CMake VS2008 CE cross compile - change (deployment - remote directory) - deployment

Is it possible to change the visual studio (2008) deployment - remote directory setting from within a CMakeLists.txt. The default CMake is using: "%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\"
The goal I like to achieve is having multiple projects deploy to the same remote directory. All dll and exe files nicely together on the remote machine for debugging purposes.
Is there a general approach to change VisualStudio settings, I reckon there are other settings needed to be customized.


Is it possible to use vscode-car-plugin in Linux to create a .car file?

I use vscode-car-plugin in my local system (Windows 10) with Visual Studio Code to develop wso2-ei projects and it works perfectly. I can generate the deployed file .car with "Build project" in Visual Studio Code or the "mvn package" in a Windows console.
The component of projects (proxies, endpoints, entries, ...) are saved in Git. For testing purpose, we implement CI/CD with Jenkins in the Linux system and the steps are:
Download the code from Git to Linux/path/checkout/project/src/main.
Generate the deployed file .car with command "mvn package"
Deploy the .car into WSO2-EI.
It's in the second step where we have problems because of the way to create paths of "vscode-car-plugin" which add a "\" instance of "/" and it returns the error "File not found".
If I change the /opt/jenkins/pruebas_inigof/Piloto/target/classes/main/synapse-config/local-entries**/**zzcompras_articulos.xslt.xml, the file exists.
I suppose this plugin was created for the Windows system, but I would like to use the same POM and method to generate the .car file and avoid problems in superior environments.
I resolved the problem modifying the plugin which I downloaded from
I only had to add the line in the class: CAppHandler

How to set Solution Configuration Build in MSBuild command-line

I am trying to build my solution using MSBuild in the Command-Line instead of Visual Studio.
So, I have a Solution Configuration Build called "Installer - QA" which will generate the .exe file. However this solution configuration does not have a project configuration with the same name, so it is building all the projects.
msbuild solutionName.sln /p:Configuration="Installer - QA"
From what I understood this Configuration property sets the Project Configuration instead of Solution Configuration, then my project filter does not work.
It's funny because in Visual Studio works, is there a way to know how Visual Studio does?
The solution I've found so far it's to build using "devenv.exe" as the following:
devenv solutionName.sln /rebuild "Installer - QA"
You will need to add the path to devenv.exe in the PATH environmental variable (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE").
The only drawback I see in this solution is the need to install Visual Studio IDE at the remote server.
This post helped me to figure out this answer.

Setting up TFVC repo in Visual Studio Code for Mac

I am trying to to set up a Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repository hosted in VSTS on my Visual Studio Code for Mac. I haven't used Visual Studio at all. Apparently, my client is using TFVC system as their main approach for repo management.
However, I tried downloading the source as a Zip from the VSTS web site but Visual Studio Code for Mac (with the VSTS extension configured) did not identify that folder is a VSTS repo (Showing the "team" icon).
Tutorial I followed to configure -
May I know what I am not doing right here? or simply is it because you can't work with VSTS with MacOS system.
I don't have a PC btw
You can't download the source as zip.
You can create workspace and get the source through tf command (TEE cli): Cross-Platform Command-Line Client- Beginner's Guide.
Then click File > Open Folder > Select that folder to open, then click Team icon to login.
On the other hand, you can use TEE in eclipse to do that through UI way.

Eclipse Project - need to have a copy locally and a copy on a remote server

I develop in PHP using Zend Studio - operating as an Eclipse plugin - has a really nice feature called "Automatic Upload" that can be configured on a per Project basis. This feature allows one to define a remote connection to a server for a Project, and also specify whether file copy to the remote server is "manual" or "on save".
We use the "on save" option extensively, as it allows us to edit a file via Eclipse, save it, and immediately see the file in play on our remote web server.
Specifically the functionality we are after is as follows:
Create or edit a local file in Eclipse
On Save of the local copy, automatically creates / updates the remote copy
On Delete of the local copy, deletes the remote copy
(cut/copy & paste behave in a conceptually equivalent way)
Manual batch "upload to remote" and "download from remote" menu options that allows full upload / download of all files as well as manual cherry picking of files to upload or download.
This feature is really nice and has very broad application so I expected it to be standard Eclipse functionality, however I have installed Eclipse Oxygen, and can't find it. I have subsequently done rather a lot of searching, and although there are some manual options that have appeared, the closest I can find to an automated copy equivalent is the Parallel Development Tools plug-in which provides a "Synchronized Project" option.
Synchronized Projects require git running on both local and remote and a git folder structure inserted into the Project. Additionally, hidden files are injected into every Project sub-folder.
The above renders Synchronized Projects too "heavy" and potentially problematic to manage for us.
So I am fairly desperately looking for an Eclipse Oxygen (or Neon is fine) plug-in that provides the functionality outlined above.
Your input is greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance!
While not exactly remote sync, a little lateral thinking has given me exactly what we need. What I did is as follows:
Remote (linux)
Install Samba
Use Samba to present the desired folder as a Windows share
Local (PC)
Windows File explorer
mapped the remote windows share to a local mapped drive
downloaded and installed the File Sync plug-in from Eclipse market place
right-clicked on my Project and selected Properties => File synchronisation, and configured the desired folders (setting the "remote" as the mapped drive)
and one final item (because we are mapping from a Windows local to a Linux remote) : Window => Preferences => General => Workspace Set "New text file line delimiter" to "Other => Unix"
And hey presto, everything is working 100%.
You can do this by a project builder Ant buildfile. Alternative, there are others build system that are implements the Eclipse project builder (to be executed on save), but which must be installed separately. You can also implement your own incremental project builder in Java.

Disable automatic adding of files with TFS Everywhere plug-in in Eclipse

Is it possible to disable the automatic adding of new files to TFS in Eclipse without using the .tpignore configuration file? I would like to distinguish which file of a folder is added to TFS. For example the TFS plug-in tries to add the temporary file created when a version controlled excel sheet is opened. For me this is currently the biggest issue with the TFS Everywhere plug-in.
The most effective and convenient way is using the .tpignore file which in TFS 2010 and prior. In TFS 2012, with local workspaces, Visual Studio and the TFS plug-in for Eclipse have standardized on the new .tfignore file.
Possible duplicate with Do not automatically pend some additions in TFS plug-in for Eclipse .
The terminology used by most source control providers, including TFS,
is ignored.
You could also add the file format in the list defined files which are ignored in TFS by default.
To distinguish which file of a folder is added to TFS you could use some third-party tool such as TFS power tools, the file in TFS will have a green small arrow in the lower left corner of the file, just as the screenshot in my reply of this question.