I am using mongoid(2.6.0) with its alias and this is how my model field looks like
class Place
include Mongoid::Document
field :n, :as => :name, :type => String
Now I have a controller which finds a place and return the object as json
#places = Place.find({some query})
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: #places }
Now when I do
My response contains the field as "n" and not as "name".
Is there a way I can ask mongoid to return me the alias name and not the actual name?
Well you can try overriding serializable_hash method. Just add something like this in your model.
def serializable_hash(options)
original_hash = super(options)
Hash[original_hash.map {|k, v| [self.aliased_fields.invert[k] || k , v] }]
I have two models, Ownerand Property, where the schema for Ownerhas an embeds_many declaration, like this:
defmodule MyApp.Owner do
use MyApp.Web, :model
alias MyApp.Property
schema "owners" do
field name, :string
embeds_many :properties, Property
#doc """
Builds a changeset based on the `struct` and `params`.
def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
|> cast(params, [])
|> validate_required([])
and this:
defmodule MyApp.Property do
use MyApp.Web, :model
embedded_schema do
field :name, :string
field :value, :float, default: 0
def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
|> cast(params, [:name, :value])
|> validate_required([:name])
The migration I'm using is:
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateOwner do
use Ecto.Migration
def down do
drop table(:owners)
def change do
drop_if_exists table(:owners)
create table(:owners) do
add :name, :string
add :properties, :map
And a possible seed is:
alias MyApp.{Repo, Owner, Property}
name: "John Doe",
properties: [
name: "Property A"
name: "Property B",
value: 100000
name: "Property C",
value: 200000
Finally, my questions are: how can I update John Doe's Property C's value from 200000to 300000? And if John Doe buys a Property D:
name: "Property D"
value: 400000
How do I add that to his properties in the database? (I'm using Postgres).
The simplest way would be to fetch the record, update the properties
list and save the changes:
owner = Repo.get!(Owner, 1)
properties = owner.properties
# update all properties with name "Property C"'s value to 400000
properties = for %Property{name: name} = property <- properties do
if name == "Property C" do
%{property | value: 400000}
# add a property to the start
properties = [%Property{name: "Property D", value: 400000} | properties]
# or to the end
# properties = properties ++ [%Property{name: "Property D", value: 400000}]
# update
Owner.changeset(owner, %{properties: properties})
|> Repo.update!
You can do some operations (at least inserting a property) using the JSON functions
provided by PostgreSQL using
fragment but I don't think you can search and conditionally update an item
of an array using them.
I have a document with an embedded list of sub-docs. How do I update/change one particular document in the embedded list with Ecto?
defmodule MyApp.Thing do
use MyApp.Model
schema "things" do
embeds_many :users, User
defmodule MyApp.User do
use MyApp.Model
embedded_schema do
field :name, :string
field :email, :string
field :admin, :boolean, default: false
defmodule MyApp.Model do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
use MyApp.Web, :model
#primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
#foreign_key_type :binary_id # For associations
My solution so far is to generate a list of all users except the one I want to update and make a new list of the one user's changeset and the other users and then put_embed this list on the thing. It works but it feels like there must be a more elegant solution to this.
user = Enum.find(thing.users, fn user -> user.id == user_id end)
other_users = Enum.filter(thing.users, fn user -> user.id != user_id end)
user_cs = User.changeset(user, %{email: email})
users = [user_cs | other_users]
|> Ecto.Changeset.change
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_embed(:users, users)
|> Repo.update
EDIT: I just discovered a serious pitfall with this "solution". The untouched users get updated as well which can be a problem with concurring calls (race condition). So there has to be another solution.
I am attempting to order the results of a query by the value of a specific embedded document, but even with what seems to be a valid set of options and using the $elemMatch operator, my results are coming back in natural order.
My model is composed of Cards, which embeds_many :card_attributes, which in turn reference a specific CardAttributeField and contain an Integer value. I would like to be able to order a collection of Cards by that value.
I am able to isolate a collection of Cards which have a CardAttribute referencing a specific CardAttributeField like this:
cards = Card.where(:card_attributes.elem_match => {
:card_attribute_field_id => card_attribute_field.id
If I knew the order in which the card_attributes were set, I could use MongoDB array notation, like this:
cards.order_by(['card_attributes.0.value', :asc])
This does deliver my expected results in test scenarios, but it won't work in the real world.
After much messing around, I found a syntax which I thought would allow me to match a field without using array notation:
cards.asc(:'card_attributes.value'.elem_match => {
:card_attribute_field_id => card_attribute_field.id
This produced a set of options on the resulting Mongoid::Criteria which looked like:
{:sort=>{"{#<Origin::Key:0x2b897548 #expanded=nil, #operator=\"$elemMatch\", #name=:\"card_attributes.value\", #strategy=:__override__, #block=nil>=>{:card_attribute_field_id=>\"54c6c6fe2617f55611000068\"}}"=>1}}
However, the results here came back in the same order regardless or whether I called asc() or desc().
Is there any way to do what I'm after? Am I taking the wrong approach, or do I have a mistake in my implementation? Thanks.
Simplified, my model is:
class Card
include Mongoid::Document
# various other fields
has_many :card_attribute_fields
embeds_many :card_attributes do
def for_attribute_field card_attribute_field
where(:card_attribute_field_id => card_attribute_field.id)
class CardAttributeField
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :card
field :name, type: String
field :default_value, type: String
field :description, type: String
class CardAttribute
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :card
field :card_attribute_field_id, type: Moped::BSON::ObjectId
field :value, type: Integer
We have an Item database in Mongoid where we store contextual, optional extra fields for different items, eg:
class Item
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
so I can do something like:
a = Item.new
a.name = "Potato Chips"
a[:flavor] = "Barbecue"
b = Item.new
b.name = "Underwear"
b[:size] = "XL"
> Item.first.flavor
=> "Barbecue"
> Item.last.size
=> "XL"
However, say we wanted to do:
class Flavor
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
field :ingredients, type: Array
If you did:
f = Flavor.create({name: "Barbecue", ingredients: ["salt", "sugar"]})
a[:flavor] = f
You get:
NoMethodError: undefined method `__bson_dump__' for #<Flavor:0x007fb34d3c1718>
How do I make it so I can go:
I have the following model:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
store_in :users
field :full_name, :type => String
class Message
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_one :sender, :class_name => "User"
field :text, :type => String
I would like to store User and Message in separated standalone collections so that they could be queried directly, and I would like to have one copy of user for sender in each Message entry. Is my model correct for this kind of request?
And when I have an instance of User user, how could I query the messages where sender = user?
I've tried:
Message.where(:sender => user)
Message.where('sender.id' => user.id)
both not work.
only Message.where('sender.full_name' => user.full_name) worked, but I don't want to rely on a text field when there's an id field to use.
What's the best way to do that?
How I save Message/User:
user = User.new
user.full_name = 'larry'
m = Message.new(:text => 'a text message')
m.sender = user
And it results in the database:
> db.users.find({ 'full_name' : 'larry'})
> db.messages.find({})[0]
"_id" : ObjectId("4f66e5c10364392f7ccd4d74"),
"text" : "a text message",
"sender" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("4f62e0af03642b3fb54f82b0"),
"full_name" : "larry"
Like explain by Jordan Durran ( Mongoid lead developer ) in Google group of Mongoid : http://groups.google.com/group/mongoid/browse_thread/thread/04e06a8582dbeced#
You're going to need a separate model if you want to embed the user
data inside the message. When denormalizing like this I generally
namespace one of them, and create a module with the common fields to
include in both - maybe in your case you can call it Sender?
class Sender
include Mongoid::Document
include UserProperties
class << self
def from_user(user)
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include UserProperties
module UserProperties
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
field :full_name, type: String
class Message
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_one :sender
You also don't need the :store_in macro on User - by default it's name
would be "users".
You can't do what you do.
Your user document is save in his one collection because you use the store_in method. And you try save it on an other document ( Message)
If you really want 2 collections, you need use has_one :user in your Message class.
class Message
has_one :sender, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'sender_id'
After you can get your message like :
Message.senders to have all of your sender.