HTML::Template::Pro: do something on second run of a loop - perl

I am using HTML::Template::Pro in my perl application. I am displaying HTML elements in a loop and I want to show something after the second element of the loop. I added the loop_context_vars in my HTML::Template::Pro initialization, getting access to variables inside the loop (like __counter__).
Now I am looking for a way to check for a specific iteration of this loop to insert my HTML element.
<TMPL_IF __counter__ == 2>
My new HTML element.
How can I access the __counter__ variable inside conditional statements in HTML::Template::Pro?

In HTML::Template::Pro, you can use expressions like in HTML::Template::Expr
<TMPL_IF EXPR="__counter__ == 2" >
My new HTML element.


cakephp element not displaying

I have a number of form inputs inside an element as they are repeated in other forms, however it does not output the content of the element when i include it in a view. I can place "Die();" within the element and it will show everything up until that point including the inputs within the element. When checking the source code (without the "Die();") it seems to have disregarded everything within the element including formatting such as DIV's.
The only thing i can think is that cakephp does not like you setting a form in a view then including inputs to the form using elements, does any one know if this is the case, or know the actual reason why this is happening?
The answer is i'm an idiot and forgot to echo the element.... yeah.

How do I get the nth element with a certain name in the entire XML document?

so will something like this work using Hpple Xpath
The fourth tag in a html tree?
Or do i need to do it programmatically by counting in a for() loop?
The XPath for the fourth <a> in an HTML document is:
Your example //a[4] will produce a set of all <a>s that are the fourth <a> in their respective parent, and that is not what you want here.
See also:

Smarty foreach:for every iteration add class

I have a foreach loop code in a tpl file like this:
[{foreach from=$oView->getArticleList() item=actionproduct name=test_articleList}]
[{include file="inc/product_alt.tpl" product=$actionproduct testid="action_"|cat:$actionproduct->oxarticles__oxid->value test_Cntr=$smarty.foreach.test_articleList.iteration}]
the included file product_alt.tpl in the foreach loop contains a simple div container and get displayed for each product. Now i am looking for a solutions to add to every second div container a extra class.
I google a bit and found out (i think so) that I must work with even and odd. But i stucked how to apply this exactly to the foreach loop with the goal that every secod div container get an extra class.
You are looking for cycle. What you can do for instance is assign an extra $class variable in your include statement, that gets changed by the assign, like so:
{cycle values='yourClass1,youClass2' assign='class'}
That's probably where your odd/even thought comes from: the manual says
{cycle values='odd,even' assign='class'}
But those are just values. Anyeay, your variable 'class' now has alternating "yourClass1" and "yourClass2" (or odd/even) as content. If you assign this to your include, and then add something like
<div class="{$class}">
You get alternating classes. One of them is the one you want. the other can be empty..
check out the cycle manual:

jquery .each produces 'undefined' whenever .data is used on the elements returned

I'm trying to process all select elements with a specific data- attribute set.
I've got the loop working to pick up the element, but whenever I try to find the value of its other data- attributes I get undefined error messages.
Here is the loop:
$('select[data-hm-observed="1"]').each(function(idx, sel) {
In the loop the first alert works, but the second produces:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating
If I use the Safari console I can get the select object, put it in a variable, and interrogate its data- attributes without issue.
It seems that the .each() is having an effect on the sel variable contents - but I can't understand what.
Using JQuery 1.7.1
Just discovered that if I change the loop so that it explicitly gets the element again, it all works:
$('select[data-hm-observed="1"]').each(function(idx, sel) {
xx = $(sel);
Is this the correct solution?
Can I infer from this that the element passed into the loop by .each hasn't been 'processed' by jquery, and that I have to pull it myself via $(...) so that jquery does its stuff to it - this doesn't feel right - but its working.
sel is a DOM Object here, not equipped with the abilities of a jQuery Object. First, you should turn this DOM Object into a jQuery Object like this:
alert( $(sel).data('hmUrl') );
Alternatively, you can also use $(this).data('hmUrl'), because this will refer to sel (the current DOM element in the iteration).
See also .each() 2nd Example

Why following XPath statement returns all "a" elements?

print $tree->findvalue('//a[1]');
I am using HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath in perl. Now i expect the above statment to return the value of second "a" element but instead it returns the value of all "a" elements in the page. I cant understand Why?
what you have shall return first a-child of every element.
so //a[1] will work as follows (result will be 2 nodes):
a <-- give you this
a <-- and this
try (//a)[1] instead
That XPATH expression looks for all a elements at every level of the document and the predicate filter selects the first a at every step.
So, depending on how your XML is structured, you might not get every a element (if there were more than one a that were siblings, you would only get the first one of those siblings).
However, if you intended to just select the first a in the document, you could use this expression: (//a)[1]
Wrapping the selection of //a in the parenthesis creates a collection that the predicate filter is then applied, selecting the first in the collection, rather than the first a encountered at each step of the //.