 500 tall.
I then resized it to 436 tall in IB.
Then in code, I put this is viewDidLoad:
optionsScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320,500);
So that leaves 64 pixels that I can scroll. It works perfectly.
I also placed "UIScrollViewDelegate" in the <> braces of #interface for my .h file and tied the delegate outlet of the scrollview to File's owner in IB.
I could solve the scrolling problem with the following answer:
By me the trick was:
You now need to set the height of the content UIView. You can then either specify the height of the content view (blech) or use the
height of the controls contained within by making sure the bottom
control is constrained to the bottom of the content view.
I have set the height and width of the view inside the scrollView with center vertical and horizontal alignment and that was the reason, why it did not work!
After deleting this constraints, I need to add equal width (scrollView and the view inside the scrollView) AND I set the height of the view inside the scrollView directly with the content. Which means: The last element in the view must have a bottom constraint to the view!!
The other important thing that I don't see mentioned here is that UIScrollView does not play nicely with AutoLayout. If it seems like you've done everything correctly, check if your ViewController has autolayout turned on and, if so, turn it off.
(Every time you scroll, the views are re-laid-out. Gak!)
Make sure scrollview's contentSize is bigger than its frame.size
Make sure AutoLayout for the ViewController is turned off.
more, did you enable scrolling?
look at the property
#property(nonatomic, getter=isScrollEnabled) BOOL scrollEnabled
Make sure 3 things,
checking scrollView frame & contentView frame, u may find the answer
scrollView.isScrollEnabled = true
contentView of scrollView height didn't constraint with scroll view height
UIScrollView won't scroll!
reason: contentSize is same as (sub) view
should: contentSize is large than (sub) view
-> UIScrollView can scroll
how set UIScrollView contentSize?
two method:
in code
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
//[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(375, 1000)];
CGSize curScreenSize = UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size;
CGFloat scrollWidth = curScreenSize.width;
CGFloat scrollHeight = curScreenSize.height * 2;
[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(scrollWidth, scrollHeight)];
in UI (Storyboard)
Storyboard-》Identity Inspector-》User Defined Runtime Attributes-》 add new attribute:
Value:{375, 1000}
Scroll view works with this:
views or objects etc...
If your frame is set to your content size then it won't scroll.
So set your frame ( in IB right panel -> second last tab 'Size Inspector") to the length of your app ( in my case it is 367 as i have a navbar and a tab bar) then programatically set the contentSize to - yup you guessed it ... more than your frame so it can scroll.
Happy days!!