compiling pdflatex using knitr error - knitr

I have installed Lyx 2.0.5 and have Miktex 2.9 installed running in Win 7.0 as well as R Ver 2.15
I have installed knitr in R with simple code
and can use View DVI to produce a file in Yak
When I try and use "eyes" on the bar to produce a PDF (pdflatex) I get the following message.
Can anyone give me some idea what the problem might be


VSCode reports issue with WxWidgets in Linux and MacOS

I can't get VS Code to play nice with WxWidgets on Linux or MacOS. It seems like it's trying to default to MSW and gives an error (detailed below)
The specific question is about VSCode (autocomplete, don't give false errors) with WxWidgets. In command prompt, compiling any Wx project works perfect.
VS Code is installed
-Create folder for project. Let's call it /src/hello
-Create a hello.cpp file with code from:
-Download WxWidgets into /src/hello/deps
-Going through steps to compile and install Wx
-Check my Intellisense includes to include ${workspaceFolder}/**
-Now, in the command prompt, if I run:
g++ hello.cpp 'wx-config --cxxflags --libs' -o hello
./hello runs perfect!
But in VSCode is unusable because it's giving me this error:
cannot open source file "../../../lib/vc_lib/msw/wx/setup.h" (dependency of "wx/wxprec.h")
I'm pretty sure msw is for windows?
I feel like I've tried everything:
-Downloaded and Git version of Wx (Yeah, I know it's the same. But people on the wx forums recommended trying...)
-Use the Homebrew WxWidgets install.
-Using the sample projects included with Wx.
-Using the Hello World
-Same issues in Linux and MacOS.
-Updating Intellisense's includes every way you can think of.
-Using the output of wxconfig and putting the cxxflags and lib include output into Intellisense.
Is anyone able to use VS Code on Linux or MacOS with the Hello World Wx example? If so what are your intellisense settings?
My properties:
I'd rather not use Cmake for this.

Qt 5.6 on windows compilier error

I'm starting out with QT creator
My objective is to use it to create a Application using Qt3D and QT quick Ui
When I try to create a project it shows me I don't have a compiler yet: (screenshot on link)
QT new project, no compiler error
If I try to build an example it shows me the following error:
16:35:11: Configuration is faulty. Check the Issues view for details.
Error while building/deploying project shadow-map-qml (kit: Desktop Qt 5.6.0 MSVC2015 64bit)
When executing step "Make"
Did I do something wrong on the installation or Do I need to download and install a separate compiler? If so for Qt 5.6 on windows 10 which should I download?

what is the way to install the basic4android

I installed the jre7 and jdk1.7 and android sdk and avd manager perfectly my emulator is working properly but when i run the program which i wrote it is showing
Compiling code. 0.11
Compiling layouts code. 0.02
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. Error
javac 1.7.0_17
javac: file not found: src\com\empire\designerscripts\*.java
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options
i newly formatted my system installed these
I am using basic4android in my laptop without any problem but in case of my desktop system it is showing the above error...
I have understood from Erel that this is fixed with Basic4Android v2.50 or above. One can also instead install the latest Java 6 version and use it for compilation.
The use of Java 6 was successful in my case.
I think that the problem is with the jdk that you are running. Try with jdk1.6.0_25. I use this one and never update this version because the version 7 have some issues with security.

Using Scons to build mongo-nonx86 on an arm based Synology NAS

I have a Synology DS212j NAS (cpu Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l)) with the optware ipkg installed. I am trying to build mongo-nonx86 on it.
"scons all" gives me the following messages:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons version: 2.0.1
python version: 2 5 6 'final' 0
Checking whether the C++ compiler worksyes
Checking for C library stdc++... no
can't find stdc++ library which is needed
I have the stdc++ library installed, I also have ssl installed. My underlying question is how can I get scons to tell me more about what is really missing, where it is looking, how it is looking etc. I have so far found no options which generate any more useful diagnostic output?
Obviously a ready-made solution for getting mongodb working on this great little box would be even more welcome :-)
Well even if you do have it installed, it doesn't seem to think so, here is what I would try to do, install libssl-dev, then try to install the dev package for libstdc++, which is: libstdc++-dev.
Then see if you can compile it.

rj not installing for eclipse/R Statet

I realize there are several posts on this, so apologies if I'm breaching etiquette. In my case, I've tried several of them, and I just can't seem to get the rj issue (of having it installed properly) resolved.
I tried the CMD INSTALL recommendation and literally copied the tar file to my R executable directory
R CMD INSTALL --no-test-load rj_*.tar.gz
I used a DOS cmd window to run it, and it failed using the * notation, so I substituted the exact rj tar file name by navigating to the path...
C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.1\bin\x64\rj_0.5.0-5.tar.gz
and running
R CMD INSTALL --no-test-load rj_0.5.0-5.tar.gz
This seemed to work as R shows all Java packages installed (inc. Rjava)
> ("rj" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
[1] TRUE
> ("rJava" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
[1] TRUE
Yet, in the eclipse environment, I'm still getting rj missing error.
Any thoughts on what to try next? I really want to get the debug capability to work here and pulling my hair out over this.
Oh, and also even though it shows installed in R. If I try to launch inside R, I get:
> library(rj)
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rj', details:
call: .jcall("de/walware/rj/server/RJ", "Lde/walware/rj/server/RJ;",
error: RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'rj'
Using Eclipse SDK Version: 3.8.0
StatET 3.01.02