PintOS, kernel panic with -v option bochs on ubuntu - operating-system

when i do "pintos -- run alarm-multiple" in .../build/ everything seems fine.
but when i do "make check" in .../build/ all 7 tests failed with the same
"Run didn't start up properly: no "pintos booting" message"
pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs -- -q run alarm-single < /dev/null 2> tests/threads/alarm-single.errors > tests/threads/alarm-single.output
perl -I../.. ../../tests/threads/ tests/threads/alarm-single tests/threads/alarm-single.result
FAIL tests/threads/alarm-single
Run didn't start up properly: no "Pintos booting" message
then I discovered "pintos -v -k -T 60 --bochs -- -q run alarm-single" in .../build
it gives a
Bochs is exiting with the following message:
[ ] bochsrc.txt:12: display library 'nogui' not available
if I take away the "-v" it will be fine.
How to fix this
display library 'nogui' not available

Nobody seems to answer me... I got that myself at last.
just need to change the bochs's configure : ./configer --with-nogui
and then compile it again:
sudo make install
After that pintos's make check will work.

i had same problem and i solved it.
open "/pintos/src/tests/Make.tests"
edit line 54 (delete -v)
TESTCMD = pintos -v -k -T $(TIMEOUT)
then, in "/threads/build" you can do
make check

Remember when you using Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04, never forget doing such things when you download original pintos project or any pintos project from Github.
(Any line with no parentheses are terminal commands)
cd ~
gedit .bashrc
(add next line to the final of the file)
{export PATH="$PATH:/home/{username}/pintos/src/utils"}
cd ~/pintos/src/utils
gedit Makefile
(You need to change one line)
{change LDFLAGS = -lm to LDLIBS = -lm}
Then you can compile and run "make check" for pintos with no error.
(Any ~/pintos should be changed to your pintos path)
Remember final make in ~/pintos/src/utils is ridiculously important. Otherwise you will get "Run didn't start up properly: no "Pintos booting" message".
You can check full version here.
Cause this is a Chinese version, I would appreciate for anyone who can translate it to English.


cannot execute binary file centos?

I am using centos 6.9 and want to install xampp. But when I run the command on the terminal it showing error i.e. cannot execute binary file. So, How can I fix this problem and successfully install xampp ? Please help me.
chmod +x
after this command it showing
bash: ./ cannot execute binary file
You're probably running the install (binary) with a lesser privileged user. You'll have to use root user for modifying SELinux settings as such:
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t '/<install-location>(/.*)/?'
restorecon -R -v /<install-location>/

How to install Grafana on Mac

I tied the following steps
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run build.go setup
I got the following
Version: 2.5.0-pre1, Linux Version: 2.5.0, Package Iteration: pre1
go get -v (download)
go get -v (download)
go get -v
go install -v
then i executed
$GOPATH/bin/godep restore
i got no putput but command got executed
then i ran the command
go run build.go build
Version: 2.5.0-pre1, Linux Version: 2.5.0, Package Iteration: pre1
rm -r bin
rm -r Godeps/_workspace/pkg
rm -r Godeps/_workspace/bin
rm -r dist
rm -r tmp
rm -r /Users/skhare/sk/go/pkg/darwin_amd64/
rm -r ./bin/grafana-server
rm -r ./bin/grafana-server.md5
go build -ldflags -w -X main.version '2.5.0-pre1' -X main.commit 'v2.1.2+394- gfb767f5' -X main.buildstamp 1442671169 -o ./bin/grafana-server .
link: warning: option -X main.version 2.5.0-pre1 may not work in future releases; use -X main.version=2.5.0-pre1
link: warning: option -X main.commit v2.1.2+394-gfb767f5 may not work in future releases; use -X main.commit=v2.1.2+394-gfb767f5
link: warning: option -X main.buildstamp 1442671169 may not work in future releases; use -X main.buildstamp=1442671169
then i executed
npm install
i had to install npm
>npm install -g grunt-cli
/usr/local/bin/grunt -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
grunt-cli#0.1.13 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli
├── resolve#0.3.1
├── nopt#1.0.10 (abbrev#1.0.7)
└── findup-sync#0.1.3 (lodash#2.4.2, glob#3.2.11)
Running "jscs:src" (jscs) task
>> 156 files without code style errors.
Running "jshint:source" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "jshint:tests" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "tslint:source" (tslint) task
>> 11 files lint free.
Running "clean:gen" (clean) task
Cleaning public_gen...OK
Running "copy:public_to_gen" (copy) task
Created 122 directories, copied 553 files
Running "less:src" (less) task
File public_gen/css/bootstrap.dark.min.css created.
File public_gen/css/bootstrap.light.min.css created.
File public_gen/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css created.
Running "concat:cssDark" (concat) task
File public_gen/css/grafana.dark.min.css created.
Running "concat:cssLight" (concat) task
File public_gen/css/grafana.light.min.css created.
Running "typescript:build" (typescript) task
42 files created. js: 14 files, map: 14 files, declaration: 14 files (968ms)
Done, without errors.
>go get
the above command did not give any output, nor an error message
bra run
it says -bash: bra: command not found
i tried to look for the resolution, but i could not find it. Please help
Recompile backend on source change
To rebuild on source change (requires that you executed godep restore)
go get
bra run
Running Grafana Locally
You can run a local instance of Grafana by running:
You must have missed this step!
go get
You can install Grafana using home brew.
brew update
brew install grafana
This sounds like an issue where Go is just being installed to build something else (for me, it was Grafana). In which case $GOPATH/bin is not in your PATH. $GOPATH/bin/bra should work. It did for me.
I suggest you installing Grafana inside Docker. If you install Docker for Mac, the GUI (Kitematic) will allow you to install grafana as easily as one click. You will just need to create a new container with "+ New" button, search grafana through the exisiting image lists and click "Create"
Docker will download grafana and it will appear in the left sidebar:

How to send data to command line after calling .sh file?

I want to install Anaconda through EasyBuild. EasyBuild is a software to manage software installation on clusters. Anaconda can be installed with sh
However, after running I have to accept the License agreement and give the installation location on the command line by entering <Enter>, yes <Enter>, path/where/to/install/ <Enter>.
Because this has to be installed automatically I want to do the accepting of terms and giving the install location in one line. I tried to do it like this:
sh < <(echo) >/dev/null < <(echo yes) >/dev/null \
< <(echo /apps/software/Anaconda/1.8.0-Linux-x86_64/) > test.txt
From the test.txt I can read that the first echo works as <Enter>, but I can't figure out how to accept the License agreement, as it sees it now as not sending yes:
Do you approve the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> The license agreement wasn't approved, aborting installation.
How can I send the yes correctly to the script input?
Edit: Sorry, I missed the part about having to enter more then one thing. You can take a look at writing expect scripts. You may need to install it however.
You could try piping with the following command: yes yes | sh Read the man pages for more information man yes.
Expect is a great way to go and probably the most error proof way. If you know all the questions I think you could do this by just writing a file with the answers in the correct order, one per line and piping it in.
That install script is huge so as long as you can verify you know all the questions you could give this a try.
In my simple tests it works.
I have a test script that looks like this:
echo -n "Do you accept "
read ANS
echo $ANS
echo -n "Install path: "
read ANS
echo $ANS
and an answers file that looks like this:
Running it like so works... perhaps it will work for your monster install file as well.
cat answers | ./
Do you accept Y
Install path: /usr
If that doesn't work then the script is likely flushing and you will have to use expect or pexpect.
Good luck!
Actually, I downloaded and looked at the anaconda install script. Looks like it takes command line arguments.
/bin/bash -h
usage: [options]
Installs Anaconda 2.2.0
-b run install in batch mode (without manual intervention),
it is expected the license terms are agreed upon
-f no error if install prefix already exists
-h print this help message and exit
-p PREFIX install prefix, defaults to /home/cody.stevens/anaconda
Use the -b and -p options...
so use it like so:
/bin/bash -b -p /usr
Also of note.. that script explicitly says not to run with '.' or 'sh' but 'bash' so they must have some dependency on a feature of bash.

How to run script in Solaris after boot once

I looking for the right way to run shell script first boot Solaris.
I need to run resize command, there is a my script
#!/bin/sh -ux
echo "#!/bin/sh -ux" > /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
echo "/sbin/zpool set autoexpand=on rpool" >> /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
echo "/sbin/zpool online -e rpool c1d0" >> /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
echo "rm /etc/rc3.d/S90scale" >> /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
echo "/sbin/shutdown -y -i6 -g0" >> /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
chmod a+x /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
actually script working properly, but unfortunately resize do not work. When I do the same things from user session everything just fine.
What exactly I doing wrong?
Your method is not the "right" one to run a script once after boot as it uses the legacy approach. The correct way would be to create an smf service that runs once. However, it does work anyway with Solaris 10 and 11 as the rc scripts while deprecated are still processed so I won't elaborate more about smf.
The main issue is you don't check for errors and whatever happens, it remove the script and reboot preventing any analysis to occur.
I would suggest to modify your script to log what is happening in a file and quit on error:
cat > /etc/rc3.d/S90scale <<%EOF%
exec > /var/tmp/S90scale.log 2>&1 # logs everything to file
set -xe # show commands and exits on error
/sbin/zpool set autoexpand=on rpool
/sbin/zpool online -e rpool c1d0
mv /etc/rc3.d/S90scale /etc/rc3.d/_S90scale
/sbin/shutdown -y -i6 -g0
chmod a+x /etc/rc3.d/S90scale
After the next reboot complete, you should have a look to the /var/tmp/S90scale.log file and possibly see an error message there.

Cant access Coda application from command-line

I am having trouble accessing Coda from command-line. I installed the "command-line coda" plug-in, verified that my installation is in the correct location, yet I still can seem to access Coda. Coda sits in my "Applications" folder which is the default location for the plug-in.
Anyone have have this problem? Any tips? On the their site it is recommended that you change the path.
export CODEPATH=/Applications/
So I included the above line in my .bash_profile which did not help.
$ Coda -v
-bash: Coda: command not found
Thanks for any direction you can provide.
The default way to open an application on a Mac is to use open -a AppName so you should be able to change your bash profile to use that:
$ open -a Coda
I've created a bash script (as opposed to using the plugin) that Gregory Tomlinson originally posted about (it looks like he's since taken it down but it looks like the following).
Create a new file in /bin called coda:
$ cd /bin
$ sudo touch coda
$ vim coda
Hit an i to enter insert mode. Then include the following code:
#! /bin/bash
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "Please specify a file to open or create"
exit 0
for ARG in $*
touch -a $ARG && open -a Coda $ARG
exit 0
Save and quit (hit the esc to exit insert mode then type :w !sudo tee % >/dev/null followed by the return key, press L for load when prompted, then type :q to quit). Then give that file execute permissions:
$ chmod u+x coda
Start a new Terminal window and you should be able to use:
$ coda
Or just:
$ coda
For some strange reason, my paid registered Coda 2 app just wouldn't open for me this morning. I found this terminal command that worked for me:
open -a Coda\ 2
You can also put the following in your ~/.bash_profile file:
alias coda='open -a "Coda 2"'
I had a similar problem. After installing the plug-in, I still couldn't launch coda from the command line. I took a closer look at /user/local/bin and somehow the permissions had gotten reset so I didn't have execute permissions for /user/local/bin.
I updated my permissions with:
sudo chmod o=rx,g=rx /usr/local/bin
This solved my problem. However, Coda won't launch if the specified file does not exist, which makes it hard to create a file from the command line.