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Closed 9 years ago.
In my iphone app user can take images,after taking the image how to give effects to that image like instagram
Is there any good tutorial.
One solution is to use a third party API like Aviary or the library in Rocks' answer.
If you want to write the logic yourself, you'll need to to process the images using Core Image. In addition to Apple's documentation, a good place to start is this tutorial from Ray Wenderlich's blog. Lisa Bettany also wrote a while back about how they created filters in Camera+.
Check out this tutorial from raywenderlich: beginning-core-image-in-ios-5. It is part of another tutorial on the site which tells you how-to-create-an-app-like-instagram-with-a-web-service-backend.
"Core Image is a powerful framework that lets you easily apply filters
to images, such as modifying the vibrance, hue, or exposure. It uses
the GPU (or CPU, user definable) to process the image data and is very
fast. Fast enough to do real time processing of video frames!
Core Image filters can stacked together to apply multiple effects to
an image or video frame at once. When multiple filters are stacked
together they are efficient because they create a modified single
filter that is applied to the image, instead of processing the image
through each filter, one at a time.
In this tutorial, you will get hands-on experience playing around with
Core Image. We’ll apply a few different filters, and you’ll see how
easy it is to apply cool effects to images in real time!"
Having read through this tutorial, you will no doubt get the result you want and learn a whole lot too!
In addition to that, this SO question has many answers - some of which may be very useful to you. This seems like a very popular task and so researching all of the many options is key. Good luck.
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I lack any knowledge in xcode, cocoa touch or c+++ etc. Now, I am going to try to make a photography app, where I got a tab bar, and 4 undercategories. At the first category, I want it to be a grid of photos who can be enlarged by touching them. I really don't have time to learn more about programming for a couple of months. How is this achieved in the easiest possible way? I am currently leaning towards AQGridView, but since I have zero knowledge of the area I cannot fully understand the instructions. Now before you ask why I want to make an app without any sorts of knowledge, let me answer it. My father is a photographer, and wishes to get an app. If I manage to make one for him, I can get loads of jobs where his photographer friends pay for an app. And if I have already made it, I will probably have a template from the earlier project to take advantage from.
So, in conclusion, my question is: How do I make this possible in the easiest way possible?
Sounds like a great candidate for the new UICollectionViews. There are many grid frameworks out there, but if you have any experience with TableViews on iOS, CollectionViews are a breeze to get up and running quickly. One of the best resources for learning and implementing CollectionViews (outside of the API docs) can be found here:
UICollectionView custom layout tutorial
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
hello i m new in iphone i just want to know how and which libraries can be used to change the pitch of the recorded audio in iphone.Now i m using dirac library to do this if there is any other way to implement this then please help me,...thanks in advance:)
As Sebastian said, use search. People will be unwilling to help if it seems like you have asked a question without doing much research yourself thus wanting the community to provide a complete solution.
That being said I actually had the same problem a while back, check out my question, it should provide you with enough general information in how to implement the particular solution I chose to take so that you can roll your own implementation.
Basically I recorded the audio with AVRecorder and changed the pitch, etc. with openAL. Best of luck.
I just remembered this link. They are some tutorials for what you wish to achieve, I just wish I found them before I started doing my own implementation as it would have saved me a good bit of time. Best of luck!
check out this library:
or this question: How to set pitch of an audio file or recorded audio file in iphone sdk?
also note: there is a search function here, AND on google :-) i just entered
objective-c change pitch of audio and those where the two topmost hits.
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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to build an iOS application that recognizes patterns in a cup of coffee.
For example .
This image recognition script could run on the client side (iphone eventually) or on server side.
The goal of the app is to take a picture of a cup of coffee, analyse patterns,
and compare them with images/patterns that are already stored in a database, and return the most appropriate one
I have no experience in this field and after doing some research, I found some libraries that might help me do this: openCV, kooaba, snaptell, and server side libraries like
This confused me alot. I want to know if this is possible using libraries like the ones above, or any other one. And how much time/effort should be given if any modification should be made on one of those in order to achieve my goal
You can also read more information about reading fortune under this link:
In short: It can be done with OpenCV. You can use it to recognize the coffee cup (circle and/or square detection). After that you have to take a look at "feature detection" (SURF ist a good way to go) to match the coffee patterns.
Yes, it can be done. But it's a huge topic and very complex.
Your best bet is to license third party code that will handle all the difficulties for you.
Take a look at this library available for iOS by Mataio:
metaio | Software | Augmented Reality 3
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
M very new to this field of iphone development.I need to make one app in which customer will be Purchasing ticket for movie by selecting the Location,Movie,Timing of show and seat.
Can anyone help me out in implementing Ticket Purchasing Part.
Although you haven't asked a specific question and you say nothing about your experience in other programming languages I can give you some hints:
Look at the WWDC videos on
Understand the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Make sure you really understood the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Start with designing your user interface first. Take your time for this. Make mockups on paper, each sheet of paper corresponds to a screen and play with it and show it to some colleagues and watch if they get what to do on each screen. You can also do this in Photoshop or Illustrator or omnigraffle, but in the early stage maybe paper is a simple option.
Build a mockup of your app on the phone itself. Using UIImageViews you can insert the digital screens made digitally to the phone and see how it looks like. Show this version to you customers. If they like the design and feature, you can go on coding.
Code everything
If you want to write a serious application it is good to invest a lot into design. The coding itself is much easier if you know how it will look like in the end, because then you can design the underlying model such that it will be great for your UI.
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
This is just one of those things where you feel like your own design is utterly terrible, and that all of the other apps have a beautiful design. This question is just about how you would go about creating a user interface that a user would actually want to use?
I work with a graphic designer, and have them mock up what a good working UI should look like, then I come back and tweak the design with what I feel I can realistically make, and hand that back to the designer and see if they think it's ok or needs more changes. I realize that as a programmer I'm too focused on how to make things work then to make them look good, and as such we typically can't create a great UI on our own. Also after mocking up the UI (usually just a few static images on screen or paper) I show it to a few friends (both programmers and non techies) and get their reaction. This step will really show you any deficiencies that your design may have.
Get your hands dirty and use lots of apps. Experience will teach you the interface cues that other developers use to make a seamless and sensible user session. Take notes on how controls transition from one context to another. Observe how controls are organized to make the optimal use of a small screen.
A good review of the iPad noted that the operating system details "fall away" and the user can just use the device through intuition. This is a good ideal to strive for.
User controls should be simple but informative, communicating enough to identify their function, but subtle enough to fall into the background when unused.
Functionality should be organized in a sensible and repeatable fashion. Use the tab and navigation stack design patterns that Apple provides to organize your app's functions.
Edward Tufte is a good source for reading material on how to communicate ideas simply and clearly.
Of course, you will also want to read Apple's own iPhone HIG which explains many of the iPhone widgets that users will use and have prior experience with.
I work with a graphic designer. I provide him specifications about what my app does and he provides a PSD with all screens.
But I have to say, that there is a lot of graphic designers, but the quality is not equal.
My preferred is
He designed my both apps :
Check-in 360 :
Vegas Radio :