How to edit profile mybb forum - mybb

Making changes on this kind.
Specifically I would like to change this screen
I want to delete this field "Joined" and make couple more corrections?
How hard is to do this I searched on options on forum but I think I need to edit css or php file?
Am I right?

You need to edit :
Postbit template & Postbit_author_member


vbulletin membership list header change

I have a vbulletin website. I need to change the label "Posts" to "Forums". Just the label, not the functionality. If you need to see an example please visit this link, . Here you can see "post" in the table header. I need to change that. It may be very simple, but i have no idea.
in the memberlist template i think your looking for
< vb:if condition="$show['searchcol']">< th>< span class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase find_posts_user}
you want to change the {vb:rawphrase find_posts_user} to Forums
edit: sorry about the spaces in the vb code. it was trying to render it as HTML here.

apply template in LibreOffice Writer to existing document

is there a way to apply a template to an existing document?
It only seems to work when I create a completely new document, and i don't want to copy&paste everything.
I'm searching for the same solution. The only thing I've found is a LibreOffice extension to do it. I just tested it and it worked, only I had to add the .oxt extension after downloading it.
Template Changer
p.s. As this was not a programming question, it may not be appropriate for this site.
Simple solution without installing an extension:
Create a new document in the desired template.
From the menu, choose Insert -> Text from file ... and select the document you would like to transfer to the new template.
Then the old document appears in the new template.
The answer from LaTechneuse no longer seems to apply (2020-08-09, v. There is no such option under "Insert"...
However there is an option Insert --> Document. This seems to do the same thing. No doubt the menu command's name was changed because it was felt that LibreOffice users were having it too easy. Never waste an opportunity to confuse people needlessly and cause them to waste their time.
Neither template changer worked nor could I find one of the options that should reside in Insert->...
However, I used manage templates to import the new template and then in the presentation to change, in the sidebar the master slide view.
And it worked!

Adding a custom css file to a Facebook "Activity Feed"

I would like to know if there is a way to add a custom css file to an activity feed (
Ive tried adding a css="" property, but it didnt work. Thanks
Use this way:
<fb:tag name='link'>
<fb:tag-attribute name='rel'>stylesheet</fb:tag-attribute>
<fb:tag-attribute name='href'>YOUR_FACEBOOK_CANVAS_PAGE/style.css</fb:tag-attribute>
<fb:tag-attribute name='type'>text/css</fb:tag-attribute>
<fb:tag-attribute name='media'>all</fb:tag-attribute>
It will be added to your page. Don't forget to edit URL.
I managed to customise an Activity plugin, after a great deal of effort.
You can see the result here:
Feel free to post a comment on that site, it exists purely for test purposes so I'm not fussed what goes up there provided its clean. Plus if you like the page it will show up as activity. Please don't feel obliged to though.
I explain how I achieved this in the blog article posted here:
To summarise briefly:
You cannot insert CSS into the activity plugin.
Rely on the fact it has a transparent background, and supply your own.
Turn off the header and supply your own.
You can specify a light or a dark font, a few fontfaces and a border colour, when you create the plugin.
If you read the blog article you will get a full explanation.

How to apply own template on Joomla? [duplicate]

Joomla is pretty good CMS but, is there any way to create custom template which will be joomla supportable ?
If I understand your question you want to convert an existing template that isn't even a Joomla template. If that is the case I found it very hard to do, of course depending on where the template was coming from. I ended up taking a template for Joomla 1.5 and starting from that. (Although the ja_Purity is a messy one when it comes to the CSS, looking back I would should have started with another one....)
Yes, you can do it. Copy default template which comes with Joomla and customize it, and you can install it now.
Refer :!_1.5_Template_Tutorials_Project
Follow the SiteGround tutorial.
1st result for Google: joomla change template.
If you mean a page-specific template, then this is answered here:
It describes the following steps:
In Joomla! there is a default
template, but you can assign other
templates to specific "pages" that are
defined by menu links.
To assign a template to a page, you
must first make sure that there is a
direct menu link to the page.
Go to Extensions>>Template Manager
Select the Template and click the edit icon (or click the template name)
In the left column, change "None" to "Select from List."
Select the links you want to apply the template to.
Note that you cannot assign the
default template to individual pages.

Custom template support for Joomla

Joomla is pretty good CMS but, is there any way to create custom template which will be joomla supportable ?
If I understand your question you want to convert an existing template that isn't even a Joomla template. If that is the case I found it very hard to do, of course depending on where the template was coming from. I ended up taking a template for Joomla 1.5 and starting from that. (Although the ja_Purity is a messy one when it comes to the CSS, looking back I would should have started with another one....)
Yes, you can do it. Copy default template which comes with Joomla and customize it, and you can install it now.
Refer :!_1.5_Template_Tutorials_Project
Follow the SiteGround tutorial.
1st result for Google: joomla change template.
If you mean a page-specific template, then this is answered here:
It describes the following steps:
In Joomla! there is a default
template, but you can assign other
templates to specific "pages" that are
defined by menu links.
To assign a template to a page, you
must first make sure that there is a
direct menu link to the page.
Go to Extensions>>Template Manager
Select the Template and click the edit icon (or click the template name)
In the left column, change "None" to "Select from List."
Select the links you want to apply the template to.
Note that you cannot assign the
default template to individual pages.