MANOVA - huge matrices - cluster-analysis

First, sorry by the tag as "ANOVA", it is about MANOVA (yet to become a tag...)
From the tutorials I found, all the examples use small matrices, following them would not be feasible for the case of big ones as it is the case of many studies.
I got 2 matrices for my 14 sampling points, 1 for the organisms IDs (4493 IDs) and other to chemical profile (190 variables).
The 2 matrices were correlated by spearman and based on the correlation, split in 4 clusters (k-means regarding the square euclidian clustering values), the IDs on the row and chemical profile on line.
The differences among them are somewhat clear, but to have it in a more robust way I want to perform MANOVA to show the differences between and within the clusters - that is a key factor for the conclusion, of course.
Problem is that, after 8h trying, could not even input the data in a format acceptable to the analysis.
The tutorials I found are designed to very few variables and even when I think I overcame that, the program says that my matrices can't be compared by their difference in length.
Each cluster has its own set of IDs sharing all same set of variables.
What should I do?
Thanks in advance.
Diogo Ogawa

If you have missing values in your data (which practically all data sets seem to contain) you can either remove those observations or you can create a model using those observations. Use the first approach if something about your methodology gives you conviction that there is something different about those observations. Most of the time, it is better to run the model using the missing values. In this case, use the general linear model instead of a balanced ANOVA model. The balanced model will struggle with those missing data.


Clustering cancer gene expression data at the same time?

I'm working at gene expression data clustering techniques and I have downloaded 35 datasets from web,
We have 35 datasets that each of them represents a type of cancer. Each dataset has its own features. Some of these datasets are shared in several features, and some of them do not share anything from the viewpoint of features.
My question is, how do we ultimately cluster these data, while many of them do not have the same characteristics?
I think that we do the clustering operation on all 35 datasets at the same time.
Is my idea correct?
any help is appreciated.
I assume that when you say heterogenous it'll be things like different gene expression platforms where different genes are present.
You can use any clustering technique, but you'll need to write your own distance metric that takes into account heterogeneity within your dataset. For instance, you could use the correlation of all the genes that are in common between pairwise samples, create a distance matrix from this, then use something like hierarchical clustering on this distance matrix
I think there is no need to write your own distance metric. There already exists plenty of distance metrics that can work for mixed data types. For instance, the gower distance works well for mixed data type. See this post on the same. But if your data contains only continuous values then you can use k-means. You'll also be better off, if the data is preprocessed first.

Appropriate method for clustering ordinal variables

I was reading through all (or most) previously asked questions, but couldn't find an answer to my problem...
I have 13 variables measured on an ordinal scale (thy represent knowledge transfer channels), which I want to cluster (HCA) for a following binary logistic regression analysis (including all 13 variables is not possible due to sample size of N=208). A Factor Analysis seems inappropriate due to the scale level. I am using SPSS (but tried R as well).
1: Am I right in using the Chi-Squared measure for count data instead of the (squared) euclidian distance?
2. How can I justify a choice of method? I tried single, complete, Ward and average, but all give different results and I can't find a source to base my decision on.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Answer 1: Since the variables are on ordinal scale, the chi-square test is an appropriate measurement test. Because, "A Chi-square test is designed to analyze categorical data. That means that the data has been counted and divided into categories. It will not work with parametric or continuous data (such as height in inches)." Reference.
Again, ordinal scaled data is essentially count or frequency data you can use regular parametric statistics: mean, standard deviation, etc Or non-parametric tests like ANOVA or Mann-Whitney U test to compare 2 groups or Kruskal–Wallis H test to compare three or more groups.
Answer 2: In a clustering problem, the choice of distance method solely depends upon the type of variables. I recommend you to read these detailed posts 1, 2,3

How to deal with data when making a decision tree

I am trying to make a decision tree for dataset I got from Kaggle.
Since I don't have any experience for dealing with real-life datasets, I have no idea how to deal with cleaning, integrating, and scaling the data (mainly scaling).
For example, let's say I have a feature that has real numbers. So I want to make that feature to something like categorical data by scaling them into the specific number of groups (for making decision tree).
In this case, I have no idea how many groups of data is a reasonable for decision tree purpose.
I am sure it depends on the distribution of the data for the feature and the number of unique values in target dataset but I don't know how I find the good guess by looking at the distribution and target dataset.
My best guess is divide the data of the feature into similar number with the number of unique values of target dataset. (I don't even know if this makes sense..)
When I learned from school, I was already given with 2-5 categorical data for every features so that I didn't have to worry about, but real-life is totally different from school.
Please help me out.
For DT you need numerical data to be numerical, categorical - to be in dummies-style. No scaling is needed for numerical columns.
To process categorical data use one-hot encoding. Please be sure that before one-hot encoding you have rather big amounts of each feature (>= 5%), otherwise group small variables.
And consider other model. DT are good but it's old school and they are easy to be overfitted.
You can use decision tree regressors which eliminate the need for stratifying real numbers in to categories:
When you do this, it will help to scale input data to zero mean, and unit variance; this helps prevent any large-category inputs from dominating the model
That being said, a decision tree may not be the best option. Try SVM, or ANN. Or (most likely) some ensemble of many models (or even just a random forest).

K means Analysis on KDD Cup Dataset 99

What kind of knowledge/ inference can be made from k means clustering analysis of KDDcup99 dataset?
We ploted some graphs using matlab they looks like this:::
Experiment 1: Plot of dst_host_count vs serror_rate
Experiment 2: Plot of srv_count vs srv_serror_rate
Experiment 3: Plot of count vs serror_rate
I just extracted saome features from kddcup data set and ploted them.....
The main problem am facing is due to lack of domain knowledge I cant determine what inference can be drawn form this graphs another one is if I have chosen wrong axis then what should be the correct chosen feature?
I got very less time to complete this thing so I don't understand the backgrounds very well
Any help telling the interpretation of these graphs would be helpful
What kind of unsupervised learning can be made using this data and plots?
Just to give you some domain knowledge: the KDD cup data set contains information about different aspects of network connections. Each sample contains 'connection duration', 'protocol used', 'source/destination byte size' and many other features that describes one connection connection. Now, some of these connections are malicious. The malicious samples have their unique 'fingerprint' (unique combination of different feature values) that separates them from good ones.
What kind of knowledge/ inference can be made from k means clustering analysis of KDDcup99 dataset?
You can try k-means clustering to initially cluster the normal and bad connections. Also, the bad connections falls into 4 main categories themselves. So, you can try k = 5, where one cluster will capture the good ones and other 4 the 4 malicious ones. Look at the first section of the tasks page for details.
You can also check if some dimensions in your data set have high correlation. If so, then you can use something like PCA to reduce some dimensions. Look at the full list of features. After PCA, your data will have a simpler representation (with less number of dimensions) and might give better performance.
What should be the correct chosen feature?
This is hard to tell. Currently data is very high dimensional, so I don't think trying to visualize 2/3 of the dimensions in a graph will give you a good heuristics on what dimensions to choose. I would suggest
Use all the dimensions for for training and testing the model. This will give you a measure of the best performance.
Then try removing one dimension at a time to see how much the performance is affected. For example, you remove the dimension 'srv_serror_rate' from your data and the model performance comes out to be almost the same. Then you know this dimension is not giving you any important info about the problem at hand.
Repeat step two until you can't find any dimension that can be removed without hurting performance.

When to use k means clustering algorithm?

Can I use k-means algorithm for a single attribute?
Is there any relationship between the attributes and the number of clusters?
I have one attribute's performance, and I want to classify the data into 3 clusters: poor, medium, and good.
Is it possible to create 3 clusters with one attribute?
K-Means is useful when you have an idea of how many clusters actually exists in your space. Its main benefit is its speed. There is a relationship between attributes and the number of observations in your dataset.
Sometimes a dataset can suffer from The Curse of Dimensionality where your number of variables/attributes is much greater than your number of observations. Basically, in high dimensional spaces with few observations, it becomes difficult to separate observations in hyper dimensions.
You can certainly have three clusters with one attribute. Consider the quantitative attribute in which you have 7 observations
Notice there are three clusters in this sample centered: 1.5, 100.5, and 500.
If you have one dimensional data, search stackoverflow for better approaches than k-means.
K-means and other clustering algorithms shine when you have multivariate data. They will "work" with 1-dimensional data, but they are not very smart anymore.
One-dimensional data is ordered. If you sort your data (or it even is already sorted), it can be processed much more efficiently than with k-means. Complexity of k-means is "just" O(n*k*i), but if your data is sorted and 1-dimensional you can actually improve k-means to O(k*i). Sorting comes at a cost, but there are very good sort implementations everywhere...
Plus, for 1-dimensional data there is a lot of statistics you can use that are not very well researched or tractable on higher dimensions. One statistic you really should try is kernel density estimation. Maybe also try Jenks Natural Breaks Optimization.
However, if you want to just split your data into poor/medium/high, why don't you just use two thresholds?
As others have answered already, k-means requires prior information about the count of clusters. This may appear to be not very helpful at the start. But, I will cite the following scenario which I worked with and found to be very helpful.
Color segmentation
Think of a picture with 3 channels of information. (Red, Green Blue) You want to quantize the colors into 20 different bands for the purpose of dimensional reduction. We call this as vector quantization.
Every pixel is a 3 dimensional vector with Red, Green and Blue components. If the image is 100 pixels by 100 pixels then you have 10,000 vectors.
Depending on the type of analysis you intend to perform, you may not need all the R,G,B values. It might be simpler to deal with an ordinal representation.
In the above example, the RGB values might be assigned a flat integral representation
128,100,20 => 1
120,9,30 => 2
255,255,255=> 3
128,100,20 => 1
120,9,30 => 2
You run the k-Means algorithm on these 10,000 vectors and specify 20 clusters. Result - you have reduced your image colors to 20 broad buckets. Obviously some information is lost. However, the intuition for this loss being acceptable is that when the human eyes is gazing out over a patch of green meadow, we are unlikely to register all the 16 million RGB colours.
YouTube video
I have embedded key pictures from this video for your understanding. Attention! I am not the author of this video.
Original image
After segmentation using K means
Yes it is possible to use clustering with single attribute.
No there is no known relation between number of cluster and the attributes. However there have been some study that suggest taking number of clusters (k)=n\sqrt{2}, where n is the total number of items. This is just one study, different study have suggested different cluster numbers. The best way to determine cluster number is to select that cluster number that minimizes intra-cluster distance and maximizes inter-cluster distance. Also having background knowledge is important.
The problem you are looking with performance attribute is more a classification problem than a clustering problem
Difference between classification and clustering in data mining?
With only one attribute, you don't need to do k-means. First, I would like to know if your attribute is numerical or categorical.
If it's numerical, it would be easier to set up two thresholds. And if it's categorical, things are getting much easier. Just specify which classes belong to poor, medium or good. Then simple data frame operations would be working.
Feel free to send me comments if you are still confused.