Disable automatic adding of files with TFS Everywhere plug-in in Eclipse - eclipse

Is it possible to disable the automatic adding of new files to TFS in Eclipse without using the .tpignore configuration file? I would like to distinguish which file of a folder is added to TFS. For example the TFS plug-in tries to add the temporary file created when a version controlled excel sheet is opened. For me this is currently the biggest issue with the TFS Everywhere plug-in.

The most effective and convenient way is using the .tpignore file which in TFS 2010 and prior. In TFS 2012, with local workspaces, Visual Studio and the TFS plug-in for Eclipse have standardized on the new .tfignore file.
Possible duplicate with Do not automatically pend some additions in TFS plug-in for Eclipse .
The terminology used by most source control providers, including TFS,
is ignored.
You could also add the file format in the list defined files which are ignored in TFS by default.
To distinguish which file of a folder is added to TFS you could use some third-party tool such as TFS power tools, the file in TFS will have a green small arrow in the lower left corner of the file, just as the screenshot in my reply of this question.


Does the Microsoft Installer Project extension for VS2017 work correctly with Team Services?

We've updated to Visual Studio 2017 and switched to Team Services (VSTS) as our source control. I've migrated a few old projects and am using the Microsoft Installer Project extension to provide compatibility for the original setup projects.
However, there seems to be a potential issue with source control when working with the setup projects. Attempting to make any change results in the error:
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'Setup[Productname].vdproj' is under source code control and is not checked out.
Modifying files of other projects within the solution work correctly and trigger checkout from the repository.
I have not been able to determine a way to properly check out the setup project and work with it under the new source control. I'm unsure if it's a bug with the extension or if it simply lacks support for VSTS.
Has anyone successfully been able to work with setup projects (.vdproj) in conjunction with VSTS? If not, is there a workaround?
Image of context menu:
You can apply the following workaround, since it seems to be a bug in the installer extension:
Choose 'Open file in File explorer' in your context menu
Open the project file in your favorite texteditor
Make a dummy change (adding a space character in an empty spot is enough)
Visual studio will prompt to reload the project and has explicity checked out the project file.
see also here
I submit a feedback here: The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'Setup[Productname].vdproj' is under source code control and is not checked out
The workaround is that you can check out the project manually. (Right click the installer project > Check out for edit)

Open Files in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Mars with the TFS plugin. I work with many files that don't have a file extension. Is there a setting to have those files open in Eclipse? Currently, I always get Windows "what do you want to do with this file" selection displays.
All of these non-extension files are plain text that would properly render in Eclipse.
We have a fix in TEE/Eclipse TFS plugin to handle opening files without any extensions from Source Control Explorer in Eclipse. It will be available with our next update.
Unfortunately, the way our Eclipse TFS plugin (i.e. TEE) is written today, you will not be able to do what you are asking (meaning, you will not be able to configure the system so that when you click on a file with no file extension in the source control explorer and have it open in Eclipse – you will always be promoted by Windows to choose the application). We will keep this use case in mind as we continue to support the plug-in and will add it to the backlog of options to be considered in the next release. We are sorry for any inconvenience this is causing you. Thank you for your question.

What's the best way to checkout from TFS to eclipse using TEE?

I'm developing a QNX app (thus I'm using an old version of Eclipse-CDT C++ etc.). Up until now I've been checking out with TFS and then importing the project files to the workspace via Import->General->ExistingProject; this means I can build/debug etc, but I've only had TFS functionality available via TeamExplorer from the TFS perspective. If I import the same projects to a different workspace via Import->Team->TFS then I have extra TEE functionality but I can't build/debug etc.
So, what's the recommended way to do this? I'd like both functionalities.
Edit ---
I imported each project one-at-a-time via Import->Team->TFS and it worked.
I'm not sure why importing from TFS doesn't detect that project's nature correctly. (Are you not checking in .project files? Are you using Maven?)
Regardless, if you want to go the route of importing an existing project from disk, just go to the Team menu, select Share, then select TFS. It should detect your working folder mappings and simply set TFS as the source control provider for that project, which should give you all the TFS bindings from within editors and views.

Do not automatically pend some additions in TFS plug-in for Eclipse

I am using TFS plugin for eclipse, i want to make my \bin (It's an Android Project) folder's changes not reflected in TFS, we can say it as "unbinding" or "making it offline". Is that possible by Eclipse TFS plugin
The terminology used by most source control providers, including TFS, is ignored.
The TFS plug-in for Eclipse will honor Eclipse's "derived resource" settings, which is resources that are built from the rest of the project resources. That is to say that your bin directories should be ignored by your Eclipse settings. You may wish to double-check your project configuration to ensure that your filesystem layout reflects what Eclipse believes to be your project layout. (This can happen, for example, if you have a maven-style project configuration and use maven exclusively to produce builds, but you do not use mvn to setup your Eclipse projects and workspace.)
However, you can also accomplish this manually, as the TFS plug-in for Eclipse has an ignore file like most other source control providers.
From within the Eclipse package explorer, you can simply right click on your bin folder and select Team > Ignore. This will create the appropriate ignore file and add an entry for your entire bin folder (recursively).
You can also update the file manually, in TFS 2010 and prior, this file is the .tpignore file. In TFS 2012, with local workspaces, Visual Studio and the TFS plug-in for Eclipse have standardized on the new .tfignore file.

"Map to Local Folder" option missing in VS2008

A colleague has installed VS2008 Team Explorer (as part of his role in Scrum) and can successfully use Work Items, Documents and Reports. I now want him to use the TFS Source Control for non-code files (documents etc). He can successfully open Source Control Explorer but everything is greyed out as nothing has been mapped locally. Unfortunately, the "Map to Local Folder" option is missing from the context menus.
Is there another component he needs to install in order to use the Source Control part of TFS?
If he installs SP1 of Visual Studio 2008 he'll find it much easier to use. SP1 includes things like drag-drop into Source Control Explorer to add files, easier local folder mapping and links to open the local folder in windows explorer from the source control explorer.
You might also want him to install the TFS 2008 Power Tools - especially the Windows Shell Extensions (not selected by default in the installer) as they make it easier to deal with files outside of Visual Studio. This is very handy for word docs etc.