Click to call application in iPhone - iphone

I am wondering about an iPhone application called Call Recorder - IntCall.
Can anybody explain how a number can be dialed via an application without using the device numberpad and cellular network? What API provides this service? I have seen many third-party click to call services, but is there an API available for mobile apps on iOS or Android?

You can't make calls on the cellular network, only the default dialer app can do this.
The app in your link is a VoIP app and uses its own VoIP client to record the conversation.

We are the developers of this app. As rckoenes said, it's a VoIP app and uses a VoIP library and our VoIP server to implement the recording.
There are a few VoIP libraries, some free, but we have purchased a library (expensive).
In general VoIP is not that easy to implement. You need to understand the protocol and you need to have a server that supports what your apps need to do.


how can i make my flutter application detects other phones using ble?

I'm using an app that uses Bluetooth low energy to scan and detect devices however it does not detects other phones
is there a specific way on flutter to make it detect other mobile phones
You can only detect BLE devices that are advertising their services. A mobile phone often does not do that on its own. There are two solutions:
Use an already available app on the other device to advertise some service. One of the possible apps I personally use is nRF Connect, another one would be BLE Peripheral.
This might not be sufficient depending on your project and goal this might not be sufficient. If you need some specific service or characteristic that can't be generated by pre-existing apps you have to develop your own app for advertising. This would be possible with flutter_ble_peripheral (limited functionality on iOS)

Are BTStack using app approved by Apple?

I am at the beginning steps of using BTStack for Bluetooth connectivity based on RFCOMM protocol (between hardware approved by Apple MFi program & iPhone).
My question is that will Apple approve apps using BTStack? If not, what are the alternatives of BTStack. The main purpose to use BTStack is to implement RFCOMM.
Thanks in advanced.
BTstack-based apps require a JB device and Apple won’t approve such an app (as it won’t run on the 90+% of devices without a JB, motivates JB etc..)
BTstack cannot work inside a regular sandboxed app as it's not possible to access the Bluetooth module.
There is no way to use RFCOMM on an unmodified iOS device. The closest alternative to get RFCOMM like channel is to build your own MfI device (well, that will take time and money, and a new device) and then use the ExternalAccessory framework.
The other option could be to use Bluetooth Low Energy and either simulate serial connection over it (ugly) or use a protocol more suited for attribute/value store with your device.

PTT iPhone apps .. How it works?

Here's an example of PTT app
I just wondered how it works ? is there any kind of Streaming Server behind this service .
You'll have to dig into SIP/VoIP.
siphon, for example is a very interesting project.
There are also many qustions/answer on this topic on SO:
How to implement VoIP + SIP in iPhone?
Use SIP in iPhone app
Try searching iphone voip or iphone sip on SO and you'll get many many more.
and of course there is Wikipedia:
Voice over IP
Session Initiation Protocol

Call forward application in iPhone

I want to make an app which forwards the call. Like you can see the app in app store already called "WorldOnGo" using VONAGE third party API. Can any one help me to kick off the app.
Thank you so much.
I think you should differentiate between Internet calls (VoIP) & cellular calls first. VoIP calls can be redirected on server-side. However, calls via cellular network cannot be easily redirected as it involves service providers of cellular network. They won't let you mess up their infrastructure.

iPhone SDK 3.0: where is the Bluetooth?

i'm participating in the iPhone Developer Program and i have access to the iPhone 3.0 firmware and SDK.
one of the new features of the iPhone 3.0 -- is ability to use Bluetooth, but i can't find any documentation about it.
can someone point me please -- where is it?
The only way of using bluetooth directly is if you join the Made for iPod / Works With iPhone program and integrate the Apple authentication chip into your custom device. Once you've done that, you can use the ExternalAccessory framework which exposes a low-level IO stream API to the device.
Frameworks like Core Audio will let you play and record music via bluetooth headsets and the Gamekit framework will let you discover and talk to other devices via bluetooth, but the fact that it's bluetooth is not exposed to the developer at all.
Look at the GameKit API - it provides simple high level access to BlueTooth connections between devices (built on Apple's Bonjour discovery service).
If I recall correctly, you aren't allowed direct access to the Bluetooth, but rather, you are able to use certain API calls that will search for nearby devices. However, I'm not a developer currently, so I can't point you at any documentation. Perhaps someone else can back me up with a bit more information.
My iphone 3G & 4 will connect to my Sony BT1500 car head unit which was made well before iPhone existed (i.e it's not iPod signed).