Detect how many apps are in running mode on device - iphone

I am developing an app where I have to detect whether there any app which is already running on device. I want the list of all running apps. I made R&D on this topic but I found nothing. Is there any way to do this?

I think in a non-jailbreak app you can not do this.
However for a jailbroken app you can do : Return a list of running background apps/processes in iOS
Also: Detect which app is currently running on iOS using sysctl
As this app in iTunes does the same as you need, so you can go with above.


Can i test an app store link in the ios simulator?

I working on the LITE version of my app. The link page to the full version seems to work on my devices but not on the simulator? Is that normal? Do I need to set an option on the simulator to allow web calls?
The App Store app does not exist in the simulator, so you can only test it on an actual device.
See this question for more info.

test iPhone app without an iPhone

I've been sent an iPhone app package (.zip file) that I would like to test. The app is not yet available in the app store and I don't own an iPhone. What are my options for testing this app? I can probably get my hands on a Mac (with some difficulty), but ideally I'm looking for a way of running the app under windows/Linux.
I was hoping to find a website that would allow me to upload the package, and I could then test the app in a browser, but haven't found anything like this so far.
You try what you want, the app code will not run on any other platform then an iOS device.
The best option is the get the source code so you can run the app on a Mac with Xcode and the iOS simulator.
But this is no real replacement for device testing.
Also be aware that iOS ad-hoc app arre linked to device and can there not be installed on device which are not in the profile with which the app is build. The devices are identified by there UDID.
The app you linked is indeed an ARM only binnary and can only be installed on devices that are in the profile used to build the app. Mach-O executable arm
I also took a look at the app bundle and it seems that the app is native, there for you can not simply extract any thing an present it as a webpage. There is no known app to HTML tool available.
In order to test an iOS app the developer of the app must add your UDID to his Member Center under devices. Without that limit everyone could share apps around the globe with no real use for the appstore.
There's no way for you to test it, even if you'll get a Mac and an iPhone.
If not an iPhone, you can test it on an iPad or an IOS simulator... NO other way possible at all...

App installs successfully but never passes the splash screen

I have developed an iPad app which is currently in the testing phase. I have deployed it (using TestFlight) to several employees of the company.
One of these employees is overseas and has zero knowledge about how Apple products, iPads and iPhones work and has never really sync's it.
When he installs the app using testflight (or using IPA drop) it installs successfully but when he runs the app - the splash screen loads and then the app immediately closes. It remains in the list of open apps.
He is running iPad 2 GSM (4.3.5) and all the rest of the local employees are running iPad 2 Wi-Fi (5.0.1).
The base version of the app is set to 5.0 and deployment target 4.3.
How should I go about helping him - he is in a different country and I am not seeing any crash logs in TestFlight and I don't have physical access to his device.
Try to run you app in iPad 4.3 Simulator. Maybe you are using features available only in iOS 5.
If he can connect iPad and complete sync with iTunes, then you may as him to look up for crash logs in filesystem of computer. More details here:
Since you've already integrated the TestFlight SDK, you could look at using their checkpoint API to effectively trace through the application execution and determine where/why it's failing.
The other thing to look at is whether the app is taking too long to startup and is being killed by the watchdog timer.

Close other multitasking apps with our application with code - iPhone

I want to close other application running background with my app
how can i do it?
not possible
...unless your are programming in a jailbroken iPhone
You can request the user (who is in control of their device) to kill background apps manually and/or reboot their device. Which is not a good user experience, even though I've seen this request on some game app support forums/FAQs.

Submit iPhone App for limited Devices

I am on the edge of submitting my first iPhone Application.
So, now I have little confusion in the submitting process..
My application is only for iPhone and ipod touch users only, not for the ipad (yet). So, i don't know where I need to specify this option while submitting app to the apple. If anybody can help me then it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...
EDIT: While submitting app to the app store I got one radio button option which is asking like "
Do you want to limit your app to only run on devices with specific capabilities?" Yes | No. (this question can be found just below the description field)
I don't know what to select and why..
It doesn't matter if your app isn't an "iPad app". If you submit it, it'll be submitted as an iPhone/iPod Touch app.
The iPad will be able to run it using it's scaling mode, and there's no way you can prevent this.
Unless you create your app to be universal for iPhone and iPad, this is how it will work.
If you are using features that are specific to updates like iPhone OS 3.0 then you would want to limit it to anything after that build. Otherwise users of say, the iPod Touch, who haven't upgraded would not be able to use all the features. If your app doesn't have any device or software specific capabilities then you can just check "NO".