Synchronizing Eclipse Projects - eclipse

I'm currently working on a team project in Java, using Eclipse to commit changes I make to an SVN repository. To make things safer, I actually have two versions of the Project on Eclipse: One on which I work directly, and one into which I'm supposed to copy changes made after testing. The latter is then to be committed and shared with the rest of the team.
I've done some work on the second version of the Project. Now, I want to copy all that into the first version. So, how do I synchronize two Projects on Eclipse? Copy all changes from one onto the other?

If you are using SVN, why are you keeping duplicate copies? SVN does this for you. You check-out (or update, if you already have the project), then make your modifications, test them, and (assuming they test correctly) commit. There is no reason NOT to work directly on your working copy.
If you mess up, you just use SVN to revert your changes to the last good state.
Of course if you are making major changes that could impact the whole application while at the same time doing some work on current tickets you might look into using SVN branches.


Commit several projects in Eclipse SVN

I am working on several projects in Eclipse. The projects are checked out from an SVN repository. The projects also depend on each other. Currently, if I want to commit them, I have to mark each project and then call Team -> Commit.
Is it possible to commit everything without selecting particular projects? That's quite annoying. It is especially difficult to remember which projects were changed today and which were not. I tried doing this with working sets but I do not see any option of committing them.
Any ideas?
You can only commit them together if they are all part of the same working copy. If you checked each project out individually via Eclipse, this will not be the case.
Unless there's very tight coupling between the projects, you normally should not be committing multiple projects at once. It's not about making things less convenient to you, but about making your commits smaller, self-contained "units".

project upgrade changes merging with customized version

I'm running an open source ecommerce store (nopcommerce) and have made a lot of customizations to the store.
Every time a new version of the software is released, I use winmerge to try to detect which files have changed, and then merge these changes into the project. This works OK but as my customization have grown, this task has become increasingly problematic.
What I'd really like to do is be able to get a diff from my current version to the new version, and then go through and apply the changes that I want.
If I use TFS for this, is there a standard way to accomplish this? Perhaps a 3-way merge app would do the job better?
To complicate things a bit further, I'm using the theming support to add my modified views in another location, so the changes from version to version need to be figured out and applied to the files in this additional folder as well.
In fact this is where the big headache comes in- determining which changed I made, and which ones are new changes from the new version.
nopCommerce hosts its source code in Mercurial via CodePlex. All you really need to do is clone their repository and make changes to your local clone. Then, you can either keep up with their modifications or wait until the next release comes out, then get an update from their repo and merge it with your changes. Mercurial, being a distributed version control system, just does merges well, and you will have fewer problems if you try to do something manually for yourself using Subversion, TFS, or anything but Mercurial. Go download TortoiseHg, which gives you both a nice GUI and the command-line tools for Mercurial. TortoiseHg comes with the KDiff3 merge tool, but I highly recommend Beyond Compare. It's not free, but I'd pay for this software a hundred times over.
As always, if you need help with using Mercurial, see the Hg Book.
I have used both TFS and Subversion and I strongly recommend Subversion (source repository) with TortoiseSVN (command line) and VisualSVN (integrated into Visual Studio).
With these tools, it is very, very easy to find out exactly what files have changed and, more importantly, rollback to a previous version in the event that something goes horribly wrong.
You can also add CruiseControl continuous integration to automatically build your solution and run unit tests on each checkin to ensure that you didn't inadvertently break something.

Subversion using in Eclipse

I come from a Microsoft background in coding and thus have been used to Team Foundation Server and such for source control. Under TFS the files would check out by themselves in Eclipse and I would check them in when I was finished.
I have installed Subversion and the connector into Eclipse and have created my project with a local server
On Subversion do I have to check out the file when I need to change it? It doesnt change the RW permissions so I am not sure what the procedure is.
So basically if I am using Subversion in Eclipse what is the procedure for checking out a file and checking it in? What buttons are clicked?
Thanks for any help!
No, you don't need to "check out" to enable editing a file in Subversion. Subversion does not use the same type of locking VSS does (and TFS, by the sound of it - though I haven't used TFS myself). The locking that svn uses is sometimes called optimistic locking. Here is the svn manual page on file sharing and locking with a lot more specific details.
In Subversion, you would update your working copy like you normally would, but without any additional steps you could then just begin performing your changes to any file in the working copy without needing to lock out any other users, and commit when ready. If no one has modified it since you updated, then it will just commit the changes. Even if someone has, it will still commit (provided the same lines were not modified) and the server will handle it. If however, someone else modified the same lines of the file as you, then a conflict would occur and the commit would fail with "one or more files are in conflict". The conflict must then be manually looked at, eliminated, and marked as resolved, after which you would retry the commit and it would then go through (provided nothing else was in conflict).
Conflicts during every day work on a single branch are rare, which is why a lot of versioning systems use optimistic locking. Only when dealing with merging back and forth between branches do things sometimes get more involved.
Typically I would checkout the entire project, make my changes and then use the team sync view to review my code changes and commit from there. Right clicking is the key (see screenshots)
A great walk through on the basics can be viewed here.
Most of your actions will reside on under the Team menu; where you can commit, add, etc...
I use to use Subversion with eclipse. Now I use subversion with VSS. In both situations I've found I prefer, most of the time, to use Tortoise SVN for all my operations with the repository. Not as much of an answer but more of an opinion.

[SVN]: Synchronizing folders

I have a folder where I keep checked-out version from Aptana Subversive SVN plugin. I have another folder where the checked-out copy from Eclipse resides. Both, Aptana & Eclipse, are using the same repository. Though the repository is the same, but I am using two different working folders. Sometimes I use Eclipse to work with the same set of files in the repository and sometimes I use Aptana.
I want a tool that can synchronize the two working folders automatically. Is there any free tool?
Actually, SVN is the tool to do just that. If you fight SVN, you will run into trouble, because you might not have both working copies updated to the same the same revision, the merge tool messes up the hidden .svn folders and whatnot.
Why do you think you need to manually synchronize those two working copies? If you want to work on both simultaneously without disrupting other's work because you keep checking in half-baked things, consider working on a branch. Doing so, you make use of SVN, which was designed to keep two working copies in sync. If you're done with whatever you're doing, merge that branch into the trunk (or whatever branch you were working at) and throw it away.
If you feel like all this checking in might make your repository become too big, get a bigger disk to store it on. The very first time you or that tool messes up manual merging, it would have payed off. If you're afraid of bumping SVN's revision count without doing actual work, get a grip.
Araxis Merge has automated merge.

SVN Branching in Eclipse (Conceptual)

I understand the basic concept of a branch and merge. All of the explanations I've found talk about branching your entire trunk to create a branch project and working on it and then merging it back. Is it possible to branch a subset of a project?
I think an example will help me explain best what I want to do. Suppose I have an application with ten files file0 through file10. All files are interdependent and to be able to test any one file all the others need to be included in the build. I want to work on file0 but don't need to make changes to file1 through file10. Can I branch file0 so changes committed to file0 will update something like myrepos/branches/a-branch/file0 but all the other files in my working copy will simply be from the trunk?
The reason I want to do this is that I'm working on a huge j2ee application with tens of thousands of files and it seems like branching the entire thing will take a really long time. Also, I'm using eclipse with subclipse (and I could be wrong about this) but it seem like if I branch a project in eclipse then I will have to set up a new eclipse project to point to the branch. Unfortunately importing this particular project from SVN to eclipse takes several hours due to the size of the application. It isn't realistic for me to spend this much time.
I suppose that I could have the concepts wrong. Perhaps branching an entire project doesn't require a new working copy at all?
Thanks for any light shed on this issue.
Branching an entire (even) very large tree in Subversion is a very cheap operation, which does lazy (O(1) time) file copying.
You don't necessarily have to change your entire working copy to work on just one changed file. You can use svn switch to switch one file or one directory in your working copy to be a checked out version of the file on the branch.
In Subversion, making a branch is simply making a copy of a hierarchy of directories. Therefore, you can branch a subset, but only if that subset can be defined by a hierarchy of directories.
Can I
branch file0 so changes committed to
file0 will update something like
myrepos/branches/a-branch/file0 but
all the other files in my working copy
will simply be from the trunk?
To answer this question: No, you can't branch a single file. However, what I think you want to do instead is to make a branch and work on file0 there. As you make changes to trunk files, you simply merge them into your branch where you're working on file0.
In this way, you'll always have the latest information from trunk, which will let you test the file0 changes independently of trunk. Then you can use svn switch to move your "file lens" between the trunk and the branch (but beware, Eclipse may complain about such shenanigans).
svn branching is based on lazy copy mechanism, so you can branch safely your all project: that would not take long.
As mentioned in the the question "How do I branch an individual file in SVN?", you could branch a subset, but I believe this would be dangerous with the svn:merginfo properties mechanism: it works better it that property is set from the root of the project.
Branching in SVN is an O(1) operation. Also, as SVN internally employs lazy copying, you only pay a space penalty for what you change.
So if you are unsure, why not go ahead and branch the whole project?
(As quark mentioned, one problem with branching big projects is that, if you checkout several branches/the trunk in parallel, this might take a lot of local disk space.)