RMagick & Sinatra: send picture to view without storing - sinatra

Currently I am writing a Sinatra app that gets some pictures from user and returns a new picture.
There's part of haml form:
%input{type:'file', name:'user_image'}
And there's a code from handler: (montage is another picture)
source_userpic = params[:user_image][:tempfile]
blob = File.open(source_userpic).read
userpic = ImageList.new
resized_img = userpic.scale(montage.columns,
resized_img.opacity = MaxRGB/3
Then two images are "layered" with composite and stored (don't need)
final_picture = ImageList.new
final_picture << montage.composite(resized_img, 0, 0, OverCompositeOp)
final_picture.write("./public/uploads/#{DateTime.now}.jpg" # dirty (for example)
Next, I need to show a final_picture with ajax. There are two obvious problems: first, I don't need to save a final_picture - it's just preview, second, I must write code to avoid filenames conflicts...
How to send a final_picture to view? to_blob method? But what's next?

I solved that by using the data URI scheme.
require 'base64'
final_picture.format = "jpeg" # whatever
# Using a to_blob method to create a direct-to-memory version of the image.
# Then encode it to base64 string
data_uri = Base64.encode64(final_picture.to_blob).gsub(/\n/, "")
#image_tag = '<img alt="preview" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,%s">' % data_uri
Then display a picture by
= #image_tag
Not sure if it's best solution

Take a look at Tempfile, that should take care of file name conflicts for you.
Then you could use the technique from the answers to this question, using send_file to send the tempfile.
You have to remember that the tempfile won't persist, so you have to be careful to manage that persistence if you are using different requests and responses to serve the file.


MailKit - How can bodybuilder help create a complex email body with many images interspersed with text?

For example, what if you need to create an email body like this:
Text ...
Image ...
Text ...
Image ...
Here is one of the examples that works for one text and one image:
var builder = new BodyBuilder ();
var pathImage = Path.Combine (Misc.GetPathOfExecutingAssembly (), "Image.png");
var image = builder.LinkedResources.Add (pathLogoFile);
image.ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId ();
builder.HtmlBody = string.Format (#"<p>Hey!</p><img src=""cid:{0}"">", image.ContentId);
message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody ();
Can we do something like builder.HtmlBody += to just keep adding more and more texts and images?
The BodyBuilder class is designed to constructing typically message structures, not the type of thing you are doing.
You will need to construct your message manually, not using BodyBuilder.
After quite a bit of trial/error/testing, I discovered that you can indeed keep adding text and images to the HtmlBody object, as my question speculated, by using builder.HtmlBody +=
In response to the increasingly widespread use of TLS instead of SSL, and therefore the need to abandon the use of Microsoft's obsolete SmtpClient component, I have developed a comprehensive emailing test component, in Visual Basic, using the wonderful MailKit from JStedfast.
As my question suggested, I wanted to give my users the ability to compose a handsome email body using text interspersed with images as needed. If any VB developers would like to benefit from this work, just let me know.
#jstedfast - I just saw your answer after posting this. For my production version, I need to add images from a blob field in a SQLServer table. I intend to use the manual method, as you stated, to do that. But for images I was loading into my sample program, I was able to make a fairly complex email body using src=file for each image, and adding them with builder.HtmlBody +=

Check for Valid Image using getFilesAsync()

Using WinJS, while looping through a directory, how to retrieve only images in that particular directory and ignoring any other file extension, including the DoubleDots .. and the SingleDot . etc?
Something like:
var dir = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.picturesLibrary;
dir.getFilesAsync().done(function (filesFound) {
for(var i=0; i < filesFound.length; i++){}
if(filesFound[i] IS_REALLY_AN_IMAGE_(jpeg,jpg,png,gif Only)){
//Retrieve it now!
//Escape it.
Instead of trying to process pathnames, it will work much better to use a file query, which lets the file system do the search/filtering for you. A query also allows you to listen for the query's contentschanged event if you want to dynamically track the folder contents rather than explicitly enumerating again.
A query is created via StorageFolder.createFileQuery, createFolderQuery, or other variants. In your particular case, where you want to filter by file types, you can use createFileQueryWithOptions. This function takes a QueryOptions object which you can initialize with an array of file types. For example:
var picturesLibrary = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.picturesLibrary;
var options = new Windows.Storage.Search.QueryOptions(
Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFileQuery.orderByName, [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif"]);
//Could also use orderByDate instead of orderByName
if (picturesLibrary.areQueryOptionsSupported(options)) {
var query = picturesLibrary.createFileQueryWithOptions(options);
where showResults is some function that takes the promise from query.getFilesAsync and iterates as needed.
I go into this subject at length in Chapter 11 of my free ebook, Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2nd Edition, in the section "Folders and Folder Queries". Also refer to the Programmatic file search sample, as I do in the book.
When you want to display the image files, be sure to use thumbnails instead of loading the whole image (images are typically much larger than a display). That is, for each StorageFile, call its getThumbnailAsync or getScaledImageAsThumbnailAsync method. Pass the resulting thumbnail (blob) to URL.createObjectURL which returns a URL you can assign to an img.src attribute. Or you can use a WinJS.UI.ListView control, but that's another topic altogether (see Chapter 7 of my book).

How to add some extra parameter in the airbrake parameters for JS errors

When we are sending the airbrake error to the airbrake server, by default it includes the controller name and action name.
But the question is that I want to add some extra parameters like username, email of the current user. If anyone has any idea please suggest how to do that?
In my layout application.html:
- if ['development'].include?(Rails.env)
= airbrake_javascript_notifier
= render :partial => 'layouts/airbrake_notifier'
and in the partial I have written:
Airbrake.errorDefaults['name'] = "#{current_user.name}";<br/>
Airbrake.errorDefaults['email'] = "#{current_user.email}";<br/>
Airbrake.errorDefaults['phone'] = "#{current_user.phone}";<br/>
Airbrake.errorDefaults['title'] = "#{current_user.title;<br/>
Not a great solution, but the Airbrake Knowledge Base recommends essentially patching the airbrake gem source of the lib/airbrake/notice.rb file.
def initialize(args)
self.parameters = args[:parameters] ||
action_dispatch_params ||
rack_env(:params) ||
{'username' => current_user.name}
It would certainly be better to have this be configurable without patching source.
What I've done instead is simply add a few pieces of data to the session (current_user.name mainly), since session data is sent with the request. I wouldn't do this for more than a few little pieces of data.
We've just added getting current users into the Airbrake Gem.
You'll soon be able to sort by current user in an upcoming redesign of the UI.

Access images or doc outside public folder in zend framework

I developing an application in zend framework. I want to store certain secure images and pdf documents outside public folder like /project/data/uploads or /projects/application/data/uploads.
I am not able to access the images/pdf documents other than public folder.
Can someone suggest a way to do it.
thank you
You have to have a separate action that knows how to fetch and deliver all that stuff. Something like this:
public function viewpdfAction()
$id = (int) $this->_getParam('id', 0);
// You implement some function - either here in your controller
// or someplace else - to get the pdf name from the passed id.
// Alternatively, you can pass the name itself. Up to you, of course.
// The key is that the request somehow identifies the file requested.
$pdfName = $this->_mapPdfIdToName($id);
// The path to the real pdf
$pdfFile = '/project/data/uploads/pdf/' . $pdfName;
// Disable rendering
// Send the right mime headers for the content type
->setHeader('Cache-control', 'public') // needed for IE, I have read
->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf')
->setHeader('Content-Disposition', sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', $pdfName));
// Send the content
Of course, some of this can be pushed down into service classes to keep the controller as thin as possible. Everyone has different tastes in this regard.
I confess that this code not completely tested, mostly trying to give the basic idea. If I have made a total bonehead error in here, please let me know.
Hope it helps!

Running a premade bulletin board through my Front Controller in Zend

I tried to ask this once, but I think that my former question was too unclear for you guys to answer, so I'll try again
I'm making a website using the Zend Framework, and am trying to include the premade messageboard Phorum. So far, I've made it work by not running it through my bootstrap using my .htaccess file. What I'd like to do i'd like to do is to be able to run it through my bootstrap so that I can use my previously created Layouts and Classes that I can only run through Zend.
For example, I have a premade sign in system that works through Zend_Auth. I have the person's data saved in Zend_Session. I load the user's profile through a controller. I have a service layer for the model that connects to my database on behalf of the user. There are several other dependencies that, as far as I can tell, I need the bootstrap for.
Phorum is basically just a large set of PHP scripts that are dependent on GET parameters. My original idea had been to use a controller to render the scripts. An example of what that URI would look like is this: My-Site.com/messageboard/list.php?1,3 with messageboard being the messageboardController. While this works for loading list, it can't capture the GET parameters, which Phorum is dependent on. Due to the complex nature of Phorum, it would be nearly impossible for me to be able to go in and make it something like My-Site.com/messageboard/list/1/3 or anything along those lines. The URI has to be the former, as it is built in to Phorum.
I have tried using frames. I got to keep my log in panel up top, and had the body of the page be a frame, but it was unbookmarkable, and the back button made everything outrageously difficult. I also couldn't get the frame to talk to the parent page in Zend well, so frames aren't an option.
Does anyone have a way that I can do this? What I need, in essence, is to take the script (ex. list.php?1,3) and place whatever it would render, after having used the 1,3 parameters, into a div in the "body" div of my layout. As far as I can tell, render doesn't seem to be able to capture the GET parameters. Does anyone know of a way I can do this.
Any ideas would be immeasurably appreciated. Thank you for your help!
This isn't a trivial thing to process, however, it is possible to write a custom route, along with some controller magic to handle this sort of thing and include the proper php file:
First of all - Your route should probably be (in ZF1.9 application.ini conventions)
resources.router.routes.phorum.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
resources.router.routes.phorum.route = "messageboard(?:/(.*))?"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.controller = "phorum"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.action = "wrapper"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.module = "default"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.page = "index.php"
resources.router.routes.phorum.map.1 = "page"
Now all requests to messageboard/whatever.php should be routed to PhorumController::wrapperAction() and have 'whatever.php' in $this->getRequest()->getParam('page')
Then it should become a simple matter of redirecting your "wrapper" action to include the proper php file from phorum. I have added some code from a similar controller I have (although mine didn't include php files - it was meant solely for serving a directory of content)
public function wrapperAction() {
$phorumPath = APPLICATION_PATH."../ext/phorum/";
$file = realpath($phorumPath . $this->getRequest()->getParam('page');
if (!$file || !is_file($file)) throw new Exception("File not found");
// disable default viewRenderer - layout should still render at this point
// determine extension to determine mime-type
preg_match("#\.([^.]+)$#", $filename, $matches);
switch (strtolower($matches[1]))
case "php":
// patch the request over to phorum
return; // exit from the rest of the handler, which deals specifically
// with other types of files
case "js":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "css":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/css');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "html":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
// you get the idea... add any others like gif/etc that may be needed
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
// Disable Layout
// Sending 304 cache headers if the file hasn't changed can be a bandwidth saver
$mtime = filemtime($fn);
if ($modsince = $this->getRequest()->getServer('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'))
$modsince = new Zend_Date($modsince);
$modsince = $modsince->getTimestamp();
if ($mtime <= $modsince) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$mtime). " GMT");
Please - Make sure to test this code for people trying to craft requests with .., etc in the page.