XNA project stops working out of the blue - deployment

Last time I worked on my XNA project about a week ago it was running fine, the last thing I did was deploy it to the XBox for a demo. Now, after no changes, for some reason it won't build an I am getting the following error:
Unable to copy file "E:\Prototype2\DebugView XNA\bin\x86\Debug\Content\font.xnb" to "bin\x86\Debug\font.xnb". The device is not ready.
Windows Copy of Prototype2**
I have checked this path and there is no folder in that path called Content and no font.xnb file. I have no idea why it would suddenly have trouble in this way or why it wants this file.


I can't upload my Unity game in the PlayStore, because It says the uploaded .aab file is empty

Recently, I finished a project in Unity and I am trying to release it in the playstore (this is my first time), but whenever I try to upload it in the app bundles it gives the following error:
And when I look at the properties of this .aab file, it says that the file contains zero bytes of information, even though I just build my entire Unity project on it.
When I open Unity, I get the following errors, which I've looked up, but I couldn't find a proper answer with relevance to my project.
These are my build settings:
I followed a tutorial video, which says that it's relevant in 2022, and I followed every step, but it still doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated!
Try building the game with EXPORT PROJECT option and build the app with Android Studio... I'm also having a lot of issues exporting with Unity 3D.
Export the project > Drag the new folder into Android Studio > Export Project (Select if APK or not)

Unity Project not loading up

A couple of hours ago I turned off my computer and I just recently came back to work on my project
and this has been stuck on my screen for hours
I tried restarting my computer that didn't work and I tried to reopen the project like 10 times and it just stays stuck on ("Initialize Asset Database")
A Solution
Do a backup of your Projects (use Google Drive, Dropbox or Localstorage)
Deinstall the complete Unity Hub with the version
Install the Unity Hub including your favorite version
This also happens if the file name is wrong.
I made the mistake of putting the "\" character in the png file name. After renaming the file, the project loaded normally.

Unity - unity error cs2001 source file could not be found 2018

Ever since i updated my Unity, It keep telling me
error cs2001 source file "Scripts.cs" could not be found
I even tried creating a whole new project with new file and still getting this problem.
Anybody knows how to fix this problem!!!!!!
Sorry for my English.
Unity Version 2018.1.0f2
enter image description here
If the missing file is a script that you've renamed or deleted, simply recreate a script with the same name in the location mentioned. Then let Unity recompiles the scripts. Once successfully compiled feel free to delete the file if it no longer is necessary.
Check the folow:
1 Location of your update files in linux have 777 permissions for the user you have?. Or your file is in the location?.
2 path to the file correct writely?. You know in Windows or Linux use / or \ test it
3 your file have a name with extension correctly?
I hope this helps
Today I ran into that same problem as well after restoring a Windows system restore point. I assume that Windows restored some old Unity cache files in that process which led to that error.
Simply creating the missing file(s) works. But if you did a lot of changes / renames / removals recently you may have to re-create quite a lot of files to make it compile again.
If you're using version control like Git or SVN you can jump back to an earlier point in your change history (one where the probelmatic files still existed), let Unity compile and then go back to your current state.

Gear VR Framework: Problems with cleaning (first step)

I'm currently trying to set up everything to develop a Gear VR app with Eclipse in Java but I keep getting errors when I clean the Gear VR Framework project:
"Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden." simply means:
"The system cannot find the file specified."
At first Eclipse didn't recognize the directory "C:\Programme\Programmieren\AndroidNDK" (originally "Program Files" instead of "Programme" but it didn't work because of the space; has the subfolders "build", "platforms",...) as a valid folder for the NDK. According to another thread on Stackexchange, you have to create an empty file without a file extension and with the name "ndk-build" in the main folder (so "AndroidNDK"), which I did - even though there's already a file like that in the subfolder "build". That at least made Eclipse happy but now I get the above error messages.
Yes, the folders "GVRf" and "ovr_sdk_mobile" are in the same root folder and yes, I added "C:\Programme\Programmieren\AndroidNDK" to the Windows Path variable but I still get the same error messages.
I checked, the files really don't exist but I don't know, where I would even get them. I followed the steps here, including 1.b., so I should have everything necessary but apparently I don't. Plus, I double checked with this youtube video. I did everything the guy did - except the Git part for GVRf (I downloaded the zip) but including not copying the project into my workspace (that sadly gave me a bunch of other "cannot find..." errors) - and it worked just fine for him but not for me.
Since this doesn't work, I also can't even test the samples. :/
Any ideas where I can get the missing files or what actually could be the problem and how I can fix it?
I fixed it:
There must not be any spaces in the path, so you shouldn't put the framework + NDK in a subfolder of e.g. "Program Files". Eclipse and Java usually don't care but the framework and NDK apparently do.
Eclipse's workspace/your project has to be on the same HDD as the framework. I've tried a couple of things but haven't gotten it to work with my usual workspace since that's on a different HDD.
There seemed to be a problem with the old version of the framework (April 11th to 13th), simply couldn't get it to run. It's now running fine with a newer version (April 15th) - as long as the two above points are met.

Appcelerator Titanium Mobile: app.js not found

I created an app with Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile on my home machine. The path was /Users/[myusername]/Projects/ProjectName.
I checked my code into Mercurial.
The next day, at my office computer, I cloned the Mercurial repo, and then added the existing app. I tried to run it in the simulator and received the error:
could not find the file app.js.
I looked at the log and noticed that the path it was looking for was the path on my home computer, not the path on my office computer.
What can I do to make my app run on two different computers? I imagine that if I created a new app and then copied my code into it, it would probably work on the office machine. But if I checked my code in, and got latest at home it would probably be broken there.
Open tiapp.xml
Remove the line. f01a795a-46e7-4627-8558-465e5998c99d
Do a full rebuild
Bring guid tag back (just to make sure you still have it on tiapp.xml)
Do a full rebuild again.
Here's the source:
Can you re-create a new project? copy your files tiapp.xml as well as folder Resources to your new project and build again.
This issue mainly caused by JavaScript minification,either you have syntax error in one or more js files or which is hard to predict may you have some other files in you project that are not js files and cause this failure to build and then this common error .
my two cents open up you project files and look carefully for any file or files that are not supposed to be in it.