Subversion using in Eclipse - eclipse

I come from a Microsoft background in coding and thus have been used to Team Foundation Server and such for source control. Under TFS the files would check out by themselves in Eclipse and I would check them in when I was finished.
I have installed Subversion and the connector into Eclipse and have created my project with a local server
On Subversion do I have to check out the file when I need to change it? It doesnt change the RW permissions so I am not sure what the procedure is.
So basically if I am using Subversion in Eclipse what is the procedure for checking out a file and checking it in? What buttons are clicked?
Thanks for any help!

No, you don't need to "check out" to enable editing a file in Subversion. Subversion does not use the same type of locking VSS does (and TFS, by the sound of it - though I haven't used TFS myself). The locking that svn uses is sometimes called optimistic locking. Here is the svn manual page on file sharing and locking with a lot more specific details.
In Subversion, you would update your working copy like you normally would, but without any additional steps you could then just begin performing your changes to any file in the working copy without needing to lock out any other users, and commit when ready. If no one has modified it since you updated, then it will just commit the changes. Even if someone has, it will still commit (provided the same lines were not modified) and the server will handle it. If however, someone else modified the same lines of the file as you, then a conflict would occur and the commit would fail with "one or more files are in conflict". The conflict must then be manually looked at, eliminated, and marked as resolved, after which you would retry the commit and it would then go through (provided nothing else was in conflict).
Conflicts during every day work on a single branch are rare, which is why a lot of versioning systems use optimistic locking. Only when dealing with merging back and forth between branches do things sometimes get more involved.

Typically I would checkout the entire project, make my changes and then use the team sync view to review my code changes and commit from there. Right clicking is the key (see screenshots)

A great walk through on the basics can be viewed here.
Most of your actions will reside on under the Team menu; where you can commit, add, etc...

I use to use Subversion with eclipse. Now I use subversion with VSS. In both situations I've found I prefer, most of the time, to use Tortoise SVN for all my operations with the repository. Not as much of an answer but more of an opinion.


Subclipse workflow clarification

I have been using TortoiseSVN for a while now and just recently started using the eclipse plugin subclipse. I am really happy with it, although there is some stuff confusing me.
I have a few projects, which each have a different subfolder in the repository. I never worked with branches (so far), so my SVN use was fairly easy.
Update to head
Solve conflict if there are any
Make some changes in the code/project
Commit (Tortoise tells me, if an update is neccessary before)
Now with subclipse, I fell that there are other possibilities. For instance, what's with the synchronize view? I don't really get it. At the moment, I use Team->Update to head/Commit on the project folder and if there are conflicts, I use Team->Edit conflicts... on the conflicted file. That's it. So I never touch the synchronize stuff. I haven't really found a good explanation on the subclise page or google...
Is the idea to just synchronize and everything is done automatically or what?
Basically, I am asking for the workflow (or some link to a good basic explanation). I am not asking, what is possible or what does what, but how subclipse is intended to be used for small projects (<100 files, <5 persons working on it, no branches so far).
I do not think there is any reason to use the Synchronize view if you do not want to. I really like just doing Team > Update and then resolve whatever conflicts occur. That is much more the "SVN-way" to do it. The Synchronize view comes from Eclipse world, so Subclipse had to support it.
TortoiseSVN does have an option that is kind of/sort of like the Synchronize view. It is the "Check for Modifications" option. Particularly when you press the "Check Repository" button.
Also, keep in mind that the Synchronize view does not show "conflicts" the same way as SVN. In SVN, a conflict means that it could not auto-merge the change in to your file. In the Synchronize view, it means you have local modifications to a file that has incoming changes. It is possible, perhaps even likely, that SVN could automatically merge those changes if you just did an update. Personally, I would rather just let SVN try to do it.
The synchronization view allows you to recognize conflicts before you perform an update. If you perform an update and you are getting conflicts this means that you have to stop what you were doing before and start solving the conflicts. This is an interruption of your work-flow.
Usually if you perform an update and get conflict(s) you loose the ability to run and debug your program. using the synchronization view you can update the conflicting files one-by one, which allows you to integrate the remote changes step-by-step into your project.
Therefore you can start solving the conflict without loosing the ability to run your program. Or you see that there are many conflicts and decide that it is not a good time to perform an update at this time.
Hence the synchronization feature is very powerful if it comes to detecting, preventing or solving conflicting changes in an SVN.

project upgrade changes merging with customized version

I'm running an open source ecommerce store (nopcommerce) and have made a lot of customizations to the store.
Every time a new version of the software is released, I use winmerge to try to detect which files have changed, and then merge these changes into the project. This works OK but as my customization have grown, this task has become increasingly problematic.
What I'd really like to do is be able to get a diff from my current version to the new version, and then go through and apply the changes that I want.
If I use TFS for this, is there a standard way to accomplish this? Perhaps a 3-way merge app would do the job better?
To complicate things a bit further, I'm using the theming support to add my modified views in another location, so the changes from version to version need to be figured out and applied to the files in this additional folder as well.
In fact this is where the big headache comes in- determining which changed I made, and which ones are new changes from the new version.
nopCommerce hosts its source code in Mercurial via CodePlex. All you really need to do is clone their repository and make changes to your local clone. Then, you can either keep up with their modifications or wait until the next release comes out, then get an update from their repo and merge it with your changes. Mercurial, being a distributed version control system, just does merges well, and you will have fewer problems if you try to do something manually for yourself using Subversion, TFS, or anything but Mercurial. Go download TortoiseHg, which gives you both a nice GUI and the command-line tools for Mercurial. TortoiseHg comes with the KDiff3 merge tool, but I highly recommend Beyond Compare. It's not free, but I'd pay for this software a hundred times over.
As always, if you need help with using Mercurial, see the Hg Book.
I have used both TFS and Subversion and I strongly recommend Subversion (source repository) with TortoiseSVN (command line) and VisualSVN (integrated into Visual Studio).
With these tools, it is very, very easy to find out exactly what files have changed and, more importantly, rollback to a previous version in the event that something goes horribly wrong.
You can also add CruiseControl continuous integration to automatically build your solution and run unit tests on each checkin to ensure that you didn't inadvertently break something.

Small Shop, Why DVCS?

We have a small programming shop of at most 5 people working on a single project. I fully grok why DVCS is better for open source projects, and for large companies, but what advantages does it have for smaller companies other than "you can work on the airplane." Which would require extra SA work to make sure that our repositories on DEV boxes was properly backed up every night.
We also a have several non technical people (artists, translators) who can (sort of) deal with SVN, in peoples experience how much training is required to get them to move to a DVCS?
I'm going to speak from my experience, which is primarily with SVN and Hg, often working with designers and programmers who are not comfortable with version control.
My big beef with SVN and other CVCS's I've used is that they block you from making commits, not just when the network is down, but also in case of a conflict (or worse, someone locking a file so no one else can make changes to it!). You could of course commit to a branch, but between network bandwidth required to switch branches and the pain involved in merging, you still have a problem.
Of course, SVN blocks you from committing conflicted files so that you don't accidentally overwrite someone else's work; SVN requires you to at least acknowledge that you know one version or the other (or a custom combination of the two) is right. Mercurial, however, has a better solution (2, actually):
1. You can always commit to the local repository now and merge later. (All DVCS's have this feature.)
2. Even if you pull or push conflicting changes, instead of being blocked from committing, you have multiple heads via anonymous branches. (Sorry I can't really explain this in detail here, but you can google it.)
So your workflow goes from:
1. Get the latest, make changes, test them.
2. Get the latest, resolve conflicts, test the result.
3. Commit.
and becomes:
1. Get the latest, make changes, test them.
2. Commit (so you have a place to fall back to).
3. Get the latest, resolve conflicts, test the result.
4. Commit and push.
That extra commit means you're doing less work per commit, so you have more checkpoints to fall back on. And there are other ways you can make more commits without getting in others' way.
SVN is just slow enough to break my concentration and tempt me to go to facebook; mercurial is fast and git is faster. The speed issue becomes very important when reviewing a log or changes to a working copy. With TortoiseHg, I can click through a list of files, and instantly see changes to that file; it takes about a couple seconds per file with TortoiseSVN + WinMerge (not sure how much of this is due to the DVCS). The more I use these tools, the more I feel that a VCS needs to be fast, just like a text editor or a mouse cursor--fast enough that you shouldn't require the network to do it.
Subjectively, I find TortoiseHg to be a heck of a lot easier to use than TortoiseSVN (or other tortoises I've used). TortoiseHg is mutli-platform, too. :)
One more thing: As I understand, a SVN working copy is defined recursively: Each folder is a working copy. This allows you to do some fancy-pants stuff (e.g. having a working copy that contains folders from disparate locations in the repository). I don't know if Hg has a similar feature, but in my experience, SVN's implementation of this feature causes only problems where I work, especially for those not quite comfy with SVN. When they copy-and-paste a WC folder on their machine via the OS shell instead of via svn copy, it goofs up their WC. I've goofed up my WC this way as well. It's less of a problem with Hg--you normally work with an entire repo at once, whether you clone, update, or commit.
SVN improved a lot concerning merging since its release. But it still lacks file rename tracking, often resulting in tree conflicts. Renaming is the killer app of distributed version control tackles this issue, adding some interesting links in the comment section.
DVCS lets you push to a central repository, at the cost of one additional command compared to Subversion. Occasional users should be able to adapt to this minor change in workflow. But giving the freedom of 'local' commits and branches to power users without cluttering a central repository.
Concerning tooling, which might be of importance for user acceptance, Mercurial is on par with Subversion.

Know of any source-control "stash"-like programs?

I once ran across a commercial tool for Windows that allowed you to "stash" code changes outside of source control but now I can't remember the name of it. It would copy the current version of a document to a backup location and undo your checkout in source control. You could then reintroduce your backed up changes later. I believe it worked with multiple source control systems. Does anyone know what program I'm trying to describe?
The purpose of my asking is twofold: The first is to find a good way to do this. The second is because I just can't remember what that darn program was and it's driving me crazy.
You can use git stash to temporarily put away your current set of changes: . This stores your changes locally (without committing them), and lets you reintroduce them into your working copy later.
Git isn't commercial, but is quickly gaining many converts from tools like Subversion.
I think the product you're thinking of is "CodePickle" by SmartBear Software. However, it appears to be a discontinued product.
The term that seems to be used for the type of functionality you're looking for seems to be 'shelving'.
Microsoft's Team system has a 'shelve' feature.
Perforce has several unsupported scripts, including p4tar and p4 shelve
There are several 'shelving' tools for Subversion, but I don't know how robust they are.
I'm no git user myself, but several of my colleagues are, and they seem to like it precisely for this purpose. They use the various git wrappers to commit "real" changes to the SCM system used by their company, but keep private git repositories on their drives which they can keep their changes which they don't necessarily want to commit.
When they're ready to commit to the company's SCM server, then they just merge and commit upstream. Is that what you're looking to do?
Wouldn't it be a better idea to store your private changes in private branch, using e.g. svn switch to change to main branch whenever you need to?
Mercurial has the Shelve Extension which does what you want.
You can even select which changes from a single file that you want to shelve if you really want.
In Darcs, you either don't record the changes you want stashed (it asks you about including each change independently when you record a new patch), or put them in separate patches that you don't push upstream.
There's no need to fully synchronize your local private repos with public/upstream/other ones. You can just cherry pick the patches you want to push elsewhere. Selecting patches can also be done with patterns, so if you adopt a naming convention for your stashed patches you can push everything but them easily.
That way, your private changes are still in revision control, but they aren't shared until you want them to be.
I found an excellent article about obtaining similar functionality using Subversion branches:
And then there's the old fallback... 'patch', or even the old "copy everything to another location, then revert".
Both of these are less convenient than using tools that are part of most VCS systems, though.

How do you "check out" code?

I've never really worked with a lot of people where we had to check out code and have repositories of old code, etc. I'm not sure I even know what these terms mean. If I want to to start a new project that involves more than myself that tracks all the code changes, does "check out" (again, don't know what that means), how do I get started? Is that what SVN is for? Something else? Do I download a program that keeps up with the code?
What do I do?
It will all be in house. No Internet for storing code.
I don't even know if what I am asking for is called source control. I see things about checking out, SVN, source control, and so on. I don't know if it is all talking about the same thing or not. I was hoping to use something open source.
So, a long time ago, in the bad old days of yore, source control used a library metaphor. If you wanted to edit a file, the only way to avoid conflicts was to make sure that you were the ONLY one editing the file. What you'd do is ask the source control system to "check out" that file, indicating that you were editing it and nobody else was allowed to edit it until you made your changes and the file was "checked in". If you needed to make a change to a checked out file, you had to go find that freakin' developer who'd had everythingImportant.conf checked out since last Tuesday..freakin' Bill...
Anyway, source control doesn't really work like that anymore, but the language stuck with us. Nowadays, "checking out" code means downloading a copy of the code from the code repository. The files will appear in a local directory, allowing you to use them, compile the code, and even make changes to the source that you could perhaps upload back to the repository later, should you need to. Even better, with just a single command, you can get all the changes that have been made by other developers since the last time you downloaded the code. Good stuff.
There are several major source control libraries, of which SVN (also called Subversion) is one (CVS, Git, HG, Perforce, ClearCase, etc are others). I recommend starting with SVN, Git, or HG, since they're all free and all have excellent documentation.
You might want to start using source control even if you're the only developer. There's nothing worse than realizing that last night the thousand lines of code you deleted as useless were actually critically important and are now lost forever. Source control allows you to zoom forwards and backwards in the history of your files, letting you easily recover stuff that you should not have removed, and giving you a lot more confidence about deleting useless stuff. Plus, fiddling around with it on your own is good practice.
Being comfortable with source/revision control software is a critical job skill of any serious software engineer. Mastering it will effectively level you up as a professional developer. Coming onto a project and finding that the team keeps all their source in a folder somewhere is an awful experience. Good luck! You're already on the right path just by being interested!
Check out Eric Sink's excellent series of articles:
Source Control HOWTO
I recommend Git and Subversion (SVN) both as free, open-source version control systems that work very well. Git has some nice features given that it can be easier to work decentralized.
Checkout means retrieving a file from a source control system. A source control system is a database (some, like CVS, use just specially marked up text files, but a file system is also a database) that holds all versions of your code (that are checked in after you make modifications).
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe uses a very proprietary database which is prone to corruption if it is not regularly maintained and uses reserved checkouts exclusively. Don't use it, for all those reasons.
The difference between a reserved checkout and an unreserved checkout is in an unreserved checkout; two people can be modifying the same file at once. The first one to check in gets in no problem, and the second one has to update their code to the latest version and merge the changes into theirs (which usually happens automatically, but if the same area of the file was changed, then there is a conflict, which has to be resolved before it can be checked in).
For some arguments for unreserved checkouts, see here.
Following this, you will be looking at a build process that independently checks out the code and builds the source code, so that everyone's changes are built and distributed together.
Are you creating the project that requires source control? If so, choose a source control system that meets your needs, and read the documentation for how to get it set up. If you are simply using a previously set up source control system for an existing project, ask a coworker who has been using it, or ask the person who set up the source control system.
For choosing a source control system that meets your needs, most source control systems have extensive descriptions of their features online, many provide evaluation or even completely free products, and there are many many many anecdotal descriptions of what working with each individual source control system is like, which can help.
Just don't use Microsoft Visual SourceSafe if you value your sanity and your code.