Where/How does Symfony2 serializes and writes its session data? - mongodb

To give an overview:
I have an app built on Symfony1 but I'm building the new parts with Symfony2. I've moved the login/logout actions on Symfony2 and made Symfony1 read the session data from Symfony2. By telling Symfony2 to write its session data in the default PHP $_SESSION, it works great, everything is there in arrays and Symfony1 can read the data and login my users automatically.
Now I'm moving the Symfony1 and the Symfony2 apps on their own respective VMs. So instead of writing in PHP $_SESSION, I save the session in a MongoDB (via the MongoDbSessionHandler). But now when I read the session data from the Symfony1 app, I end up with something like this:
and it is definitely not unserializable. Symfony2 seems to serialize the data in its own way and I guess these _sf2_* stuff are the metadatabags. The thing is that I cannot find where this serialization is happening. To be able to unserialize it I need to find how it is serialized. The closest place I've found is in the SessionHandlerProxy:
public function write($id, $data)
return (bool) $this->handler->write($id, $data);
the $data passed here contains the serialized data, but I cannot find in the code where it is called.
Any luck?

The MongoDbSessionHandler gets set as the PHP session save handler here: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorage.php#L349-L370
session_start() (https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorage.php#L146) actually reads the contents of the session file/Mongo and create the global $_SESSION variable: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php
Have a look at PHP's session_decode function: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-decode.php - this might be what you're looking for.


Passing data between form views in Pyramid

I'm making a project in pyramid framework, so i have a view which have a form in it with 2 input type texts and a submit button.
The form is a post method, so im getting them with a POST request.
I want to send them to a new view and display them on the screen.
on is the form on first view.
I want to display the values the user insert in the input on
I tried with HTTPfound but i guess im missing an understanding on how to really pass the variables.
Please help me...
The easiest way to accomplish is to use sessions.
You need a session backend which stores your data on a server (see pyramid_redis_session). There are also cookie-based session solutions where all data is stored on the client side.
The first view writes all passed over data to a session:
request.session["mydata"] = value
The second view reads data from the session
Another way to pass the data from one view to another is via the URL. This does not require server-side support, unlike sessions. Also, it's RESTful ;)
return HTTPFound('/here?greeting=Hello&subject=World')
In your second view you then simply get the variables from request.GET:
greeting = request.GET.get('greeting', '')
subject = request.GET.get('subject', '')
# pass the data to the template
return {
"greeting": greeting,
"subject": subject
Regarding your comment: You can't use HTTPFound with POST. You can, however, directly submit your form to /here using <form method="post" action="/here" ...>. In this case you'll be able to access the data using request.POST.get('greeting').

Which is correct $form_state['values'] or $form_state['input']?

I used ajax to populate dependent fields and rebuild the field structure but in this whole process $form_state['values'] get erased but $form_state['input'] keeps the values through out the process and functionality works properly using $form_state['input'].
I am working on contribute module and while doing review using pareview.sh it suggest me to use $form_state['values'] instead of $form_state['input']. But in most of the scenarios I didn't get required values in $form_state['values'].
Please suggest me what should I do to resolved those warnings in pareview.sh?
As far as I know, all the values get submitted by the form are stored inside $form_state['values'] array.
Try using var_dump($form_state['values']); to get an idea of what fields are getting submitted.
You can check here for more informations about form state keys -> https://www.drupal.org/node/1850410
To keep simple
$form_state['values'] // POST sanitized data
$form_state['input'] // POST raw data
There is a discussion here : https://www.drupal.org/node/1250172
Do you implement your ajax call with form api ?

How can I check my post data in Zend?

I am a beginner and I am creating some forms to be posted into MySQL using Zend, and I am in the process of debugging but I don't really know how to debug anything using Zend. I want to submit the form and see if my custom forms are concatenating the data properly before it goes into MySQL, so I want to catch the post data to see a few things. How can I do this?
The Default route for zend framework application looks like the following
So all $_GET-Parameters simply get contenated onto the url in the above manner /param/value
Let's say you are within IndexController and indexAction() in here you call a form. Now there's possible two things happening:
You do not define a Form-Action, then you will send the form back to IndexController:indexAction()
You define a Form action via $form->setAction('/index/process') in that case you would end up at IndexController:processAction()
The way to access the Params is already defined above. Whereas $this->_getParam() equals $this->getRequest()->getParam() and $this->_getAllParams() equals $this->getRequest->getParams()
The right way yo check data of Zend Stuff is using Zend_Debug as #vascowhite has pointed out. If you want to see the final Query-String (in case you're manually building queries), then you can simply put in the insert variable into Zend_Debug::dump()
you can use $this->_getAllParams();.
For example: var_dump($this->_getAllParams()); die; will output all the parameters ZF received and halt the execution of the script. To be used in your receiving Action.
Also, $this->_getParam("param name"); will get a specific parameter from the request.
The easiest way to check variables in Zend Framework is to use Zend_Debug::dump($variable); so you can do this:-
Zend framework is built on the top of the PHP . so you can use var_dump($_POST) to check the post variables.
ZF has provided its own functions to get all the post variables.. Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest()->getPost())
or specifically for one variable.. you can use Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest()->getPost($key))
You can check post data by using zend
and for retrieving post data
For example
if ($request->isPost()) {
$postData = $request->getPost();
Zend_Debug::dump($postData );

Zend - Site Configuration Data

For my zend application I need to read from the database some basic configuration data which should be available everywhere. I would like to read them and save it to session so that I wouldn't have to do so for every request. What is the best way I can get that done?
And also I would like to get the data from the 'Model' too and would feel very very uneasy to read from the session within the model.
Are you sure, you want to store such important things in the session? You could also load the data from the database and save them in a file / Zend-Config-Object which exists for a specified time and gets updated than.
Another possibilty is Zend_Registry. This however needs to fetch the data each request.
Why don't you want to fetch the data each request from the database? You could easily use a controller-plugin which gets the job done for you. You write the code once and will never have to do something with that.
// This would be an example plugin-class...
class My_Config_Loader extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch($request)
// Fetch data here... and save it into $data
Zend_Registry::set('config', $data);
// In your bootstrap...
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$front->registerPlugin(new My_Config_Loader());
// Anywhere in your application
$config = Zend_Registry::get('config');

Zend_Auth and database session SaveHandler

I have created Zend_Auth adapter implementing Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface (similar to Pádraic's adapter) and created simple ACL plugin. Everything works fine with default session handler. So far, so good.
As a next step I have created custom Session SaveHandler to persist session data in the database. My implementation is very similar to this one from parables-demo. Seems that everything is working fine. Session data are properly saved to the database, session objects are serialized, but authentication does not work when I enable this custom SaveHandler.
I have debugged the authentication and all works fine up till the next request, when the authentication data are lost.
I suspected, that is has something to do with the fact, that I use $adapter->write($object) instead $adapter->write($string), but the same happens with strings.
I'm bootstrapping Zend_Application_Resource_Session in the first Bootstrap method, as early as possible.
Does Zend_Auth need any extra configuration to persist data in the database?
Why the authentity is being lost?
I have found the cause of the problems.
I used 'data' as a column name. Session SaveHandler from parables-demo was calling code similar to this:
$string = 'test'
$doctrineModel->data = $string;
echo gettype($doctrineModel->data); // displays 'Array', not string as some would expect
So the data I wanted to save were accidentally converted to arrays.