Tomcat6 not applying changes from deployed WAR file - deployment

Assume app myapp that is under Tomcat's webapps. It is deployed there via myapp.war, which is dropped in webapps. The most usual form of deployment.
However, after I make changes to a WAR constituent (e.g. a JSP) and redeploy the WAR (making sure the change made it into the WAR by expanding the archive after it was dropped in webapps), I start the server and the changes do not get deployed to the myapp final directory. If I delete the dir altogether, the change makes it in but but when I am just updating.
Does anybody have any idea why this bug is ocurring and what I need to do to remedy this deployment nuissance?

Into your project directory within webapp inter into the module directory (rename-to='module_name') and delete all files but don't delete directories


JBoss EAP 6 - How to deploy huge exploded folder

We run JBoss 6 in standalone mode. We do have a folder (content.war/) in deployments that contains a symlink to a different folder (let's call it docs). Symlinking is enabled in jboss-web.xml with <symbolic-linking-enabled>true</symbolic-linking-enabled>. Our scenario is to use this to serve static files via this app context.
We do deploy the folder using touch content.war.dodeploy. It all works fine when the docs folder contains just few files. When the docs folder points to actual folder that has around 30GB the deployment seems to be stuck (the folder is not deployed and no other deployment works afterwards).
I believe that JBoss tries to somehow traverse or scan the whole folder. Is it possible to somehow disable this behaviour?
One workaround seems to do the trick. I can deploy an empty exploded war folder and once it is deployed I create the symlink to the huge folder.
Disadvantage: When JBoss is restarted it gets stuck again. I'd need to remove the link and create it again after deployment.
Another option is to use welcome-content that JBoss uses to serve static content. I can remove the original welcome-content folder and create a symlink to my folder instead.
ln ‐sv /home/mypath/my-static-content ${JBOSS_HOME}/welcome‐content
Disadvantage: This doesn't allow you to use any symlinks inside your folder or subfolders.

Jetty deploy war file (Automatic Deployment is not working)

this is my first time deploying a war File to a Jetty Server via SCP+SSH and I'm not able to get it to work.
I made a proper .war file with Eclipse (but I also tested the same things I'm going to mention with a example .war file) and copied the file to the folder /jetty/webapps/ROOT. Now when I restart Jetty and try to get on the server (I tried Serveradress/WarFilename/ aswell) I get to a Directory Path and I'm able to download the war file but nothing else.
I also tried to copy the war file to the webapps folder itself instead of webapps/ROOT. What am I doing wrong?
The directory ${jetty.base}/webapps/ROOT/ is for exploded webapps, or static resource deployments.
If you want to serve your war file, say myapp.war on the root context "/", then copy it to the file ${jetty.base}/webapps/ROOT.war
Note: if you are copying the file into the jetty-distribution/webapps/ you are doing it wrong, go read up on how ${jetty.base} and ${jetty.home} work.

How to Pick up CSS Changes in GWT Application

Using Tomcat, I build a new WAR via Maven. Then I copy the output WAR to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Then, ROOT.war becomes exploded and ROOT appears.
If I modify ROOT/style/core.css, will those changes be picked up by my web app at run-time when I re-run $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ start?
Note, this is a GWT application.
If you change files in the exploded WAR directory inside your webapps folder, the changes will immediately be visible. You don't even have to restart Tomcat for this to work.
I think there is a dev mode for GWT that will load the CSS as a static file distinct from the rest of the app. This wold enable normal editing of the file on disk to be seen in your gui.

Deploy war file with modifiable properties files

I am building a web service and am packaging it into a war file for deployment. Right now all of my config files (.properties and .xml) are being packaged into my .war file. This isn't going to work as some of these files will need to be modified for each individual installation. I know that some servlet containers will leave the .war files intact which would mean the config files would never be easily modified. My question is this: what is the best practice for deploying a .war file with these external config files? I'm thinking that the config files will need to be shipped separate from the .war file and placed into a directory that is in the classpath. Is there a default directory setup like this in Tomcat that these files can just be dropped into and my web service will be able to find without much trouble?
Maybe I shouldn't be using a war file for this setup? Maybe I should just be providing a zip file (with the same contents as the war file) and the deployment will simply be to extract the zip into the webapps directory?
I do not know any default directory in Tomcat to store configuration, my
attempts to solve the same issue have been :
1 - Move configuration to the DB and provide scripts or webpages to modify values.
2 - Have a script to deploy the war. The script would merge configuration from a user directory into web.xml or other deployed config files.
3 - Have webapps look first in a user directory for configuration and
if not found then look for configuration files deployed by the war.
Least favorite is 3 - it require all webapps to check two places for configuration and
you end up with two different xml files on the server with different values and it is not always clear which one is used.
Next favorite is 2 - the webapps can be written without knowledge of multiple config files, but you run into issue when someone does a deploy from Tomcat manager instead of using your script.
Favorite is 1. This just works in most cases. Problem is when you don't have a DB or
want to configure how you connect to the DB.
If having the file visible from all webapps is not an issue, you could put it $CATALINA_HOME/lib.
One solution is to modify property file after deployment of war file is to use ServletContext.getRealpath() method to get the real path means path of file in the server where it is deployed and then modify that file it will modify file in container only not the original file. So you need to backup it if it is important modification for you. So by this you do not need to redeploy war file as it is already modifying file from deployed container.
This solution can edit a file that is in webpages folder also from the java class.
If you want more description or how to do it then let me know i have did it.

tomcat deletes exploded webapps

Each time I shut down Tomcat server, it deletes my exploded webapp. What do I have to do to stop that? It's really inconvenient constantly copying it again under the webapps dir.
This can happen with Tomcat 5 if you have a WAR under your webapps directory. Tomcat has 3 modes of deployment,
Context fragment. A XML file under conf/Catalina/[host]
WAR. A file ended with war in appBase (normally webapps)
Directory. A directory (normally exploded WAR) in appBase
Looks like you are mixing 2 & 3 and Tomcat is confused. If you put war under webapps, Tomcat will explode it automatically. If you want explode it yourself, don't put WAR under webapps and Tomcat should leave your directory alone.
You can also run WAR without exploding it by adding this to your Context,
I've never seen it do that.
One option would be to place the exploded webapp in a directory outside of the Tomcat install, then add a deployment descriptor referencing it in the conf/Catalina/localhost directory. I typically work that way, and Tomcat has never deleted any files on me!